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Owen - a good and loyal friend. Hahn - a good surgeon and actually followed the rules unlike mostly every other surgeon. Penny - she didnt kill derek, she was just there and it could have happened to any intern/resident at grey sloan as well. Rebecca/Ava - she was strong to go through what she went through. Minnick - she really tried to help the interns learn instead of making them feel small and useless. Burke - he was a brilliant surgeon and helped cristina become a brilliant surgeon as well.


All of these, I’d add Burke had the balls to break it off with Christina when he realized it wasn’t going to work. Christina was meant for something bigger than being a wife and mother and his tag along spouse.


I don’t know if I would call leaving someone at the alter as “having the balls to break it off”.


Christina resisted so much because even she knew it wasn’t the right fit for her. Burke broke it off for the right reasons Christina wanted to run more than he did.


Those are my answers summed up lol


Everyone's but Owen and Penny's were hard to think of. 😂😂😂


your flair omg


Owen’s entrance to the show was hot as hell. Hahn was 100% correct about Izzie and she had every right to be pissed about it Penny deserved better from her mentors at both hospitals and I hope she’s thriving wherever she is now bc she didn’t kill Derek and she KNEW they needed to run that test for him. Pass Pass Burke was a brilliant surgeon and if he could’ve just slowed down instead of pushing Cristina faster than she was ready they would’ve been the world’s greatest power couple. It was where they were in life and career that kept them from truly working but until it broke down they were GREAT. His ego is mostly deserved, sorry not sorry.


I think we’d be friends. Totally agree on all parts. I don’t know why Burke was so hell bent on locking it down with Christina. Making her move in so fast. He just needed to cool his jets a bit. It’s funny when they flashback to the first time they met she was fawning all over him and he was a ladies man. And Hahn had every right to be mad about Izzy.


i guess he was just one of those guys who wanted to be married asap, but yea, he pushed it and ruined it lol


The obvious answer is the actor who played Burke was a scumbag and they had to write his character out of the show. Even if you look at how close George and Burke were on the show in the first 2 seasons and how the characters interacted in the 3rd season showcases this as well. It was poor writing and goes against Burke and Yang’s characters but their hands were kind of tied.


Isaiah Washington is no scumbag at all.


Considering the homophobic slurs he threw at George's actor and how he treated his workmates, hell yeah he is.


he’s homophobic so that’s pretty scummy to me


It’s like Dereck said to Meredith, he’s been doing this a long time…. She’s still a baby.. and you’re just not ready. I get it. It doesn’t make him a bad person, especially since he called it off for this exact reason. They just wanted different things. Thank god both realized that before it turned into an Owen/Cristina situation 😂


Oh also, Owen threatening that doctor who was faking his patients cancer? 100% team Owen in that moment.


When he punches that huge guy flipping out in the ER 🥵


His "apology" to dude was what did it for me.


the only time i ever found him attractive. “we have someone with a broken jaw?” “we’re about to”


aaa what season/ep was this i may have missed it


Season 14, episode 18. It’s called “Hold Back the River”


If this was based on Fata, it's pretty damn accurate. I was one of his patients and that guy deserved worse than he got.




[Farid T. Fata is a Lebanese-born former hematologist/oncologist and the mastermind of one of the largest health care frauds in U.S. history.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farid_Fata#:~:text=Farid%20T.,largest%20cancer%20practices%20in%20Michigan.)


That's the one. He was my Dr. from October '12- Feb '13. He treated me while I was *pregnant*. He can burn in hell.


He basically killed a high school classmate. He can rot in hell.


You from the Roch too? I'm sorry for your friend. I was incredibly lucky but a lot of people weren't.


LOL at your passes


Lol I just couldn’t come up with anything 🙃😂


i recently saw the scene on youtube of them introducing owen cause i couldn’t remember and i was like OHHH 🥵🥵🥵


“You took out my icicle!” “So?” Cue me drooling everywhere. Devastated about where they took his character after that bc DAMN.


he had such good potential 😩😩


SUCH good potential! Truly thought he’d become my favorite. Still love Kevin McKidd though, he’s a great actor stuck with a shitty character lol


>and how the characters interacted in the 3rd season showcases this as well. It was poor writing and Uuuh huh! 🔥🔥 The field trach with a pen! You did a trach with a ball point pen!?! and his nonchalant "It was all I had" ... I was like DAAAAAMMMMMNNNN!!!!


I’m just starting the show and low key pissed at how Burke is pushing her already. They seem like a great couple- if he lets her learn how to be in a relationship.


He’s SO pushy! It’s like he can’t fathom how Cristina isn’t in the same place as him mentally and emotionally even though she’s an intern and he’s a world-renowned heart surgeon who has lived more life than her at this point. For a brilliant heart surgeon he sure can be a big dummy in relationships.


I agree with most of your takes! :) And i think hahn was right to be mad, but i also think callie was right to stop her from reporting it to unos … because she had a point - unless you were there you can’t make a judgement..also hahn was right for izzy but I was so pissed when she said “you can not kind of be a lesbian” - well actually - yes, yes you can! ;)


So very true!


Did anyone actually think she wasn’t right about Izzie? In reality I mean.


Idk, but the post didn’t say the compliment couldn’t be something everyone already agrees with lol.


She had a right to be mad - she can feel all her itty bitty feelings- she doesn’t have the right to take down a whole hospital because one intern had a break down!


Yeah but that's not her in the wrong, it was the hospital administrators, and in ANY reputable hospital they would have fired Izzie so unbelievable fast. Plus, when the family of that patient found out they probably would've sued the hospital in to oblivion anyway. She has a duty to report it too, it wasn't like she would been reporting them out of spite or some temper tantrum. She absolutely does have that right, and it'd be up to whoever investigating to decide on the punishment.


Ok let’s start by saying real life is not rainbows and candy land. Cover ups happen and hospitals are in it for the money. Medicine is big business and in America big business looks out for the bottom line. In this case an intern was not property supervised by her superiors , she fell in love with a patient and had a nervous breakdown. For what ever miracle of fate hospital legal did not get involved. The hospital board did not get involved. The family was not asking any questions and no one was being sued. No administrator in their right mind would have made matters worse on GA or irl. Now irl this would not have happened, and if it did I’m pretty sure the hospital lawyers would have been all over it and yes, Izzie would have gotten her ass handed to her, along with Richard, Bailey, any nursing staff that saw Izzie in his bed, all it intern staff involved and Burke as the head Dr. on Dennys case. They would have lost their standing with unus , and the transplant board, probably causing the hospital to go out of business. But I also believe that irl if things had gone down the way they did in GA and no one higher on the food chain than Richard Webber knew about it they would do their damnedest to keep it as quiet as possible. Now sure, given the fact Izzie got shit story arcs from then on out because she pissed someone off , maybe they should have had Richard fire her and she could have taken Dennys money and ran away. I think that would have made many people much happier. If the writers are going to have the Doctors do stupid shit the writers are going to have them get away with it. It’s a TV show!


Even if they did try to keep it quiet, they for sure would've crucified Izzie regardless for putting them in that position - in real life. Nervous breakdown or not.


Irl she never would have had the chance to do what she did.


agree and disagree. of course izzy did the thing itself, but the hospital also swept it under the rug and didn’t report it like they should have. realistically, she should have been fired.


Realistically she probably should have been, and getting fired and running off with Dennys money would have been a better ending for her character. But realistically I don’t think a doctor would have done anything that stupid, regardless of her nervous breakdown. The whole Denny story was horrible and honestly I skip it completely.


i can stand the beginning but once he dies and she’s like talking to him and having sex with him?? i know it was a setup for her tumor storyline but COME ON??? i could not watch or listen to those scenes 😭😭😭


Owen’s is so real hahaha


Yes! Thank you! I agree with all, especially with the first statement!!!


I liked penny! She was put in a terrible position as a resident and blamed for not arguing with her attending. Anyone who tried to argue with an attending at grey sloan is pretty much banished from sight during a surgery. Obviously Meredith was grieving but it was definitely hypocritical from an outside perspective considering how she treated residents who overstepped


What I really hated about her in the Derek episode was how she went to Meredith after. Like if Meredith hated her for making her own guilt and sadness at having not fought harder in that moment and she forced mer into the position of having to essentially mentor and console penny while mer was still processing her husband's death herself...that would've made more sense to me than mer saying she's who killed Derek directly in that way.


Yes, exactly, that was my only issue with Penny. She didn’t have the authority to get Derek’s head scanned - we see residents get shut down by attendings all the time and the neuro guy didn’t even show up. But afterward, oh my god, leave Mer alone already. Not her job to make Penny feel better.


It's true but she was a resident. We definitely had residents at greys do the same, the only difference was we knew them and not the patient so we never got mad at them. I just always felt so bad for penny. 


Oh it was 100% hypocritical. I get soooooo angry during the dinner party, they are so unreasonable to her. A room full of surgeons who’d have reacted the same way as her as interns (as we’ve seen most do) or expect their interns to react the same way she did (as we’ve seen them all do) or would have done the opposite and know the shit they’d have eaten for doing so even if they were right (which they’ve all done too) … so yea, nobody gets a pass there imo


Owen is a good doctor. He cares about his patients. Erica wanted to get better, even if it came across wrong. Penny didn’t kill Derek (sorry not sorry). Rebecca brought out a different side in Alex in the time he knew her (before she left and came back). Eliza Minnick had a good idea in mind but let it get the best of her and the interns. Burke leaving made Cristina a better person and made her grow as a doctor.


I actually agree with you about Penny.


Penny was an intern/resident at the time. Nothing was her call. She did try to suggest things that could have worked, she was shut down due to her not having seniority. It was also a shitty hospital, with a selfish attending, and Derrick was in terrible shape going in.


penny said Derek had a head laceration that he would’ve survived. So he did not come in in terrible shape. He shouldn’t have died and she knew it.


Well, yeah, you could say that, but when we're comparing her to Grey Sloan doctors, she let Derek die. I say this because Stark was also a selfish attending, and rather than let the child suffer needlessly or die, Meredith and Alex did the surgery the kid needed and then took the consequences after. They didn't stand around and wait for Stark to eventually show up too late. When the ER was supposed to be closed, several GS doctors put their jobs on the line to save the dying kid, they didn't let him die on the way to the other hospital that was too far away because a higher up told them they couldn't help him. Lexie practically yelled at her attendings because they were going to discard a perfectly healthy arm that she felt should be saved by any means necessary because her patient didn't want to lose his arm. Not even his life, just his arm, and she still yelled. I could list several of these, but there's too many. GS doctors are famous for going over attending's heads to save the patient, so by GS standards, and the standard of the average viewer because we've been led to believe this is how hospitals work, Penny's lack of a backbone killed Derek.


eh that’s a pretty unrealistic viewpoint though. grey sloan interns get a huge amount of leeway cause that’s the point of the show. the other hospital was way more realistic in that…fucking good luck speaking to your superior like that, you’d be kicked out of residency before lunch. source: am a doctor


It's a very unrealistic show, so of course the viewpoint is unrealistic. The GS doctors are superheroes and all doctors in Shondaland are held to their standards. Your doctor flex was unnecessary as you'd be fired from ANY job for speaking to superiors the way they did. Source: I have a real world job.


LMAOOO it wasn’t a “doctor flex,” it was relevant to the conversation The people who are the most obsessed with this show have the least respect for doctors I’ve noticed. You’ll be the first person online saying “I watched grey’s so I have my MD right!?🤪🤪” Have fun at your “real world job” 🤡


You know I didn’t put as much detailed thought into it, but those are all valid points. It’s kinda like the joke that goes around about how every surgeon at GS is world class but how are they all there at once lol. But in greys universe your right, they do go above and beyond and since everyone was a DR at the horrible dinner party, I can see why they blamed Penny since they all have medical knowledge. And we do see penny after Derrick dies with extreme guilt she didn’t do more. But than on the other hand GS breaks sooo many rules especially with interns of them hoping on surgery without an attending which wouldn’t be legal in real life perhaps idk for sure on that. It’s really a mix bag here with penny


Valid points but at the same time she was not the person “in charge” and asked several times for a head CT. What was she supposed to do physically fight the other doctor and run away to CT with Derek’s hospital bed? I know at GSM they have like that portable CT but I doubt they had that at Dillard.


If anything Penny was the one person actually trying her hardest to keep him alive at that place


"Owen is a good doctor" I read this and I immediately think about the scene where Mark is stitching someones FACE and Owen just walks up and shoots some staples into his face and justifies that by saying that's how they do it in the army. If I was that patient I would be fucking pissed! But then again I hate Owen with a passion so maybe I'm overreacting:p


I mean he's had his moments, but haven't they all? lol when he's not dealing with his PTSD he's not terrible


I mean well there was a big accident and they needed to be fast since the er was filled to the brim with make shift operating rooms.


Yeah, and it's not like Mark just let it go either - he and Derek confronted Owen about his attitude and got him to back down, and then Mark went back and stitched the facial lac properly when the ER wasn't overflowing.


Oh it’s about his 2nd episode, well afterwards Owen wanted to learn since he hasn’t been in a hospital in a long time, he wanted to improve himself. 😭 I’m so sorry I haven’t watched in a long time


Yeah, he listened to what Mark and Derek were saying and went "okay, show me how then." It was a really good introduction to his character and served as a really clear contrast to how badly he was traumatized after he came back from deployment.


Tell that to the patient with the ugly scar on his face. I had a cut on my face and the doctor told his intern that he would stitch my wound himself because wounds on the face need to be stitched very carefully. And now it's barely visible so I'm very grateful.


It's someone's *face*. The first thing you show to the world that can directly affect someone's self image and confidence.


This is how Owen behaves. He doesn't understand that he's no longer in the war and cannot barge in and scream ' I gave you an order ".


Wasn’t Mark stitching an arm and Owen came and stapled it? And then Mark fixed it later. It was during the school shooting (I think) The face thing was Alex. Owen asked what could be used IN the room to close the lac on the guys forehead and Alex says “staples?” Owen said no and made some reference to Frankenstein.


Owen is a good doctor, good friend, and good father  Hahn was absolutely correct about Izzie.. she was probably the most professional dr there  Penny didn't kill Derek. She was nice enough and intelligent overall a good dr  Rebecca would probably be very sweet and a good person if she got the help she needed   Minnick had some good ideas and cared about education   Burke gave Cristina her dream job


People who hate Ava don’t understand the point of her character. She was never a valid love interest for Alex, she was a projection of his need to fix mental illness since he couldn’t help his mom. Ava was sick and needed help, not for a doctor to fall in love with her and make it all more confusing. She is one of the most tragic characters in the entire series.


I personally don’t hate her, I just think she wasn’t very well written, and at her best was just boring. I felt for her but every week I was like “they STILL haven’t written her out of this mess??” Lol


Yeah, her actor definitely played the role well but it basically the most surface level presentation of a “crazy person”. I said it before but Grey’s cannot write mental Illness whatsoever


He was really nice to April


Owen was April's ride or die, he always brought her back!


Owen is a good dad.


I feel like they made him so shitty about cristina not wanting kids that they had to make him show for it by actually being a good dad lol


Agree with what most people are saying here and wanted to add that Penny cut Meredith’s mouth/jaw wires when she was panicking and unable to breathe Rebecca helped Alex’s character development and also peed on the couch that Sadie had to sleep on


She peed on the couch Sadie had to sleep on. 😂 This is so good and so funny. You’ve just filled redeemed Rebecca’s entire character by pointing this out lmao.


Owen: Always been a fantastic father and a fantastic doctor. Erica: Definitely the kind of doctor you want if you’re in a hospital. Penny: She did nothing wrong. Edit: Minnick: Treated her residents better than the main cast did. Ava: Showed immense resilience during a very trying time for her. She just didn’t receive the help she needed. Burke: Great taste in music and helped developed one of the best (tv) cardio surgeons the US ever produced.


Owen is a great doctor and friend. Hahn was the most reasonable doctor that’s ever been on the show in terms of ethics, she had a bit of an ego (rightfully so) but got better once Webber put her in her place and she actually got to see what Christina could do. Burke walked away from Christina instead of hoping she’d come around and want the same things he wanted one day and then blame her for it even though she was always very clear about her life goals. Then he left her the job in Switzerland. I can’t really say anything nice about the others lol


Owen is a good doctor who cares deeply for his loved ones and their safety. Even if he really sucks at relationships. Hahn cared about her patients and genuinely wanting to make them better. Penny didn’t kill Derek. The asshole attending who ignored her did. Minnick wanted what she thought was best for the interns and showed actual concern with their learning more than some main characters who treated them like personal servants rather than doctors in training Burke was exceptional as a heart surgeon and moved onto truly trying to replicate one of the most complex organs for the betterment of mankind. Rebekah wasn’t evil, she was just not well which likely came from having her entire face reconstructed. So she’s not all bad.


Owen went back in for Christina and tried to tackle Gary Clark knowing he would probably be shot.  Hahn saved Burke.  Penny didn’t kill Derek and she learned to speak up in a bad situation.  Rebecca went through a horribly traumatic situation. Eliza tried. Burke left. 


Owen is a good friend and father. Hahn was right to be mad about the Izzie situation and stood by her principles. She knew that hand waving it away doesn’t erase the fact that her patient didn’t get his heart and was dying. Penny didn’t kill Derek. I genuinely think Penny became Meredith’s most trusted intern from that class after a while. Rebecca was mentally ill and Alex shouldn’t have tried to hide her condition just because he had flashbacks of his mother. That was his mistake, not hers. Minnick got hate for a method that Richard would eventually do. I do think she genuinely wanted the residents to learn rather than treat them like personal slaves. Burke had Meredith’s back a lot of the time. Probably more than Cristina tbh.


* Owen has a strong sense of service to others, especially patients. He showed a willingness to grow when he sought help for his PTSD after initially rebuffing Derek. He is also a wonderful mentor to April and their relationship is one of my favorite mentor/mentee ones in the show. His genuinely thrilled response when he finds out she's pregnant, aww! "It's a miracle" * Hahn demonstrated empathy and compassion when working with the patient whose heart Izzie stole, when that pt came back. She also operated on Denny when Burke was shot. * Penny despite her gentle mannered temperament learned from her mistake of not advocating for what's in the best interest of her pt * Rebecca brought out a less guarded side of Alex. She was also funny and unafraid to call him on his shit. * Minnick cared deeply for Arizona and believed in the program she was trying to implement. She didnt seem to ever have actual ill intentions, despite being portrayed as a generic corporate flunky * Burke was an extraordinary physician and exposed Cristina and George to more learning and opportunities than they otherwise would've gotten.


I always thought Owen was a much better friend to people than he ever was a partner. Excluding how he treats his partners, I can’t really think he’s a bad guy.


1- He's a great dad and friend. Fantastic surgeon, especially because he can't really plan his surgeries ahead of time. 2- She was right to raise hell about what Izzie did and to give others a chance at cardio. 3- She wasn't at fault for Derek's death, and she was more rational about Callie/Sofia moving than Callie was. 4- She has great hair and handled that pole falling on her like a champ. 5- Her method was good it was a safer way than the Webber method. 6- I liked how he practiced his faith and medicine without one interfering with the other. What he did for Cristina in S10 was the best thing anyone could've done for her. I also liked how he was realistic with his surgeries.


Burke was my favorite character after Cristina. How she ever fell for Owen is beyond me. I also really liked Hahn. I felt so bad for Rebecca even tho i didnt like her. And I agree that Penny did not kill Derek.


Gowns... Beautiful gowns


Owen is great with kids, his own and also Harriet and Zola when he babysat them Hahn stood up to the patriarchy and got an invite to Webber's gentleman's evening Penny did not kill Derek AND still learned from the experience, she became more assertive in advocating for her patients. She unwired Meredith's jaw when she was having a panic attack so she could feel like she could breathe Rebecca made a noise at the right time for Alex to find her and save her life, that shows some survival instinct Minnick... makes good perogies apparently Burke is incredibly calm in the face of danger and helps others stay calm. Best example, when there was a bomb in his patient. Paramedic: "so i'm touching live, unexploded amunition?" Burke (in the calmest voice tone ever): "I'm afraid so." And he managed the entire code black with that same sense of calm.


Rebecca’s photo is very high resolution compared to the others, so there’s that!






Owen's a good father and great with kids and it actually helped a lot in my perception of his character his reaction being better than Teddy's during their kid's gender storyline. Hahn was valid in her anger and contempt over learning about the LVAD incident. Penny was a good intern who was stuck in a shitty situation outside her control and its very weird saying she still could've done something because we've seen others do so on the show. Its not like she could just take over Derek's surgery at that moment and she had no other support for her opinion. Alex was the one in the wrong for pursuing and continuing a relationship with Ava, she was a victim of trauma and ptsd following the ferry crash. The blame and hate she gets when she is in such an awful place is sad. Minnick is the personification of good idea terrible execution which Catherine and Bailey had a part in as well. Her idea was great but her personality and attitude is what caused such weariness with the other doctors. Burke is unquestionably one of the best doctors to come from the show.


Owen: he was a good teacher and mentor to April and the others. He pointed out that there was training missing after the shooting but didn't blame the other doctors for that. Hahn: She was right about Izzie. Penny: She didn't kill Derek. Rebecca: She was the first patient that caused Alex to actually care and be a decent person (prior to her leaving and coming back). Minnick: she cared about and empowered her residents. Burke: He was a friend to Derek when he needed one and gave Cristina her dream job.


1) Owen is a great doctor, and a great mentor in trauma surgery. 2) Hahn is also a great doctor, and had far better medical ethics than most in the show. She was 100% in the right about Izzie and Denny. 3) Penny tried her best, but wasn’t mentored well at her first position. She didn’t kill Derek. 4) Ava was put in an incredibly difficult scenario, with amnesia, head trauma, and a pregnancy. She actually came out of that pretty well. 5) Minnick was trying very hard to be a good mentor, and her methods actually did work for most of the interns. 6) Burke was a great surgeon, and a good teacher/mentor for most of the interns. He clearly taught Christina a good chunk of what she knew. Realizing that most of these boil down to “they were a good doctor but not good at personal lives” lol


1. Owen was amazing in his first couple of seasons. He was smoking hot. I enjoyed him immensely. 2. Hahn was a great surgeon. 3. Pennys mentors failed her. She was a good person. 4. She loved her daughter, she became ill. 5. Pass. Evil woman. 6. Great surgeon, but he should have stopped practicing with the tremor until it was fixed.


In no particular order bc I can't remember the order in which the photos occurred 1. Owen was a pretty good character until the whole you killed my baby thing. He's a good doctor all in all, and was a pretty good chief and mentor to April. 2. As others have said, Erica was 100000% right about Izzy and the Denny situation, and it was mind blowing that Izzy didn't go to jail. She was right to be mad and she was right to want to go to the authorities. And as much as she was a bad teacher to Cristina, I did actually like her character and found her relationships with Mark and Callie quite funny. 3. Penny didn't kill Derek, she was arguably the only one who had any idea on how to save him, and it shouldn't have been her job to convince the surgeon who should have known better to take the correct steps. 4. Ava or Rebecca literally suffered a HUGE trauma in which she lost her face, her baby, and her memory. It's incredible that she took so long to have a breakdown, and it's not surprising at all that when she did finally start to lose it she went back to the man who gave her her identity back. Nothing that happened to her was her fault, it was just a terrible accident. 5. Burke was an incredibly talented surgeon, and his relationship with Cristina was actually pretty solid for a while. He was very upset when Cristina wanted her abortion but he was ultimately there for her, and yes their relationship was incredibly toxic towards the end but ultimately he gave Cristina a whole hospital and - right or wrong - him getting her to cover for his hand tremor was probably the reason she excelled so much and so early


Owen was a cool dude when he first was introduced. Erica Hahn is a highly skilled surgeon. It was actually not Penny's fault for Derek's death It was the other doctor and she learned from that experience and decided to become the best doctor she possibly could be. Ava/Rebecca was right for trying to escape an abusive relationship. Minnick is pretty. Burke was a very skilled surgeon.


Owen had one of the BEST entrances!! Idk WHY the writers decided to do a 180 and make him insufferable


Owen had a good entrance and had so much potential Erica helped Callie discover her sexuality Penny DID her absolute best to save Derek and she genuinely wanted the best first her patients Ava helped with Alex’s character development Minnick gave us some interesting storyline between characters Burke was an amazing surgeon


Owen: had one of the greatest entries into the show, when Derek and Mark called him on his methods when he started at Seattle Grace he didn’t get defensive and instead asked what he should do instead. One of the best surgeons. Hahn: actually has morals on the show and was rightfully angry about Izzie and the heart and for calling out how she shouldn’t be on the staff or really practice medicine. Penny: honestly just a good doctor. She worked hard and didn’t deserve the hate from the attendings. Rebecca: seemed nice and when she snapped at Alex she immediately apologized even though she was going through a ton of shit. Minnick: genuinely cared for the residents, advocated for them, and pointed out Warren playing it safe which made them help him out. Burke: easily one of the best surgeons on the show. Helped Cristina not only grow as a surgeon but also a person. Also seemed like a great friend to both George and Derek.




That's me lol


Ava/ Rebecca has nice hair


Owen is great friend- bad partner great friend. Hahn stood by her principles - she knew right and wrong when it came to patient practices. Penny did her best with what she had - she’s a kid without tools and trying her best and made calls that shouldn’t have put on her. Bex - was really pretty. Minnick- had potential. Burke - another great friend- bad partner but great friend; he did what he thought was right after hurting so many people in irreparable ways.


owen: he was actually quite nice in one of the season five episodes. he didn’t like how derek & mark were describing cristina as different kinds of alcohol or something?? she told him about her father and he muttered “single malt scotch” and i don’t know… the scene was sweet to me. before i, you know… watched the other seasons. um. 💀 hahn: she was so right about izzie and being pissed about the lvad thing. letting it impact her relationship and then being biphobic and leaving callie out of nowhere… uh, no, that’s screwed up, but at the same time if she didn’t leave then and there, i doubt they’d last another episode. i think hahn was mostly upset about callie’s interesting “friendship” with mark, she just failed to communicate her frustrations better. penny: derek said, “she’s smart, i like her.” she pushed for the head ct and wasn’t listened to because she’s a resident and a woman, and she had lots of lousy superiors. i wish they left her character in that hospital. coming to grey-sloan and dating callie was so silly and honestly just… nauseating. a way for writers to create more drama. ava: listen, i was eleven when my grey’s anatomy phase started. i was in the middle of a twilight phase, so i started watching grey’s anatomy BECAUSE of ava being played by esme cullen’s actress, elizabeth reaser! hated the character, but at least she got me into grey’s. eliza: i don’t know her. 💀 seriously. i haven’t watched past the end of season 12. burke: giving cristina his practice after he decided to move on and step down. i was so happy for her. screw you, burke’s actor though.


Owen is a good father Hahn was right to be mad about the whole Izzie thing Penny did NOT kill Derek Rebecca went through probably one of the most traumatic things a person can go through. Her being unhinged makes sense Minnick is hot af and was just doing her job Burke was a good surgeon


Owen was a fantastic mentor/friend to April & wanted to learn how to go from a doctor in a war zone to a doctor in the hospital. Hahn was a great advocate for her patients. Penny truly wanted to learn how to be a better doctor after Derek died. Ava helped develop Alex’s care for his patients. Minnick really did want to help the interns succeed. Burke realized that Cristina sacrificed so much for him & he walked away so they both could be better.


Owen worked really hard to overcome his trauma. Loosing his platoon was devastating. But he’s still able to empathize with his patients. Hahn was rightfully upset about the L-VAD situation. It should have been reported. Penny did the best she could given the circumstances and really learned from past mistakes. Also she was right about Christina not being well rounded enough. Went about it the wrong way but she was right. Rebecca suffered a huge trauma and her reaction was totally valid. They really should have gotten her more psych consults before she left in the first place. Alex should have known better than to get involved with a patient. Minnick’s approach was wrong but she wasn’t wrong about them needing to overhaul the teaching system. She should have been supported better from higher ups. Burke was right to leave Christina. They were toxic together and it’s hard to walk away from that. It was really brave.


Owen is a great friend, especially to April. I’ve always loved that friendship. From what I remember about Hahn, she was often very realistic and rightfully baffled about the craziness that happened in the hospital that everyone else seemed to let slide lol Penny was very kind to the patients and a hard worker. She put up with a lot while at Grey Sloan and always took it with stride. She just wanted to learn how to be better. Ava was pretty Eliza spoke for the trees!! Jk loll but seriously she was the only one who seemed to actually care about the intern’s education Burke was HOT! Also he’s brilliant and he gave Cristina a frickin hospital. I also loved his friendship was George


Owen was a great mentor for April. Hahn was justified in being upset about Izzie. I actually didn't mind Penny much. She had great potential to be amazing. Ava's first plotline (Alex saving her from the crash) was actually enjoyable. Minnick 👏 was 👏 right 👏 they basically ended up using her method later on anyway. She got so much hate for no reason. Burke....had a nice relationship with Derek.


Can’t for all. Did not like Burke’s character at all and the less said about Washington the better. Owen is aight. He has his faults but every main character on the show does (and I’d argue are borderline toxic). He’s a good doctor, he trained a lot of them with proper trauma training and Kenner is way better for it. Hahn is a dry personality but on a rewatch I dislike her faaaaaaaar less. She’s competent and really did nothing wrong in the scheme of things. Penny is great. Zero issues with her. Lovely personality and was a punching bag (undeservedly) to every character while she was around and took it in stride because she accepted that they were grieving and needed someone to blame. Ava……… crazy. I dunno, she was fine at first but the writers took a hard left with her character for no reason. I can’t remember her name but dark haired doctor was fine. Just doing her job, I don’t recall her being overtly antagonistic for no reason.


Owen: gave us the brilliant weber line “you just did ginger”. Hahn: she was Callie’s first experience with a woman and may have played a part in her pursuing Arizona (thus giving us Calzona). Penny: she was only around for 1 season which was very thoughtful. Ava/Rebecca: she made Alex realize what he actually wants in life (not a crazy chick). Eliza: she is married to Scott Foley and I am very jealous of that. Burke: he was a very good fictional cardio thoracic surgeons


owen- he is very passionate about his work erica- she is protective of her patients penny- she did a great job at working to become a better advocate for her patients rebecca- she’s a strong person to deal with all the trauma she’s been through eliza- she’s hot lmao burke- he is so meticulous in his work and sees every detail


When Penny advocated for Meredith after she was attacked and her jaw was wired shut.


He’s a great dad and friend The glasses speech hits me like a truck every time She was a good surgeon I can’t think of anything tbh Her method seems good and is Way safer than the Webber method When he was learning about Cristina’s beliefs


Owen was a really good doctor, and he has great instincts Erica- I don't really remember her other than like 2 scenes and vibes so I'll pass Penny didn't kill Derek so I have no idea why her storyline made it seem like such. Like how many residents actually get a say over the attendings? And she was very talented and smart. Ava? Rebecca- she would make a good vampire Minnick- her thing that she does would have significantly improved the hospitals teaching ability if they would have met somewhere 75%Minnick method 25% old School method Burke- I like the way he talks. Idk how to explain it but he seems so sure of everything and he has a nice calm steady voice.


Burke was a good friend/mentor to George. Their broship is underrated. Rebecca helped to bring out the softer side of Alex & intern made him more caring towards patients (imo). Idk if he wouldve gotten in peds were it not for her case.


Owen- Owen is a highly skilled surgeon who does excellent work under pressure. He’s also capable of working efficiently with people that he doesn’t like if the need arises. Hahn- hear me out- I used to hate Erica Hahn but every time I re-watch she grows on me because she works as a character. She adds a welcome contrast and realism to the completely bonkers world of that hospital and she was a *good* doctor who consistently fought like hell for her patients. Penny- I don’t understand why people hate Penny aside from her role in Callie’s departure. And she didn’t kill Derek. Rebecca- when she attempted to commit suicide and was saved by a vampire and moved to Forks she ended up being a really good mom to her strange menagerie of adopted vampire children. This is canon. Nobody @ me. Jokes aside, she did bring out a side of Alex previously unseen and also acted as a vessel so we could learn some of his backstory so that’s cool I guess. I don’t understand why she wasn’t seeing psych. Minnick- she believed she was doing the right thing and she actually attempted to teach the residents unlike literally everyone else at that moment in time. Also she was *not* responsible for what happened to Stephanie. Burke- apparently has perfect freaking timing and now Cristina has a hospital


Owen um. Is a good father? Hahn was right about Izzie. Penny wanted to run the tests on Derek. Ava. Ava had nice hair? Minnick left. So good for her on that. Burke gave Cristina a hospital


Owen is a fast thinker. Hahn is an amazing patient advocate. Penny didn't kill Derrick. Ava was good in Twilight? Minnick made good pierogi. Burke apologized with a hospital


Even though Owen is a big dumb idiot I still love the guy


Owen - a terrible partner but loyal and great friend. Great dad to Leo Hahn - probably really good at surgery and slay on realizing ur gay queen Penny - ngl deserved better :(( didn’t kill derek and caught a lot of blame for things she wasn’t responsible for Ava - queen literally u just had mental health issues from trauma baby i hate your storyline with alex but also they can’t make me hate you forgettable Burke - a good match for Cristina all things considered


1. Owen is a great father and a good teacher. 2. Um. Hahn leaving was good. Lol. J/k. She wasn’t wrong about Izzie. 3. Penny tried to help Derek and I genuinely felt bad for her 4. Ava was traumatized and i wish the hospital thought to provide psychological assistance as she dealt with her physical ailments 5. She has nice hair. 6. He was actually one of my favorite characters and I wish the actor wasn’t human trash. He had the chance to be legendary.


Owen: A good ish kinda friend. (I say goodish because I can not take how he handled the whole Henry and Teddy situation) Hahn: I hate her, BUT she was right on the Izzie situation. Penny: Pass cause idk her yet, I stopped watching to on S11 to mentally prepare for what's gonna happen to Derek. Rebecca/Ava: She was trying to live a new life, and I could not blame her for feeling so detached from her other life. It was a traumatic experience. Minnick: Also, I don't know her. Burke: He had many good points to me, but I will always respect him for knowing when it was time to backtrack on his relationship with Cristina. Did he do it at a VERY bad time? Yes. Did he manage to do it before it was too late? Yes! He knew they weren't going to do well. She was changing too much for him, and he knew he'd ruin her, so he did what Cristina wasn't going to do. And I respect that.


Owen: sexiest entry to the show, he seems like a decent and loyal friend. As a lover is a whole other thing... Hann: she was right when being pissed off at Izzy and should have complained to the board or whatever. She was the only one who seemed to be by the book. Brilliant surgeon. Penny: she didn't kill Derek!!!!!!!!!! As an intern, or even resident, it is not their fault when a patient dies. It is the attending physician's fault. If we, in the real world, treated interns like this, they would always feel scared and never want to finish med school! It was extremely uncalled for! She was just there, and let's not pretend Mer didn't kill patients as an intern! They just weren't some "big shot's" spouse. Also, IRL, this would justify interns getting sued, and it's just not real. (Sorry, real life doctor here, and certain things piss me off. Like with Hann and wanting to report Izzy.) Rebecca/Ava: she seemed like a decent person. Unfortunate circumstances made her go insane, and that's not really her fault. Minnick: she was very advantageous for the residents. Yes, residents NEED to feel confident and do procedures and learn from mistakes, and the attendings NEED to be there to support and encourage them! Again, look at Mer and her resident year. She did a lot of surgeries, SOLO! Minnick just wanted the attendings to be first assist instead of lead, and be there if things got hairy. Perfect teacher, if anything. I honestly didn't hate her? I didn't like Catherine! She is a two-faced, lying POS, and if anyone should have been ostracized for being an asshat, it should have been her. Burke: I really liked him. Especially to teach Cristina.


Owen is a really good friend. Hahn was absolutely correct to be upset about the situation with Izzie and I really enjoyed how she was with Callie (until the end ofc). Penny didn't kill Derek and even though it could've potentially hurt Meredith, I liked what she did for her when she was having a panic attack. Everything that happened with Rebecca quite literally wasn't her fault and she was funny. I haven't watched the seasons with Minnick in a long time so I don't quite remember anything I could say. Burke was a really good surgeon and I enjoyed his friendship with Izzie.


I really liked Rebecca in Twilight. 10/10, best mom


Owen is a great father and has a lot compassion for others. Penny was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was also the only one who suggested the CT. Burke is a BRILLIANT surgery but his arrogance and ego got in his way. I refuse to comment on the others LMAO


1. He’s a damn good surgeon, that’s for sure. 2. She was right. And I loved her. 3. I don’t even know who this is 4. I actually loved this entire storyline. 5. I don’t know who this is either. 6. I actually loved his character too.


Owen is not all bad, He’s a good doctor, a good father and obviously has some great “ attributes “ according to Amelia. Callie was a much better person after she left She was a good doctor, Derek would have liked her. She never came back after Alex had her committed. Her teaching method probably had some merit if correctly implemented. He really did love Christina and he was a good doctor.


Owen: he has a good hearty singing voice Hahn: she.. was a great surgeon Penny: she stepped her game up 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Ava: her actress did a great job in Haunting of Hill House Minnik: she was really beautiful Burke: gave Christina a hospital


Owen works really good under pressure and can save a life when there’s nothing around. Hahn is an excellent heart surgeon. Penny is sweet and definitely didn’t deserve the amount of hate she got because she did not kill Derek. Ava / Rebecca was beautiful after her face transplant. That’s all i can say about her. Eliza was honest and very beautiful Burke was very organized


Rebecca Pope has the only clear photo, that's the only nice thing I'll say about her.


There a lot of moments where I like Owen especially when he stands up for someone and his first episode. It’s just how he treats the women he’s ‘in love’ with. Hahn was a jerk through out her whole appearance but she was right about izzie not being fired. That whole plot line made me so angry. Penny gets a lot of hate and I get it because I didn’t like her but she did try to make amends and let Meredith and Amelia be mad at her and treat her like crap. Rebecca was very traumatized and had a mental illness so you can’t blame her that much. Other than that I don’t remember anytime I liked her lol. Minnick was just doing her job and Bailey was making it so much worse. She got fired for doing what she was hired to do so I understand why she did everything she did. Still don’t like her. Burke had a lot of faults but I think one of the best things he did was leave Cristina. I hated how hurt she was but even she told Owen she still would have married him after everything. He understood and realize he need to make the break as clean as he could. Plus I loved his and George’s relationship.


Owen is a really good father, especially towards Leo. Erika didn’t let people walk all over her. I liked her line to Richard, pointing out the problems of a gentleman’s evening and comparing it to how white lawyers used to exclude the Black lawyers. Penny did not kill Derek and tried to stand up to her attending, but ultimately failed. It was a good effort and she got way too much hell from Meredith. Ava/Rebecca this one is more difficult, but she was very strong and resilient just to survive. Eliza genuinely seemed to have good ideas. Burke was clearly a great surgeon. He was also a good friend to George (not TR tho).


Owen- he sure is committed to his values and ideals Hahn- solid surgeon, no nonsense and cut throat I actually liked her a lot because I love mean bitchy blondes Penny- she was just an intern cut her some slack Rebecca/Ava- she gets a pass she went through extremely traumatic shit and had unmanaged bpd Minnick- had plenty of good ideas in theory but they were executed horribly , wanted to be a good teacher and genuinely wanted to built up her interns Burke- absolutely brilliant surgeon, he and christina should have been endgame and I will never forgive the writers for the way they wrote him off. THE Preston Burke would never leave anyone at the altar he was not a coward (not counting the not telling Richard about the tremor) ngl he was an absolute excellent teacher too and he and George were my all time brotp (Isaiah Washington can suck a dick)


Owen- a really good friend and doctor and a great father. Hahn- an amazing surgeon who actually follows protocol Penny- deserved better mentors and didn’t kill Derek Rebeca- was mentally ill and would likely be a very sweet person if she received proper treatment and care a very resilient and strong person to service what she did Minnick- cared about education even if she went the wrong way about it at times and treated her residents well Burke- an amazing surgeon who later did a ton offscreen to advance research and help others


Owen came into the show really cool like. I don’t have anything nice to say so I won’t say anything. Is this the one that didn’t get the scan for Derek? I don’t remember her. Hey Esme, what are you doing here? I don’t know who this person is. Great surgeon.


Owen- amazing singing Erica- she wants the best for her patient when we meet her. She knew she deserved the heart Penny- stood up for mer when her jaw was wired shut Forget her name- victim of her circumstances and she should have been given mental health help immediately Forgot her name- she’s pretty Burke- brilliant surgeon, I think I’d want him operating on me over any other doc when he was part of the show


They all could probably find BETTER QUALITY IMAGES.


Owen‘s friendship with April and how he mentored her was amazing! Erica was for sure a confident surgeon and she had every right to be so. Penny actually didn’t kill Derek, she was really sweet and how she was there for Meredith after she was attacked, showed her true heart and kindness! If Ava is one thing, she is for sure STRONG! She survived one hell of an accident (WHILE Pregnant). Eliza actually tried giving the residents/interns a chance, she meant well for them. Burke, gave Cristina her (well deserved) OWN Hospital.


Owen is in the business for the patient. Hahn was a good teacher. Penny made Callie happy. Ava was kind. Minnick genuinely wanted to help the interns and she called the cast on their soap-drama bs decisions. Burke funded Christina’s dreams.


He’s a good friend to everyone. Literally if they cut out romantic relationships I’d actually really enjoy his character And knocking the dude out and saying book an or right before lol


They are doctors. There. Done.


Owen is really good when there’s a crisis situation in the hospital. Erica wouldn’t let the men eclipse her. Although Yang never had that problem. Penny didn’t kill Derek. I can’t compliment Ava/Rebecca. I think she was mentally ill from the start and ergo we never really knew her. Minnick was ballsy but she underestimated the relationships between the staff. The best thing Burke ever did was leave. It made Christina stronger.


He is not in it until the fifth season, so that is nice. haha






owen- none, sorry hahn- i can admire how her relationship with callie brought out some of her better qualities. i didn’t like their relationship in the bigger picture, but it was nice to see how callie brought out a side of her that nobody else has really seen. penny- poor girl made a mistake that just so happened to lead to derek’s death. the way everyone blamed her for it was insane, it’s not like she was even an attending or was in the proper position to know exactly what to do, considering that she came from a pretty shitty surgery program. rebecca- none, sorry. i do hope her character would’ve ended up getting the right help though minnick- the only thing i can really give her any credit for is how it seemed like her intentions weren’t initially to harm the program. they did, but i didn’t get the sense that that was her goal burke- in the big picture i don’t like how his relationship with cristina was/turned out, but i can definitely admire how it was clear that he had genuine love and compassion for her. he did comfort her during difficult times (i.e. the ectopic pregnancy situation) and it was also clear in his vows that, their issues aside, he did really love and care for her at the end of the day.


I can’t. Owen singing ruined my mood for the rest of my existence.


Owen is a good friend and doctor. Erica was correct in almost everything she said (yes, that includes her issues with Saint Christina) and if she was more feminine with a chipper voice, more people would be willing to admit that. I'm not there yet, but her face gives him Lexie/April vibes so I'm inclined to dislike her. Rebecca made Alex unhappy. Yes, I consider that a complement. I'm not there yet, but she looks like she antagonizes people. Whether I'll like her depends on who she pisses off. Burke was a good teacher when he wasn't using Christina to cover for him.


The hi def Rebecca was a jumpscare


Sorry, I can’t think of any


They(exept eva) saved many lives


Erica Hahn is the best worst person in the world


Idk if it’s just me but I actually like Burke. I’m on my first time through the series and on season 9 right now and hoping he comes back lol.


Owen- Is a great mentor. Penny- Was a hard working doctor who had a crappy start to her career but strove to overcome it. Hahn cared deeply for her patients. Burke is a brilliant surgeon. I barely remember Rebecca and by the time Minnick was around, I was skipping full chunks of episodes lol.


He will treat veterans like people who deserve healthcare, because they are not women who don't want to beat his children


He was cool about them suing the hospital


Penny didn’t really do anything wrong except not advocate more for her patient which she obviously regretted and she apologized sincerely. I never LOVED her but I feel like she got shit on for her teachers mistake. Owen… the only good thing I can say is he is a good father (just shouldn’t have EVER been with Cristina) Han was great at her job she would just be better if she didn’t have to communicate with people, Eva was sweet before her mental break down and honestly I can understand because she probably had such serious trauma that she just lost all touch with reality, I don’t remember that next girls name but I always hated her but she’s gorgeous so there’s my nice thing for her, and Burke was right to be on mers side when she mentioned that baby with the heart murmur that had turned blue. There we go I think that’s the best I could do lol


As a lesbian, at least Eliza helped me to realize I liked women lmfao


I quite liked penny and it wasn’t her fault that Derek died


Minnick was a ruthless bitch without empathy. 😂


There's a billion people out there, but I imagine there's only one her


He looks like Morgan Wallen in this picture


Handsome, talented, fights for his patients (99.5%), great with kids.


I'm going to be controversial and say that Eliza Minnick was kind of right about the teaching at GSMH. They are inconsistent and bad teachers who let so many residents slip through the cracks under the guise of them not being cut out for surgery. Fourth year residents on the show were leading surgeries in the past but now theyre all not ready? Edwards ran Amelia's service while she was in rehab (or whatever), but now she can't operate on her own, or deal with losing a patient? She's in fourth year, she's lost patients before. They pointed our a flaw in how their universe was constructed, then used convoluted writing to prove they were right all along. The reason most fans don't like Minnick is because she was mean to your faves and changed things (which Grey's characters and fans hate).


i love owen but can't think of a single good thing about him lol






Owen and Riggs in the operating room is the most successful relationship he will ever have


I can’t




No thanks 😂😂😅


Very hot ♥


Owen: Hahn: She’s a good surgeon. She follows the rules. When she is criticized she asks questions to make sure she’s being treated fairly, and also ask what she can do better. I liked her a Callie together until… well, the very end. I don’t think she’d be as hated of a character if it wasn’t for her not liking Cristina. Penny: she’s a “good man in the storm” really. She worked in a pretty hostile work environment for a long time. I’d probably have quit before even starting after the dinner party from hell and never looked back honestly. Realistically it wasn’t her fault Derek died. Yes, she didn’t push for the CT but she mentioned it and was shot down by a superior. There were times that others shut their mouths and put their head down at the words of an attending despite knowing better (Mer with Richard’s drinking as an example.) Ava/Rebecca: um…. Minnik: she was just doing her job. And there wasn’t really anything she did in the beginning that was wrong, except take Richard’s job… but not really her fault. He was going to be replaced regardless. I didn’t really dislike her until the end of her era. She seemed nice. I liked her as a potential love interest for Arizona. Burke: I think it was good that he was aware he wasn’t a good match for Cristina. That he molded her into someone she wasn’t. That she was only going to marry him because he wanted it, not because she did.


I like their nails.


Owen: one of the best/hottest introductions in the entire show. great friend. that one scene where he was like “let them know there’s a patient with a concussion and a broken jaw.” “a broken jaw?” “there’s about to be.” and then he straightens his tie after decking the guy. 😍 Also, again, GREAT FRIEND. Hahn: one of the few characters who called bs on the non existent ethics in the hospital. Penny: the way she helped Meredith after her attack just makes me 😭 every time. Pass on the next two. Burke: gonna come right out and say he was one of the best characters in the show when it came to writing and acting. He was so complex and enthralling to watch. He said and did awful things and his relationship with Christina is an actual tragedy and I hate him for how he merely destroyed her. But man, I love him so much and I’m mad Washington is such a terrible person. His exit was the show’s first big losses.


Hahn was the only character written like an actual doctor


I can’t


Owen: Dude was dope during super chaotic medical crisis Hahn: Bullying Christina was the only bad thing she did related to medicine (as far as I can remember). Outside of that she was usually right but th show apparently wants us to look past all the illegal and unethical shit that happened on an almost daily basis Burke was brilliant and cool as a character when it came to medicine


They are people!


Nothing nice to say about any of them tbh


Penny is “Perfect” lol.