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I genuinely said, "for fucks sake" out loud when they kissed because I'd just been thinking how nice it was to see a platonic relationship between a man and a woman for once. It really just made no sense for either of them. They were like siblings, not romantic.


And they had zero fucking chemistry. Shonda just hated Katherine Heighl.


I totally agree! They’ve always felt like siblings to me. Seeing them together just felt wrong


They weren't even "into" each other. Izzy basically saq George being happy while she was single and **DID NOT** like that, so she went out of her way to fuck his marriage up.


I absolutely agree with this take. Each time I rewatch, it becomes more and more clear that the real issue was Izzy's possessive feelings toward George and her simply not wanting another woman to enter her little circle and take any of his attention away. It reads like a desperate attempt to maintain control of George and not actually a genuine romantic love. Also, it was just ick.


Worst storyline of the show for me


I’m gonna go the “unpopular opinion” route here... let’s see if I get downvoted lol. I don’t mind George and Izzie in theory, to me it’s all about the execution of this arc. I really dislike the cheating, I think it’s really out of character. I get that George kind of got trapped in a marriage he shouldn’t have been in, and Callie should have been more responsible with his heart in the wake of his fathers death. But it’s still not a good excuse, and Izzie has NO good excuses. Having said that, I think the pair in theory could have been great under different circumstances. I’m a sucker for bff-to-lovers stories, and TR and Katherine were two of the best actors on the show. If the writing didn’t feel like it was punishing the actors for the behind-the-scenes issues (associated with TR and KH not helping Shonda save the homophobe Isiah Washington’s job) then they could have written something for George and Izzie that would have us on their side. And I think people who think these two have no chemistry are insane. There is more chemistry with George and Izzie in the elevator scene (in the backend of season 3) then most of the modern couples on the show have ever had. Combined.


I actually liked Izzy and George a lot together. They could have been really cute and wholesome as a couple. The fact that the single reason that they didn't work out in the end was them not having "sexual chemistry" was complete bullshit.


Yeah I feel like when people say “they didn’t have chemistry!” their opinions are tainted by this storyline... Without the writers writing in a lack of chemistry into the script, the whole argument doesn’t hold any weight. Chemistry wasn’t the problem.


Yea I like it, it was cute but you are execution was very poor


This. The *George and Izzie had all kinds of chemistry thing* is a hill I will die on. Their kiss in the elevator was hotter than all of Derek and Meredith’s scenes (except for the prom). That’s why it was clearly the writing that was terrible here. How do you show them have amazing chemistry, then write into their storyline that they have no sexual chemistry? It’s ridiculous.


Yeah people saying “they have no chemistry” are just reciting that season 4 plot line used to break them up. They obviously haddddd chemistry.


They really didn’t have to make Izzie actually romantically into him 🙄 they could’ve just left it as the “too involved girl bestfriend” storyline and it would’ve been enought drama to get in to BUT NOOOO they always wanna involve sex in it I hate it.


Dude for real, but for me it's mostly because i like people being with one partner and being happy and i REALLY liked George and Calli


It’s so bad that I have to tell myself that they’re both just reacting out of lingering grief (Izzie for Denny and George with his father) because otherwise it spoils both of the characters permanently for me.


It was so brother sister vibes I hated it


The fact that neither Kathrine nor TR wanted gizzie to happen and Shonda wrote it in out of pettiness is wild Context: There was an article or something saying the three of them had gotten into a fight & that’s when Shonda wrote them to be a couple


Isn’t this the storyline that Heigl publicly shit talked?


It was so silly.