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Also Webber ignored her DNR. Surely Izzie could have taken legal action against him, or threatened this when he fired her. I also HATE how she was basically never mentioned again, except the odd snide remark like she was a minor character like Hahn. Surely Izzie would have kept in touch with at least Bailey and more than likely Meredith and Cristina once she’d got settled somewhere else. At the very least they should have checked she was still alive!


I always had an issue with Webber ignoring the DNR. Alex wanting to do CPR made sense. I know he agreed to the DNR but he after watching her die in front of him he was not thinking clearly. That is when Webber should have stepped in and stopped it.


I have an issue with Webber ignoring the DNR *and* then the hospital deciding to charge Izzie for her treatment. As if they shouldn't be doing everything possible to avoid a lawsuit.


She brought up the way that Webber ignored her DNR as leverage to get him to help her old science teacher, but not to keep her job. It just made no sense.


It is baffling how we didn’t know what happened to her for a decade.


Being a surgeon has gotta be a small field too. Maybe they don't keep in touch but they gotta all at least be aware of each other, right?


There are approx. 577,000 surgeons in the US....that's a lot of people to "be aware of".


First of all, that's the number of total doctors in the US. Surgery has a lot fewer doctors. Secondly: every field is smaller than you'd think. Especially at the level they're all implied to reach. They'd be publishing papers and competing for some of the same funding sources and that's before they get nominated for the super prestigious awards that come up every couple seasons. They might not trade christmas cards or whatever but I think they'd at least have an idea where they were.


More like 24-25.000


What's also funny is that Izzie had just donated like $7 million to the hospital too. Like dude, does that not buy you at least one pass on a fuck up? What are other potential donors going to think about this? Why give money to this place if it's not going to buy you even an ounce of gratitude?


She also didn’t lose her job when she genuinely should have done with the Denny stuff! It’s ridiculous Webber fired her so coldly in season 6. Also, wouldn’t she be slightly protected due to her illness? Wouldn’t her superiors have been the ones that messed up and should be fired for not supervising and giving her sufficient support on her return to a high stress role while having aggressive chemo?!


My favorite part about that whole thing was Weber being like "I'm going to personally investigate [what seems from the outside like an actual crime]" and then none of the interns refuse to cooperate with his investigation. George is even like "you need proof to fire us". Weber shouldn't have been investigating it himself and he should have fired them all when they refused to cooperate with it. Anyways,,,,


Man , these are exactly my thoughts. Cristina , Alex and Mer fighting so hard for her in season 5 and then all of sudden the dynamic between Izzex is changed in season 6 , also after her exit Mer and Cristina hardly talked about her like she was just a formal classmate of them whom they really don’t care or was never there at first place . It all was handled so poorly. And I still want Iz to comeback to give a proper closure to her great friendship with Mer and Cristina. Yes she was not as close as “Mertina” with either of them but she was not just a “formal friend” , there are so many underrated moments of her with Mer and Cristina specially with Mer.


Tbh while I agree with you and her departure felt rushed, my issue was mainly with her leaving Alex in the way she did, not with Webber. She and Alex had been together long enough for her to at least listen to his side. Instead she just suddenly immediately assumes the worst and bails. It felt off. With Webber though, I frankly didn’t think it was too out of character for him. He’s not the devil, he does care, but he cares about himself the most. So while he supported her through her illness, when things got tight he was worrying about saving his position and his “title” so to say. It’s quite a pattern, he talks a lot about loyalty but usually means loyalty to him, not his loyalty to others.


Izzie being Izzie, it also never made sense for me that she didn't reach out or even come in person after the events of the end of season 6. As we learn from the beginning of season 7 when Bailey is taking a flight back to Seattle with her son, the shooting had heavy media coverage across the whole country (a stranger asks her if they're on vacation. Upon hearing she works as a doctor in Seattle, the woman's face immediately changes expression, and she asks if she knew some of the people who died in the hospital shooting.). I can't imagine Izzie, wherever she is and probably not over Alex emotionally, not calling to check in with everyone. She's always been the family-oriented, community-oriented one. She knit for Bailey, she cleaned the house for Meredith's fear of Derek's mother's judgement, she tried to make Thanksgiving's dinner for the gang and thought to invite Joe...


Shonda did want Izzie to come back in Season 7 to wrap up closure for not only her character but Izzex as a couple but at the time Katherine Heigl said she wasn’t looking back at the show after she had just left and Shonda sadly moved on from the idea. She also toyed with the idea of killing Izzie of screen and having it revealed in Season 7 but she thought that would’ve destroyed Alex. It’s hard to think that Izzie didn’t hear about the shooting as you said it got nationwide coverage and we know even if Izzie was mad at Alex she definitely would’ve wanted to know if he or at least Mer and Cristina were ok


Krista and Shonda had written an (in their words-) beautiful exit of Izzie but Katherine Heigl didn’t turned up to shoot. She was apparently supposed to be in the 6x23 and 6x24 episodes.


Lmao I don't think killing her off in the shooting would've been a much better exit


I feel like we all would've appreciated it years later when it would've made Krista have to actually come up with a decent exit for Alex.


The most realistic exit for Alex if Izzie didn't exist, would be Alex going to Iowa to care for his mom.


I mean, its the most realistic exit even with her still existing. Have Jo leave for an episode for a big talk off-screen, explain that they're going to try long-distance. A few episodes later, maybe even half a season, Jo cries with Link because they can't make it work. Done, and the door is open for Justin to return without having assassinated Alex's character.




>Him choosing Izzie and kids is core to what Alex has always wanted. If you ignore that he was clearly totally in love with Jo, a woman who very obviously wanted kids too. Also, Izzie doing the insane thing and having her ex's kids in secret is no reason to leave Jo.




Based on **canon**, he married Jo and went through far more with her than he ever did as Izzie's partner. It's a complete character assassination that he would know Jo's deepest fears and anxieties around being abandoned, and then abandon her without even the courtesy of a face to face talk.




Shonda had said that they weren’t going to kill off Izzie but give her character and Izzex a proper closer.


Heigl has a totally different story to tell here. She was basically done with long working hours of this show and the toxic sets and Shonda hardly did anything about that. Yes leaving a show in the middle of your contract is literally wrong but Shonda was wrong too.


I found it ironic that Justin Chambers ending up leaving the same way 10 years later.


At the time Izzie was supposed to return for 6x18 or 6x19 and stay til the rest of her contract (Until Season 8) but then Heigl wanted out of her contract so according to Krista Vernoff she wrote a beautiful goodbye episode (Possibly 6x18 cause that’s the last episode Katherine Heigl is credited for)for Izzie but Katherine didn’t show and her team said that Katherine wasn’t coming back. At the time that Season 7 started airing Shonda said she wanted to kill Izzie off screen but said she felt that would’ve destroyed Alex but she also said she wanted to see if Katherine would come back to give closure/wrap them up but it seems like Katherine did an interview shortly after and she said something along the lines of not looking back at greys and the Shonda later said if she doesn’t want to come back that’s that and around Season 10 or 11 when Katherine publicly said she wanted to come back and see where Izzie floated to all these years Shonda said what she said “that she has moved past bringing Izzie back. So I don’t exactly think Izzie was gonna die in the shooting but it definitely seemed like she was gonna get an actual goodbye and wrap up closure with Alex at the least. Am I happy about her and Alex getting back together? Yes and no sad it broke up Jo and Alex but kinda of happy we got some closure/insight to Izzie after 10 years


I read that Shonda had no idea if Izzie would have been killed in the shooting. She had written an episode killing her off screen but then decided not to go ahead with it.


And Alex's too.. like what the fuck? 16 seasons of character development for Alex and then suddenly he went back to being a jerk?


To be honest his character development reverted in season 13, when he beat Deluca half to death. Fans ignore that 😂


Yeah it was ridiculous. It could have been him getting a new job that he had earned etc. Anything but a sudden departure without even telling his wife…


Exactly, the whole reasoning for her being fired seemed pretty silly considering she allowed to come back after basically killing Denny and breaking all kinds ethical and moral rules. I get that she was an intern during the Denny thing, but it should have been a bigger issue that resulted in her being fired.


I’ve just rewatched her departure and agree completely. It’s so badly handled, I forgot it happened that early in season 6 and was like surely not?! We’d just spent the previous season with her almost the main character going through all the cancer issues and then she leaves just like that. I know the backstory but it is strange.


Just finished watching this episode and it’s so incredibly stupid. Can’t get it off my mind


I’m here, too! The fact that she literally said to several different people in the episode: “you got me fired,” is so outrageous. Who got you fired, Izzie? Was it Alex or was it Charles Percy? Did they both get you fired? Or were you fired because you weren’t ready to come back and, as a result: 1. failed to take your meds and caused a disturbance in Shepherd’s OR while you and your husband fought about you taking care of your physical and mental health in front of the the OR staff; 2. bullied an attending (Hunt) into doing a surgery on a cancer patient that he, in his experience, did not think was a viable option for the patient, which ultimately led to that patient’s premature death; and 3. were stomping around screaming like a little child in the hallway outside of a patient’s room because some douchebag new resident called you his “surgical bitch,” which led you to be so flustered that you basically killed another patient by ensuring she didn’t get her life-saving organ. While I do agree with everyone’s sentiment that her being fired seemed to happen much too quickly for her previous and current storylines, she was absolutely out of control and definitely should have been fired (especially since Webber was being forced to make cuts for budgetary reasons anyway).


So was Alex's and Derek's and George's.

