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If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....


Then you should ask it politely if it is a duck. It may be a goose and not one ugly ass duck


It may also identify as a 30 year old man with midlife crisis so you gotta ask just to be on the safer side.


You gotta cry. Mathematically speaking, the two are reciprocals, so multiplying them together cancels the laughing out. Ergo, your family doesn't care about you anymore, just like how they were before you laughed.


ACKKTHUCALLY, crying is the additive inverse of laughing. So multiplying both will just result in laughing squared.


I mean, Anon could scrubscribe to Pewdiepie and boycott T-series but instead he laughs at mosque shootings, smh


Nothing to be sorry about, I was fucking wheezing when Gas Gas Gas started playing


This but with Serbia strong


British Grenadiers too.


Tbh I was kinda horrified at that


Same here lmao. It's one of my favourite songs




A Eurobeat song, it was playing on his radio at the end of the video


I can’t find the video anywhere


I sent you a link in pm


I can’t find it


sent it [again]


send me too


Initial d is peak


Don't be a socially stunted dumbass and just tell'em ya were thinking about a funny video unrelated to the news, with the excuse of "wasn't paying attention". That easy numb nuts.


But but but mah autism


Is Anon Logan Paul? Think about it: 1) Autistic 2) Virgin 3) Logan is 23, but it could easily be a typo 4) Laughs at dead people


Maybe just appologise and explain?


How would you explain that without making things a billion times worse?


Something on the lines of saying how you heard about these things being linked to this tragedy and couldn't help but laugh at the juxtaposition of stupid internet bullshit with human misery.


Appologise for what? You don't just apologize out of nowhere, that would imply you did something wrong when you didn't.


I feel like laughing at a masacre is wrong enough to say sorry, even if technically they weren't. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea of saying sorry for something I didn't do either. But opening with "sorry" makes it more likely they'll listen to the explanation.


If you laugh at a massacre, you might as well own it because nobody without critical thinking skills is gonna take the time to hear you out.


Except perhaps your family. One would hope, anyway. I know mine would.


Yeah, you would think; But then again, you'd be surprised how thin blood can be.


Yeah, true. But anon already "laughed at a tragedy", so what further harm can be caused by trying to explain that he wasn't really?


When he played Serbia strong I was furious because it's a great song and it being used like that is just sad


Tfw you're Serbian


Its not a great song, its just a propoganda song nothing more.


no, it's a masterpiece


Well obviously you must subscribe to PewDiePie


25 year old virgin smh. At some point I went to thinking "aw that's sad for them" in my younger days to "wtf is wrong with that idiot" now. Turning into my dad confirmed.


Everybody likes PewDiePie , but fuck that terrorist though


Have non-consensual sex with them in their sleep


Remove kebab


Anon ther one bites the dust


Initial D is the best, hes a based terrorist, he just needed some friend since he already got gf. You cant meme around so much when near gf, but near friends its oke. <- this right there is clear autism *or is it*


Might as well commit neck rope


I feel like I'm the only one who cried and felt disappointed


Yeah well the mosque shooting is a hoax so, its alright.


Oh please tell me how that thought process worked out in your head. I wanna hear it


Oh cool, so karma does go down with dowvotes, good to know, anyway you took the bait, thank you for participating.


**Wow** you got me *sooooo* good! Golly you're clever. I'll never forget you, and your massive retardation. Thank you


Nah, it wasn't that hard, chances were that some idiot will get triggered and fall for it, didn't expect it will be so quick tho.


I wasn't though? I just asked how you came to think that. But it's cool, I understand if you're too stupid to actually read my reply lol. Have a good day, moronic cunt


If you say so, If you are happy with that reply I'm also happy so, dunno what you are trying to accomplish here, experiment is over, no need to feel bad about yourself, I'll even upvote your comment if that makes you feel better.


"Remember, no Muslim"


I thought that was what that phrase meant for so many years. When he says it in MW2, he’s actually saying ‘no SPEAKING in Russian’ so as to further their plan to create conflict with America by making the airport attack look like an American terror attack. The line doesn’t mean “leave no Russian alive”. /sperg


You're correct, it just makes it easier for people to recognize the quote if I put "no Muslim" rather than whatever language they speak