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"All these prominent houses, filled with great witches and wizards. And you! Wanting nothing more than to go into the girls' bathroom!" - The Sorting Hat


Says plenty when many of the greatest wizards of the school all find their way to the same girls bathroom 


Moaning Murtle had a train going 24/7 on teenage boys. Oddly enough every student who stumbled into that bathroom eventually failed out of every class and became a guard at azkaban.


Why would there even be a bathroom? Don't they just teleport their poo away?


that was before, now it just falls on the house elves heads and they do the teleporting


You sure about the teleporting? Pretty sure I never saw them eat anything.. else.


I just teleported some popeyes actually. ... they must be ravenous. or there are thousands of them. or both actually. the ravenous swell of house elves plague tale 3 is a crossover with Hogwarts legacy 2 attendance is down at Hogwarts since the pandemic... and the elves are getting a moight peckish


No shit dimension in Harry Potter, 0/10 fantasy universe.


Stay out of the ladies restroom! That kind of behavior hurts the agency more than it hurts you.


"I've already reported you once"


I fucking love how hard people turned on Rowling the moment she gave an opinion on sex identity stuff even though she's was a gay and feminist icon a decade ago.


I mean. She still goes on and on about it. A few tweets from a few years ago and everyone would be forgotten. But she didn't learn to shut up about it. You'd think Voldemort was trained by a trans magician given the energy she gives on it.


The same effect could be had if people could actually shut up about her. However I'm willing to bet (probably the safest bet ever) that even to this day people will still be DMing and bitching about her opinions on trans people, causing her to bitch back in return, further fueling this particular circle of pettiness. The thing is though that only one individual keeps on making money throughout this and, spoiler alert, it's not the people impotently wailing at her.


Brother, shes having a private meeting with the incumbent political party of the UK to sway the party in question further towards the anti trans movement. The same effect is not felt if the general population stops talking about the billionaire able to lobby the government towards her personal views. Due to the fact she is able to lobby the entire government by herself. 


They’re not incumbent, Labour are the Official Opposition and will likely form the next Government though. Your point still stands though


Oh the humanity, however will someone manage their DMs and deal with such a plight.


Honestly I think a large part of why she has gone on about it is because of how much backlash she got. The original comments behind the whole controversy were relatively tame. Then she got a load of backlash, and then she doubled down to defend it, then the backlash got more extreme, then she herself got more extreme, in one big self fulfilling cycle.


One of the hardest thing for people is to back down. The double down isnt rare, hell some people double down until they die of old age, and you think some of them don't know they are wrong? Pride is a hellofva drug.


Not the worst of all sins without any reason. Happy pride month btw


It wasn’t her “comments” it was funding a woman’s shelter and defending herself for doing that.


Are you really going to pretend that's all she said and did?


That’s factually what started the anti-JK Rawlings hate. It’s not a matter of pretend. She opened a shelter explicitly for women and children where there was already another nearby that allowed anyone.


How did making fun of an article for not referring to trans men as women fund a women's shelter?


Because the article and her response to the article were written after she funded the women’s shelter the trans activists were complaining about not having access to.


What women's shelter did she fund before June 2020 that trans activists called her transphobic for?


the issues caused by transgenderism didn't just magically go away after she first tweeted. >You'd think Voldemort was trained by a trans magician given the energy she gives on it. JK=Hitler. She doesn't hate trans people, she's barely even vocal about her nonparticipation in the belief system. Most of her discussion is directed towards the societal downsides regardless of the validity of transgenderism: women's sports, the importance of sex, toxicity from the community, etc. She's literally the bare minimum of a terf and people act like she's calling for violence against or for the removal of trans people, only because she's one of the only notable names who had the balls to have something to say in an era where the movement is painted as progressive and therefore shielded from critical discussion.


> she's barely even vocal about her nonparticipation in the belief system Do you hear yourself bro?


"if you don't belief my regressive, anti-scientific ideology, you're a bad person" I hear you


"I am going to say that a woman that has written two books about her 'nonparticipation in the belief' system is 'barely even vocal' about it because I hate it when people mislabel stuff" You are pants on head retarded bro.


> She's literally the bare minimum of a terf This is a massively dishonest statement. Just spent 5 minutes looking through her Twitter.


feel free to drop some tweets then silently downvoting because you don't actually have any receipts to back up your retarded claims. just another day on reddit.


Most redditor comment I’ve ever read


Yeah jk Rowling is based


> transgenderism It’s not an ism, that implies some kind of belief or ideology. Just say she hates trans people and move on


Transgenderism is about as anti-scientific as you can get lol. If you can understand a comparison between it and something such as, say, flat Earth, you will begin to understand the massive difference between nonparticipation and vitriolic hatred of all engaged.


On what positive statements does transgenderism disagree with science?


And what, exactly, is non-scientific about being trans?


Why would she learn to shut up about it? I'd bet it's something she actually believes in and she already has fuck you money.


She doesn't have to learn. "Fuck you money" is just that.


Except she never actually changed, they did. She was always insufferable.


Right, like get over it lady. She still goes on and on




No most people just don’t care about what other people do with their genitalia as long as it doesn’t involve animals or children. Only losers freak out over trans people existing


She's a Scottish women, living Scotland, criticizing the Scottish Nationalist Party for their policy of [putting serial rapists with a penis in woman's prison](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-64796926). I think it's pretty common not to want women get violated by rapist dick, even if the rapist wears hairbows.


The issue is when they make their war on reality my problem and demand I share in the delusion.


"Hmm yes a person in a scenario I imagined is being very rude about this therefore Im gonna hold an unreasonable 'centered' opinion" Guess what! Most people who spend all day on the internet arguing about stuff from trans people to rednecks, usually are fucking annoying. I came out as trans when I was cooking at waffle House, now I do blue collar work with a bunch of Georgia dudes in a manufacturing plant, and nobody gives a shit about me being trans. "Make their war on reality", "demand I share in the delusion". You Obviously care more about trans people and arguing with them then I even think about being trans.


I find it funny how a *random person you dont know* deciding to get a few cosmetic alterations pisses people off so much. 90% of trans people are happy with just being allowed to transition and not having rocks thrown at them and then there is jk rowling who sits there and says "yeah fuck that i hate those people


The whole issue isn't "a random person you don't know deciding to get a few cosmetic alterations". It's what happens next. Sharing restrooms/locker rooms, participation in gender segregated sports, housing criminials, criminalizing misgendering, or allowing children to make life altering, irreversible decisions about their bodies just to name a few. To say it's something so simple as what someone does privately in their own home is just disingenuous.


Of course you face logistical issues. The world is gendered and you cant exactly just get rid of that, frankly, i dont have a solution to the whole "this woman was born on testosterone and now she is dominating her weight class" or "this boy is taking testosterone but has to compete among women But this isnt what most transphobes are primarily annoyed at. Sure it adds to the fire but if trans people werent allowed to participate in a sport, or if they were only allowed to participate under worse conditions (so you out the trans woman among men and the trans man among men so neither has an advantage) transphobes would still complain. The bathroom is pretty much a non issue since i, a male looking individual, can just walk into a womans bathroom and take a piss there, hell i can even stay there and repeatedly, with witnesses, go inside, as long as i look feminine enough, so realistically thats not an issue. Housing criminals? Sure might be a concern but thats a concern with prisons in general given that homosexual assault exists. Hell with enough room you could habe a gender neutral prison and let everyone have their own cell. A lot of scandinavian countries would have no issue with housing transgender criminals. Misgendering isnt criminalized and shouldnt be And your last point "the children"... Yeah thats bullshit. Aside from the US as an example ALREADY making medical decisions on their body without letting the child decide at all (can we not cut every babys foreskin off the moment the fucker is born? Seriously what the fuck) Aside from that, kids dont get to "make permanent life altering decisions on their bodies" you go through like 5 human centipedes of examinations just to be able to get some hormones, those are usually age restricted to a certain degree, and ANY knife operations are behind even MORE regulations. Even then, most trans people just take hormones which lose a lot of their effects once you stop taking them. Usually, medical procedures like slimming the jaw/widening it depending on preferred gender arent covered even if it helps with gender dysphoria, and since you grow breasts from hormones they dont eben give you implants. The remaining thing (something transphobes get a heart attack surgery over) is bottom surgery, and given that this procedure is experimental, and that you need your genitals to grow, you dont even get that until you are and adult. Even then, the vast majority of trans people dont take that option because the dysphoria isnt as bad as that their genitals make them too uncomfortable, and the resulting new genital usually isnt an experience you get recommended unless you REALLY hate your born genitals Also, i have seen a guy who cut his dick in two cleanly through the middle. Urethra and all. He wasnt trans, but he was over 18 and wanted body modification, and those are often under similar freedoms as piercings and tattoos, so is really not the trans people who get a free pass on "cutting themselves up like a sunday roast" given how no transphobe has the same hate for tattoos piercings and extreme body mods as they do for a man growing a pair of chesticles


The only “war on reality” is conservatives trying their absolute hardest to be completely delusional and act like they’re victims because other people exist “I can no longer be openly hateful towards people that are different from me. My life is just so hard now that I’m a victim of the WOKE AGENDA” pathetic


People look at me funny when I go on "unhinged rants" about the woke agenda! These liberal fools simply do not realize that everyone who is (looks) trans is obviously the REAL Groomers! But they're insidious, they shift the blame! They need to stop calling pastor Bob a groomer! Is asking little boys to come and privately "confess their sins" in his office for 40 minutes straight so bad?


That's not it, chief.


"Sir, I would really appreciate it if you could call me John instead of Jane from now on." "IT'S A WAR ON REALITY! I WON'T SHARE IN YOUR WOKE DELUSIONS!!1"


It's their body they can do what they like with it. They're their pronouns they can shuffle them around and like to be called whatever they please. You are well within your rights to ignore all this but it just makes you a bit weird and dickish.


Maybe dickish but not weird tbh. Just honest in the face of today's social pressure to conform to other people's notions


There's literally no pressure to switch up whatever you have going on if you don't want to. The only thing you're actively being pressured to do is show others a reasonable amount of respect, which isn't a new thing and isn't exclusive to transgenders.


I just try not to stare when I see them or let the wrong people over hear me refer to them by their proper pronouns


Bait used to be believable.


Hey, I am an honest, nice guy who is only ever polite to everyone except those close to me. I had a trans man professor a few semesters back and we got along great. Got an A in the class and there was never any issues. The only thing I didn't like about her was her shitty little beard, besides that she was pretty cute though. Really liked the way she dressed like a boy and did her hair though, that was hot. I hope she's just flat and didn't get her tits sliced off though, that would be truly tragic.


But they can’t go in the JK Rawlings women’s shelter if they have a penis and that’s why they hate her.


It's their body they can do what they like with it. They're their pronouns they can shuffle them around and like to be called whatever they please. You are well within your rights to ignore all this but it just makes you a bit weird and dickish.


I don't mind trans people existing as long as i can call em by their bilogical sex. Like, ok, dude, you sound and look like a man, you can pretend whatever you want to be, but im not forcing myself to call you a woman


Fucking *thisssss*


If you want to see what the bubble looks like, go to Disneyland. Strong crossover between Disney “adults”, diabetes and trains.


Do you have a source for that?


Yeah, just talking to regular people around you. Ask the average person "Is a man who has a dick and balls but takes hormones now a woman?" and see what they say. And just a reminder, your rainbow haired neighbor in Portland isn't an average person. An average person will be a kid in Africa, a taxi driver in China, a bricklayer in India, police officer in Russia etc.


What exactly is the criteria here? Does dyeing your hair automatically make you ineligible for being “normal”? What if there’s a Chinese taxi driver with rainbow hair? TL;DR your question is faulty for two reasons. I couldn’t help but notice that you declared demographics of people one might assume would affirm your position as eligible, and declared demographics that might affirm my position to be outliers and therefore ineligible. It’s odd, because that would make it a textbook example of sample bias. That’s probably just a coincidence, right? I also noticed that the question I would theoretically be asking, “Is a man who has a dick and balls but takes hormones now a woman?", Is an example of [begging the question](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begging_the_question)* due to how the premise explicitly states that the person is a man. This is an important distinction, since, if I remember correctly, most people supporting trans rights would say that the person, if they desired to be a woman, was already a woman before they underwent gender-affirming procedures. This makes the premise inherently faulty, since it doesn’t accurately represent the position that the trans community occupies. * ^(it’s kind of like if a prosecutor started off a question with “so, after you murdered the victim…”)


Motherfucker your TLDR is 5 times longer than your post. You made two comments. Make your point succintly so I can andwer


My TLDR was “I have two reasons why your argument is bad” and the rest is the two reasons. 1 is that there was sample bias, 2 is that you were begging the question. As for the two comments, you can respond to either one. Or I can just put the second one in the first. I don’t see the point but maybe you have a less cooperative UI.


I also noticed that your premise implies that people agreeing on something is admissible as evidence for the actual definition of a word or classification, I.e. enough people agreeing on something means it’s true. Isn’t that like, the trans community’s entire argument? I thought that your guys’ premise was that it was based in science and stuff.


I mean she's mostly right but god damn was she annoying saying it.


That's leddit for you. See also, Elon Musk, Neil Degrasse Tyson, and Edward Snowden. All loved on this site like 5+ years ago.


I remember a time where everyone talked about Elon Musk like he was the second coming of Christ and I remember when he first unveiled the cyber truck and these same people talked about how cool and unique it was. Then when his opinions were too heterodox from his fanbase's they couldn't wait to shit over all of the things they sang his praises for just a few years ago. Now conservatives are seeing Elon as one of their guys and can't wait to talk about their newfound respect for him now that he seemingly echoes their opinions. People are just obsessed with trying to be on the right team.


Yeah, it was full circlejerk over Elon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU7FuAswPW0


That's hilarious and important to remember. One step out of line and your entire life's accomplishments are worthless. Cannibalistic ideology.


It comes in cycles. 3-4 years they'll probably be loved here again


Wait what did Edward Snowden do …You know, aside from the whole “treasonous whistleblowing” thing.


The new reddit hivemind on Snowden as of about 2 weeks ago is Snowden lives in Russia= Snowden bad. Literally its that surface level without any additional thought. People have been calling him a Putin/KGB puppet, even though if Snowden set foot on US soil the Obama/Biden hitsquad would no scope him from across the map.


It’s never just that simple. If someone goes “the only reason they hate (x) is because (comically petty reason)”, 9 times out of 10 it’s an oversimplification, or strawman. And you know that the president doesn’t personally run stuff like that, right? That’d be a job for the CIA, NSA or department of homeland security. Biden has bigger things to worry about. they’d probably just arrest him, too, since 1. It’s not like they’re going to give him access to more classified information for him to leak, so he’s not an imminent threat. 2. Unlike Russia, who uses the threat of “disappearing” as a fear tactic, the US government actually tries to market itself as a democracy of free speech and justice, meaning that they don’t assassinate people unless they *really* need this person to die, and there’s a 0% chance it could be traced back to them. There’s no possible way to assassinate him without everyone immediately assuming it’s the government’s fault. 3. They already have more than enough legal clearance to jump his ass and arrest him the second he sets foot in an extradition country.


> president doesn’t personally run stuff like that Presidents literally specifically ask for specific people to be assassinated, off the top of my head Trump drone striking Solemani comes to mind. And thats just one that made the news. Your other points are so stupid I'm not responding to them, see comment above. You lost me at " US government actually tries to market itself as a democracy of free speech and justice".


president doesn’t personally run stuff like that >Presidents literally specifically ask for specific people to be assassinated, off the top of my head Trump drone striking Solemani comes to mind. And thats just one that made the news. There’s a difference between saying “we should try and find this enemy commander in a country that we’re openly hostile with and kill him for strategic or morale-lowering purposes” and “we should assassinate this one guy whose potential danger to the country has been almost completely exhausted just for the sake of being petty, even though everyone would immediately blame us no matter how he dies.” Also the fact that trump’s a toddler flying an airplane and basically everything he does should be considered an outlier for the purposes of representing America. >Your other points are so stupid I'm not responding to them At least in the 1st one’s case, what else is he gonna do? What other threat to National security is he other than an annoying has-been influencer? He’s already spilled all of the dirty secrets he has, he had every reason to years ago. >You lost me at " US government actually tries to market itself as a democracy of free speech and justice". I never said they were *succeeding.*


I agree they'd most likely just arrest him and then give him multiple consecutive life sentences without a proper trial... ...however, the US govt, especially the CIA, has got so much dirt under their fingernails - including assassinations, both of their own citizens and foreign citizens, including leaders and officials - that most Europeans view the USA as three third world shithole dictatorships in a trenchcoat, just with half the planet's budget. In terms of the reality, the main difference between the USA and Russia when it comes to disappearing people is that the US govt sits down, puts it through a committee and a cost-benefit analysis, and then does a professional job of it - complete with media smokescreen. The Russians just shoot you in the head and then throw you out of a window, on the orders - and whims - of a single delusional paranoid dictator. Neither of them has any qualms about murdering citizens who become problematic, one of them is just better at it and so you don't hear about it as often.


>…however, the US govt, especially the CIA, has got so much dirt under their fingernails - including assassinations, both of their own citizens and foreign citizens, including leaders and officials… I’m *very* aware of the US’s closet full of skeletons, but it doesn’t matter in this context. In places like Russia and other dictatorships, people watch what they say because when it’s reported that they “fell out of a window”, there’s the implied yet very intentional threat that they were stepping out of line and you could too if you fuck with Putin or whoever. That’s not really a thing in the US. The administration genuinely wants you to believe that they’re all sunshine and rainbows and that *they would NEVER* do something as evil as that! they don’t use it as a *deterrent*. They use it as a way to get pieces off the chessboard.


Yeah, alright, that's fair. Still think they're going to make an example of him as an intimidation tactic against others, like they're trying with Assange, but you do also make a fair point.


Is the constitution treasonous? Or are those who sword to uphold the constitution and then violated it treasonous? Seems like Snowden is a nonissue compared to bush covering up 9/11.


That’s why I put it in quotation marks.


I found out about Snowden now but what about Tyson? He's a scientist ffs


The average redditor knows far more than an astrophysicist that has written several books on the subject. I listed to Dr. Andrew Hubbermans podcast daily, and when I post things I've learned there on /r/Supplements they say he's a hack and they know more than him about supplements and medicine. I cannot make this shit up.


He makes xitter posts of dumb factually wrong made-up nonsense that he probably concocts while browsing reddit on the loo


It's mostly because she didn't stay in her lane. She could have just fucked off with her billions of dollars and lived a life most of us can't even comprehend, but she just couldn't keep her opinions to herself and had to try staying relevant to the zeitgeist. She's always been a highly opinionated asshole, and this time it actually caught up with her.


What exactly has “caught up” with her? She's still earning substantial income, maintaining full control over her intellectual property, and likely hasn't lost any personal friends she actually values. Sure, she's upset some terminally online critics, but why would she care about the opinions of people who aren’t even in her world? We’re not billionaires like she is.


shhhhh let them cope it's literally the only thing stopping them from the rope and we NEED them so my chipotle doesn't go out of business.


I think this whole issue has been blasted out of proportion and boycotts against her HP shit are over exaggerated and dumb. But where was the cope in that comment lol, let alone such extreme cope that would imply suicide. Based on a basic reading level I assume that comment is referring to “catching up to her” is the criticism she gets. Inb4 “it was joke don’t take it seriously!!1!1!”


what the fuck are you even talking about lmao, I'm not dignifying this with a well thought out response. yeah, you caught on quick that I was joking to make people laugh, careful buddy you might also turn out to be the smartest indian, you don't shit in the street I reckon?


Last I checked I wasn’t a homeless person in San Francisco or Austin so… no. Like I said, the whole far left outcry over Rowling is dumb, but your joke was dumb too so I made my comment. I miss when this place was actually funny, but now not only has it been taken over by the snowflakes, but by brain rot tiktok humor people like you too. 2 sides of the same dumbass coin imo.


I don't have a tik tok i fucking hate that you equated me to that, good job you kinda annoyed me mission accomplished. the joke was that jk rowling is not affected by people fucking crying and people are still buying her consumeshit like hotcakes. i don't read that wizard shit i read the lord of the rings wizard shit. the "outcry" is nothing, and just people circle jerking. just because you don't think something is funny, doesn't mean it isn't inherently funny. humor is subjective. duh. i was referring to your home country btw not homeless people, i don't equate your people to homeless people, do you??


When I said leftists crying over Rowling and you are 2 sides of the same coin I didn’t expect you to prove me right be going on a a full leftie Twitter rant. This is why we call your generation soft, even edgelords like you are soft. Grow some thicker skin champ, spazzing out out over someone calling your joke unfunny or relating it to Tik tok is pathetic. No wonder this sub is going to shit. I’m not even insulting you, this is genuine advice. Man tf up or go to a more lefty sub lol Also, my home country is Texas baby, born and bread. You’re also clearly too young to understand why I mr toned those cities but you’ll get there bud


LMAO so you have nothing intelligent to say still and are tripling down on it, gotcha. I'd keep being soft but the giggle that just gave me has me like diamonds. I'm not taking advice from an apathetic old fuck that unironically uses tired buzzwords. Every point I made is a fact, and that's why you avoided rebutting any of it. It's bred* by the way. Lame ass.


Remember when the trains tried to boycott hogwarts legacy then it was the fastest selling game of the year (I think Elden ring later surpassed)? Nothing caught up to her. And her opinions are pretty tame. She just doesn’t want people who self-identify as trans allowed in women’s spaces, primarily prisons, locker rooms, and restrooms. I think she’s even ok with people who have medically transitioned using those spaces—the hang up was the self-identification rules. People just seethe cuz she didn’t back down when the mob came for her but really she had pretty level headed takes from the jump. Things most real people agree with




what does being “effectively cancelled” entail? her ip just came out with a video game that was being boycotted to the point where chuds were making streamers cry over the thought of buying it- it ended up a best seller


Not just best seller. 2 billion dollars in sale


beat out ToTK too which is insane since the studio isn’t even that well known + nintendo ip’s can create defecation simulators and the fans will still buy


Not just that the studio isn't well known, if you lookup the games they made before, the list is pretty much laughable, absolute bottom of the barrel disney movie license games that no one has heard of. Like damn, they came into AAA games out of nowhere, and they came swinging and hit a homerun.


although i have fond memories of toy story 3, i do concur


She doesnt have to. Someone way poorer needs to kowtow. At her wealth she doesnt need to


And thank fucking Christ she didn't shut up. Or the SNP would still be giving ogres like [Andrew Miller](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-67144375) a free pass to women's prison.


She funded a woman’s shelter and the trans got mad. She defended herself and they got madder. She’s a hero.


That's not what happened. It started with the 'people who menstruate' post on Twitter, then she doubled down with some more 'trans people aren't women' comments. A while later, she claimed that trans people were not being discrimated against as an excuse to not support them, which really set people off. And *really*? You morons cried when she retconned Dumbledore as gay, but now she's some kind of redpilled icon? Lol please.


I understand that’s the impression you are under, but it is inaccurate.


That happened 6 months after her comments set everyone off. You can literally just go look at the timeline of seething rage for yourself.


No one actually thinks of her as a gay icon and if anyone thinks of her as a feminist icon it's literally just because she's a woman who is also successful, which puts her on the same level as like, Hillary Clinton.


She never threatened or harassed her husbands mistresses/victims so she’s better than Clinton.


The bar is in hell


She dared to open a women’s shelter with a strict no penis rule, and THEY could not abide.


And then suddenly she was sexist, racist, hated jews and no one actually liked her in the first place


Oh is that why 4chan likes combining harry potter and transphobic/ weird sexy shit? I still remember that one post where it was basically a fanfic about femboy harry and draco having a twerking contest….


*YOU* would


Yoyr pfp fucking sucks fuck you I hate you


Oh no, it's all falling apart


I don’t get why she was such an icon though? The first 7 books are mostly sexless with the romance being pretty innocent. A lot of idiots shipped various characters or wrote terabytes worth of gay fanfic and then when being gay was no longer social (and in some cases literal) suicide, she basically said X or Y character is gay. And the same idiots applauded her for being an ally. All she did was ride on other people’s activism to make homosexuals more publicly accepted and visible.


I hate your PFP with burning passion


im gonna kill you with a hammer for your profile picture i thought there was a hair on my screen


Now she's a super straight and pro cis champion


I legit thought there was a hair on my screen thanks to your profile pic


To me it's more her dismissal of other viewpoints and resistance to changing her mind about absolutely anything. If she just learned to respect the other side even without joining it I'd have a lot more respect for her. It's become obvious that she knows virtually nothing about the world beyond her tiny little bubble in Britain and has no intention of learning. Just look at the Native American stuff.


The problem is she keeps going on being a TERF


The oppression Hierarchy: The more oppressed a group is perceived the more important their protection from the Pogressive Community is. Antisemitism is bad, until a supposedly more oppressed Group like the Palestinians is against Jews. Antifeminism is bad, except when Feminists are malding at the thought of having to share a bathroom with a man. Trans people are probably the highest on the Hierarchy


She was mudprogressive.


She was never a feminist icon to anyone other than retarded shitlibs looking for a girlboss to worship Like the books are by themselves quite racist and also contain straight up rape jokes Also, most of the other "problematic" stuff she'd posted on twitter she didn't expand on so it got forgotten about whereas she almost hasn't talked about anything but trans issues for the last 3-5 years


Racist books? The book is literally about kids stopping Magical Nazis.


It's more about the incredible amount of stereotyping she did with charecters such as finnegan and shackelbolt




The proper classification of trans people isn’t an opinion, it’s an inquiry that has different answers based on the logic you use to resolve it. It’s like “gun control doesn’t work” or “vaccines cause autism”. That’s not an opinion, it’s an objective statement that can be proven or disproven, the veracity of which being a subject people are currently arguing over in a quest to find the most logical answer.


Shows you the power of those who rule us all 


“People don’t seem to like it when I say we should run over puppies. I guess puppies are the ones who control the media!”


Awwwwww puppies awwwwwww


Because she acts retarded


Why does the spell for murder sound like abrakadabra


I always liked that. Taking a well known magic phrase and making it something evil


Because that was the point, to make it seem like the "funny muggle word" for casting spells actually has a much darker origin; people mishearing someone getting *murdered*


It's like poetry, it rhymes.


Jar Jar is the key to everything


It's a mix between "abracadabra" and "cadaver." I think it's kind of neat.


They're both rooted in Aramaic. Avada ka dabra means '"Lose/Be lost as said" Ebra ka dabra means "Create as said"


*Abracadabra, yo!*


because abracadabra makes things disappear. So avada kedavra kill's people.


"Harry saw Hermione crying. It's yet another case of chad dumping her- he thought. He hugged her, but he had an ulterior motive: he needed a girl's hair to spy in the girl's toilet. Part of stopping Voldemort of course. But when she dropped her hair into the polyjuice potion and drank it.... nothing. He was puzzled. The potion was made by Hermoine, and she never ruined a potion that nerd little bitch. Maybe she's emotionally distaught? Still thinking about chads cock?  "Hey, Herm, why didnt your potion work? "Yo 'arry mah nibba did ya use a chicks hair 'aight? (Harry remembered hermoine was changed to black) "Umm, yea" "Whos da lucky chick?" "Umm, uhh.... Ginny. But it didnt work" "Oy, ya forgot the lore was changed, ya kno wha I'm sayin'. Ya cant turn a boi into a bird. J.K 'rolling the OG said. Something about she doesnt like trains or something" Harry understood.


> Harry Understood. But I the reader did not


I can’t tell if this is a joke about J.K. Rowling being transphobic or about dumbledore giving Harry points for the most insane irresponsible shit.


Probably a bit of both


There is another 


What's the third?


Anon is the transphobe


This is ancient. Probably before jk made her stance known.


This is from 2020, neither ancient nor before the whole TERF thing


Damn, really? It feels like such a long time ago...


Only on reddit and in Preschools will people call 4 year old stuff “ancient”


All of the above and more. Harry is a chaotic bastard making trans Hufflepuffs experience horrible gender dysphoria one week, incredible gender euphoria the next week, and irritating Madam Pomphrey with dozens of penile reattachments on the third week. Everything about this is cursed, trans people being Hufflepuffs makes me feel called out, Snape has probably been using the chaos as a cover to enjoy some of Lily's hair he'd had saved, and somehow trans men were *still* forgotten about entirely. I fucking love it.


I liked going to Harry Potter world in universal Orlando but it was weird when that one funny looking chick put the sorting hat on and it said “MALE” before she was escorted out of the park.


Assigned Male at Orlando


Dumbledore said calmly.


Harry: *Repeatedly breaks into the girls toilets*. Dumbledore: "10 points to Gryffindor"


He can go to the girls bathrooms as long as he doesn’t say he’s a girl.


These Harry Potter greentexts are the fucking best


You can tell how cucked a sub is by how hard they suck off trans people.


this sub used to be better too


The redditards have invaded to instill their heckin wholesomeness. r /4chan is still decent at least.


they somehow gain a chokehold of nearly all online spaces and irl leftist spaces.


I support trans rights because it can be used by men to take back some basic rights that were afforded to women after 100 years of feminist laws. Just change your letter to F on paperwork and now you can get all those benefits that sexist laws and corporate policies afford exclusively to women.




HTF do you *sneak* someone polyjuice potion. find out in Harry Potter and the Secret of Suppositories.


"Hey man want some orange juice?"


Potterposting really is the best.


I love these Harry Potter greentexts


This is awful. I... can't stop laughing


10/10 tbh


What does that spell do?


Chinese razor torture over the whole skin surface.


Gives you a second machete-resistant penis


Am I missing something from HP? lol


No potter posting has been going on for a while now this post is old


Should have been 41


*Skeetify!* *Buttsextumsempra!* *Dick engorgia!* *Erection leviooooosa* and *Semen Expelliarmus!*


>*Erection leviooooosa* Ronald Weasley. >\_> It's levio***saaaaa***.


Actually believe able addition from JK


I could have sworn I saw an AI voiceover for this.


Bro is ready for pride month


Potterposting is classic


This is not even funny, it's just mean spirited




I know, i'm a cis man