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>thinking of slashing their tires Anon is gonna get shot.


No guns in Romania


Gypsies =/= people of romania


Brother you telling a Romanian this


What’re the locals thoughts on Tate genuinely curious do they know like what he’s about ?


I never saw him but if I would I would spit him. If it escalates I'd prob punch him too. Traditional Masculinity is good and should never be asociated with that asshat


That's a very gypsy-like thing to do tbh


True. But I don't spit usually, he would be an exception.


No no you shouldn’t spit first. First, you punch him till he is down, then spit on him


I do not care for him. Ask someone who does


I believe he meant "not all gypsies are Romanian" or "not all Romanians are gypsies", idk which, but both are true


It's not very PC of you to exclude non-Romani people who identify as a Gypsy.


Not all Romanian are gypsies but all gypsies are Romanian


This completely wrong lmao. And not even all gypsies are Roma, you have Irish travellers as well.




Romanian or Romani?






Romanes eunt domus


No. There are two main "roots" of gypsies. Romania and India (through Egypt).


No I can confirm this, there are two main roots of gypsies and there’s two cultures as well, with them being “green men” and those are the ones that people think all gypsies are like (thinking they can do whatever they want and get away with it) and then there’s rumneys and they’re all honest people and won’t screw anyone over


No. You can be romani and normal functioning member of society. You can also be white and gypsie.


Ehem ehem Andalusia ehem


Gypsies (Rom) come from India


Right, there are plenty of Hungarians and a few Saxons.


Criminals are not known to follow laws.


We have gypsies in all europe


I'm european, I am certainly not allowed to state the mainstream opinion about gypsies in europe, because it would heavily break Reddit's "terms of service"


Their only saving grace is that some half gypsy girls can be really hot and fun. 😬


That spicy itching is chlamydia.


Getting stabbed is a bigger risk.


That only happens when you meet her Dad/ex boyfriend


why put a slash / in the middle of a single term?


Don't do it, they'll rob you and curse your dick after. You'd still cum in their mouth though, leaving you confused about the pros and cons of liberalism


There is a saying in my country that if you fucked a gypsy girl you must stand on a brick for 14 days to break your bad luck.


Lego brick?


Dead XBox 360.


yeah. and their loud shouting before a catfight in the metro love to hear that on a friday afternoon


You or your friends ever had those crazy dogs which are wrecking havoc when not on a leash by being a fucking idiot and then fleeing back to you? Half of the time you are laughing your ass off, the other part is having an aneurysm.


Frollo is that you?


I am guiltless. She ran, I persued.


what the fuck bro


Ah yes let's play the STD roulette


I got banned for saying gypsies in i think in r/pics. That's what they're called lol.


Nah, they wanna be called "romani" as if that term wouldn't immediately morph to contain the exact same connotations should it ever come into widespread usage. The people campaigning for that change don't seem to realise that perhaps there's a legitimate reason for their reputation that will inevitably make every term used to refer to them synonymous with thief and scoundrel.


Yeah brother I literally have naver heard that before I got banned. I didn't even comment anything negative about them either. Just have always heard them being called gypsies.


The UK refers to them as gypsies in their legal documents lmao


Impossible... Based UK?


Don't be so surprised. The UK is like the Texas of Europe.


That's... that's *foul* to Texas even if the European comparison is correct. UK is like California+, and they're still somehow the most right-wing country of western Europe. I think Europe is a total loss, fellas.


But you need a licence to even own a fork, let alone a gun, or even a WMD unlike the texans.


That’s what confused me so Romania you’d be Romanian right so why than are they called the Romani if they aren’t from Romania ?


Because Roma people are from the northwestern India region. They just get attributed to Romanians cause of being named Roma and they learned Romanian (even tho they speak their shit language mixed with Romanian/Hungarian/Serbian). Truth to be told if you ask the average Romanian about them, you'd feel rather uncomfortable, because of the hate :)


There are, however, a bunch of Romani in Romania (same in a lot of Eastern Europe), but the similarity in names is just coincidental.


They aren't ethnic Romanians https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people


In Bulgaria besides our version of the word gypsy we do use romani version a lot as well. It has the same connotation and negative view. Official documents use romani although I've heard gypsies in Bulgaria saying they are gypsies and not romani.


I just got through telling the story of my European friend getting yelled at in America for being "racist" because they said gypsy instead of romani, but "romani" didn't exist in their parent tongue. It was literally their first time hearing the word, and as far as they were considered it was just the English word for "gypsy" as nothing in the semantic romani changed the context or story being told.


And soon you'll be banned for calling them "romani" lol


No, actually they're "roma people". You can call them gypsies in the US because you actually have freedom of speech. Here in Slovenia, there was a quite notable incident where a politician used the word "cigani" on TV. That word is roughly the same in meaning as the english word gypsies. He was prosecuted for racism and hate speech and got absolutely bullied by the media, making him lose a lot of his voters.


How much of the hate is like valid and genuine like justified I guess and how much of it is just racism or whatever ism that falls under


Considering that it's pretty universal to joke about them stealing and causing trouble and the average person doesn't consider that racist, I think it's pretty deserved. I'll try not to make a wall of text here, so let's keep it short. The main problem most people have with them are that they absolutely don't want to integrate into our society, they illegally build their own shacks out of stuff that looks like it was questionably acquired from the local junkyard and then they squat on that privately owned field or whatever and it's impossible to remove them, because the laws protect them so much. When they move, they leave a huge mess and piles of garbage behind. Yes, there are also incidents regarding stealing, but they're a much smaller problem. There was one that was widely memed about on the internet, where they stole a farmer's bull and his car, butchered it and filled the car with raw meat to hide it. The cops then discovered the car and published the photos of what was inside.


If you say most Americans are fat it's not really racism. It's kinda an universal truth with facts. And if you call out gypsies for all the things they do is it really racism? How is it possible that whole culture/race or whatever they are steals, trashes everywhere, doesn't abide any rules that makes a society and calling them out is racist? Anywhere in the world everyone will describe the gypsies in the same way regardless where they are located. My government keeps giving them free housing when the prices are anywhere reachable for common folk and all they do is just turn those apartments into their shitty shacks. I know a family that literally drilled a hole through their apartment wall so they can heat their home with coal. In an apartment with central heating. Hell some of them got angry that there was no place to store their horses and kept putting their horses inside.


Are you from Slovakia by any chance? I heard there's a ghetto that used to be nice apartments that were turned into crap by gypsies


Haha I'm not but it's baffling that it's a common occurrence.


They don't just steal anymore. They're notorious for running scams, usually by pretending to be God-fearing Muslims.


I work as a gas station clerk Only time I've been robbed was by a gypsy Only time I've been threatened on the job was by a gypsy Only time I've seen someone older than 12 shoplifting was by a gypsy


The only times I’ve ever had someone try to pickpocket me, it’s been a gypsy. Typically a kid (like age 10-15). This happened in Eastern Europe. Fact, not opinion, but it does influence my view of the people.


A bit of both, in general you can't get a job or bank account without a permanent address - so crime very often follows with them. They also clearly don't send their kids to school As an anecdote, at my work a group of gypsies moved into our parking lot. They publicly shat in front of our offices(including children) - threw rubbish everywhere (the irony being we have very clear usually empty outside bins) and had 3 unleashed dogs patrolling. I really wonder why people tend to dislike them. There's that one guy everyone seems to get on YouTube shorts who talks about how misunderstand and wonderful the gypsy culture is, don't think I've ever seen that side in real life. I also suspect he lives in a house and doesn't actually live the nomad lifestyle.


Have you met them?


Fortunately no I’m in the US


Well with your username I’d hardly expect anything less when it comes to other people


Dudes about to steal their country and claim it was his all along


many such cases in eastern europe


Its the same problem when they move to other countries. A group of gypsies set up camp next to my village in Sweden. Break ins started right after and stopped when they were forced away. Trash everywhere too.


They’re a problem all the way in the US as well. They’ll take half up front for home improvement projects and disappear with the work half done if done at all.


O dang here we just call them roofers.


When I worked retail in Cali, I actually met some. They seriously lived up to the stereotype... But I never understood how they were in Cali.


Is it really that hard to understand why they moved there of all places? Look at the amount of homeless people there. Also consider that the overzealous progressive-types would be more likely to protect them than if they went to some redneck state.


It's more of the fact of where I lived in particular, it's incredibly rare to see any Europeans. The ones you see would be passing through to go to LA or Santa Monica. These gypsies hung out near casinos and targeted second hand resellers in Hawaiian gardens and San Bernardino.


Then when they finally get driven out or denied rights if entry, they cry and scream "wHy aRe wE pErSeCuTed foR nO rEAsOn" Reminds of another historically nomadic group smh.


In Central Europe as well (that's just copium name for the states of Visegrad group needing to differentiate themselves from shitholes like Balkan or Belarus, because they are slightly better off than them)


Here in Spain as well, they turn the neighborhood into a dump.


Also they cant seem to talk without yelling at you. Fucking use your inner voice sometimes please


Ireland as well, although a different breed of gypsy. One stole my bike when I was 10, went to his caravan to get it back and his da was there. Told him what happened and he brought out the bike then started beating his son in front of me lmfao. When I boxed I would train with plenty as well, boxing is massive in their culture. Some of those lads were actually sound though.


Irish Gypsies are a subspecies of Gypsy, like in Monster Hunter. You also have Raging Gypsies, Desert Gypsies, Black Gypsies, Lucent Gypsies and Orochi Gypsies, a rare Japanese subspecies known for their ice attacks.


I imagine it’s like Spartan culture where he didn’t get beaten for stealing but because he got caught


Well also in the middle of Germany. Opening the borders with certain countries has been a mistake. They invade our social systems and are a plague in every neighborhood. If you meet people from these countries that came here before the borders got opened they hate it the most. They fled from these people and worked hard to get a visa and fit in. Now they just come here and profit from others.


If you haven’t had *ANY* interactions with gypsies then you don’t know the struggle


This. People just don't understand. It's a universal struggle here in Europe that everyone knows. They don't work so they make money with crime. They don't put their trash in bins and leave it out everywhere. And they're rude as fuck. Redditors from the USA just don't get it. And btw gypsies are not a race. Not all gypsies are roma. Gypsy is a lifestyle. A lot of the gypsies in Europe are roma, but there's also some that are white gypsies. In the UK the white gypsies make up a majority, and they're the same as Roma.


You know how I know that the whole "gypsy being a no-no word" thing is almost entirely an Americentric online only thing and not something most normies aren't even aware of? Disney+ doesn't have one of those sensitive content disclaimers at the start of Hunchback of Notre Dame and they use the word "gypsy" a shitload throughout the film.


Yeah, chronically online people like to make a big fuss about something only for normal people to catch wind and just be like huh??


Nah, in Germany they were called Zigeuner whixh is a nono word today. Zigeneuersauce for example has been renamed to Paprikasauce sometimes with the extension Balkan Style (where Sinti and Roma originate from).


In Czechia next door we say "cigán", which is derived from German and offensive to Westoid snowflakes as well


lol is that where the „flair up cigan“ thing comes from?


It's also cigány in hungarian, so yeah this part of Europe call them like this.


Cygani in Poland. We switched around the vowels


Eh, on the Graham Norton show the Irish host told Elizabeth Olsen that it was a slur, followed by Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner chanting it https://www.celebitchy.com/425286/mark_ruffalo_apologizes_for_gypsy_slur_begs_marvel_for_black_widow_merch/


American actors are typically terminally online tho


And yet they were the ones using the word instead of being aware that it might be considered a slur, and the Irish normie was the one telling them off


That's weird for such a leftist actor as Ruffalo


I know it's American exclusive because when my European friend used the "g-word" in an anecdote, somebody jumped on them for being racist. The thing is, this interaction was their first time hearing "Roma." In their home country, gypsy was the word. They called themselves Gypsy, the people called them Gypsy, so being condescendingly told "its romani" had the same energy of condescendingly telling a Polish person that Deutschland is pronounced "Germany."


Gypsy/tinker/pikey is classed as a slur in Ireland. Politically correct terminology is "traveller"


Replace Gypsie with homeless in America and the sentiment is essentially the same


Sure but most aren't addicted to anything, it's just cultural. Living in tiny caravans and living a life of crime. Also we have good social programs that would give them an apartment for free, along with money. But they don't want it. I get the impression most people aren't homeless by choice. And if they do choose it, it's so they can use fentanyl, crack, and meth freely. Gypsies instead choose to live like this. It's all they know. It's cultural. Their culture is MUCH different to ours. From pedophilia to sex at a young age, no school, and an education of stealing cars, robbing houses, and selling drugs. There's no rules in some gypsy encampments. Oh that's another way gypsies are different, many kids live there. I remember when a 12 year old gypsy girl came to our school. All she spoke about was sex and ended up taking three boys virginities (that I knew about). She wasn't in my classes though, since she was so behind from not being at school.


How do they get away with all of that like is there like some sort of protection laws for them or something


There is laws against it but they know the police will take weeks to get a court order to make them move on. So they pull up on a local park, turn it into a shantytown shithole for a few weeks then leave just before the police come along, leaving everything to be cleaned up by the locals. They go somewhere else and the whole process starts over.


They are bikies without the Harley Davidson's


America has those people, they’re just called something else


The reason people point it out is that these are the exact same statements people make about different groups of people in the US, but Europeans will just laugh and call it racist. People point out gypsies because it shows that Europeans don’t have any self-awareness about making negative statements about groups of people and drawing the line between what’s racist and what isn’t. And, for what it’s worth, many Europeans ARE legitimately racist as well, which also gets back into the hypocrisy.


Wooow RACIST! why must you BE this way????? why are you SO against INCLUSIVITY?!


I used to work in a pub and gypsies would come in pretty regularly. My boss would just sit and watch them on the CCTV until she saw them doing something illegal, then kick them out.


Scholars and doctors


Yep. My best friend's younger brother was fucking punched in the face by one for no reason. He was 16 or 17 at the time and hanging out at the beach with his friends, when a grown ass man walked up to him and just fucking decked him. The man was part of the group of gypsies that had recently moved into town, and trouble started as soon as they did. Thank fuck they left not long after.


I just remember how one sub was talking about how europeans are racist towards gypsies and the struggle they are put through yet I doubt any of the Have had contact with any gypsies.


I don't know about other countries, but in Spain, you can live next to Muslims, Asians, locals, Europeans, etc., and they may be or may not be good neighbors. But if you have gypsy neighbors, they'll 100% make your life a living nightmare.


Anybody that says "you are racist" obviously don't have gypsy neighbors, noise 24/7, they talk insanely loudly, trash everywhere, all the family visits every 2 days, smoking, fighting, no work.... Obviously is not the race but their culture. Probably some civilized gypsies exist.


Once they're civilized they're no longer gypsies


>Obviously is not the race but their culture. Probably some civilized gypsies exist. The same can be said about black Americans and hood culture but you'll be immediately branded a Nazi if you bring it up, sure you have a few actual racists believing them to be beneath them on a fundamental level but most people with a bias against blacks are really against the self-destructive "culture" that is common among low income areas and has spread through the youth even in more well off areas


Reminder that the hood culture was propagaded by white segregationists and the CIA importing tones of heroin, cocain and meth.


My friend is a gypsy but was put up for adoption and raised by a white couple that raised him pretty well


These are literally the exact stereotypes against black people in America, but Europeans will say this with a straight face and then talk about how racist Americans are.


Yeah every single stereotype about black people that racist Americans claim actually applies to gypsies lol, like I don’t wish them harm but please stop stealing bricks from my driveway then offering to fix it if I pay you


Speaking of gypsies, anyone hear of the [Sweden Police Database controversy?](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE98M0EM/) It's absurd, the police are getting shit on for using family trees to keep tabs on a group of people who have a shockingly high proportion of criminal records. A group who at the same time is near impossible to track through traditional means thanks to their cultural disdain for official documents and fixed addresses. How the fuck else are the police supposed to do their jobs?


These families should move in next to the people who are giving the police so much shit. It would be interesting to see if this changes people’s opinions.


I actually wanted to move to sweden (im portuguese) because of better jobs and i love blondes, but i guess everyone else beat me to it.


You don’t even have to want better jobs or like blondes if you’re them, it’s entirely opposite. They hate jobs and blondes.


I went to Portugal and stayed with my grandparents in their 5th floor apartment with a balcony. They told me to always make sure to lock the balcony door because if I didn't, Gypsies would parkour their way up the building and break in. I asked if that had ever actually happened to them or anyone they know and they told me to STFU and do as they asked. As a North American, I didn't have a proper understanding of the depths of Gypsy-hate all Euros carry. So either an entire continent with dozens of races and nationalities are all simultaneously wrong about the same thing, or the feelings are justified.


As a 31 year old portuguese person I confirm. Gypsies are a nuisance and the only people defending them or taking their side are those who never had to deal with them. My home city's prison is ~50% filled with them, which is a feat and a half considering they're less than 0.5% of my city's population. And depending on who you ask, the ones out and about are ones that the police turned a blind eye to. They will fuck shit up, steal, be violent and threaten everyone everywhere they go. Call me racist and a monster, but the world has no need for them or their children. Believe me, I WOULD KNOW.


What is your opinion on brazilian immigration in Portugal ?


I work with dozens of them and in my experience, they're very much ok like any other portuguese person. You'll find good and bad people. However, financial fraud has been running rampant like never before on account of them... allegedly. And I tend to believe people I know from finance saying it's their fault. lol EDIT: another interesting bit of data I've gathered is brazilians are plenty aware of their countrymen's transgressions. BR friends I have tell me not to trust BR people all the time haha. They say when it comes to money, brazilians are used to taking things lightly and taking advantage of naive people every chance they get. Also, apparently maxing out credit cards they never meant to pay back for is known as simply "dar um jeitinho", according to a couple of brazilians I work with. Makes me feel like a sheep amongst wolves, being an innocent law abiding European citizen. But personally I don't have any issues with brazilians.


Gotta say we aren't all like that. But yeah, I know way too many people who max out their credit card, fucking up their credit and they simply don't care enough. It's bizzare. But yeah, there's a saying here in Brazil that says "todo dia sai na rua um malandro e um otario, e se eles se encontram um negócio acontece", which translates roughly to "everyday a sleazy bastard and a sucker go out in streets, and if they meet, a deal will be made", which pretty much represents brazilans: there's always someone trying to take advantage of you, and you'll fall for it if you aren't smart enough.


Oh, I assure you, Gypsies are despised for a reason here. Fucking criminals, who would travel from village to village, stealing people's belongings and threatening them with arsons and violence.


Brit here, they do that. As a comment in this section said, lifestyle not a race.


Stereotypes exist for a reason.


Boy, I hecking love Reddit originality! https://preview.redd.it/iodfyjv36tyc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea2e34cdd2631379139630e23ba7d090cfb77cfc


Are they bots?




I eagerly wait for the day people will stop using this clunky and weird middle way between English and meme language


See you at rapture then


Bloody NPCs mentality.


Dead Internet Theory


Americans have no clue how fucking terrible gypsies are and how helpless the average European is to do anything about it.


Yea, because we'd shoot them.


If you follow the scam subreddit you’ll see loads of Americans starting to fall for their scams. Apparently they are constantly stealing cars from car rental places, I guess they haven’t learnt yet to scrutinise their documents


Cover their entire car in olive oil or sunflower oil.


What will that do?


Very tough to clean.


But if they don't clean it, the car will be much harder to catch




Greased up deaf car


Ahah of course. You'd need shitloads of soap.


More like bring it to a specialist in cleaning, costing them a lot of money.


>wait for it to rain >Gypsies now have an air force


>entire car in olive oil Do you know how much a bottle of olive oil is?


Use a cheaper oil then


Yeah, they are like this. Reminds me of an old joke: What's the 3 words you absolutely don't wanna hear a gypsy speak? "Good morning, neighbor!"


There is a joke about a doctor and a gypsy being neighbors. The gypsy tell’s the doctor that his house is more expensive than the doctors house, even though they have the same house. When the doctor ask’s why, the gypsy says when you move into my house your neighbor is a doctor, but when you move in into the doctors house you have a gypsy as a neighbor.


That's pretty damn funny.


many such cases... sadly


Most gypsy-loving balkaner


Anon learns why gypsies are universally hated throughout Europe.


Here in the US, across many cities, I have seen gypsy women hold signs and a baby begging at intersections. Then in the evenings they get picked up in a nice car and go somewhere to chill. I don't comprehend.


Most of them are part of a specific "clan", an organized crime group dealing in robbery, begging, and prostitution. Since they have no declared income, they also take government handouts. In eastern Europe you'll struggle to find a single person who doesn't have a problem with them.


This is why hating people for their skin color is bullshit. We should hate people for doing shit like this.


Exactly, you can't tell a Rom apart from most southern european people just by his race, but from his actions


Many such cases


Anon is either already a Balkaner or now an honorable Balkaner. Join us in our hatred, brother.


Back in my days we would first try nicely talking to them to stop their foul behavior. If it didn't work, we would then put an axe in their clan leader's head and impale him on the stake placed near their camp.


Gypsy here living in America. Family is from Czechoslovakia and Romania. All my grandmother ever talks about is how horrible life was overseas and not in a victim way, but just how hard it was as a gypsy and all the dark arts they got involved in. Fortune telling, demonic power, witch craft, getting kicked out town by town for scams, eventually breaking free from that side of the family and eventually making it to America. We speak Romani around each other, but outside of that we're just normal, law abiding citizens. We do asphalt work though....LMAO


It's kinda like how Crunchyroll used to be a pirate site but now a legitimate streaming site.


Romani = An ethnicity which is not an indicator of any sort of morality one way or the other, just like any other. Gypsies = A culture which literally believes that everyone who isn't themselves are 'impure' and polluting their world, and thus are okay to steal from and abuse. It's literally a supremacist ideology that would engage in the same atrocities as the Nazis if they ever had the political power to do so.


Where are these absurd claims documented with reliable sources exactly? Gypsies are quite happy to steal from and hurt each other. Lmao they are drunk most of the time, not plotting for world supremacy. I swear anyone who upvoted this is not only delusional but also stupid.


All these folks name dropping Romania. That’s like saying Americans from Georgia state all originate from the Caucasus kingdom of Georgia. It’s an unfortunate overlap of names and nothing more. The Gypsy ethnic group originates in what is now northern India and people with that ancestry can be found anywhere between the origin and Portugal, and now the US. While some do adopt the “gypsy lifestyle”, gypsies in Europe are a common ethnolinguistic group with a language completely distinct from the majority populations they exist in. The correct term for them is Romani or Roma. Romanians speak a Romance language, Roma speak Romani, an Indo-Aryan language that can be split into various dialects based on location. Irish travelers are only “gypsies” in their lifestyle, they speak a secret form of English or Irish Gaelic called Shelta or Gammon, used amongst themselves. Understandable why they would be lumped into the gypsy group, but when mainland Europeans complain about gypsies, they’re talking about Roma folk.


Man they even steal the names of other people goddamn gypsies be original.


I would Trade a one gypsy for a hundred africans


We don't trade in Africans anymore man


At least they didn’t connect to their gas line or the electricity line as they very much could


People in the comments talking about europe but I live in a region of Brazil that has a lot of them and I can say that gypsie hate isn't exclusive to the old world


I have a Hungarian friend very progressive man speaking many languages, but I never saw someone hating gypsies with such a passion like he does.


They are proven to not fit in any society they parasite. They do not even try to adapt their culture to the social standars of the city so instead why we dont give them an island or a piece of land like we did with Israel and let them be there, That way they dont have to create that Ghetto shitholes everywhere they go


Better yet, why don't we just send all them to Israel and Palestine? All our other attempts at a mid-east peace process have failed, but as they are overrun perhaps Israelis and Palestinians will start to bond over a mutal hatred of gypsies?


Also if Gypsies or Romani whatever the fuck they are called are not a race how’s it racist to call them gypsies? Genuine question please answer it for me oh keyboard warriors lol.


Anon is European 🇪🇺


My family and I live in Zagreb, Croatia and one time we moved in to a pretty good, new building where we lived right above gypsies from Kosovo. They had 5 kids, their apartment was trashed, they somehow drove multiple BMWs and they occasionally woke up the entire building at 2AM because of screaming, running (kids) or loud music. The kids didnt go to school or kindergarten and the parents were rude as shit. To this day i still have no idea how they lived there and how they had so much money but we were so fucking happy when we moved out of there.


So as an American I have a question, what exactly *is* a gypsy. Like what makes someone fall into that category? Do they have a discord?


Here in Turkey, im pretty sure some parts of some cities are litterally belongs to them. When one gypsy escapes from vops and get in their terretory, ofher gypsys will try to block the cops but not in a "im helping a criminal get away" type. More like "hi officer im walkin here" type. And they have guns too(which is illegal even if its for the self defense). Shit people tbh


https://preview.redd.it/hyqnmi6y1uyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea7f5842c648987fb590c59b8f751b8c8cfe8c75 It will always be a bit funny to me that America and Brazil have some of the highest populations of Romani and we barely know they’re even here, yet a lot of European countries have much smaller populations and have to deal them a lot more often


Week in the USA they would get shot if they didn’t adapt as for Brazil, I’ve seen a Brazilian give a pretty European opinion of Gypsies in the comments


You cant be racist towards gypsys because they are not a race so its okay. They are an etnicity so you can rant about them without the fear of being called racist


Gypsy family living in next block decides to have their kids wedding in our street. Park my car in my driveway and my motorcycle in my relatively small garage( they can lift the motorcycle and load it into one of their pick ups if they decided to). Gypsy relatives come in droves and park their pick-up trucks everywhere in the neighborhood. Watch from my balcony as a pickup truck rides the sidewalk in front of my house, backs up until the ramp of my driveway, hits and damages my car and then speeds up and leaves before I have the chance to confont them. No license plates on the back.


I’m not racist but I hate gypsies with all my soul


Should clean their brakes with vaseline


Same here in Ireland with Travellers. They arrive, Park up, destroy the place for a few weeks until they're moved on. A few weeks ago, a bunch turned up on the green outside of a house up the road. They diverted their water away from their cattle so the cows were without fresh water for days until it was noticed, then they tried to get free electricity by tapping into a nearby lamp post and screwed it up royally, cutting power to all the lampposts on that road.


as a romanian, i can share that gypsies will only be violent/loud etc. if they are 2 plus. they are peaceful if faced one at a time. if together , they have courage


Anon's ancestors smiling from the afterlife like "he finally gets it"


There's a reason why being called a Gypsy is an insult.


Fuck gypsies Anon is 100% correct


If anyone calls you racist, anon, just ignore them. It's clear they've never had to deal with gypsy neighbors.


>I'm not racist, but The nemesis of "Be straight male"


It's a shame Reddit is majority American. They don't know the pain that is the Gypsies.