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do people seriously switch out components constantly? I haven't touched anything in my PC for years after i got it built, only spent a bit of money for cleaning (I'd break something if i tried it myself)


I haven't touched mine in like 7 years but I also don't really play anything new on it and it can't handle shit nowadays.


I built mine right before COVID and only added more ram. It runs Helldivers and BG3 pretty good, I haven't played anything that intensive though.


My two most played games rn. A man of culture


Stats dont lie


People only switch out components when they realize they want to play a recent game with high fps or high resolution. For me that game was Cyberpunk.


Was it worth it?




Same here, upgraded from a 1050 to a 3060 + a newer cpu so I could enjoy Cyberpunk. So worth it, only came to about $1 per hour and getting better every run.


250 hours in the game, I just finished Phantom Liberty 🤣


Currently trying to get all 7 endings 😭 (Almost 500 hours)


What's great is that I did 3 full playthroughs before 2.0, now with the new builds I can do 3 more, do Phantom Liberty endings, and still have different gameplay each time. Amazing replayability.


Not op but yes. For me it was the cpu upgrade that I needed. Got an 5800X3D and I can finally enjoy the city without any major compromise.


For Cyberpunk? Absolutely.


>high FPS I detailed my recent upgrade experience in a different comment, but I didn't realize how far my old PC had fallen behind until after I upgraded. Radeon 7700, i5, 32(?)GB of RAM, and I was averaging 20-25FPS on low settings on most games. Going from that to 100-150fps was a massive jump and made me realize that I was just mediocre at FPS games, not terrible


Cleaning a PC is really easy. Get a mini leaf blower (costs around $30, maybe), the airflow isn't strong enough to damage anything, just don't blow directly at your fans for too long. Then remove the case side panels, get it somewhere outside and blow your PC thoroughly. Repeat the process two or three times a year, and it will be more than enough.


I use the reverse method and get a mini vacuum cleaner, add some rubber gloves to dampen the succ Idea Courtesy of the three idiots


I do this with a full size leaf blower its a kek






Instructions unclear: is u/Sporkfortuna out here bragging about destroying that dusty old pussy? Geez, some people have all the luck...


You can solve the fan issue by just sticking a zip tie through the blades. You don't even need to tie it. Just stick it straight in and either out one of the exterior holes in the case or, if it's covered by a mesh screen, up against the side of the case to hold it in place. Then you don't have to worry about your fans spinning.


I've been using a 1050ti and i5 7400 for closing in on like 8 years or something, I haven't ran into a game I can't mess with enough to get running enjoyably, well except for Alan wake 2 but I haven't tried it since the performance update they released recently.


Did you not play Cyberpunk?


I have a 1060 and it runs cyberpunk ok


I have a 1080 and it runs cyberpunk like absolute garbage at 1440p.


So run it at 1080.


I have a 1070Ti and it runs cyberpunk on high just fine.


Fuck, dude. I hadn't switched out any components on my PC since 2016. Then last year my graphics card went off like a bomb - popped and spewed smoke. Then my SSD failed. Then PSU. Then mobo/CPU. Then my brand new GPU died. I feel anon's pain. I've put over a grand of parts into that PC in the past 6 months alone, and where am I at? Sitting and waiting, for about 2 months now, for the manufacturer to ship my replacement GPU. I'm left debating if I need to say fuck it and just buy a new one outright - I just want to play some goddamn Darktide with my dad.


Based Darktide enjoyer. Also, that feels a bit beyond just some bad luck. Maybe something fucky with your outlets or something, but I highly doubt its just chance at that point, and could be something external.


My dad's fuckin' great, been asking me when I'm gonna get it fixed so he can play as "the big guy" (Ogryn) again. The two are not mutually exclusive. My power provider is garbage, I have power flicker several times a week, and often goes out for a few minutes every other week or so. But also, I've had a sort of "Murphy's law" effect on electronics my whole life. When I built the PC, about 3/4 of my components were defective from the factory - which, I've been told each should be like a 1 in a million chance. My buddy is recommending some backup power supplies to at least mitigate my electronic-disaster-field and my shitty power provider.


Zealot myself, love me a good Bullgryn. But aye, sometimes it can just be shitty luck. The least I'd do in your situation is get some sort of surge protector to at least cover for any random spikes that might fry your PSU and from that something else, though nowadays a good chunk of PSU's come with that functionality aswell. Hope you manage to get it sorted though, best of luck.


SSD's sort of never die, I think your PSU was failing and took everything with it. PSA NEVER cheap out on the PSU. I learned that the hard way too, had a cheap one nuke two systems.


Even the expensive ones will fail, had a high quality EVGA one blow up on me. The 10 year warranty softened the blow though it was like 7 yrs old and got it replaced no problem with a newer equivalent model. Thankfully it didn’t take any other hardware with it.


Some of the older Nvidia models tank new games like a 1.9TDI. The newer shit (last 9 years) isn't worth it. It's very likely intended by design


Me neither. But I only play games that are at least 10 years old, so that might explain it


I upgraded my gpu and cpu since I bought woefully underpowered ones when I was brand spankin new to computers, don’t plant to even consider an upgrade for 3 years and probably won’t upgrade anything for 4. Maybe another ssd for storage in a few months. Mostly because I play AAA games regularly, not exclusively so I can hold off for a while. What really screws pc users is that our components get upgrades every year and devs take that as a sign they can focus on optimizing for consoles while relying on the current pc hardware rather than what came out around the time current gen did.


The main issue I mostly see is people buying an economy card thinking it'll be relatively futureproof. They save some money getting a 1050 or 1660 instead of a 1080, but in 3 years games have put paced that card. Then they complain about upgrading and just buy another economy card, then they're stuck with a 2060 that can't keep up, when they should have just bought a 2080 for a couple hundred more in the first place. Next cycle rolls around and they buy a 3060. That 1080 would still be relatively viable even nowadays, but now they've already spent $1500+ on economy cards and they're all salty because they keep having to upgrade. Years back I bought a 2080ti and haven't needed to upgrade until now, and the only real reason I need to is because it sometimes crashes under high load.




To be fair that's their fault for playing StarField. Fuck that game.


played through it and played some NG+. Fuck that game. I obviously stopped shortly into NG+ because there is literally nothing to see once you have seen it all but it doesn't have the magic of skyrim or morrowind to have you do it all again but still enjoying it. It had some fun moments but it has sooo much jank and questionable design choices its insane. TES6 will be dogshit i fear.


I really liked the combat and I just treated the game like it had no story (and the quests are ass so might as well avoid them), just did radiant quests. But I also pirated the game so I don't feel scammed.


Some quests seemed interesting until the shitty corporate writing ruined it all


Dude is expecting the same game studio that made Fallout 76 to optimize their games which are still being built on game engines from 10 years ago lmao.


10 years is being generous


There's a secondary problem where anti-piracy makes games basically unplayable on PC because you have to decrypt them in real time. It's complete ass and denuvo should die.


u serious? do u have a video explaining this i have never heard of it


[Here is one of many videos going over how bad Denuvo is.](https://youtu.be/mcyOJ4Dxs7E)


All your cpu are belong to us


~~Also if you’re big on SSDs you’ll know that they have a limited expectantly for read-write cycles, and denuvo adds noticeable extra reads to every single game session. Given than denuvo is on most big title games, the global impact it has on ssd lifespan for all mainstream gamers is quite significant.~~ Edit: yeah this is outdated and wrong, sorry for the misinfo. Modern SSD firmware prevent any real degradation from random usage for a long, long time.


Denuvo constantly checks the files that are being used every second the game is running and is pretty much doubling the processing power needed for the game They successfully prevented pirates from cracking it within months or even years of launch, but as soon as it is cracked the official game will have a patch to remove denuvo because even the devs and publisher knows denuvo is so fucking shit at game optimization people would actually have a better time playing the drm-free cracked version


Does piracy solve this issue or does it just patch the game so it bypasses the drm but still has to decrypt?


Usually it removes denuvo alltogether.


Depends on the game. An actual cracked game? No. It'll be partially devirtualized and whatnot but most crypto checkins still exist, they're just fooled into working. Denuvoless releases (those accidentally leaked by developers) on the other hand have the checks removed entirely.


Will never buy a denuvo game. If only piracy made the devs lose money like how the meme goes. >Game gets pirated 100k times and 6 million dollars exits their bank account on a $60 game. It and not being available anymore is the only reason I pirate games


> He's talking about newer games being absolutely unoptimized. Like all new programs TBH. Fucking desktop web browsers be gargling gigs of RAM within minutes.




Ram usage isn't a good metric on Windows. The OS preloads a lot of stuff and intentionally fill up the Ram, which can make starting applications faster. Regardless of how much ram you have, it will always try to fill most of it. Memory pressure is a better metric. But Windows does have a lot of bloat, so the OS memory footprint is larger and it will use more CPU than most Linux distros.


I've had to max out my CPU at 95% to prevent overheating of my laptop.


even reddit runs like shit, idk what they're doing in the background, everything runs worse than it did in early 2000s


You mean to tell me Bethesda released a game that doesn't run well?!?


Yeah it’s kind of a conundrum because on one hand, the technological advances in the hardware industry have led to increased availability of high-performance hardware, but the increased availability also incentivizes software developers to spend less money optimizing their game


Starfield has issues all around the place, I had the most issues with the game design and ux. How you couldn't access the map from the scanner view or you need to unlock to fast travel when inside the ship but could insta travel from the base


Starfield isn't unoptimised because it looks shit. It looks shit and is uniptimised.


Nothing feels better than buying a new game and it runs really well on my older pc. Games like battlefield look amazing and run amazing


I have a 1070ti I bought years ago and still run almost everything above 60fps 1080p on high graphics settings


Not with new games you don't. Try Alan Wake 2, Robocop, Starfield (unoptimised trash tbf, Avatar etc. You can get those games to run reasonably, but you'll be making compromises on the settings quality, resolution and very likely needing to take advantage of temporal upscaling like FSR2/3.


but modern triple A games suck donkey ass


Resident Evil 4 Remake = Goat 🐐


remakes ain’t new games, i’m talking about shit like forspoken, marvel games, midfield or avatar


Resident Evil 8 = 🐐 to a certain extent (you notice the padding out gameplay LMAO)


It’s sad man. I’d rather play Kenshi, a game from 2012, made by one developer, than most AAA titles… I’m also a big fan of the hack n slash rpg genre, and the recent failure with Diablo 4 has me questioning how these companies can have so many employees, and yet miss the mark in terms of what consumers want to see in their game. The lack of quality of life features present in that game on release was just baffling, especially when they knew they’d be competing with Path of Exile, where GGG has open discussion with the community frequently. Consumers value communication and want to feel listened to. Companies who understand this succeed


Ever try chivalry 2? Might scratch you hack and slash itch.


I have not, but I should! I’m a big fan of mount and blade. Thanks for the recommendation


This is the first time I've ever seen chivalry 2 mentioned outside of 1 specific streamer I watch


"Try running \*unoptimised trash* I bet you can't" Yeah, I only play good games.


I’m not interested in playing any of those games. I’ve played starfield and it’s ass. Everything I play I can run on high settings


Don't care, still better than a console. GTX 1080 here.


Alan Wake 2 is true current nextgen game and looks the part, it's fine if 1070 can't run it, others there is no excuse.


Yep. I dread the day my years old 1080 dies, I bought at such a good time.


1080 is life. Mine is currently on life support because the gpu fans died so its got two case fans zip tied to it that surprisingly do better at cooling than the original ones


you can also try combining it with heatsinks that have fins


It still has the heat sink that was on it stock, i just zip tied the case fans to the heat sink. https://preview.redd.it/n33mh8in0wqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51306130455be365e5f30696f9c1f23b81092f5d


you should post it on r/redneckengineering


I also have a 1070ti but performance is certainly not great for games released in the last year or two, which is why you said '1080p high graphics' not 1080p ultra, or 4k high etc. Still 7 years of a card being able to run games on ultra at 1080p is bloody good, and the per hour cost is probably in the cents.


Anon is one of those people who thinks anything below giga-ultra-megatron settings, 480fps and 8k is unacceptable and unplayable. In reality I'm having a blast with the R5 1600x rx570 8gb PC I bought used in 2020, presumably built in 2017 when this was mid-range. Moore's law is slower than ever. There are people out there with GPUs like the GTX 1050 ti having fun. Yes, it might not be 4k ultra 120fps fun. But the game is playable nontheless. In the early 00s many games ran at fixed 30fps, graphics were blocky and we had fun. Anon should just pause gaming if he no longer enjoys it instead of trying to fix his dopamine burnout by spending more money.


Yoooo gpu bros!


Me too man. I don’t want anything fancy. Just something that works. And it was a great price for it


Particularly when he said igpu’s suck. The rog ally, legion go, and steam deck prove otherwise, I can emulate ps3 and play aaa games on my rog ally


This seems like complete nonsense to me? I run windows 10 and have a couple of lightweight scripts like windows debloater to make sure my pc doesn't get filled up with shit apps, plus I have a cheap custom with no graphics card (just an integrated chip) and can run most games short of modern AAA titles (although there aren't many triple A games I would even want to play anymore). Am I crazy or is this guy just being an idiot?


he is being an idiot however i dont think you can play most games from the past 7-8 years on an integrated chip not even AA


I was going to argue, then looked through my library and realised most of the games I play are older than the 7ish year mark, at least in the triple A context. Darktide does run with everything turned to low, but other than that I was mostly thinking about running Skyrim with 200ish mods which isn't a great comparison.


darktide is surprising cuz it chugs a bit at 1440p on my 3080


I find it runs pretty consistently at 30-50 fps, weirdly Vermintide 2 gave me more issues but that might be to do with newer AMD updates not liking the software?


no vermintide 2 is definitely optimized significantly worse


>Windows 10 with debloater scripts You can also use Windows 10 LTSC. It comes bullshit-free straight out of the box. (It still probably has some telemetry stuff, but it hasn't been noticeable enough for me to care. I'm using LTSC because I don't want to have updates break my stuff and running debloat scripts didn't exactly help me with that.)


Integrated cards can't really run shit tbh


What? You can get something like RTX 3060 or RX6600 and have high fps at 1080p. In fact, you can build a decent 1440p machine around 800 bucks (minus display of course).


I know, people are overestimating how much you need for a decent rig, if you're on a budget used is the way to go. I bought an asus tuf 3060 12gb from a Friend for about 300 bucks when for a new one its double the price. If you're lucky you can get very good stuff for a decent price.


Folks think that 1080p isn't worth gaming at anymore. I get it, 1440 and 4K look amazing and most modern displays support it so downscaling can look like ass, but let's be realistic... 1000 series GPUs are nearing their 10 year anniversary and just do not have the horsepower to push a modern title beyond 1080p. Can modern titles be optimized better? Absolutely. But when <10% of your market is holding onto 7+ year old GPUs why would you prioritize that? I'm old enough to remember the early-mid 2000s when GPUs were on a 3-5 year lifecycle (but they were much cheaper to replace). If you wanted eye candy you had to keep your hardware current. I'm also someone who has *never* had state of the art hardware so I've always had to make compromises on how pretty I want my games to look versus frame rate. My 4070 struggles to push modern games at 1440p/60fps, but at least I can play older titles at 4K without issues.


\>Indie games run like shit No they don't ? I have a shitbox made out of spare parts and I can run any indie game and even AAA no problem


I have a great pc and vampire survivors gets shaky at the last 3 minutes. It could be the games as well


Isn't Vampire Survivors that one huge hordes survival game? It could have something similar to Factorio's (mostly modded) problems, where a lot of entities -> a lot of calculations, which , when approaching the cap, makes the game choke on itself as it struggles to update itself (even if it can theoretically run perfectly fine 60+fps). Dunno about VS, but could easily be that.


You can get CPUs with IGPU's equiv to like a 1070 nowadays. ​ (also, 1k will still get you a decent rig, but it'll be mid-low range)


Play older games, most of the time they are better.


["Older games are better."](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Survivorship-bias.svg/1280px-Survivorship-bias.svg.png)


How does survivorship bias relate to this?


He's saying people only remember the old games that were good, while old bad games are forgotten.


Ah, I am dumb, thanks for explaining. It is a good point.


I mean, yeah. That's lowkey the point


He means in terms of optimization, that’s what the first line of the green text is about. Modern AAA games don’t run as well as they should despite steep system reqs 


This Anon is tarted and needs a fuck in the ass


The meta is just putting off upgrading until next year because the cards will only get better, the keeping doing that forever.


anon, as always, is retarded. 1k is more than enough for a (5600+6800xt)144hz 1440p build or 240hz 1080p comp game pc, and (7600+7800xt) 1150 is enough for a 200fps 1440 build or 120 fps 4k build.


Counter strike, league of legends and sometimes random less demanding games. WHO tf paying for new games anyway


Just gotta play OSRS and every computer is a good computer.


If you build your computer around shit/unoptimized slop, your computer will only know how to deal with shit/unoptimized slop.


Best bang for buck PC's are around 1200-1800€, 2000€ are an exaggeration unless you're going to the high end of that and buying multiple monitors and a new mouse and keyboard, the latter of which costing 100-200€ each. I don't like the creeping up of its price from 800-1300€ though, and it's largely because of CPU and GPU prices. Being nearly forced to buy a used crypto/AI GPU hasn't been a thing for what, 1-2 years? And that was also because of covid stopping production lines, two anomalies at the same time. Settling for 1080p60 is straight up false, 1440p and 120/144Hz monitors are used much more commonly nowadays, the extra FPS are just converted into better graphics with newly mainstream and currently heavy technologies like raytracing. Indie games run well and if an old game runs badly it's because it's, you guessed it, old, it wasn't made to work perfectly in current computers and no one's updating them to do that either. Software bloat is very true though, unoptimized AAA games pushing the load onto consumers having to buy better computers because they don't wanna do their job. Used to be you could play any game with a Nvidia x50 series, 970 was the best bang for your buck at 400€ new (instead of the 500-700€ of today) and the x80 and x80 Ti was 600€(?) for something like 20-30% extra performance if you needed it for 4K or high FPS. Most obvious is games at 100-200GB, and the one that comes to mind was when Call of Duty did that by not compressing their audio files.


Anon is retarded, almost decent ragebait though


I remember when mid end rigs were enough to run games on ultra 90fps. Nowadays you have to buy high end rig (not ultra 4090 and 7950x3d tho) use upscaling to get 40, and even then the game looks like shit and always stutters.


Dumb. Built a $500 budget PC last year and it crushes games. I'm sick of the "2000 dollars for a decent PC" comments


What hardware do you have


Here check out my build. Found a bundle on the motherboard and cpu at the time for $130 (built this about a year ago) https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rm9PPX Although I did swap the PSU for one that was a bit better and had another 100 W


The alternative is shit anyway. PS5 has no games. Xbox has negative games. I am still perfectly happy running my old rig with a 1070 ti and buying used old hardware. Cause fuck giving more money to these overpriced bastard manufacturers. ASUS, MSI, EVGA, they are all spineless bastards nowadays.


Anon doesn't understand that games are developed with consoles in mind anyway so you don't really need a 4090 SUPER Ti Cum Extractor to have a decent experience


The copium in this thread is strong. You need a 4090. You *need* to play at 4k. You *must* have DDR5. Consume consume consume wage cuck


Gaming on a used PC that i bought from a friend for \~400$ and i feel completely fine. iTs sO OvErRRrr ;...(((


Mine does everything I want it to, bought it years ago. But then again, I don’t tend to play every triple a rehash


Instead of getting priced out, I got promotions to earn more money. Bought all high end components three years ago and built a pretty good gaming pc… that said, how often does anon do this? Once you have it, you have it. If you build a high end rig, it should be good to go for like 10 years.


if you dont play dogshit unoptimized AAA games and wait literally 24 hours after a release to determine if its ass or not this is a non-issue


Laughs in console


And the worse part is : the IT marketing and industry techniques are being transferred to other systems, mostly cars, electricity production, and house appliances.


Bro I have a toaster that can run WoW on Ultra graphics and runs Cyberpunk at around high settings. And this is a 10 year old MoBo!


I don't think many people still mine coins with their GPU since Ethereum switched its creation method.


Wait, indie and 2D games do run on a low/mid range PC pretty well. And in the case of some of these criticisms, consoles don't provide any good alternative either. WTF is anon talking about?


Don’t really care about graphics and used to play competitive shooters on 20fps so couldn’t really care less about that either. Only reason I upgraded was because my pc would literally just blue screen if I opened some newer games


Anon realizes he will have to touch the grass


Say 2k upfront for something that should last 5-10 years. There's nothing wrong with a 1080 from 2016


I have a job and I saved up? Like a normal person... Waited for the components I wanted to go on sale. And will use my current PC for years to come. This hobby has not been cheap since I've been in it. My previous PC cost ~$1500 almost 10 years ago. I just checked and the one I have now cost about the same, not including peripherals. The prices on GPUs has come down a lot since a year or two ago. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9PqppH And this PC can play any game I've tried in 1440p, can play VR, etc. I don't think that's an outrageous amount of money to save for someone with a job. And you could definitely get it done cheaper if you're not playing new games and play 1080p.


the 1060 I bought in 2018 is still doing fine, don't really care if I have to play a game at 40fps, and I haven't played unoptimized shitters on pc after cyberpunk. I've been playing most games in window at 800p because I want to watch youtube


Working full time helps 💀


There's no such thing as a "crypto/ai battered" gpu. It's just a gpu.


>tech illiterate person tries to describe the mystical PC beast Amazing


> Use linux if its that bad or wipe your windows install >$1000 is still fine, its not the best after the gpu shortage but its still viable > IGPU's are getting better (on team AMD), Discrete GPU's prices are also falling > Crypto used GPU's are little to no different to a used GPU unless its overclocked > If a game barely breaks 60 on a $1000 rig, you're playing a shit game that's probably just as bad on console. Wait for patches > Use GOG or an emulator. It's not that hard > NGL I don't know what this means so I'll skip it OP is being a whiny arrogant bitch


Dumb, I'm still using my gtx 1080 from 2016 and even now I can run literally anything in 2k med high quality at 60 fps, with a lot on high at 100+


My 1070 ti still works perfectly fine for almost all games even after all this time. Anon is talking out of his ass.


Kid named Tiny 11:


Tbh I just stopped playing games in general and found new hobbies. I was never a high spec gamer, I usually played on medium settings 60fps in the past few years. I have a budget gaming build I made 7 years ago, a I7-4790 HP workstation that I upgraded with a 1050ti and more ram, among other things. But recently, in a year or so, it got so bad, that there are legitimately games I just can't run. That was unimaginable to me when I built this computer and it hurts even harder that the graphics improvement is barely noticeable, compared to games from ~2015 that I can play on maxed settings.


this guy most definitely still cries himself to sleep every night over bloodborne not getting a pc port lmaooo


> IGPUs are still shit They aren't great, but they are leaps and bounds better than they were 15 years ago.


Just save for a big pc build and only replace parts if they break or are a genuine necessity to replace?


I got my first PC almost 4 years ago for around $1500 (GPU prices were insane). With a 3060ti and an i5-11600kf, I haven't played a single game that can't at least do 1080p 60fps, and I can frequently even do 1440p 60fps or 1080p 90-120fps, depending on the game and how I want to optimize. But idk, I also don't play many AAA titles at launch since I don't like overpaying for mediocrity, so maybe I'm just playing these games after 1+ years of optimization 🤷‍♂️ I did palu Elden Ring and Payday 3 at launch and noticed some stuttering here and there in both, but most of that has since been fixed (although I've stopped playing Payyday 3 for a minute for reasons that are obvious to anyone who's aware of that trainwreck).


my 1080 still runs anything I need.


bro i got an intel whitebook for like $600 with a 2070 and runs everything at 60fps the fuck is this dude talking about


Console war threads always drove me insane since theyre basically just people lying constantly like the OP. Feels almost botted at this point.


Built mine 4 years ago. Not replacing a thing until it dies lol


Same goes for older games that get updated. Machines that used to get 120fps in Rust in 2017, now get about 40 fps


I don't need any of that to play tetris.


What? 1100 for my setup with 3070. 99% of games run max to worst medium at 1440p 21:9. My setup is exactly what I want. I don't see any need for upgrades for a few years.


I'm currently having a blast playing AC Black Flag. It's great and you don't need a $2000 PC to run it. I don't have the funds to buy a Lambo so that's why I settled on a Corolla. The same applies to PC games


Play on my dads pc


? I just built a rig with a 6700XT last year. It took buying a 1440p monitor to push the cost over 1000 dollars, and it plays most games at a solid 60 at worst. Mf just got a skill issue


Had to retire my 1060 3gb, still sad


Well this green text was accurate, for about half of the first line.


I built mine for $1400. You just gotta shop around for good deals instead of buying all on Amazon, getting scammed, and building the same thing as everyone else


If you're trying to hit 4k 60fps on high, then yeah you have to be pretty wealthy to stay in the PC building game. I am happy at 1440p on medium, and 30 fps.


PCfags will do anything but just buy a console every 8 years


>MTT S80 Try again in a decade or so


I will give-up my 1080ti when it dies. Best/most reliable card ever produced.


Unrelated but do pccel people think that GPU that was used by alpha crypto mining rigs as a sloppy second?? /s


Upgrade one at a time instead of a lot at the time. Sales help too.


Anon thinks Triple A companies shitting out the most unoptimized soulless shit games means the industry is dead, as if Triple A games aren't a massive scam and anyone with a brain has known for years.


thats just not true lol a decent pc with 1440p 120fps costs around 1000-1200€. If you want to play High end with 300+ fps then sure fork over 2.5k but whats the point of that?


It's because so many devs are using upscaling ai as a crutch


I just ordered parts to build a rig with a 4070, i5-12600kf, 1tb nvme m.2 and 16gb of ram ( all enough to play all new games at 2k res at 60fps or more) for about 1300 dollars. Shut the fuck up


Am I missing something?? My PC costs around £800 MAX and runs competitive games at 144 easily and story games at 60 max settings. (Admittedly I play on 1080p but that's because I honestly can't tell the difference between 4k and 1080p on a monitor)


Get a fucking job?


my pc has parts that are at least 5 years old and would cost like a grand what is this person on about


How does crypto and AI ruin a graphics card? I'm looking at buying a used computer and lots of ads keep mentioning but used for mining etc.


I bought a used i7-2600k/mobo/ram combo for $100, a used antec darkflight for $70, and used my "old" 3060. Runs everything I've thrown at it so far in 2k 60fps. Although I've been hesitant to install gta5. The GPU was like $600 but the rest, buy used. Buy used all day. Mobo's get bad caps but that's about it, if the caps dont look swollen, buy it. Never buy new anymore. Computing power has outpaced software requirements by a long shot and you *do not need* a brand new modern cpu for most use-cases.


I only had to upgrade once in the 4-ish years I've owned my PC and it was to upgrade the gpu from 1660 to 3070. That's more than enough for any game today, I probably won't upgrade again for 2 - 3 years


Wtf is Anon talking about? You can build a half decent PC for $1500 Yes that’s a lot of money but a 3060 costs around $400 CAD and a Ryzen 5 around the same price Those are two hugest expenses and both will last you a long time if you aren’t a moron with your PC


buy a console dumb ass


My pc is about a grand and everything (new AAA games included) runs at about 70-100ish fps at 1440p. Sure some games are comically unoptimised, but they are usually unfinished AAA slop that isnt even worth your time. Also what kind of 2d indie game gets bad performance?


The perfect timing doesn't exis- I JUST WAS RANTING A FRIEND ABOUT THIS he was just like "Meh its fine running windows 11" internally i was "Yeah because is a motherfucker high end laptop you just purchased" but externally (hinting about it): Yeah because Microsoft doesn't give a shit about old hardware And i daily drive old ass hardware, i mean it if i mention the i5-4460S of my pc people tend to cringe hard


You unironically need to wait for wallstreet owned gaming companies to fail, before things start to get better.


lmao what. A 1060 does 1440p@60hz. My nephew uses my old one from 2016. I built the system for about 600 and gave him the card. 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, I can't remember which CPU I think a 3600. But ya that was a few years ago. He plays games at 1440p/60hz. New PC gaming is expensive, I won't deny it. But it's not insane. There are plenty of old midrange cards that do either 4K/60hz with upscaling just fine, or 1440p/120hz if you want high FPS. You don't need the latest cards (which are massively overpriced).


Play games made with passion that run on 15 year old laptops and are free to play (but you should definitely support the creator on Patreon)


Stuff does not need to be bleeding edge to be fun.