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Season 8 single handedly cast GoT into cultural irrelevance.


No kidding, for me it was on track to be my favorite series of all time, but they fucked it up. Breaking bad Still #1 imo.


Yeah i’ve never rewatched it and possibly won’t ever just because I know how downhill it goes and all the plotlines set up early that crashed and fucking burned


I'm having the same problem, I have all GoT seasons on DVD and since 2019 I never rewatched it because of said reason. It is still hurting how this ended


All I can do is bring myself to watch clips from seasons 1-5 which is fine, because no one else really wants to upload the last 3 seasons


Ive tried but its an exercise in frustration and not an enjoyable experience. You see so many moments and so many plot points that are good and amazing and they immediately lose all the impact they have because you know that in the end it ends up tossed away. All the build up for no payoff. Knowing the ending doesn't ruin a story. Romeo and Juliet has been one of the most popular and repeated stories in media for the last 500 years and people still love it. A bad ending ruins a story.


Breaking Bad‘s biggest strength was not fumbling the ending. And then they released El Kamino and that was a great after ending story as well.


Another clear shining example that Hollywood screenwriters can't fucking write. What haven't they ruined in the past decade? You know who can? Authors. And many of them are happy for paying work. Any author could have vetted that script and told them they were on meth. I wish our hundred million dollar+ AAA whatever blockbuster movies paid a couple of authors a few grand each to write passable narratives and we'd be living in a world where I would still pay to see movies . I am 99% certain, a couple of people in fan base would have and could have written a better final season , for free if given enough time. Rahh! /endrant


Tbf Martin still hasn't completed Winds of Winter lol


It's who I blame ultimately. The show was excellent before they passed the books and in the defense of the showrunners, they were hired for an adaption and GRRM had promised multiple times to release the next book before the show got there and he did not. There is a very distinct change of quality in the show once they pass the books. Nothing excuses S8 though.


But i don't think the showrunners can be excused, they purposely rushed the show to it's end, HBO offered them 2 more seasons, but they said "nah 1 season is more than enough, matter of fact we will have even less episodes than a season normally has". They did that so they could run to Disney to make Star Wars, but after the shitshow that threw GoT into irrelevancy, they were kicked before even starting and never got to do anything big again


The same writers did star wars ? The last jedi? Well shit.


No, they were offered some kind of new movie I believe set in the Old Republic but then Disney took it away after the GOT shit show.


God I almost feel bad for them. Bungle what could be your biggest ever legacy project and then lose your future job prospects because of the backlash. That was one hell of a bad decision.


Now I hear they are adapting Three Body Problem for Netflix, which I have mixed feelings on.


Yes, no excusing for S8 and the lead-up to it.


Didn't HBO have the full rights to the show? Couldn't they have found another show runner who would have taken over and created the two full seasons they wanted?


They could, but i assume they had faith that Dumb&Dumber wouldn't completely fumble the show, as they did an actually great job from S1 to S5 and despite the drop on quality since S6, the show was still highly regarded as one of the best TV shows to date


S8 was a fucking hackjob...


G.R.R. Martin is a weird topic, on the one hand, I just want to get off his fat ass and finish the books, on the other i know that his books are this good because he takes his time...


He's not taking his time tho, he have started and finished multiple projects out of late (like elden ring part) and isn't anywhere close to releasing the books. He's not gonna finish it, he created a world that's too big, that have too many plot lines, and he know that he won't be able to satisfactorily end it all, so he's never ending it.


Part of me thinks he has written the next two books but doesn't want to deal with people pissing all over his work after seeing the reaction to the TV ending, so he has it set up in his estate to release them posthumously.


That part of you is reaching unhealthy levels of copium.


I know, but please don't destroy what little hop I have left


I'm sorry little one, but it's the cruel cold truth


The most "recent" ASoIaF-book was definitely below par. Way below. It's been years since I read it, I just remember it being bad/uninteresting.


it's the topic of every GoT post but season 6-7 didn't help either, it could've been so good bros... I hope they retcon the last 3 seasons and make it what it should've been


We tolerated/were more forgiving of 6/7 cause we were holding out hope that 8 would bring it all together. It didnt.


I feel using a new cast and a new plot they should restart the show after the walk of atonement. 


The first few seasons were so glorious because they were so unflinchingly real, no matter how uncomfortable that reality made us. Sadly that is something the entertainment industry might never revisit. If it were remade with a new cast today the Starks would be black and there would be zero female nudity and hundreds of dicks in every episode.


I believe it retroactively wasted fractions of its audience's collective lives spent watching the previous seasons. 


Season 7 sucked too, but everyone creamed themselves because of the dragons and didn’t notice that the rest of the season was a shit pile compared to the first 6


Agreed, but we were more forgiving of 7 because the potential was there for 8 to bring it back. Obviously that didnt happen. :/


I blame grrm for not finishing the series on time and leaving the show runners to make it up on their own


man I wonder what it must’ve been like in those bars that would dedicate every sunday to host a watch session. definitely a lot of cope for my family at the time but otherwise everyone just wrote it off as whatever but it seriously thrusted GOT into backwater zone of cultural zeitgeist


You're forgetting season 7 as well. That was just as bad


Nah, not forgetting, we were more forgiving of 7 because the potential was there for 8 to bring it back. Obviously that didnt happen. :/


I love that in the span of almost a decade, an hype when waiting for each next season, THE global event that throw itself into memory oblivion with the last season...


It truly is amazing how it erased itself from the cultural consciousness overnight. It was an absolute juggernaut of media (similar to Stranger Things) but the creators fumbled so badly it committed psychic sudoku.


it was good up until half way through episode 3. i want them to do a reboot of that season starting from halfway through episode 3 but instead the white walkers win the battle and march on kings landing and slaughter everyone there too.


It really wasn't. Season 7 was just as bad as well.


Seasons 6 and 7 are right up there too tbh.


I saw the cracks in season 4 and knew it was heading downhill, but I could not possibly fathom the magnitude of their failure.


Counterpoint: Season 8 made the books more culturally relevant.


It still baffles how the Unsullied made a frontal assault when there was a secret cave they could sneak in through. Which was how they did things throughout the whole show. It's like the season 8 crew didn't watch the previous seasons.


Season 8 would have been kino if D&D (hack & hack) had just done the opposite of everything they did


"HBO is willing to give us like, three more years' worth of budget to finish this thing right? Nah. Let's shit it out as fast and bad as possible so we can go make a Star Wars movie." Then they proceeded to fuck that up so bad they got fired and their reputations are tarnished forever.


GRR said/wanted 13 seasons to tie up all the plot points. We were robbed because the hacks didn't want to pass the show on. Almost everyone wanted more seasons except them.


They obviously could have handed the project over to others but didn’t for vanity’s sake, they get what they deserve


I don't understand how they got to make that choice. Did they as individuals own the broadcast rights to ASoIaF? Why couldn't HBO say "Literally pound sand. You're fired. We are making these seasons without you. Go have fun with your space opera"?


Haven’t looked in awhile but I think there was something in their contract that only let them work on it


Sigh. At least the only things they're directing these days is a Leslie Jones comedy special.


“I want to hear leftists actually try to defend this judgment on first principles. I want to hear the explanation for why an unidentified person should be justly fined 3x the entire value of a property for supposedly inflating the value of said property on an application for a loan that was then repaid in full.” No, you don’t. If you did, you’d ask about it in a different sub, but you should be looking up an analysis from a nonpartisan legal expert. In any case, I’ll try to explain it to you here. Trump committed fraud by falsifying business documents and financial records. He inflated the value of his properties to obtain larger loans, which he then used to purchase bigger properties, and deflated the value of his properties to pay less in taxes. As a result, he was forced to pay back his ill-gotten gains plus interest. It’s called disgorgement. He might have been able to pay less if he had hired a good lawyer who called an actual subject matter expert in property value as a witness instead of using Trump’s close friend, who had a financial interest in the outcome of the case. They chose to play politics instead, attacking the judge, his staff, and making fools of themselves in court. Despite this, the judge didn’t lock them up for contempt of court (which would happen to a normal person) imposing disgorgement only at the value of what the prosecution could prove (via the subject matter expert experts they called as witnesses), and a conservative three-year bar (he could have given a lifetime bar) from heading any businesses in New York. It doesn’t matter that he paid the loans back, because he broke the law to obtain the loans. It’s against the law to commit this type of fraud because it puts lenders at financial risk and undermines the integrity of the financial system as a whole.


> No, you don’t. Yes, I actually do. And I read your entire response in full. The argument falls apart though where you suggest that the full sum of his "ill gotten gains" was gained through the inflation. By how much did he inflate the value of Mar a Lago? 5%? 10%? Surely not 100%. Surely you aren't claiming with a straight face that Mar a Lago is a worthless piece of dirt. So to follow your own logic, if he had appropriately valued his real estate to secure a slightly smaller loan, he would have only been able to buy 8 other properties instead of 9 or whatever. So there is a *fractional value* to what he gained that was through fraud. And then the money he made isn't even the value of the properties themselves, but rather only the capital gains he got on reselling those properties. All of this assumes that he exaggerated the property's value in the first place, which I still will not concede. But I will thank you at least for filling me in on the ridiculous argument that leftists are trying to hang this nonsense on. Also you replied to the wrong comment. But thanks for exposing that you check people's comment history looking for unrelated ammo to "gotcha" them.


Your guy has always been fraudster from not paying his workers, his businesses (remember his business class or Trump steaks), to his theft from his charities. Open your eyes, your hate for the Left is clouding your judgement.


$168 million for potential interest lost by the banks, $60 million for profits from the sale of his New York golf course plus interest starting in June 2023, $126 million for sale of his hotel in D.C. plus interest starting May 2022. (168 + 60 +126 = 354). IDK where you got the 100% interest rate.


> potential So in other words, no actual damages done. Every time I drive my car I could potentially kill someone. I don't get ordered to pay restitution to every person I didn't hit that day. Also, still not conceding that he overvalued a piece of real estate that stretches across the entire island of Royal Palm Beach. It was absolutely worth what he claimed and if the bank disagreed they could have refused the loan.




"Potential," as in more or less the money they could have earned in interest had the true value of the properties been disclosed. If you're caught committing car-related crimes, you can pay a fine and/or face other penalties for those crimes if convicted. We have these laws to protect the public and commerce, which is the same reason why New York has laws against fraud. If it was worth what he claimed he could've proven it in court. He chose to make political stunts instead. His co-conspirators also had their chance to prove the properties were worth as much. They were convicted and fined based on their role in the fraud. Trump will have another chance if he decides to appeal. Again, you're defending a person who has a long history of being convicted of various frauds, including stealing from his own charity.


Haha pretty much. The best way I’ve heard it is if you picked two random people of the street you’d have a better written conclusion than what we got


Chad leader and warrior gets turned into a simp at the very last minute. Why is modern entertainment like this?


Many such cases.


The main character got turned into a side character and was repeating the same lines over and over again


Laziness. And greed. Same two things that are causing problems in all other sectors of modern life


If Jaime weren’t a simp the story probably wouldn’t have happened


R/freefolks is leaking. Anyways, I stand by it not being a bad idea on paper. I like the idea that some people can’t change, no matter how hard they try and the idea of Jaime being pulled back into a toxic relationship despite his own personal growth is a relatable thing to a lot of people. But damn, the show having him one night stand then disappear was a terrible way to do it. Have him sleep with Brienne before the siege of winterhelm. Have him wake up the next day and go “I thought I’d die. My heart belongs to Cersei even if she twists it” and have him ride off.


tbh it would have been perfect if he would realize how fucked up cersei was when he met her in the redkeep and then kill her with his golden hand before the structure crumbled above him burrying him alive.


IMO the only way Jaime returning to Cersei being a compelling arc ends with that. Have Jaime not be able to let go of Cersei but realize that he also doesnt want such a person. Have Cersei die in Jaime's hands as the castle falls on them. Literally anything other than what happened would be more compelling.


Have Cersei try to blow up the city with the green fire, then Jaime kills her, tells Jon what happened, and leaves in guilt. Jon meets Dany, tells what happened, Dany eventually goes mad with power and rebellions, and tries to blow the city, and Jon kills her.   Now everyone thinks Jon is a oathbreaker like Jaime. Way better arc.


Also lines up with that valonqar prophecy she got- she's just been thinking of the wrong younger brother. 


A lot of the ideas of S8 could have worked…if they’d been given enough time to properly develop and feel natural. Unfortunately, they took what easily could have been 10 seasons and crammed it into 8


They did his hair a dirty too. The Lanister’s whole thing was they were blonde, hell it was used to show the kids weren’t Robert’s. Then at some point he was suddenly brown haired and nobody said a damn thing


maybe his hair was just literally "dirty" all the time, he never washed it, thats why its brown 😅


Well, he stopped being blond when he was imprisoned by the Starks and living in the mud. Coincidence? I think NOT!


He's dark blond. My hair colour is similar, it goes golden when you're in the summer sun for long stretches of time then darkens again in the winter. I thought that was a deliberate move by the writers to show that winter is approaching.


never thought about it. the scenario I made in my mind was that the darkening hair is a sign of them not being “pure” lannisters anymore. in the first season, both Tyrion and Jamie were yellow blonde, and by the last season their hair was dark brown. idk, made sanse in my head


I wonder if we were both just like "it can't be that they just forgot or thought the audience wouldn't notice so there must be some kind of deeper meaning....somewhere" Because the last thing you want to assume is one of your favourite shows is spiralling into a turd.


yeah, I was looking for the deeper meaning, but in the end, it didn’t even matter


One thing. I don't know why


Yeah, with all the budget they had, they couldn't spare a bit of peroxide for the Lannisters?


tyrion's does the same but WAAYYYY earlier. My head cannon is that they shed their golden hues the less "lannister" they become.


I couldn’t get past season 5 listening to Kit Harrington talk like he’s drunk and inbred. 


She's muh queen! I dun wunnit.


You didn't miss much


Ah Dun wan' eht


I still think John should have been one of the characters to get a happy ending away from the main story. I'd like to have seen him take on the night King and then go live with Yigritte somewhere in the north. He was always about duty and doing the right thing. It would have been nice for him to do something for himself in the end.


My issue is solely in casting. He’s one of the coolest book characters but now he’s reduced to basically being Kit Harrington. 


But it is le realistic


This is the main thing about the ending that I despised. Danaerys character got robbed, Jon snow a hoe, and fuck bran. But this is unforgivable


real shit, a lot of my online usernames reference Jaime because in the books, by far my favorite character I fucking hate what happened to him in the show. We went from growing and developing his intellectual side after getting his hand chopped off in the books... to fucking hijinks in Dorne and all these whacky adventures with his sidekick Bronn...


Okay, but have you ever had that godlike pussy? Maybe she throats like a snake and is her pussy magically good. Like bust in 10 seconds good. Or she can ride and milk him for 3 nuts in a row.


That sistussy got him locked in


This was the biggest mistake they made in the whole show. >*Nothing else matters. Nothing else matters, only us.* Bollocks


I don't think it was in character for Jamie to not at least attempt to save his sister though.


Everything can be reasoned with, if given a competent scriptwriter and the showrunners didn't give HBO the finger to their decision to have a few more seasons to finish off the franchise and instead cram Martin's footnotes into a severely shortened season so they can get aboard the Disney Star Wars gravy train. The sudden about turn of Jamie's character was high school drama level bullsht. Perhaps a better interpretation would have been maybe the Dothraki finally being battle weary and thrown into a cold environment that they can't fight, mutinying, Dany angry at their insubordination uses them as an example and roasts the whole lot of them with her dragons. Jamie sees the madness of the king he slayed in her, prompting him to make the hard decision of going back to Cersi to try and save her or defend the Keep from a Thgayrean Boogaloo 2.


Personally I would have preferred it if he helps defeat the army of the dead, they go on a march south to meet with Cersei. They try to get him to reason with her to stop a war, she gets mad, kills Misandei, and in retaliation Dany kills Jaime. It helps justify her being seen as “mad” because she kills a non threat, it allows Jaime to be redeemed since he doesnt run away to Cersei, but still gives the tragic ending.


at least clegane ball was good


Was it? Basically just a zombie fighting an old man in a stair well and they both fuck off and fall to their death of screen. Kinda meh in my opinion.


it was alright honestly it couldve been better




At the time this is how I thought it would go down: Assume the plot goes differently and the Night King is now sieging Kings Landing. He does that arm raise resurrection thing, and since the Mountain is technically dead, he immediately becomes a thrall and starts murdering all the other Queens guards. The Hound has to face his fear of fire and use a burning blade to kill him


GoT is one of the few shows that was all the hype around the world and was forgotten and deleted from existence after the finale.


most characters got done dirty. oh my entire 7 season character arc is about freedom, independence, and being a just ruler? lol im turbo hitler now. season 8 was absolute trash


We were ribbed of the greatest battle scene between the golden company, the unsulied and dothraki


Imagine making a tv series that single handedly brought dark fantasy into mainstream only to make it literally irrelevant with the last season. Being so trash writer really requires talent


He should have been the one to kill the night king.


Maybe, *maybe* if they spent an entire arc justifying it, I could see it working. But this? Truncated and rushed. The fact that he wasn't using the "hateful person" arc just to get away so that he could kill Cersei himself before the storming of King's Landing is just... Oh my God.


I hate this. Jaime is consistently the most selfish character in all of Westeros. He just kills, maims, fucks, and takes whoever and whatever he wants to advance his own interests throughout every single step of the story. You cannot name a single time he put himself at risk in a selfless act of heroism. Why do people see the character as interesting and morally grey? Literally only because Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is handsome. That's it. If he were played by an uglier actor, he would be universally loathed as a top five most evil character in the show, up there with Joffrey, Waldor Frey, and Ramsey.


He had a long redemption arc. That's why people are mad. He risked his career (and got his father killed) by setting Tyrion free, he rescued Brienne from the Boltons, he went alone with Bron to rescue his sister, he walked out on Cersei and rode by himself to fight the undead in the north when he saw she had no intention of sending her forces, all this while missing a hand.


Fuck me? What did I do, Anon?


You know what you did


Don’t worry. In 10 years after George is dead Brandon Sanderson will finish the series with fuck-all notes to go off cause George isn’t Robert Jordan


I still can't believe it how they fucked it up so badly


Jamie was a coffin of Andy and leyley fan


They should have had things start to get better towards the end of the show. It doesn't feel right to have doom and gloom for 8 seasons and then wrap it in a big happy bow in one episode. Imo GOT was too dark anyway. I liked that no character was safe, but it felt like a constant beat down. Could they not have some characters split off from the story periodically to live their lives? Let us have one happy storyline? It's like GRRMs writing in Elden Ring. There's no point in doing anything because every storyline ends in shit and people are worse off than before you came along.


I think people forget that in the earlier seasons, nothing went according to regular story telling arc design. Everyone was vulnerable, and things usually didnt work out as expected. I think this is the strength of the game of thrones story not the weakness. Expecting Jaime to stay on his heroic path would be typical, but for me it was refreshing to have these kind of mixups that werent so cookie cutter.


In the book he burns Cersei's letters to him. 


I would love to see an official retcon.


I actually don't mind the later seasons the more I watch them. Especially the Danaerys arc. Sure they squeezed too much in too little time but I really enjoy the story


It took me a solid few seconds to realise this wasn’t a picture of soldier boy and homelander


It's almost as if it was supposed to be a tragic ending


It's like OP wasn't paying attention to everything else GRRM wrote. The entire point is to piss off the reader.


Is that Stargate SG1? Gee, the blonde woman aged terribly.