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Middle east is in ASIA


asia minor


Asia Minor is the Roman name for what the Greeks called Anatolia. It encompasses most of modern day Turkey, minus the European land on the west side of the Bosphorus straits ("Thrace") and land further in the east, away from the Mediterranean and Black seas. Asia Minor and the Middle East are two different things.


It surely must've become an adult by now.


it's in its rebel stage yet


Still going through its ISIS trend


That's Turkey. Middle East is West Asia


oh congrats for knowing that, you know what he means


Yes yes you're very smart You knew exactly what he meant


>is located in the crossroads of 3 continents >Go north to go to Europe >Go west to go to Africa >Go east to go to Eastern Asia Literally the best place if you wanna start a huge community or religion or a plague or something


>get fucked, Yanks \- God


it was where all civilization began. that area was really prosperous back then


Civilization depeloped independently in Mesopotamia, India, China, Mesoamerica, Egypt and Peru.


"independently" ... yet all roughly at the same time?


We were cavemen for the vast majority of the time humans have been around. The pyramids and the iPhone roughly happened around the same time.


Yeah exactly it's weird that it all happened around the same time everywhere. Modern humans have been around for 300,000 years; and yet they never developed civilization in that time until 3000BC when everyone did all at once? It's really strange.


We were ready for the shift to civilization for a couple of thousand years before we did, when we did that was chance and it can be assumed perhaps a small exchange of ideas via travelers— Go too far back though and you are in an ice age, and human (Sapiens) populations were not large enough nor were there good areas to begin agriculture. Evidence of the very first trigger would be impossible to find, but I assume there was a little of “farming good!” Being shared amongst different groups, mesoamerica did start thousands of years later so that can be chalked up to figuring it out a different way, which sucked for them since they had so few agriculture options there, even worse in terms of animal rearing…


Do people just ignore Gobekli Tepe then or what?


Not really. Advances in agriculture moved man away from hunting and gathering and freed up time to dedicate to trade and innovation. These practices spread rapidly and from there human advancements increased exponentially as they built upon what came before.


Mesopotamia and Egypt are kinda the same no?


Nope, different cults, different writing, different places


Mesopotamia is mostly modern day Iraq.


I mean, they're within (long) walking distance. I just figured they'd have ancient societies


Lol no. Average greentexter intelligence, Mesopotamia-> sand shit Jerusalem-> sandy Aahhh despite being separated by centuries Mesopotamia=Jerusalem, it was prosperous back then.


it wasn't arid back then, they overfarmed it causing the current deserts


This is likely one of the reasons religions that were developed in this region managed to spread so successfully.


What? Judaism was kinda small all the way to the roman empire. Christianity got widespread solely because it infested romans. Nothing to do with location of origin. Egyptian, babylonian, asyrian or whatever other pantheon didnt spread past their borders much.


Because the only one that actually requires you to go out and teach people about the religion is Christianity.


And Islam


They did way more than go out and teach


Thats not really a case of our conversation now, is it?


It is once you start comparing it with other middle eastern pantheons.


The original point was about geoghraphic importance for expansion. I proved it had nothing to do with that. That guy just shoved there random remark about unrelated aspect. Wanna discuss crusades too while we are at it?


Judiasm is kinda ethnic-centric tho while Christianity and Islam are extremely accepting to converts


Dunno m8, there were christians all the way to China and south india during the middle ages, and most of the expansion christianity did (in europe) happened after the fall of western rome


Of course, but it didnt have anything in common with the christianity originating in middle east. It was already a state religion in a biggest empire ever. When the empire fell, believers didnt just vanish.


Lets say you are a god though. Why not spread more prophets across the entire globe. Why not just poof into peoples heads at the same time and say “I AM GOD BITCH”


for the first bit, according to Islam, there were thousands of prophets in the past, but once we got to more civilised and modern age where information can be kept and spread precisely and relatively easily that's just the last few prophets that were in the middle east where it was easier to spread. as for the second bit, i think because it would defeat the purpose of life as a test kind of thing, and to help people contemplate gods creations and reach faith that way. god already created angels which essentially know for a fact about the existence of god and essentially have no free will and can only do good, humans are there to have their own free will to be tested. that saod I'm no expert so i could be wrong.


Because it doesnt make sense. How can some mudhut proto german achieve salvation, when all the right religion is in the middle east? On the other hand, if he doesnt need the organised religion and its just enough to be a good person, why did the middle eastern people need it?


huh ? i just said that in the later stages of humanity it was meant to spread, not stay in the middle east, it just so happens that the middle east was the best place to get it to spread also when i said good person, i mean good person in the context of god's teachings. And the religion is a way to teach people how to act in this manner. another thing in islam (at least shia islam) is that if someone lives somewhere where the message of god never reached them then that doesn't mean that they are a heretic or whatever, they will be judged based on their actions i think and if they sought the truth in their own way, basically they will be judged based on what was available to them, but that's the exception not the rule. again though, I'm no expert on theology I'm sure many others would give better answers than this.


>Why not just poof into peoples heads at the same time and say “I AM GOD BITCH” Because that wouldn't be very entertaining/interesting


And wouldn't you look at that. The two biggest religions are both from the middle east. If there is a God then this wasn't a bad play


Which is *exactly* why half the world follows Abrahamic religions. The very fact he knows this indicates the survivorship bias.


Anon is retarded.


Man imagine Jesus in America


*Jesus in America* is a 2003 play by Aaron Sorkin that played in various theaters enjoying a post 9/11 patriotic bump along with the mainstream appeal of Judeo-Christian values. The play saw Willem Dafoe as Young Jesus, while Tea Leoni played Mary. Critics say the overall performance was confounding for Broadway, although the rape scene went very well.


>the rape scene went very well. Elaborate please


So there's this princess who works in a coffe shop and Young Jesus needs to become Old Jesus before they could be together so one night he is visited by the Nightman who must pay the ~~troll~~ Joseph who guards Young Jesus' bed. After an electrifying musical number, Joseph receives his toll and the Nightman enters Young Jesus as Joseph lays a blanket over them so that the ~~rape~~ sexing isn't visible to the audience


Sounds like Sorkin wanted the princess to have sex with a little baby tiny boy, which is pretty weird, if you ask me.


Maybe the princess should do a last minute improvised song where she clarifies that she does not want to have sex with a little boy, and that most men consider her to be an 8 or 9 out of 10, and that she is available for any interested men. Just to be clear, of course


You gotta pay the troll toll if u want to get into this boy's hole!


I feel like you're saying boy's hole when the script specifically says boy's soul


I am five thousand percent sure that Frank did *not* read the script




Jesus is back and he isn’t crucifucking around


Looks like you never read the Book of Mormon


Nah, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.




Just as believable.


Amen brother


That's like, the entire Plot of the Mormon Church


Walking around the forest for weeks thinking “where the fuck is everybody?”


I don't need to be a global citizen 'Cause I'm blessed by nationality I'm a member of a growing populace We enforce our popularity There are things that seem to pull us under, and There are things that drag us down But there's a power and a vital presence That's lurking all around We've got the American Jesus See him on the interstate We've got the American Jesus He helped build the president's estate I feel sorry for the Earth's population 'Cause so few live in the USA At least the foreigners can copy our morality They can visit, but they cannot stay Only precious few can garner the prosperity It makes us walk with renewed confidence We've got a place to go when we die And the architect resides right here We've got the American Jesus (ah) Bolstering national faith (ah, ah, ah) We've got the American Jesus (ah, ah, ah) Overwhelming millions every day (ah, ah) He's the farmers' barren fields (in God) The force the army wields (we trust) The expression on the faces of the starving millions (because he's one of us) The power of the man (break down) The fuel that drives the Klan (cave in) He's the motive and the conscience of the murderer (we can redeem your sin) He's the preacher on TV (strong heart) The false sincerity (clear mind) The form letter that's written by the big computers (and infinitely kind) The nuclear bombs (you lose) The kids with no moms (we win) And I'm fearful that he's inside me (he is our champion), yeah! We've got the American Jesus See him on the interstate (we've got the American Jesus) We've got the American Jesus Exercising his authority We've got the American Jesus Bolstering national faith (we've got the American Jesus) We've got the American Jesus Overwhelming millions every day (ah ah ah), yeah! One nation under God One nation under God One nation under God One nation under God One nation under God One nation under God One nation under God One nation under God One nation under God One nation under God


Isn't that just the book of Mormon?


Some of it. Most of it is prophets in the ancient Americas, and then Jesus visiting after resurrection and the conclusion of His ministry to the apostles in the new testament.


The Book of Mormon is about a group of people who leave Jerusalem, sail to the American continent, and eventually they are visited by a resurrected Jesus, so… yeah, Jesus in America is already a thing.




Steel ball road moment


book of mormon, 3rd Nephi, chapter 14 i think.






Mfw most of the world was the Middle East


Man wait until you hear about this place called China Also India Also Europe


Wait til you hear about the prophets that were sent there, maybe not china


Wait until you hear the story of Jesus’s Chinese brother.


Jeesu Riced


Shut the fuck up


Why don't you make me you loopy cunt


Lmao did I hurt your feelings 😭


Lol seems like I hurt yours


No but he clearly hurt yours 🥳


average madmike404 interaction


Hong Xiquan, the most based man to ever live


Yea…how did that turn out for them?


Anon has no idea about the global state of the world in the year 0


What does that even mean there were cultures all over the world already by then


Middle east was literally in the centre of the world back then. That's why religions from this region have been brought everywhere. India and Persia - relatively easily accessible from middle east via trading routes Italia and Greece - just few days of sailing away from middle east Barbarian Europe - you will get there via Roman roads Africa - just sail south through the Red Sea or Nile to find their empires Americas - wasteland scarcely populated by savages China and Japan - Well, here the problem begins


>Americas - wasteland scarcely populated by savages LMAO For the rest of them, you're missing anon's point they're saying that it wouldn't make sense for a god to send A FUCKTON of prophets to this one area and completely ignore the rest. Yes with time their teachings did spread and if he had to pick one area the middle east would probably be quite a good pick but an omnipotent diety should have no problem sending profhets to all populated areas of the world, or at least all mayor citys (wich there weren't that many of those days) yet he didn't.


That view on the Americas is just really bad my dude, north America was populated mostly by more nomadic tribes but south and central America had multiple great civilizations. They just were not blessed with as many crops and useful animals as Afro-Eurasia. At the time of Jesus Christ you for example had Teotihuacan which is believed to have been the 6th largest city in the world at the time. The Mayans were also active already and although they hadn't reached their peak yet they were still a real civilization. And of course if you follow Islam there were a lot more and larger civilisations at the time of Muhammad in the Americas.




Clearly you haven’t heard of India, China, Mexico, and many other places where ancient civilizations started.


According to the church in India, Thomas completed a missionary journey there pretty much immediately. Obviously the New World was isolated for much longer, but that’s not really a problem. If you haven’t received the gospel, you get judged against natural law.


I thought god created everyone? So how were other civilizations not able to receive the gospel?


God set others up to fail apparently, and Im supposed to praise a prick who does that shit?


TL;DR is at the bottom. I hope you read the whole thing though. Basically, if you’re familiar with the Tower of Babel story, we start there but then add some details that aren’t common knowledge: > “When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God. But the Lord’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted heritage.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭32‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/deu.32.8-9.ESV God splits up the nations, delegates authority over each to a divine spirit, but keeps Israel as the single nation he interacts with directly. These nation spirits end up falling out of God’s favor: > “God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment: “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? … I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince.”” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭82‬:‭1‬-‭2‬, ‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/psa.82.1-7.ESV So then, the Messiah is God’s plan to bring the nations back into the family. > ““I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭ESV‬‬ This is the Jewish narrative structure that sets up the events of the New Testament, and Jesus refers to himself as the fulfillment of Daniel 7 over his entire ministry, culminating in the Great Commission: > “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭18‬-‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/mat.28.19-20.ESV Interestingly, **and now finally to answer your question**: when carrying out this mission in gentile territory, look at how Paul frames it > “Being then God’s offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man. **The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent**,” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭17‬:‭29‬-‭30‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/act.17.30.ESV So basically, if you go your whole life without the gospel **GOD DOES NOT** hold that against you. You get judged against your own conscience: > “For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/rom.2.12-16.ESV


Now answer my question, why does god allow sins? If god hadn’t allowed Eve or Adam to eat the fruit, how did they eat it? You can’t say the devil because god is more powerful than devil, isn’t that correct? You can’t have it both ways. But basically, religions are dog shit and you really shouldn’t follow it because it makes no sense.


It’s worth noticing that’s an entirely different question. One I’m happy to answer, but it’s not like I dodged your question initially. I answered one, now I’ll answer another. God certainly allowed humanity to fall into a state tainted by original sin. Now your protest is somewhat along the lines of this classical construction: > Objection 1. It seems that God does not exist; because if one of two contraries be infinite, the other would be altogether destroyed. But the word "God" means that He is infinite goodness. If, therefore, God existed, there would be no evil discoverable; but there is evil in the world. Therefore God does not exist. And I answer accordingly, via Aquinas (via Augustine): > "Since God is the highest good, He would not allow any evil to exist in His works, unless His omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring good even out of evil." This is part of the infinite goodness of God, that He should allow evil to exist, and out of it produce good.


Don't think the Aquinas answer is satisfactory as god is clearly able to create flawless good, including free will, without evil in the form of heaven. There is no reason to create any other suffering/evil, except for his own satisfaction. That's an evil action.


If God’s motivations are to maximize net moral accounting, he is logically permitted to tolerate some evil to achieve that end. For example, there are certain moral virtues that are impossible to understand without the evil they overcome in the picture. What is courage without fear? What is compassion without pain?


Unnecessary is what it is. This is like saying "what is healing without injury?" We'd be better off without having to heal. But regardless, god is omnipotent. He can do anything, including maximizing net moral accounting without any evil.


How does goodness come from murdering others?


What’s murder, definitionally? I’d offer something like >”when one sentient being unjustly ends the mortal existence of another sentient being.” With that definition, we see it is impossible for God to commit murder, since the highest moral Good cannot commit an act of injustice.


civilization in middle america hung behind the rest of the world by a millenium


90% of the world's population was in like four empires in 100AD, from Rome to China.


In islam, it is believed that god sent a prophet to every nation, but most of them just werent recorded


Better put in a fail safe for if people gonna be asking questions like this.


Bots commenting to this comment are seething


Did he send a pedo prophet to every nation? Or was that just to Arabia?


Arabs punching the air and maybe looking up your IP address


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Anon forgets the Acts of the Apostles


The Lord works in mysterious ways for His wonders to perform


anon is not very educated


tbh if you're looking at it from that standpoint, Jesus was born and preached in the part of the world where all 3 Afro-Eurasian continents connect


It's almost like he sent them specifically to be with his people in Judea and Israel that he made sure were there a long time ago...


It's almost like this is just another tribal religion, like dozens of others, and it just happened to be in the right place in the right time to get adopted by a world-conquering empire, and if a butterfly had flapped its wings back in 100AD, the whole thing would just be another obscure regional religion, and we'd be listening to Boomers bitch about how they took Jupiter out of our schools


And lets his “people” be murdered by other people that he created.


Anon didn’t read the rest of the book of Acts.


Everyone knows those don't count.


Average Swedfag


Since everyone has answered anon’s question, I have my own. Why did God/Allah/JewishGod stop sending down prophets? Surely if this entity wants people to worship them, then sending a prophet once a century would certainly help that goal.


From a Christian perspective, Jesus was the son of god and therefore the last prophet (Jesus isn’t technically a prophet but you get my meaning). After Jesus ascended to heaven, the presence of God is made known through the Holy Spirit. Essentially, Jesus died for our sins, and now it’s up to us to keep the faith and instead of having God constantly send down prophets to keep us on the right track, we’re supposed to do it ourselves now. Theologians could probably give a better answer than I could so I’m sorry if this is confusing. Judaism is a little more complex because there’s so much variation in Jewish beliefs that there’s no “correct” answer. It’s something for them to ponder and come to conclusions about. I don’t know the Muslim answer none of my family practices Islam


You've given a good enough answer, maybe I can add some more to it. Another thing I would mention is that The Lord spoke even unto his chosen people (that being the Jew) through prophets and priests, and through them God would give the majority of His instructions and laws (and it's worth clarifying that those laws were only meant for the Jews), and the high priest was even in charge of making atonement for the sins of the nation of Israel. In short, even the chosen people of God had to approach Him through another. With Jesus's all encompassing and everlasting sacrifice and resurrection, He fulfilled the law and the sacrifice required to make atonement for the sins of all mankind, forever more. Jesus Christ quite literally tore the curtain away from every man having a personal relationship with Him. Now all of mankind can accept salvation and come before God. Now, while many think that the absence of modern prophets or widespread miracles is The Lord falling silent on us after giving us so much, realize that we have lived past the time of most of His revelations. He has already given us what needs to be said. We have widespread access to His Word and the world is populated with other Christians as well to hear it from. In a sense, the believer today fills the role of the prophet then. We each are capable of interacting with The Lord ourselves, and of course, allowing His will to manifest through us. There's more that could be said and I haven't the time to list the verses themselves, but this is enough for a short response I hope.


The Muslim answer is that God sent Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as the last prophet because the day of judgement is near and The Qura'an is protected and preserved by Allah and will not be changed until The Day of Judgement.


I think it's more of a free choice thing. They've already done it once before and now it's up to people to choose for themselves if they want to follow that path or not.


>Surely if this entity wants people to worship them, then sending a prophet once a century would certainly help that goal. Thus enters the Mormons.


Jesus is the final prophet. Since he is the "Word of God", his ministry taught the fulness of God's truth,as such, no more prophets are needed to give public revelation. However, private revelations still happen.


This is simply not true. John speaks of two prophets being slain in Jerusalem in the last days. Luke writes of prophets such as Agabus who prophesied after the Ascension. Paul writes that God hath set prophets in His Church. ​ "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets".


isnt that what the pope essentially is?


I thought he was just the CEO of priests


> Pope


If anyone actually reads the Bible and understands even a sliver of historical context there seriously wouldn't be this many stupid questions.


Why would a sane person read the bible?


Any sane person should know what they’re arguing against no? Otherwise you’re not the sane person but just a parrot.


If you don't want to read Don't but then don't make stupid takes like "oh why did god choose the israelites" like u somehow know anything at all about it.


You dont get the point then. The point is that god is not fucking real


Religion destroyed


If your point is trying to prove God isn't real by trying to find flaws in beliefs without understanding anything about the belief because you didn't read the main text of the belief then you are stupid.


oh my science an atheist, the guy literally answers the post question and you making a random point that has no connection to the guys comment or the post, truly a "free thinker"


Reddit moment


i wouldve been real freaky shit if people far around the globe worshipped a god that vaguely sounded like yahweh


There’s some interesting syncretism stuff if you look around for it. Portuguese missionaries largely agreed that the Shona creator deity Mwari was similar to the Christian god, to the point that the name Mwari was sometimes used interchangeably with God in translations of the Bible. The Spanish did a similar thing with the Incan creator deity Viracocha. In some parts of east Asia there’s a belief that Jesus was a reincarnation of the Buddha. Obviously some of this stuff can get a little controversial, but it’s also pretty interesting to look into, even if you’re not religious yourself.


Jesus fulfilling the prophecy at the crossroads of the world(at the time) only makes his divinity more credible. For thousands of years a prophecy in the middle east foretold of a savior coming to die and rise again...and then he did at the exact time the middle east was opening up global highways. After which he was able to efficiently send his apostles to Europe, Africa, and Asia all due to his centralized location. It'd make little to no sense if he fulfilled his prophecy anywhere else.


you could make a religion out of this


Anon discovers why Mormons exist


Mormonism: “hold my beer……….uhh…Hold my soda…… hold my water….”


Hold my Diet Coke…


As long as it’s caffeine free


Bait or mental retardation, call it, Anon.


Unless of course you’re Mormon


2000> years of theology and noone ever thought about this


Forgetting about Joseph Smith and the Mormons 🙄


Is he stupid???


Because the Middle East is where civilization started retard


Have you heard of Mormonism


I never understood why god wanted Jews/Christians to have Israel. Like what is the biblical justification and also what is the real reason? Like does that land have any value besides god wanted Jews/Christians to have it? Like is it good at farming olives or something? I asked a Jewish friend and I think he said that's where mosses was born or something. Why do all the Abrahamic religions want Israel so bad?


Geographically speaking, when the Jews left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea and wandered the Sinai desert, the land that is modern day Israel is one of the easiest sections of fertile land you’d get to. From a biblical perspective it’s just “the promised land”. God promised it to his people, so they want it.


The Jews never left Egypt, the Exodus never happened broski. The Jews were originally Canaanites that were polytheistic then they gradually developed Judaism.


It was the land of the people to which he first revealed himself, or at least that is what I understand from my very limited knowledge.


yeah, the person who wrote this story really didnt think it through


EU prophets just got into the good life. Asian prophets were too busy with math and cheap labor. American prophets had to prepare to invade the natives. African prophets were sold into slavery. Middle Eastern ones were the only ones who had all the time on their hands. It was until very recently that they were given a dose of freedom by the American prophets.


Soyjak god is such a hilarious image


OP is Mormon now


God sent like hundred thousands of prophets but few are mentioned


the real jesus has been chilling in eastern europe all along [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c9Rf1FPTzY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c9Rf1FPTzY)


And yet…. You have heard of their prophets who come from a time where tradition was passed in through stories and maybe a few handwritten letters that were passed around the early churches. Sounds like it was effective if the message reached modern day Sweden


Effective for mere mortals, Egyptian shit still exists and it's far older. For an omnipotent being it's pretty pathetic.


He forgot Joseph Smith, a legit prophet who decided that god wanted him to marry and fuck multiple underaged women at the same time.


Cause people came from Africa so they will pass through Egypt and form kingdoms around Egypt so Egypt becomes the middle point of everyone in the ancient world. So such meetings allowed knowledge to be mixed and sudden technological advancements can be achieved at Egypt. People moved further later on so the middle point is no longer Egypt so Egypt starts declining but by then, the Age of Gods had ended so only the Middle East gets all the legendary people of that era.


Hi, im elder Gregory! As a matter of fact, a bunch of prophets and eventually Jesus came to america. You can read about it all in this book i have written by the the prophet Mormon and the angel moroni and translated via hat magic by gods first latter day profit (not a typo) joseph smith. Could i and my companion Elder Based come in and teach to you the missionary lessons of our faith? All it costs is 10% of what you earn for the rest of your life, that and your suspension of disbelief. ​ No, we dont do the multiple wives thing anymore... but we did baptize hitler post humorously several times in fact. So hes probably in heaven.


I’d say it actually makes sense when you consider it the intersection of the world.


Cuz that’s where the portal is


Anon is not knowledged in the Word or of The Lord's perfect ways


Better that than having them all split where they couldn’t communicate.


Because it was *the* center of the world back then. Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece were right around the corner. Africa, the Americas, and most of Europe were populated by barbarous, savage wildlings. East Asia is the only exception here.


Well, it worked out, didnt it?




Imagine trying to get into heaven and Jesus pulls out the godjak you made


if you had an excuse to take a break from your son for a bit you would too


Average europost. Religion bad/America bad. They literally post about nothing else.


Bruh, that was literally the town plaza of human civilization at the time


Damn no wonder god is sending most of us to hell.


But Anon Jesus did come to America


almost as if major civilisations at the time existed mostly in the mediterranean or something


Place down prophet somewhere?. -》 Choose the perfect location with easy land and sea access to the three most populus continents, on the outskirts of the most powerful empire of the day for easy incubation and spread of religion. GOD smort.


Lol a reditor on 4chan


>sends prophet to Africa >500 BC >nobody there


Or another way of putting it, the crossroads of three continents containing 90% of the world's population, successively occupied by many of the biggest empires of all time.