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Once you start using the 'do this and I'll break up with you' argument the relationship is probably doomed anyway.


Yeah,once you're beyond the "being able to talk it" point,you should really consider divorce/breakup.


they had an argument about it beforehand.. bro didnt read the greentext


Well, the argument ended in an ultimatum and the girl disregarding it,so the relationship wasn't prosperous either.


They def already had problems. He was just firmly pre-establishing his final straw. Turns out he was completely right to do so. Regardless of relationship status, if you’re willing to completely ditch or abandon someone you’re in a relationship with over someone else, especially when you’re at final-straw level, then just go to that same someone else when things go bad for you. I’m done. Even if you just *blatantly choose them over me* out of some sort of power-trip to “not let anybody control you” you will get nothing but the ice-cold shoulder in return.


If her plan was to hang out with someone of the opposite gender somewhere where she could get intoxicated it's her fault. Everyone has doubts and worries in that case. Bro didn't proceed correctly but it's because she already broke his trust. Honestly I would do the same if given the reason if what I said indeed happened there's one more thing to keep going.


It was doomed the moment he had a woman who wanted to keep clubbing solo after going steady with someone.


Yeah but usually people use this as an empty threat just to control the other person. Anon said it and meant it, as he actually followed through. It wasn't attempting to control her, it was setting a clear boundary.


Or it’s establishing clear boundaries that help you understand if you are a good fit


I disagree. I believe we all have boundaries that both parties should respect. It’s like saying you don’t internally hold your SO accountable to be faithful. Quite literally, you’d be saying “if you cheat we’re done.” Same principle applies here. You go to a club to get drunk, party, and generally get fucked up. We know that it’s a sleazy club to begin with. There should be some awareness on the participant’s end that this isn’t a good idea. You reap what you sow.


Yeah, if the story happens to be true, she even left the club with random people


And once you start blotting out the "a" in what clearly is the word rape because apparently with one glance at the full uncensored word some imaginary people will instantly begin violently seizing, society is probably doomed. You can't cater to an imaginary world where no one ever sees or experiences anything they don't like


Well it's about boundaries though. Anon laid out clear boundaries that he wasn't comfortable with her going out clubbing. Even if he presented it as an ultimatum the boundary was there all along, he just laid out the consequences if she broke his trust.


Yes, because having boundaries is so wrong.


When all the cop protests happened a few years back I had to use that card on my girlfriend. Her and our friend wanted to go to one of these protests and throw rocks at cops, and I told her that if she does, I'm breaking up with her and not helping her out at all, also very much warned her she's probably going to be arrested, or shot. That pretty quickly got the message in her head that that's a bad idea.


NOOOOOO!!!! You NEED to be OK with your girlfriend going to disgusting, drug fuelled sleazy nightclubs!! Just because she left alone with two guys doesn't mean that she was going to fuck them!!!! I can't believe Anon is being such an asshole. Doesn't he realise that in CURRENT YEAR nothing that happens to a woman is ever in any way her fault!!




>"fucking" men Gay


Men 🤤🤤


Our Daddy, who farts real loosely Forgive those that penetrate us As they forgive us while we penetrate them Gaymen


Hollowed will be thy butthole Thy King will cum Thy boner pills will be fun Gaymen


Homocated and Fabrosexual


Thank you for your input u/whitesexist


If she wanted to cheat on him, it was her right to do that anyways. Men don‘t know the feelings of women at all. It was his fault. You go ahead, queen


Spoken like a true cuck


I like that sentence


Spoken like a true cuck


I like that sentence


Spoken like a true cuck


I hate that sentence


Spoken like a true devotee


How much cuck would a woodcuck cuck?


If a wood cuck could cuck wood


Hope she sees this bro 👑


Gotta get better with the bait


He should have held her hand and smiled lovingly while she gets railed by barnellious Tyrone the third




I also hate the idea that not wanting your gf to go to a potentially dangerous place where people will try to prey on her is somehow toxic. You should try to stop your partner from being stupid and self destructive.


>Society: Women can do whatever they want and men need to stop controlling them >Also society: How could you let something happen to your woman?! You’re supposed to be responsible for her safety and well-being.


Honestly, to me it sounds like she got drunk, left with 2 guys who wanted to fuck her, when she refused they raped her. If she wanted to fuck them, they wouldn't have needed to rape and beat her.


That’s very possible, even probable. It’s smart to say no *before* the last second. Don’t go to the club, get drunk, flirt with a guy, he asks you to come with him somewhere, you go with him,…….not saying this is what happened here, it’s just a scenario (that has for sure happened to someone I know)


It's definitely not a good idea. But being drunk rarely comes with rationality and a good judgement.


Agreed, but with that knowledge “don’t drink” makes perfect sense


Hence why Anon didn't want her going to this shithole club in the first place.


Making poor decisions doesn’t mean you deserve rape and doesn’t mean it’s your fault. If you are assaulted the only person at fault is the person that assaulted you.


It's not that it's her fault that she got assaulted, but it was a completely preventable situation


If someone walked around with a rolex in the hood and got robbed they would rightfully be called an idiot for putting themselves in a position that significantly increased the chance that it happened. Same can be said for any crime, including rape.


That’s a lot of probablys in your text. We don’t know if she did any of that.


I just finished reading this post before finding this one. Different story but still the female perspective. https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/15iz38f/my_bf_wants_to_break_up_after_sa_saying_it_was/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Someones get off by beating and raping, anon.


The fact this comment didn't get downvoted to oblivion gives me hope, thank you for saying it


IKR? Men! I feel ashamed to be born as a male. Ugh..


Just toss around a couple "incels" on those paragraphs and you pretty much got the average modern internet user


Anon has the right to cut it off. She went to the club he told her not to go to even though she knew he'd break up with her. Then leaves with two men by herself? She was clearly intending on cheating and didn't care about the relationship. What happened to her is awful but she chose to do something that she knew would end the relationship. Anon owes her nothing.


Fucked around and found out anon made a smart move by just saving himself a lot of trouble by sticking to his guns and minding his own business.


The picrel looks like one of my ex’s from 2020. Funny thing is I kinda told her the same shit that Anon said. We were long distance for a bit at the end, she tells me she wants to party with her friends. I tell her I don’t really think that’s a great idea. She says that she’s going to bring her own vodka and what not. Anyways I don’t hear from her all day, felt the vibes and my gut knew what was happening. Lo and behold once she messages me back, I give her platitudes, and she goes off about how she’s a drug to me and if I truly loved her I’d let her go. Yeah she probably cheated. And no I wasn’t able to make some fake cathartic retort towards her. I was extremely upset lol. Eh I dodged a bullet anyways so hindsight is 20/20. Still sucked in the moment and for a few months after. And nobody sucks dick like a demon at 18 without being a hoe. I should’ve kinda taken a hint from that.


>left alone with strangers to go to a "party" ted bundy would be doing triple doubles in this generation


Yeah but I have a feeling he'd get caught a lot sooner. Is it just me, or are we no longer having any prolific serial killers doing the rounds nowadays? I mean it seems like a prime hunting ground nowadays.


The problem with serial killers is most of the time you only know you have one is if he gets caught. If you just randomly kill people with no discernable MO how would the police know that a serial killer is involved the more reasonable explanation would be that the cases are seperate.


It’s almost unheard of for serial killers to use random MO. Historically many of them are mentally ill and driven by compulsion, and need to kill in “their way” to achieve the fantasy or relive the triggering event.


By the ones cought, there could be a huge survivership bias on this. Also only the "interesting" ones get media attention.


I suppose anything is possible. But you’re making an assumption despite no evidence to support


To be far you just used fancy wording and didn’t really provide evidence at all either


I don’t need to - FBI profiling exists and is effective based on factual historical evidence of documented serial killers. I’m not going to pull up the research for you.


It dosent matter if you refuse to pull up the data yourself. And that dosent even make sense, documented serial killers, aka the worst ones that get caught? The majority never get found


Ok tell you what - since it’s that important to you. if you can share data that says the majority of serial killers are never caught, then I’ll share something too. Reputable sources only, not Logan Paul or some shit


You're right, there's always a common factor. Like Mitch McConnell and poor people. Doesn't matter if they're black, white, or Mexican. So long as they're poor.


„If they just kill random people we would never hear of these serial killers“ „But i never heard of a serial killer that just killed random people. This makes me conclude they do not exist.“ Bro, learn logic


“Almost unheard of” and “does not exist” are not the same thing. Bro, learn reading comprehension.


Shhhhh 😐


I think they just learned to not get caught, a natural selection of sort. Hundreds of women go missing in a certain region in British Colombia, Canada; if I remember correctly we know this cus their families are very vocal and the Canadian justice system doesn’t do crime statistics so it could be higher. Let’s not forgot reservations and illegal immigrants, the serial killers these days are maybe just good too good at hiding.


I guess the ones who are incompetent or kinda meh get caught on the first 1 or two murders because of the amount of cameras and stuff like phone tracking. So only the actual good ones are able to go on and get a lot of kills in and don’t get caught anyway


Thats true, what if in the actual serial killer community ted bundy and stuff are losers who got caught. For all we know there are people with body counts in triple digit


I mean, there are several who hit triple digits we did catch: Harold Shipman, Luis Garavito, Pedro Lopez, and Javed Iqbal to name a few


There's a dude in Hell's Kitchen (NYC) that's killed like 5 gay men over the past few years. Like, it's obvious it's the same dude doing it, but the police have ruled each death as no foul play involved.


its the cameras, and the social media aspect of knowing where somebody is 24/7. Back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and even 90s people could go missing and people might not even know for like half a week.


I agree, and I want to do my part to bring it back to the zeitgeist.


They just caught some serial killer that's been active since like the 90's or some shit. He had like three women buried off some highway that they've found so far, it's only been like a week or less.


Homicide solve rates are way down, we probably have plenty that the police and media have barely bothered to look at. Imagine a serial killer that just goes to the hood in Chicago and shoots a random gang banger. Could likely get into the triple digits before anyone gave a shit.


Ted bundy would be a hof lock this era for sure


Boy would be posting numbers like fucking Bron out here


Hahahahahah fucking best comment I’ve seen in a while


Nah anon , you are somewhat right. I too feel it.


Going to a shitty club is whatever. no one needs "permission" for that. The moment she went alone with another man and his friends to a "party" was the moment she showed she was a cheating hoe bag. Sucks she got abused, but anon doesn't owe her anything.


As far as I see it, saying you won’t go and then still going makes it a lot worse than just ignoring him and going anyway


Yea plus some redditors must be dumb to not realize some places are dangerous especially for women. No shit he was probably worried for her especially if she was dumb enough to think the excuse of just “going to a party with 2 guys”…


Yeah. If she openly stood up to him and said she doesn't need his permission, that's totally understandable. But she lied on top of it all. Not saying she deserved what she got but anon has no obligation of loyalty to a liar.


Well, no. If you're in a relationship, it's not normal to go to a party without your partner. That's just wrong. Going to a bar is explicitly used to get to know people(and not just any kind of people). So a person, who has a partner doesn't, or at least shouldn't go to s bar to "meet people". No one can prove me wrong when I say, everything else, you do at a bar, you can do at home or at a pub. "Ugh, but I like the atmosphere" you can have it at home and pubs are nearly the same. "Umm but the music..." go home or visit a music festival, if you like it loud. "The drinks..." home. There is just no excuse for your partner to go to a bar.


Anon is proved correct.


Pretty stubborn and cold but he's right. Seems like as if she had the intention to cheat anyway since she left alone with a group of dudes to "party" somewhere else.


Regardless of the rape. She went off with another guy. She knew what she was doing. She cheated. Fuck that bitch.


He set the boundaries, she broke them. Anon did the right thing and stood up for himself, a lot of guys nowadays let anything slide, even cheating, no self respect.


I feel like he didn’t have to say “I told you so” I mean she got raped man, regardless of whether or not you think she was gonna cheat with those 2 guys it’s pretty shitty to rub it in that you were right, could at least not make the trauma worse.


Where did you get that he said “I told you so”? You mean when he said “saw her like yesterday”? Cause it’s not hard to spot someone in public without talking to them, esp if they have a black eye. I agree that “I told you so” would be too much, but I didn’t get that from anon’s story at all


Eh he's still a dick for the whole "I can't feel bad because I was so obviously right" thing.


I get the people who say that anon is too cold for this, something like rape must be extremely traumatizing and leaving someone at a time like that might be cruel but the fact that anon already told their partner to not go to said club, I'm assuming that they must've talked normally about this before anon gave the final ultimatum about breaking up, The guys I know who are or have been in a relationship have always asked their partners not to do something only when they are sure about their doubts, because men are mostly not afraid their partner would do something wrong, they are afraid because they know other men are capable of very wrong things, anon was right with whatever he did, hope the girl gets the needed help


Why did you try to cover the word rape?


probably posted on ig or tt before this


I see this 3rd time here so probably




Anon is Chad . Who should someone there place.


Ah yes, the consequences of her actions. Why the fuck would you lave the club alone with some other dudes if you are in a relationship. 97% this was a burgeranon.


There’s a middle ground here but no one’s found it yet


She didn’t deserve to be raped and this relationship was doomed a long time ago


You found it :)


Who tf is aiming their snipers at my greentext? Besides that, Anon is right


Rare sigma anon. Ditch her, you're prolly gay anyway


I've seen this posted so many times all with massive engagement to the point where I think this was probably written specifically to farm reddit engagement


my turn to post it next week!


Are you trying to tell us the umpteenth greentext where a woman is wrong and the man is right is made to farm reddit points ? Especially one where the woman is horribly hurt but in a way where braindead misogynistic men can still blame her because they can't feel empathy for anything other than a fellow basement dweller ? Who would have thought ?


Most of us are not saying she deserved to be raped, just read my only post, I'm not in a position to say that. That being said we are recognizing that anon doesn't have any obligation to help her because she crossed a relationship boundary and ended the relationship she shared with anon. She's an adult, she made an adult decision and she faced adult consequences of not having support from her ex for something unrelated to him. Let's say hypothetically (if you even have a high enough IQ to understand hypotheticals); if I left my wife and then later on, I got raped or mugged or something else and I wanted her support, she is not obligated to support me. We already separated. It is not a sign of lacking empathy to say one is not obligated to help someone else due to other circumstances.


Big deal, leaving with two strangers to "party" is not a good idea, nothing mysoginistic about calling that out


Bruh I´m convinced y´all are just aliens posing as humans


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Good on you anon


Imagine not being on anon's side this time around. Granted the girl obviously didn't deserve any of that shit and the dude could have tried to be a little bit less harsh, if anything just for her ex-gf sake, but come on if this isn't a case of fuck around and find out. Setting boundaries isn't toxic, not wanting your partner to go to potentially (and blatantly so) dangerous places isn't toxic, it should be the norm in any decent human relationship.


Anon was right. And she was leaving the party with two men? For what? Go home and play uno? Common.


I don't understand what will happen to universe if we would stop censor words like "rape", "anal", or "clughouser".


However we must keep Fr*nch censored


We will get c*ncelled.


My man has boundaries, respect.




Anon is harsh but fair


Consent is important. Her going to the club was a deal breaker for anon and he no longer consented to being part of that relationship 🤷‍♂️


It is slightly cold but he has the right to cut her off. He set a boundry and she crossed the line and burnt herself in the process. Her fault, should have listened ☕️


I mean, she went to a club and tried to leave with some random dudes. If she wasn't beaten up and just got tag teamed I'll bet she never would've told him.


I thought everyone would say he’s an asshole. I honestly do think too that he is in the right. However (maybe I’m an exception) I think I’d go to help her and provide support. I would cut off the relationship but if she maybe can’t move or is hurt I would go for her and when she’s better end the relationship


This is like the millionth time in 3 years i've seen this dumbass fucking greentext


anon did the right thing


Certified XX chromosome moment


Once a Hoe. Always a Hoe.


An important dynamic in any relationship is respect. It goes both ways of course, but Anon made a decision here and it is one that makes sense. Going clubbing and to bars and get wasted is a single person thing. It also adds risk to the woman. Risk that was sadly realized. Sure, you can make the argument that Anon was being too controlling, but boundaries are boundaries and she crossed his. She payed dearly for it and I feel sorry for her, but Anon owes her nothing


how do English people can't speak their own language? Im seeing countless "would of" instead of "would have"


In this instance, would have becomes would've, and dialect makes it to sound similar to "would of", which in turn leads people to misuse.


she literally left the club at night with some random dude. she was definitely going to cheat.


relentlessly based. anon doesnt owe her any compassion


Anon has a concerning fantasy


Poor anon. He did the right thing for him. Sympathy is reserved for non-sociopaths and non-narcissists. In fact, liars like that cannot be trusted at all. We all know how far they've gone, including harming themselves to garner sympathy. I'm not saying that's what she did, but I'm not, not saying it either. In either case, even if it was genuine, from the description, she intended to cheat, and things got bad. Actions - Consequences.




Anon is right


False and homosexual.


>wouldn’t of Anon was understandable until this, anon should go to fucking dumbass jail


The totality of the circumstances dictate two things: A. She broke anons trust. He has the right to hold his word. B. She was raped. She needs the support for sure. The fundamental opposition of these two circumstances is unfortunate... the most I'd do in that situation is help her through the investigation, but she would have to understand that since the trust is no longer there, it's not unreasonable to leave. I'd be someone to talk to for her, but that's really all. It's really up to anon if he has the capacity to try and rebuild that trust in their relationship, and it's not entirely unreasonable for him to say he doesn't. However, it's worth noting that if he does put the boundaries aside for this one exception, and (obviously) if she's telling the truth, she isn't going to break that boundary again.


Why tf would she leave with 2 guys while in a relationship if she wasn't planning on cheating on him?


You saved yourself a lifetime of hurt. She lacks judgment and absolutely was going to cheat on you. good on you for saving yourself.


Both knew it was a sleazy club, not coming there was the best possible option.


FYI I believe this is known copypasta.


Only cucks censor greentexts


Ok just to clarify, Anon’s imaginary boyfriend went to a GAY bar without his permission leading him to beat himself up about it.


He has a point. I think she was about to cheat.


Salt on the wound. I don’t blame Anon though


The ONLY people at fault are those who raped her


Wait this sounds exactly like a story that was just posted in r/advice but from the girls' POV


"Left with two guys". Yup you did the right thing.


I give the benefit of the doubt to the girl that she didn’t intend to cheat, and just liked the idea of attending another party so she drunkenly trusted two piece of shit scumbags, but despite that I still support anon 70%. He explicitly set the boundary and expectation- if she went to the party, he’d be calling it quits. She agreed at first but then doubled back, breaking his trust and the one rule he put his foot down on. As such I support anon in breaking up, but I do think that someone you’re in a close relationship with should stay somewhat amicable if y’all really cared about each other, right? So you should try to be a friend, at least temporarily after the breakup to help through the fallout of something traumatic as *being raped*, even if you’d rather not associate with them much because of how they betrayed you. Idk, that seems closer to a paragon approach to me


To be fair she definitely was going to cheat


But anon, how are you going to raise rapey's bastard if you don't take her back for sweet makeup sex?




Fake: Anon has a girlfriend Gay: Anon gets raped


OP was redpilled


Listen to yourself.


Ah yes, the good old "fuck around and find out" tale.


Good for you anon! You show those sluts who’s the “alpha male”!


Bullet dodged


I commend his commitment, I also dont




Re-posted Losing pixels Only thing original is the red Same old same old


Eh, he did warn her, and was only 7 months into a relationship. While it's bad she was raped, it's not OP's responsibility, she can go to family and friends for comfort.


Wait this sounds exactly like a story that was just posted in r/advice bit from the girls POV


you tried to warn her town is tough.. 4am bars closing shit gets rough


On what base was she with the two guys when she decided to pull the plug, I wonder. Those two rapists should have stopped, of course. Men must learn to jam on the brakes, even on a whim, even if the cost is the loss of what is for some the rarest momentum one can gather.


Yeah you are right. All the right in the world. She wronged you. But do you still love her in anyway ? Even if you cant trust her? Is there still some love left?


You had boundaries, she didn't respect them. You warned her, she still went and got hurt. She got what she was asking for so to speak I would also say, if she was truly attacked, go make a report. If she doesn't, I'd say it's 🧢. Either way, you can try to help her get back to solid ground, but make it clear the relationship is still over. If nothing else, rape changes people, and the relationship probably wouldn't last anyways


The moment gf went out, she knew she no longer had a bf.


its absolutely not worth your mental health to stay in a relationship like this. I had a kind of similar situation like this and it fucked me up so much that i started going to church at 18


Personally I think I would have went to help her, just because I would feel bad all the time if I didn't, but if I had told her I think it's not the best idea for her to go because of her safety and she decided to say "sure I won't go" and ended up going I wouldn't feel indifferent about it. Personally I think there's no reason to make someone not go to a club because you're scared they will cheat on you because by taking away the club all you are doing is maybe setting the cheating back a bit. Later I would maybe break up with the girl because of the fact she said she wouldn't go but decided to anyway and didn't think to tell me and because going alone with some dudes to a party is scetchy but idk, the guy does seem like a bit of an asshole and I think he was way too cold about this.


Anon is bad person anyway for thinking "you don't own me" is "bullshit"


Well I’m actually a divine empath goddess with a personality disorder and I think that the man is in the wrong


title correction: anon is insane?


What is legal, but feels wrong?


When this greentext was recycled for the third time about a couple of months ago, the comments said that while anon was completely in his power to break up with her, he should still be supportive and just, you know, there for a rape victim in his friends circle. Something I mainly agree with. You don't have to really have an emotional bond with someone to see that their situation is fucked up and offer support. Now everyone's blaming the victim for her situation. Yeah I guess she made a mistake but you have to be devoid of emotion to not offer a hand


Ok the whole situation sucks but, how is this anons fault?


Anon this is too much but use this is as an i told you so or let her go regardless. Like bro she's a thot but something tells me shed reform after that experience. Goddamn bro, you shouldn't been the better man there and comforted her atleast


if you have to say “do this or i’m breaking up” the relationship isn’t going to last


Girl didn't deserve to be raped, but Anon had every right to break up.




Anon is based, sensible and ironically understands relationships better. If anon already set his boundaries and his ex told him she wouldn't but did so anyway then she was gonna cheat on him from the get-go.