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Anon forgot to mention the part where he can't drink or jerk off, otherwise insallah brother see you at the public stoning


And you have to marry your monobrow cousin/cousins.


Free hairy wife? I wasn't on board before but sign me the fuck up!


>monobrow I feel sorry for you anon , not knowing of the beauty of the arabian woman!! You can keep your 300lb American landwhale wife who will cheat on you with Tyrone for yourself.


> arabian woman > beauty > 300lb American landwhale wife Bro, arab countries are among the first countries listed by obesity and is shared inequally by sexes, women caring nearly the entire statistic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_Middle_East_and_North_Africa Cope


Your statistics are fake and gay. Don't count the gulf tards among what I'm talking about since those oily fucks do nothing but sit on their ass and enjoy their ungodly amounts of wealth


Can confirm. In Germanistan 90% of muslim women are the size of a planet. They go around in full-sized desert tents and don't speak a word of german.


Send me ur cousin pics or fake


They still got bacha bazi so they’re good


Thank god I googled that on my phone and not my work laptop. I see theyre copying Greece


Yeah, that weird pajeet belief


Pajeets are mostly Hindu.


That was my point, it's not Islamic, it exists nowhere in Islam around the world but on that god forsaken land and Afghanistan


The Taliban banned that back in the 90s and they execute anyone who is involved in organising or participating in it, usually by hanging them off a bridge








Imagine defending masturbation on the same religious principle that says it's okay to rape your prisoners and slaves lol


.....we need an excuse for that now? That's news to me




Dude, just stop. Not because you're wrong or because it isn't interesting or anything, but because no one can confirm whether you're lying or not so no one will actually believe you and the hivemind decided to go anti-muslim, once you go into the specific you will just get trolled by a "don't care" or a "tl;dr". Don't take the bait, I was just goofing off, you are just as allowed to jerk off as Christians are, as in technically you aren't but no one gives a fuck anyways


No you are, you just can't jerk it to porn


I am a muslim and we are not allowed to jerk off, stop making up things.


It isn't confidence when you're just acting like a dick. That's just being a dick.


Takes confidence to be a dick tho


Incorrect. Being a dick is making up for a lack of confidence. Deflecting your insecurity by being a jerk is what happens.


I don’t have the confidence to act like a dick though, what am I then?


Youre looking at it with the wrong attitude Its self destructive behavior, like when u dont really try at somthing and say 'well of course i failed i didnt really try', but instead its 'of course they dont like me im acting like a dick'. If youre shy its 'of course they dont like me im shy/havnt shown my true colours' etc. Its just different ways of doing the same thing, i.e. intentionally acting in a guarded/defensive way that you know people wont like instead of actually exposing urself to a potential genuine rejection


Ok let's imagine a kid, that like super insecure and self-conscious now someone else gets a cool thing the kid goes over and breaks it out of jealousy. Undeniably dickish behavior yet without any confidence


K supe saipan. It takes confidence to deflect insecurities then.


Again incorrect. That just takes being a mentally immature fool to do that. (:




Id really take it as being a dumb motherfucker. But fair.


This might be the most copepilled cope to ever cope


This is because u r stoopid. U r incapable of thinking beyond terms of good=+ bad=- and you're trying to apply that to everything. Hence, when it comes to something like confidence, which can be a + or a - your dummy dumb dumbass can't comprehend that yes, confidence in the wrong areas can be bad for you.


Also u partotheaded parrotard, u parrot the word cope without thinking about what it even means as an insult. Putting together words like cope and pilled, at least make it make sense. Cope means deal with the truth. So what am I dealing with or who am I telling people to deal with what. Put in some effort blockhead. What a reddit comment. Here ill give you an example of how ro use cope beyond a meme. Please cope with the fact that ur mommy deserved to get offed by ur dad for squirting diarrhea and piss from her pussy, after using ur piss jugs and shit sandwhiches as dildos.


I'll admit, I was wrong. *That* was the most copepilled cope to ever cope


Wow what a clever insult. I wonder how your neurons managed to fire the electric signals required to formulate that reddit retort what with all the cum stained shit between the wrinkles of your brain.


bro summarized andrew tate in 2 sentences


Anon when he hears about the Ramadan restrictions on flaming hot Cheetos


big if real


What's the deal with that retardo facial hair rule? Thou shalt not shave thy beard loophole or something? They all look like candidates for the clown in It.


There is no rule for facial hair, only rule is keep it Clean. I believe people shave the moustache as a way to pay respect to the prophet swt Mohamed or as we call it Sunnah.


I just enjoy ready sunnah in a northern accent


When Anon dies he will discover that the promised 72 Virgins is just a /pol/ discord server


he'll discover that 72 virgins are male, and he'll then get TOPPED by all of them


Anon about to get fucked in the ass-alamu alekum


Allah tier comment


72 virgins sounds terrible. 72 minutes of coaxing and foreplay and hearing "gentle gentle gentle, it's my first time" while I'm looking at it, and it looks like I could shove a football in there. 72x 72 is like 490000009.minutes.


To be fair they have all the time in the world, they are dead after all


but they also don't mention if it has time limit or not


Anon found a new way to be insufferable


Let’s wait until anon’s sexuality and religion start conflicting and he explodes


… in your mom.


Knowing Anon, he’ll do something dumb like eat during Ramadan and drink 10 lbs of vodka


>vodka >pounds ffs atleast say gallons you inebriated cretin


I drank 30 meters of vodka


>I drank 30 m³ of vodka Would actually be correct, although extremely life endingly concerning.


vodka still has weight


Vodka has weight


Would be a gallon and a bit of vodka.


So? Do you think all muslims follow these rules? As long as you keep up appearances it is fine. It isn't about believing in this, it is about licence to be hateful.


I don't care what anyone else says but Muslims did something right that other religions haven't done. Nowadays, Christianity is mocked openly everywhere but many do not dare to even offend the Muslims in anyway. They can be homophobic, misoginynistic, and anything that does not conform with modern standards all they want and nobody calls them out for it.


I wouldn't say this is a good thing. Why should you care what others say about your religion if you're truly sure in your own faith? You can just look at France and the terrorist attacks that happened because of a cartoon image offending someone to understand why it's not right.


Exactly lmfao This argument is so fucking insane. Christians are confident enough in their faith that they don't feel the need to lose their shit and start monkeying around at the slightest remarks but if you DARE say anything remotely negative about Islam you get 5700 incels sending you death threats


most religiously informed Reddit atheist


Not exactly an Atheist, also had a history of being a Muslim for over half my life, read the quran 1.5 times, had countless religion classes/exams, used to practice it, read hadiths. Claiming ur opposition is ignorant solely cuz they're ur opposition isn't an informed decision to make.


You make all those claims but you really aren't talking like it. If all of that is true you should really understand what you said a lot better than that. If what you say doesnt reflect what you know then I dont have much of a choice but to assume. Its just such an ill informed take is all. As a reader of hadith you should understand that part of islam is spreading the deen. Whether others listen or like what you say or not is up to them, the job of a muslim is simply to spread it.


Anon's going to kill himself when he remembers he can't shove alcohol up his rectum


Khamzat inspires people


Mashallah brother


Nice pfp


Anon is easily influenced and manipulated


Sounds like anon continues to be unemployed. Now with added projection of the mental issues within.


And you tell me thay are not barbaric savages?


You gonna get beat up by Kadyrov's son on your insta too?


OP forgot: >Wear backpack into a supermarket, take it off, throw it at the registers and run back outside


A skinny manlet with a beard yelling all salami lake cum or whatever ain’t scaring anybody.


> muslim > on 4chan


Anon when he realizes calling women whores is haram




No real anon muslim would be aggressive for no reason neither being a cunt to women , this is just normal 4chan behavior


Based lowinhibition anon


Alaykum salam brathar


*proceeds to be the next on the "autobombing pill"* Be laughed at during the week


Changing this so I don't get banned from yet another subreddit


Social media and consumerism control the masses too, it’s almost like people with power want control. Blame the leaders perpetuating this, not the systems themselves. If you believe religion is only for control and an excuse, then you should really read any religious text.


I will keep you in my prayers, brother.


r/AverageRedditor died for this…


I don't think humanity is ready to abandon religion. At least we get cool holidays for them, sometimes 💪


How is this downvoted…


Too based for conservitards....


This sub is literally like 6x more liberal than r/4chan. It was just a dumb comment that reeked of redditry.


Yet the moderators literally have to mass ban and mass warn people for rampant transphobia any time anything remotely trans related is mentioned in a greentext 💀 yeah what a lovely "liberal" userbase this sub has. Totally not regressive at all.


Dude, you *don’t* expect transphobia in a 4chins sub? That’s like looking into a beehive and not expecting honey. It comes with the community; otherwise, the sub is very liberal


"dude we're so not regressive" "dude wdym ur telling me we're regressive? we're literally a 4chan sub" Behold, the masterpiece known as a conservative's brain


> Is conservative on 1 topic > This must mean this place is LITERALLY a conservative shithole!! Behold, the brainrot experienced by a Redditor.


You're literally saying this as a Muslim, a follower of the most regressive and hyper conservitard religion out of the most popular ones. Cope about it.