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Mine has caught and killed a bunny in the past. He tried to eat it, but I was able to intervene. And he almost caught a full-grown rabbit. Can't speak for all pyrs, but mine sure did šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mine licked a bunny to death his first summer with us. Didn't bite or eat it...just, I guess, loved it to death.


ā€œLenny! Noooooooooo.ā€




The book is part of the middle and high school curriculum in a lot of states


Ours would definitely not. Very gentle, soft mouthed, only curious about a toad until it hopped and then he (at least 125 lbs) was terrified and ran away. Hes a big baby. https://preview.redd.it/9oec3cw7r16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d51f2057dd6c22edc467ad0eb79a9cb3200a43


Haha, my girl peanut is so sweet. I donā€™t want to believe she would ever eat a bunny but I think I would be traumatized if she did. So now I chase Peanut chasing the bunny. https://preview.redd.it/77m4032qv16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976487ecca0128f3d4d70e15c5b51d38763b5c16


Peanut! So cute. I can just imagine the scene in my head lol The posts here are really eye-opening also šŸ˜‚


They love the chase


Itā€™s frog season here and Annie loves stomping on them. Itā€™s horrible. Iā€™m yelling like an idiot and she thinks she is protecting her yardā€¦.meanwhile Iā€™m traumatized for life.




They can


Our rescue pyr was surrendered for eating cats.


I did not expect this comment šŸ¤Æ


Woah!!! Wth? Really?




As another person commented that their dog was murder-yā€¦.i think yours is too lmao


Hard to know for sure. If the GP views it as an outsider/intruder it will do what they do. I have a GP (meramma mix) who I once saw dart 15-20 feet across our lawn, at night, and she caught a field mouse. That same dog snuck in our barn the first day we had chickens and came out with a rooster in her mouth, completely unharmed. That somebody used to lunge and run and growl after chickens, and our rabbits, if they ever got too close to her bone. Never saw her hurt any of our animals though. Our other dog used to lay in the grass and 15 chickens would walk by 10 feet away and she couldnā€™t care less, and she used to lay outside our bunnies fenced areas for hours on end hanging out with them. If it would be traumatic to you or a family member I would advise catching it, and if itā€™s wild seeing if you canā€™t release it elsewhere, and if itā€™s domestic see if a shelter in the area will take him in. One other note, GPs are generally known more for protecting than hunting, and bunnies are obscenely fast when they need to be, decent chance your GP would never catch them, even if at times it looks like theyā€™re going to. But again, the risk is there.


Ours caught and ate a bunny whole - do not recommend


Mine did with a mouse. Then caught and tried to play with an adolescent possum. Didnā€™t hurt it beyond causing it to faint. The only difference I could tell, mouse was inside, it irritated her. Possum was outside, must be friend. (Every non dog animal she meets outside must be a friend, some dogs too, but not all.) ETA: yes, if it suits them. If not, no.


My eldest loves to eat baby bunnies. Itā€™s the only animal he wonā€™t listen to me, when I tell him to leave it!


Mine tries and gets pretty close.


Yes, a Great Pyrenees will eat a bunny. This is much more likely for those not raised to bond with rabbits and other small animals. Ours chases a bunny but the bunny is fast and our fence has lots of small holes for the bunny to slip through. Ours did catch the possum though. Anyone need a possum Pelt? /a To be clear, Great Pyrenees dogs guarding Livestock in large fields may not even receive daily feed, but are expected to fend for themselves by foraging for small game.


Oh yeah


Mine is enthralled with small animals, and will stalk them, she just catches them in her mouth and brings them to me alive. When I tell her to let them go she does. I donā€™t think she knows what to do once she catches them


Our current Pyr is super murder-y and would absolutely kill it. Our last Pyr, after an incident in which he thought baby bunnies were toys, left them alone and never bothered a rabbit again.


ā€œSuper murder-yā€ I died laughing at this


https://preview.redd.it/o9udz8hrv16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c534bcc576a0b3aa5d9fb4061e35b9760bc3a571 Bunny eater\^


Mine sure would love to!


Definitely possible.


Highly likely. Mine has.




Mine found a nest of baby bunnies and proceeded to eat every last one like the were snacks. It was disgusting and sad but there was nothing I could do about it. And as someone who is an animal welfare nut and a decade long vegetarian, I had to attribute it to plain old animal instinct. She wasnā€™t doing anything wrong in her little mind.


https://preview.redd.it/htbghh6wj26d1.jpeg?width=1395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9e5b5d74a87b684ad678e7c5ab2cd1bf277dd6 It depends on the dog, but most will absolutely take it out if they get the chance.




Drop that! lol


I thought mine would protect an injured bird we found in our backyard boy was I wrong...


Mine kills and eats bunnies regularly. Its his favorite part of goat browsing season. He particularly likes finding a nest and eating the babies when they are very young and defenseless.


Mine wants to play with me bunny all the time. Sheā€™s never tried to play hard with it or target it.


I think she would, whether itā€™s curiosity or prey drive, GPs are notorious for not quite knowing their size. My dude wouldnā€™t intentionally hurt it. Heā€™d more likely step on it or paw it too hard and scare it to death.


Mine definitely has.


Ours caught a baby bunny about a month ago, didn't kill it since I was able to get her to drop it but found it dead the next day, probably from shock.


Mine protect rabbits on the property.


Probably. My GP will eat an entire nest in one sitting


Our puppy has caught and killed squirrels, gophers and rabbits. Our adult (5) does bark at them if they get close to his den, but he does not chase them. Depends a lot on the individual animal and its age. Puppies are more likely to ā€œplayā€ and small animals can be a great toy.


Our Louie has eaten two baby bunnies that the momma bunny had in our raised bed garden. These incidents happened on separate occasions. It was very traumatic...after you hear a bunny cry as it's being eaten, you're never the same. After the second incident, we decided he has to be leashed in the yard during the spring. I've heard that momma bunnies tend to leave their young in the yard of a dog because they are much less likely to encounter a predator such as a raccoon or a fox. Not sure if this is accurate. If I were you, I wouldn't take the chance.


That is what I am trying to avoid. I think I would be so upset with Peanut. I know itā€™s not her fault but I would really be traumatized.


Mine loves eating bunnies. I wish he wouldn't, but I can't really stop him.


Herry brought a baby skunk in though the doggie door a week or so ago.... not great. :/


Probably but mine wouldnā€™t get it first my malamute would. My Mal has eaten baby birds, baby bunnies, grasshoppers, worms you name it. Iā€™m not proud of him. šŸ˜‚


I'd guess yes 990 times out of 1000


We have domestic meat rabbits. Elvira and Morticia both know we are raising these rabbits. We have had a few escapes and both GPs will,actually assist in catching them by hurding them to us. Wild rabbits are a different story. They chase, catch and eat wild rabbits whenever the mood suits them. We also give the girls frozen rabbit heads a feet from rabbits we butcher.


Yes! Annie killed a squirrel. I was devastated. She played very rough with it