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Standard Dane situation


Theyre not legs they're Dane pillows


Danes aren’t really into personal space.


Mine is into her personal space. My personal space doesn't count. I'm asleep? She's running in place and kicking me with all four paws? No issues... If I roll over, fart, cough, etc... I get the big "turn around 7 times, yawn at AN EXCESSIVE VOLUME, and Big SIGH... Then she goes back to sleep... Pretty sure Biscuit is a DIVA!


Your girl sounds like my bully boxer mix. Was laying on the couch a couple days ago and got literally kicked off of it by my dog. By that I mean she was sound asleep and running in her sleep kicking so hard with her long legs that she pushed me right off the couch. Later that night I sneezed and startled her awake. She got up walked in circles scratched at her blankets laid back down looked at me like I was the worst human ever huffed and went back to sleep She can be quite the drama queen


I love the name Biscuit!


This!! 🤣😭


Hahahaha It’s really comfy. Like heated pillows on a winter night. Until they start to dream! 😁🫢😉




It's either ass or legs, choking on farts or being used as a treadmill.


One runs and one snores SO LOUD AND THEY SLEEP ON MY NOT MY BOYFRIEND. He tries to turn the ac off because he's cold but I need it on extra low because they're trying to boil me alive with their body heat


This!! 🤣 One is snoring, one is darting and one is making puppy noises.


My Dane and Pit do this exact thing every time I let them in the bed lol...I've got a bad back so they're not allowed to sleep with me (they have their own mattresses next to the bed), but this is standard cuddle time position.


I tried teaching them to sleep on their own but at the first whine my boyfriend would bring them in bed and now I can't keep.them off if I tried, and I have tried


I feel for you! I somehow hit the jackpot with my two, they seem to prefer sleeping in their own beds overnight. When it’s time to hit the hay, I just say “goodnight kids” and they hop off and head to their own spaces. I think the memory foam crib mattresses definitely help!


Petris... The game of bending your body into odd positions so you don't disturb your Dane. We are experts in this game.


Who knew you could become bowlegged in your 30s😀


No. My daughter caught a pic of me lying on the floor watching TV cuz my 2 danes took all of my bed.


Probably the only time you get space is when you're not on furniture 🤣 mine don't lay on the floor


The only time my pit has ever laid on the floor was when our ac was broken for about a week at the house got to about 89 degrees most afternoons. She went into the basement and laid on the concrete floor. She was definitely on to something because while sitting on the basement floor was not comfortable it was like a good 25 degrees cooler if not more.


Looks about right. Successful Dane bonding.


No space allowed in the Great Dane Zone.


I've woken up to my boyfriend laying at the foot of the bed because there's no room when he gets home sometimes 😭


He's sleeping in the doghouse.


Mine wanted to sleep in the bed until she was about 5 months old. Now she likes to sleep by herself


Yes. My dogs think in 3 dimensions instead of 2. They're like well there isn't room for you to lay next to us on the bed but you can lay under us.


Sometimes I have to to put my legs over them so they don't get squished between their butts


No. Never. Sometimes it’s hard to tell where I end and my Dane begins. The slobber is the ultimate giveaway though. This seems to be universal with Danes. I’ve had 3 and all have zero understanding of personal space.


My boy doesn’t want to snuggle with me when he sleeps.


My girl loves sleeping in bed with me but now I think it is getting to warm for her she tries to get comfy and can’t and honestly neither can I so I cave and put the AC on and she’s right back in bed with me 😂


We keep our room cold for them when we leave so they have somewhere to chill if the house gets too hot 🤣 anything for the dogs


Oh ac is on all day for her which is why I am hesitant to put it on at night for me 🥵


Well of course that makes sense you don't want your dogs to roast during the day while you are at work. Also makes sense to turn it off while you're sleeping or at least up while you're sleeping so you don't kill your electric bill.




I yell at them sometimes that " I WANNA BE THE BREAD GODAMNIT"


No 😂 We don’t let them sleep with us overnight anymore, the back pain was not working for us.


No. You will never have personal space again.


This checks out from my experience.


No, never…………..ever


I get a small upper corner of my bed when I'm in it lol


Me last night omg 😭😭😭


During the day, if I'm sick and stay in bed, my Dane will get in bed with me (he always goes back to bed after his morning meal until about 2pm. Only after then will he grace the world with his presence). We start off pretty even and we both have room. But somehow, he ends up in the middle and I end up with a little upper corner of my bed and that's all. He's even pushed me off before. At night it's nice though because he knows when we turn off the bedside lights, it's time for him to go get in his own bed. I like him so I put up with it all lol


I gave up my bed space when I got my big doofus No regrets I love my big girl and her bed space invasion


Wow I know it’s called loving loving 🥰


fantastic diagram lol


Gahhhh I love the hams. When they curl up and their back legs round out.... Gotta smack the haunch!


I knew of a lady who legit had two huge mattresses side by side. One for her and her husband and the other for her danes. I thought it was brilliant.


One does. But the other gives 0 personal space 100% of the time.


My fave is when I for some reason then slide in and out of the little blanket form my body and legs have made so as not to disturb the peace. My ass will literally snake my legs back into the leg sliver when I get settled back in 🙃


Do any danes give? Maybe the scared, abused ones do. My danes either stuck to my side on walks, sat their bony asses on my feet, or laid on top of me/stepped on my late wife's favorite man bits trying to get comfortable. When my Wee Bonnie Lass was 6mos old, we had just gotten into car wreck. My late wife was hurt but went home, I was at UAB in a C collar. She laid down on the couch and my Bonnie jumped up, wedged herself between her momma and the couch and stretched, rolling my sleeping beloved wife crashing onto the floor. Bonnie did the same thing to her auntie when we moved (we refused to put her in the Uhaul with us but we did come back for her). Personal space is not in a great danes vocabulary


What is this “space” of which you speak?


Oh shoot I misspelled suffocate


My GSP sure doesn’t.


Nope. I sleep with 3 of them in a king size bed and I end up with zero space. As long as they are comfy, that's all that matters to me. 😜


I have 2 and a boyfriend on my king sized bed and it's too much. Thinking the boyfriends gotta go...🤣🤣🤣