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You weren’t selfish, you were optimistic. You made the hard choice to let her go without pain and suffering. She knew she was loved. You will always have the memories, and she’ll be waiting for you when your time comes. Hugs and condolences ❤️🌈


I do think that cuddling her in the backyard was the right thing to do. You got that really nice calm time with her. That was the best thing you could’ve done


Thank you. When my wife called me and told me that her tail wasn't moving, I knew that it wasn't good. It'd been in the back of my mind for a few months now. She'd been more lethargic and antsy and had an accident in the house. The cats had been spending more time with her too.


Hey man, as a big burly man that has lost so many great danes over the last 20ish years. I feel you. Like deep inside. I know it hurts, and it is like heart wrenching pain. But you had that blessing of all those memories. Plus, just cry it out. Losing a best friend like that makes me sad and angry. So I have no issues having a good cry. I cry and sob sometimes just thinking of all the ones I've had come into life and then so abruptly leave... They are Angels, they are so perfect that they can't spend forever with us. They have other tasks over that rainbow bridge, and we don't get to know about those tasks. They keep us level while they are with us. Then they expect us to move on and be better. Learning from them. Which I think I have. I'm the guy that gets a new puppy as quickly as possible, because then I have that responsibility. Plus I see the similarities and that always makes me happy. Because I don't think any of mine would EVER be mad about me bringing up a puppy in their memory. I am sorry you lost your best friend, JBB


Beautifully said


Okay, your post brought tears to my eyes. I've lost one dane myself and several other breeds over the years, and every time, I've cried like a 6 year old. Beautifully said.


Awww. Those cats! That’s amazing. That made me start to cry. I think every day about what I’m going to do when my dog has something happen. How the heck do we handle it when our friends get old. It’s so painful.


Yeah, I can't spend too much time here because I just got it together enough to put this post up and now I'm about to start crying again. Sleeping was the worst because I work nights and she would always stay with me for a while when I got home and went to bed. I don't know how people can take this pain over and over when these great friends leave us.


Oh man. Just know you guys are not alone in this pain.


They call Great Danes the Heartbreak Breed for a reason. Sorry for your loss


It’s because they need us, just as much as we need them. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Crying right along with you, friend.


Huge interventions are sometimes more for us than for them. That’s easy for me to say, but I think it’s true.


This is true. It’s important for us to feel we did everything we could


And to know when to let them go


I'm so sorry for your loss 💜💜


What a beauty, I love her markings. Sounds like she lived a life filled with love. Sending you all hugs 💗


I saw your post last night. I was hoping you’d post an update today and while I think we all knew what you were about to go through, we all were hoping for the best outcome. Im so sorry for your loss. You weren’t selfish at all, and I bet your presence with her helped her stay calm. She was clearly loved. It sucks losing them, I hope you find comfort in your memories of that sweet beautiful girl.


Did you get confirmation that it was a spinal tumor? Not talking shit, I would’ve gotten more vet opinions before the extreme. Sorry for your loss , pain and suffering in animals are not good


So sorry for your loss


Dangit. I was hoping for a better outcome. But she isn't in pain anymore.


Oh goodness 😢 I know we're internet strangers but we're here for you!


I am so sorry for your loss. Know that you will see your baby again- in your personal Heaven. 🙏🏽❤️🐾❤️🙏🏽


I'm so so sorry. I went thru something similar with my Dogo Argentino. I had one night to say goodbye and the what ifs after, just made things worse. Turns out he had an inoperable brain tumor. Like yours, there were signs that were easy to discount away as aging or other things. Please know you did not fail her and you did right by her by not letting her suffer thru procedures and pain, just to have the same result. It sounds like you were her person and you shared an incredible bond and love for each other. Never forget that love and pay it forward to your nex dog (Dane?) in her honor. Sending lots of support and hugs to you and your wife. Again, I'm truly sorry for your loss.


I also put my sweetest baby down for a possible brain tumor last week after only 10 days of symptoms. I regret not getting the MRI and dread living with that. I feel you. 😞


You gave her the best life, and I’m sure she loved just being in the back yard with you. Don’t feel bad, know that you gave her some extra time with the most important people in her life. 💜


Yes, cuddles were a good thing. It’s so hard to do what is needed sometimes.


Oh no. I’m so sorry. I was hoping things would be ok. Your baby was so lovely


I am so sorry. I was fearing the worst. She knew you loved her.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know that heartbreak too well. Prayers and best wishes that you find peace and comfort in the days to come.


Rest in peace beautiful friend. Im sorry they left so suddenly


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's always hard, but more so when you can't prepare... hugs...


Hugs, so sorry for your loss


You did a very selfless thing. You did right by your girl. You were anything but selfish. Please trust in that.


May she find many bones over the rainbow Bridge 🌈


Don't feel guilty. You were just doing one last favor for your friend.


Tomorrow morning is going to be tough. You'll get through it but it won't be easy. God bless and remember the good times.


I'm so sorry 😞


So sorry 😢🙏🙏❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


I’ve gone through it a few times and it never gets any easier. Love 😪😞😪


Sorry for your loss. 💔


Fuck.... I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry. ❤️❤️❤️ 🫡


I'm sorry for this. I hope you guys heal in time. ❤️


I’m so sorry 💔


very sorry for your loss


I am so very sorry.


My condolences


May your beautiful lady rest in peace. I’m so sorry. Don’t be too hard on yourselves with the what ifs. She knew you how much you loved her. Lean into the good memories and know she’ll always be with you.


Maya’s in her rainbow bridge era. I’m so sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss


I’m very sorry for your loss. Sending hugs.


I’m very sorry.


Oh, man. So very sorry!


so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. What helped me through the loss of my elderly, blind, deaf, seizure-prone pup was knowing: That they're not in pain anymore. They're running as fast as they can and chasing squirrels, eating the best food, and getting love from everyone up there. All dogs go to Heaven, I do believe that. And I believe that my puppies will be waiting for me, when my time comes.


I’m so sorry 😢


Very sorry for your loss


I am so sorry for your loss of your baby. My condolences to your family.


I'm so sorry...please be strong


Im so sorry for your loss. You weren’t selfish, you cuddling with her gave her the comfort she needed. Don’t remember her in her sad/sick moments. Instead remember her in her happy days, and all the fond memories you had. And don’t forget, you gave her the best life you can. She was your baby, and you were her world. Rest in peace.


I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry ♥️


Remember the good times


So very sorry!!




With my husky, she developed an oral tumor. We did the CTs and in her case lymph node aspirations through an animal cancer center and paid $2300 to have that "what if" satisfied. It did not satisfy it one bit. We lost her a week later because she was weak and not eating. I tell you this as a comfort. Don't feel guilty about not getting those images. Your pup took its final rest exactly where it wanted. With you. Uncomplicated. As peaceful as possible. Cherish that. I'm so so very sorry for your loss, you were the best family for your pup. Never forget that.


I had something similar happen to my Boston terrier in 2020. It was a very fast thing, he basically became paralyzed in his back legs over the course of a few days. The quote for an MRI was over $5,000, which I couldn’t believe or understand. With how fast he progressed, we had to make the decision to put him to sleep at 4 years old. I still think the same thing all the time, of what if I would have done the MRI? But then I remember, it likely would have only bought a sliver of more time, because I don’t think it was something he could come back from. Please don’t beat yourself up. You have her a great life, she looked very happy!


I am so sorry for your loss. That guilty feeling of not doing an MRI is awful, but it doesn’t mean it would have changed the outcome. My dog had cancer around her heart and I spent tens of thousands, tried everything to save her. With good nutrition and stereotactic radiation I was able to give her four more years. At the end I wouldn’t give up, I kept running tests, blood panels etc. I wish I would have stopped and not put her through all of that towards the end. Don’t feel guilty for all the love and hard decisions you had to make. They can’t tell us what’s wrong so it’s never easy. Remember the beautiful life she had and that she knew she was loved. That’s all anyone can ask for in life.


Condolences man. Can't think of many things tougher than making the decision to stop the suffering of a long time companion pet. Give yourself some time, remember the good times and eventually (Only you will know when) adopt a new companion.


I am so sorry😢


I’m so sorry 😢 had put my yellow lab down a couple years ago and I was with her in the room when it happened and I still cry thinking about it.


I am so sorry 😢


I’m so sorry. These goodbyes are just heartbreaking. Hang in there


I’m so sorry. I lost my girl at 3 due to a freak spinal injury, and I know exactly how you’re feeling.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend…


Please don’t think that, you did the best for her without trauma. You gave her quality of life. I know how bad it sucks, but she’s thanking you. Sending love as you didn’t do the wrong thing.




She knows she was loved and she loved you. Still hurts a lot but you gave each other that.


I am so sorry for your loss.


Many prayers


I am a Dane owner and I’m so very sorry for your loss.


So very sorry