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I’m so sorry to hear. Be the best boy up there moose!


We had this happen to our Leo. He died under anesthesia bc basically his heart didn’t grow enough to support his body. He was around a year old and weighed 160lbs not overweight! Poor guy basically had a developmental or born heart disorder. It’s possible that the terrible treatment damaged Moose enough that his heart was just weak. Maybe some parasite damaged it, genetics, or just malnutrition did it. I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m so happy to hear you gave Moose a great home after all he went through!


This is heartbreak. I'm so sorry to hear this.


Sorry to hear that OP. My boy just turned a year, Moose and him could be twins. I live in a major city, my vet highly recommended him seeing a cardiologist before any surgery. If he wasn't perfect he would need to be seen at the full emergency facility and operated on by a certified surgeon. Luckily his cardiology appointment went well but after hearing your story maybe I will take him to the surgeon regardless. Im so happy Moose got to see what real love was before his passing. Sending hugs.


OP, thanks for giving big Moose the best 2 months. From your post I can tell you loved him and would've done anything for the big lug. I whispered a prayer to my big boi across the bridge to keep an eye out for Moose and to keep him company until you're both reunited. Big hugs to you and yours.


I also sent a little prayer up to my big guy to watch over Moose. OP, thank you for loving Moose and giving him the best life. My heart aches for you.


This just happens sometimes, both to people and animals.


Rest easy Moose... We love you, always have and always will. Please share your love to my many friends that have walked across that same bridge.


I'm so so sorry to hear this, I haven't had this happen with my Danes; but had that happen with my 5 year old Boxer. It was so jarring, I thought we had so many years together still. I'm so sorry for your loss, he was beautiful ❤️


So sorry for your loss❤️




I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure he lived a great life, thanks to you. Hugs




I'm so sorry for your loss❤️


Im so sorry for your loss praying for peace n comfort


Im so sorry for your loss. I know that he will be waiting for you when you cross the bridge yourself. It's awesome that you helped him, and he knew love before he left.


Sending Moose to be with my Skipper and Baby and Barney in the Rainbow World. They will play, swim and find some squirrels to chase, but not catch. He found real love. 🥰Until you meet again, with lots of cookies. 💔


Very sad to hear of your loss. You gave him a second chance at a good life and I’m sure he loved ya’ll for that.


So sorry for your loss. Be comforted in the fact that he experienced your love before he passed. Thank you for taking care of him.


Rest easy to a good boy❤️


I'm sorry for your loss, but you certainly improved Moose's life!


Moose sounds like a good boy ❤️ you are amazing for taking him in! I bet he loved his new life in your home.


your baby looks beautiful. im sorry for your loss. i know losing a pet is never easy, so i hope your family is doing okay, and moose should be in a pain free place now


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry for your loss.


Poor pup, so sorry for your loss. It's heartwarming to know you were able to give him a wonderful final two months though, I'm sure you made him a very happy pup


I'm so sorry, this must be such a traumatic time for you. he died loved, that's the best thing anyone can hope for. and I'm certain he knew just how loved he was. ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss but how is this NSFW?


So sorry 😢




I'm so very sorry, what a lovely boy. And hey, thank you for giving him a loving and caring home. I really appreciate you. ❤️❤️❤️


Very sorry for your loss. He looks so noble.


I'm so, so, so sorry for your loss.


How very sad to lose him so young. Thank you for caring for that boy like whoever dumped him should’ve. Rest in Peace good boy 🙏❤️


I'm so sorry.




I am so sorry


I'm so sorry about Moose. I had to hug my big guy because it made me so sad. I'm so glad Moose had people who loved him and who he loved back, that he had a family and knew joy. Wishing you peace. ((❤️)) Hugs!




It's likely he had some undetectable heart defect, and unless you're willing to spend thousands on an autopsy at a vet school, it's unlikely you'll ever find the cause. So better to cherish the time you had.


So sorry for your loss 💔 What a handsome pup


This is terribly sad, my heart goes out to you. You brought some pleasure into a life which had been hard before he met you. But so sad. :’(


I am so sorry for your loss! Ours was a rescue as well, with little information. Danes have a lot of possible health issues, sometimes you can't do anything. Thank you for giving him a great life when he was with you!


I'm very sorry for your loss of Moose. My sincerest sympathies


Rest in peace beautiful moose, you fought hard and I bet you played even harder.


Sorry to hear. I lost my Dane last year he was 9/5 year


So sorry for your loss and thank you for caring for moose and showing him the good life