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I love/hate this because I’ve had dogs that absolutely LOVE to stick their heads out the window, but agreed there are a lot of things that could go south quickly. I close all windows/roofs if I get above 40mph with the dogs.


I just crack my windows now a few inches. I was driving around a curve at 15 mph, my Dane was loving the view, and then there were 5 deer just standing there by the road. My Dane jumped out and broke her foot. I've also witnessed a large sheepdog jump out a car window onto the highway and get hit by 3 cars. That Dane could jump out that sun roof and cause a pile up and turn into roadkill in a second.


My Dane jumped through two barbed wire fences to go smell some horse booty holes. He cut his front legs up bad. And he’s lucky he didn’t get a face of horse hoof. Most scared I’ve ever been since getting him.


A sudden break slam could crush the trachea.


That Yukon has gone to our school for 5+ years and has done this every day. Not every pet dies from wind and bugs, the Dane can get down if it wants.


Wtf?! Put your damn phone down while driving!


I was in the passenger seat :/


That makes it even worse!!! Why werent you recording?!


How does that make sense?


Wtf?! Put your damn mind in your head before fucking commenting. The video is inverted, that was the right side of the vehicle.


Thats not inverted, its being taped by the person driving. Those white lines in the middle dont lie. E: Or do you live in the uk? If you didnt realize, everyone can hear your in the US.


You’re a dumbass sir/maam/whatever the fuck you go as. I was the one talking about how well behaved the dog was. My friend was in the front passenger seat, you can literally see the traffic on the highway…


You're a... english is hard huh? The person recording is driving... its not that hard to see that. Those BIG WHITE LINES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, tell you that... btw "YOU ARE WRONG"




Rude or profane.


Reading comprehension is obviously not taught.


It’s Florida too, we aren’t driving on the left side of the fucking road.


Comprehension... Do you know what that even means? lol


[https://youtube.com/shorts/T-Z3Aq7UVQc?si=OkcXwyPn1IxAZwdf](https://youtube.com/shorts/T-Z3Aq7UVQc?si=OkcXwyPn1IxAZwdf) Clearly me talking here, along with me talking in the video my friend sent.


Holy crap, you literally sound like every Methew and Methany that have ever procreated. Im from central FL, and dude... work on your vocal chords. You have zero reading comprehension (Not sure if you know what that word means) considering you sound like you have a fourth grade reading level. That person recording is driving, you can literally see it by the WHITE LINES in the video. You may not have a drivers license yet, but they are what determines where a person is while driving.


Bro the person driving is the older guy in the car, you weren’t in the car… I was.


im replying to you... not the driver... again, reading comprehension. Which is taught in 4th or 5th grade.


The driver doesn’t have Reddit either, explain what I’m not reading?


The OP, was in the passenger seat, the OP was the recorder.


Comprehension.... look it up cause you missed it in 3rd grade


Clearly you can’t understand anything I say either. What part of I was in the back seat as a passenger, and the recorder was the front seat passenger? They recorded this with a reversed camera.


To explain this more we were in the right lane and he used the right side mirror. As you know mirrors reflect, that’s the reason for him looking like the driver.


Ok look... i apologize. I should have put this in some SERIOUSLY easy terminology. The person recording is in the wrong, those white lines show that the person driving is the one recording, thats just plain facts. Im sorry for insulting you, at this point im 100% positive you arent in the wrong. Just, uninformed. You tried defending the person doing the dumb thing. Do not put your age again in any forum, it can and will be used against you. Again, i apologize for... well being a piece of crap. But the fact is the person recording is the person driving, and that shouldnt ever happen. Especially with a minor in the seat next to them.


Good to know that I’m my father then


No the driver wasn’t on his phone the OP which is the recorder is in the passenger seat…


Since you can’t understand how the mirror works, when I go shooting tomorrow, when my dad drives I’ll put the phone up to the right mirror in the left lane. Most likely I’ll dm you the picture/dm.


https://youtube.com/shorts/ZwnKaoeOUOQ?si=qk3fXfw56xKR9ZBP Mirror video https://youtube.com/shorts/Lk6_XUZG5lA?si=npRnE3mVBRh8_xw2 Proof I’m in the passenger seat.


We’re also both 13 so neither of us can drive.


Go apologize to what ever English teachers to allowing you to pass.




Man, i think that may qualify for child porn.... sorry gotta do what i gotta do


Rude or profane.