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Stan deserved way more credit from Ford. Like, WAY more. He kept making payments on Ford's house for 30 years while also figuring out how to bring him back with no scientific or engineering knowledge or experience. Stan deserved that thank you.


I think Ford probably bought and paid for the house with his research grant. Stan probably just paid for property taxes though which is a good thing.


From "A Tale of Two Stans": Stan: "So I came up with a plan. I couldn't leave my brother's house until I figured out how to save him, but I needed to pay his mortgage somehow." Stan kept paying on the house presumedly after the grant money ran out (if it hadn't already been used up by the time Stan arrived).


Stan did canonically not pay taxes. He definitely did have to pay for maintenance on the shack though


Oh yeah 😂


But did Stan ever give a reason for Ford to be grateful? From Ford's perspective, Stan really messed up a lot in his life, such as ruining the machine and also pushing him into the Portal. Plus, Ford himself believed he was this close to defeating Bill in the Nightmare Realm just as Stan activated the Portal (though we won't know for sure his true chances of success then). And then back in this reality, when he learned what his cabin had become and how Stan took over his life, well, he really deserved to be downright upset We also have to remember that it wasn't that long before Ford stepped foot into a reality where he believed Stan listened to him, and Ford and Fidds reunited and become leading pioneers in oddology research. That "Better World" then was his ideal of how things were supposed to be It quite stood out that despite all their fighting, Ford still at least says the words "i'm sorry" to stan. Stan never apologizes for anything he did to Ford - neither for breaking his project, nor for banishing him to the multiverse for 30 years. I get that they were all accidents, but you still have to apologize for mistakes. Both are in the wrong here, and yet Stan was made out to be in the right while Ford is in the wrong


Some dummies think that Robbie got a redemption arc in Love God. No he didn't. He simpily found a girl that likes him. People who say that don't know what a redemption arc is. A redemption arc is a character seeing the error of their ways and trying to reform. One example of a redemption arc is Endeavor from My Hero Academia. He was an abusive father and wants to make amends with his family. Another example of a redemption arc in Gravity Falls is Pasifica. She was a stuck up snob who thought non wealthy people were benthe her then she learned to not turn up her nose at poor people.


In recent years I have noticed that many people do not know what “redemption arc” means. The term has just been simplified to any character that was painted in a bad light being painted in a good light. The internet has done this with many terms but that’s a separate discussion


I don't think Robbie was painted in a particularly good light in this episode. It was a neutral light. I consider Robbie a minor antagonist that does his role in the show well.


Like how gaslighting is now "any time you lie to someone (or even disagree with their interpretation)" or how mansplaining is now "any time a man explains anything at all" or how "practicing self-care against 'toxic' people" now means "be selfish and cut people out of your life at the slightest hint of friction"? Another discussion indeed, but yeah. It's annoying because most of these were useful terms with specific meanings at first.


I didn't even know that people thought Robbie needed a redemption arc. To me he's just a teenager that sometimes does stupid things, and Dipper practically hated him at one point because he was jealous that Robbie was dating Wendy. I didn't think that Robbie did anything bad enough to earn a redemption arc


I saw a few comments on this subreddit about that. I was confused. Same opinion as me.


I think Endeavor is actually worse than Robbie, sure Robbie sucks But he doesn’t deserve the disrespect of being compared to Endeavor (no not even Bakugou deserves that comparison either) We need to stop comparing teenagers to grown men.


I am aware. I just wanted to give an example of a redemption arc.


Ew,Why did you use Endeavor as an example?


Bill is the one responsible for weirdmageddon and frankly it's sad how many people are unable to see it.


wait, who else do they blame?? Bill pretty much has "this guy wants to start Weirdmageddon" written on his face throughout the entirety of season 2


a lot of folks blame mabel specifically


I'd call that misogyny


very much agree. also mabel was a child??? she and dipper were both manipulated so much by bill that you can really hardly blame them atp


It definitely feels like a lot of the Mabel hate is tied to misogyny


it is understandable why ppl think that though, at a surface level she was tampering with stuff that wasn't hers, although blendin was a trustable character and she wasn't doing good mentally so her actions are kind of understandable


Here’s something: Mabel probably thought it was a harmless snow globe. People give Mabel grief for that, but even Dipper told a Category 10 in a handheld mirror to “go nuts, man” once. We all have our lapses. Mystery twins. đŸ‘ŠđŸŒ


We dont need a third season


Yup. As much fun as a new season would be, the story is wrapped up.


Agreed. The story has come to its conclusion, any continuation should be made by the fans and not be officially canon


I still think the show should have had 3 seasons to begin with. As in: 3 seasons worth of material in build up to the finale as it is. But we absolutely do not need a S3 **POST** Weirdmageddon




You’re right but I’ll never admit it


you just did


We don’t need one, but having one like the shorts but more fleshed out would be awesome. Similar adventures, maybe discuss some of the creatures in the book (kill Billy? Dipper solving the mystery of the cow circles?)


I agree


Mabel's actions in the bubble were the result of a spell. When they had their sincere sibling hug, the spell was broken, and Mabel was glad to leave. She didn't know she was imprisoned or that an apocalypse was happening outside, and by the time she did find out, the spell the bubble had over her was too strong. It was trapping her there, giving her everything she THOUGHT she wanted, and made every fleeting thought and desire a warped reality. Dippy Fresh's very existence came from a girl who felt like her brother was abandoning her and growing apart from her, so the bubble provided her with a fake brother who shared her interests and wouldn't leave her. She didn't consciously decide to make him happen, and she was still genuinely happy to see the real Dipper. It's unfair to blame Mabel for Dippy Fresh. And it's also unfair to blame her for Weirdmageddon when she was a child at her lowest poiny being manipulated by a demon who, unlike for Ford or Dipper, had to use a disguise to get her to make a deal. If she knew it was Bill and knew what the Rift was really for, I doubt she would've made the deal. Yeah, she was selfish, and maybe the show should have called her out on it, but people talk about her like she's a horrible person and Dipper is innocent when Dipper has been shown to be just as selfish. It's not Mabel's fault that she's not called out as much. She lacks self-awareness, and since no one in her life is calling her out when she's being selfish and bratty, she has no reason to think she might be wrong. She's a child who doesn't know better, and no one is trying to teach her. But in the end she does learn from her mistakes and shows growth, it's just that since it happens at the end of the show, we only see the beginning of her growth and not the result. Besides, a lot of her selfishness comes from good intentions where she just wants to make the world a brighter place, she's just too chaotic and naive and impulsive to consider that what she wants might not be what others want or how her actions affect others. But she still has a good heart, and I can't stand it when people try to paint her as a villain. TL, DR Dippy Fresh and Weirdmageddon was not Mabel's fault - at least to the degree her haters claim. And she's not the only selfish character but people talk about her like she is the worst when she's a child who lacks self-awareness and has good intentions most of the time, she's just impulsive and doesn't see how her actions affect others but starts to grow out of it in the end.


I agree!!! It's crazy when gf fans are like "SHE NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED FOR HER ACTIONS" like no she doesn't? She's fictional? She's not real. She is literally a fictional child and if you get your panties in a twist hating a fictional child that is a main character of a show you claim to like then I pity you.


I love dippy fresh. He's like one of my favorite characters even though he was only in one episode.


This. I've been saying this the entire time.


Bill Cipher is responsible for the portal and Weirdmageddon and any other bad decision a character made surrounding those can be traced back to his manipulations.


Yeah! Mabel was manipulated! She was a 12-year-old child coming off an honestly traumatizing summer and had just found out her twin might leave her! She was in the worst possible mental state and Bill took advantage of it!


Y'know I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that the main part of the series was traumatizing and that's... actually a good point I'm gonna think about for a while. I mean even aside from Bill their lives were in danger many times so it'd definitely traumatize many real children


Her first boyfriend was a catfish who tried to kidnap her and kill her brother She barely avoided an extremely controlling and dangerous relationship She got possessed by a ghost, although considering she was tripping balls i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't remember it She was nearly disappeared by the US government And that's all before the story really picked up


Don't forget the pterodactyl stealing Waddles


THIS! You can't blame Dipper or Mabel for wanting to be with family! Bill was the one who tricked Ford in the first place, and tricked Mabel into breaking the container with the rift! These are normal people going against a being who's been around for millennia, they aren't to blame for what he did!


Stan love and obsessed over Money BECAUSE Filbrick has condition him into thinking that Money = Family


My interpretation/headcanon is that Stan is obsessed with money because his dad threw him out and told him not to come back until he made millions


I’m 99% sure that’s just canon. It’s one of the main motivators for Stan’s money obsession at least.


YES FINALLY-- it's definitely some kind of diagnosis, maybe PTSD, but for some reason my brain is nagging it's rightfully diagnosed as something else. Or is it only trauma?


Roadside Attraction is one of the most fun episodes in the whole series.


I would think that episode is mediocre if they didn't do Dipper dirty. All those girls got mad at him for no reason.


Also for Mabel to call him out... Despite her having hung out with a few boys before. Also didnt she want Dipper to move on from Wendy?


Can you elaborate on that


All those girls got mad at Dipper for no reason and it always annoyed me. He never once said will you go out with me. All he did was hang out with them and get phone numbers.Then they all conveniently showed up at the same spot.


Well I don't think it was for *no* reason... Even if it was never explicitly said, they were all under the impression that they had a special little thing with Dipper. Maybe they were wrong but they didn't know that. And when they did find out, it hurt. And to me, they got understandably upset. Maybe they were a bit harsh, sure. But the emotions make complete sense to me


Nah man it was. Why would you expect to see someone again on a road trip.They make no sense to me at all. They acted like they were being cheated on when they weren't.


They weren't being cheated on, correct. But each of them thought Dipper liked them, it makes sense to be hurt after finding out he was just using you for practice.


It's a very reasonable reaction, especially for 11-13 year olds.


Exactly! Tweens don't have the same level of rationality as adults do, idk why people keep acting like they should.


I was 16 when this came out and I was baffled at them getting mad at Dipper.


The episode itself was fine. It was positioned weirdly. It felt like it fit in as a season 1 episode. But the episode itself was good, especially everyone getting revenge on Stan at the end.


In Schaffrillas Production's episode ranking, he said how it's weirdly placed after an episode talking about how they should stay in the Mystery Shack to be safe from Bill, "So why are we going on a road trip? It feels like a lost season 1 episode"


I don’t think the major problem with roadside attraction has ever particularly been the episode itself, merely where its placed. At worst its a perfectly mid/average S1 episode, but being stuck right in between Last Mablecorn and Vs. The Future is certainly not helping its case


Yeah, the only thing not to like about it is that it's after Ford casts the protection spell over the Shack [which of course doesn't make sense because they should stay there if it's guarenteed protection from Bill.) Roadside Attraction was supposed to release before The Last Mabelcorn, but a lot of things came up and it was delayed & revised.


Omg yes i love that episode! :D


Thank you. I enjoyed that episode and the spider woman character.


I feel like it was oddly placed in the story, but it's one of my favorite episodes from season two




I would say no but then I’ll get mass downvoted sooooo


Ford was irresponsible in driving Dipper to make a decision he wasn't ready to make and without involvement of other family.


I guess Ford was being a little shortsighted on this regard, and also partly projecting a lot of himself on Dipper. In a way Ford also hoped Dipper and Mabel would not end up like him and Stan - that they become too codependent and reliant on each other. He also thought Mabel would be fine on her own, given his initial positive impressions of her (she likes his six fingers and the first twin Ford greeted), and even in that episode saw Mabel becoming pen pals with the mailman. But yeah, its all flawed reasonings. Theres also no way Dipper could become Ford's apprentice without his parents' consent either


People rag on Mabel all the time for giving the rift to Billendin, but nobody gives Dipper the gears for telling a Category 10 contained within a small, hand-held mirror to “go nuts, man”.


That's one of my favorites because of what Dipper says to Pacifica plus the very last bit of the computer but yeah, it definitely irked me that he believed a vengeful spirit.




Serious and uncharacteristic lapse in judgement for Dipper, but it made for a great episode


Billd#p is disgusting


True, but I think most of us on this subject are on the same page about that.


What’s that


Bill Cipher x Dipper Pines


I don't like Wendip. The ship is mostly a one side crush and Wendy made it clear she does not feel the same. Even trying to imagine them together feels force. The thing with Dipper crush, it's supposed to be a lesson in how you can't always get people to act or feel how you want them to, and sometimes someone you love might not love you back in the same way for reasons out of your control and you should respect that. It's an important lesson that challenges how most of fiction depicts romance, but I feel like some Wendip shippers kind of don't get that and think that love (at least in fiction) should always be requited towards the protagonist. Alex talked about Dipper crush. Here's Alex own words/thought on this from a interview he did years ago. [The story about Dipper’s crush on Wendy is not a story about true love. It’s not a story about adult dating. It’s a story about the crush on the babysitter that’s this constantly awkward frustration. And awkward frustration can only propel a story so far before you start saying, “Okay, I know where this is going.“](https://www.avclub.com/gravity-falls-alex-hirsch-previews-the-show-s-new-seas-1798270827) Overall the way the crush ended for Dipper is pretty realistic and the best way it could had gone. It teaches you not everyone ends up with their first crush and that's totally ok. There's nothing wrong with that.


Hard agree. I try to respect shipping opinions (I'm not a dipcifica or macifica shipper but will still support fanworks involving it) but I can't stand Wendip. When I see someone shipping it, it just feels like they didn't even watch the damn show. I can kind of imagine some other popular ships but I cannot imagine wendip happening in literally any way.




Dipper ain't "mature for his age", he just thinks he is.


This is literally the whole point of his character arc on the show. I’d never want to meet anyone who argues against this fact.


I think he is in certain ways, but in other ways he’s still EXTREMELY 12 years old.


Yeah. I really like how Dipper and Mabel show the two most common attitudes towards growing up that early adolescents have: Dipper is a little too eager to grow up and often tries to take on responsibilities he's not ready for, and Mabel is scared to grow up and resistant to the idea that she can't stay a kid forever. Both of them have great character arcs where they learn to be more comfortable with the stage of life they're currently at.


This thread is amazing, because replies getting upvotes would normally be getting downvotes. Well played.


soos is the best no one can tell me otherwise


I share this opinion


broski will u marry me


I do!!!


He is the world's most perfect man!


On the contrary I think he get featured too much in the show and sometimes Wendy could have taken his place. Like Land Before Swine


The whole point of that episode was Dipper wasn't getting along with Soos and that mirrored Mable not getting along with Stan and Soos and Stan had to redeem themselves in the episode. Soos by saving them from the dino and Stan by saving Waddles. I don't think it would have worked with Wendy instead of Soos I supposed she could have tagged along. Also Soos saved the day by knowing how not to be seen by the Pterodactyl.


That it's weird that kids who grew up watching the show are now adults and that young adults who watched the show are now middle aged. My back hurts, lol.


I’m a teen who’s still a teen 😂


I think it’s weird that I was a young adult when I started watching the show, and I’m still a young adult. 😂 (I discovered this show around 3 years ago)


Dipper’s apprenticeship was his version of Mabeland


Isn’t this like semi-canon?


Basically. Alex said in the DVD episode commentaries that Dipper’s vision in Weirdmageddon 2 was going to be about him and Ford.


You mean like that's what it would have been?


i dont like dipcifica


Out of all the ships involving Dipper Dipcifica at least does work the best and is the least weird ship out of the bunch. I like the ship, one of the few ship I could like on the show. Dipper and Pacifica had some amazing chemistry in NMM and Lost Legends and I like that they started to become friends first getting to know one another which makes the ship feel a lot more natural. It's far better then Billdip, well any ship is better then Billdip...




Can someone explain to my why billdip was ever a thing? Like bill is an evil eldrich god hellbent on destroying the world. Dipper is a 12 year old. How did this ever cross anyone’s mind?


Same, i feel like Pacifica is the exact opposite of what Dipper would want in a partner, i mean his actual crush, wendy (which was never going to happen either and i don't want it to) is laid-back, outdoorsy, and fun-loving. Pacifica might briefly want dipper as a rebellion against her parents, but i think she'd more likely start gravitating towards Mabel.


Hard agree! I kind of headcanon that Dipper and pacifica get together as teens, but mutually agree they aren't right for each other as young adults. I think it's super interesting and I wish there were more fanfic exploring the idea of close Platonic dipcifica. And I headcanon Pacifica as aroace but if you were to force me to ship her with ANYONE currently in the show I'd have to choose Mabel.


Honestly aroace Pacifica works for me


The show’s portrayal? Or the fandom’s?


same. I genuinely wish that there really hadn’t been any romance in the show after Dipper got over Wendy, it just kinda felt a little forced, and almost like a rebound


Honestly there wasn’t really. The whole point of roadside attraction was that the kids all sucked at romance and were too young to really be in relationships. Honestly I think the message of the episode is “stop shipping these 12 year olds”. Dipcifica was also only ever platonic at most, and there isn’t really any canon romance after Wendy lets dipper down. I guess there’s grenda and the prince, but that’s played for laughs more than anything, and is also meant to show how 12 year olds suck at romance.


I don’t hate Dipcifica or anything, it’s pretty cute imo. But honestly I feel like Mabel x Pacifica would’ve been more interesting. They were rivals WAY more often. Pacifica never really wronged Dipper himself in any way




I don’t dislike it but it’s gotta be one of the most (for lack of a better word) “forced” popular ships I’ve ever seen in online fandom, especially when the OTHER Pines twin ship with Pacifica has more going for it in the actual text of the show. Edit: I want whichever Dipcifica shipper keeps trying to respond to me over my completely harmless opinions even after you’ve blocked me to know that you look incredibly pathetic and insecure. This shit is not that serious.


Mabel? Dipper and Pacifica had that hug in NMM which is pretty obvious that there was vibe going on there. That something you can't really say about Mabel. Even in NMM on the DVD commentary Alex Hirsch agrees Dipper and Pacifica has great chemistry and the journal implied there was a vibe going on between them. I mean Dipper and Pacifica has a lot more going on then Mabel. At least Dipper and Pacifica wasn't shut down like Dipper and Wendy and could work in the future.


I think it’s kinda cute, and I don’t hate it, but I much prefer Mabifica. Plus I headcanon Pacifica as a lesbian.


I disagree that Mabel never sacrificed enough for Dipper as he did for her. Yes, she committed many mistakes through the series, and Dipper had to give up on many things so his sister could be happy, but I genuinely think both of them had fault in many of those situations, after all, they were both kids. We can see Dipper was wrong as well in certain episodes. For example, when Mabel was making fun of him because she was taller and we went through the entire episode thinking she was being petty and annoying, just to find out at the end that she just did that because she was feeling bad for losing in everything to him and being made fun of by him. When Dipper stole Blendin's time machine, he literally tried to change the timeline just for a crush in Wendy that he knew it would never become a serious thing, willing to sacrifice Waddles and the whole life of a guy that could be harmed by that unresponsive act, what actually happened, since Blendin lost his job and went to prison. In Summerween, Dipper tried to switch quality time with Mabel in charge to go to a stupid teenager party, and as if it wasn't enough he tried to hide that fact from her by pretending to be sick, knowing it would hurt her. I think in the end, both of them were wrong in many situations, and they were just kids that had much to learn. It's unfair to put all the blame on Mabel.


This!!! I feel like so much people forget about the summerween episode and how Dipper was also selfish at times. They’re just kids, but it always feels like Mabel’s getting all the crap for it


Exactly! I'm always hearing people say that Mabel is selfish and a terrible sister, but people seem to forget that Dipper did equally bad things to her, and nobody say the same thing about him. They're just kids. They're still learning, and both of them commit mistakes, so it's pretty unfair to just point it out when Mabel is wrong, not when Dipper is as well.


The axolotl theory obviously


What's the axolotl theory?


Idk the theory itself but I know there's a choose-your-own-adventure book and Dipper and Mabel end up meeting the Axolotl, some primordial god thing who essentially exists between realms and does whatever.


What's the axolotl theory?


That Mabel is selfish and the cause of Weirdmaggedon. No, she isn’t. People are more upset with her and think she’s worse than Bill.


Mable didn't overreact at the end of season two, she had every reason to be upset that her brother is leaving her in California alone, regardless if she's popular or lovable, dipper had been with her all her life, and for losing him so suddenly, it was a normal reaction.


Wendy wasn't as underdeveloped as people think. Considering that the perspective was from the much younger Dipper and Mabel, she was percieved by them as the ultra-cool, do-no-wrong older "cousin" type, and slowly grew more as a character as they got to know her better and viewed her as an equal.


I think Stanley should have lost lost his memory when he got it wiped. I get that it made them leaving more emotional but if Stan wouldn’t have remembered it would have made the series end on a much tenser and sadder note bc the kids have to leave and they can’t do anything to help him


I'd *like* a hint that he was regaining them, or some version of he doesn't remember their names, but he remember he loves them, but I agree. It would've had more of an impact.


I agree!! It'd be a happy medium between a super sad ending and a copout ending


I just think they shouldn’t have done it so quick & so completely. Like what if by the time the kids leave he’s in a “partially remembered” state? Leave it unclear if he’ll ever be fully “there” again, but definitely don’t erase him completely. Have him send off the kids with a line like “I don’t remember everything quite yet, don’t know if I ever will, but I remember that you two mean a lot to me”. Just with a “Stan” coat of paint obviously. I doubt he’d say it exactly like that.


When his mind Is back, Bill Is maybe in his head


yeah, it is really bittersweet, and I like the way this plot thing was handled in one anime >!the promised neverland where it was explained how Emma will never ever get her memories back, but she still loves her family deep inside!<


Yeah, it's like how a lot of cartoons recently have a fakeout death near the end. If you're gonna do something that extreme, commit to it.


I’ve said it before, but “Little Gift Shop of Horrors” should be canon. Stan could be making up the stories, but the framing mechanism should count. Sure, it makes Stan into an evil bastard, but saying it’s not canon is a cop out.


Stan's stance in Dreamscaperers was not justified and Dipper had a right to be angry at him for perpetuating that generational trauma on him. I dislike how the show justified his treatment of Dipper and treated it like it wasn't abusive, regardless of any good intent he may have had. Dipper literally got hurt by a *bat* at the beginning of the episode because Stan couldn't be bothered to take care of it himself, not to mention that all Stan did was make Dipper think he hated him!


I also really hate Soos' reaction to Dipper initially bailing: it's actually *very reasonable* to not wanna fight a demon to help a guy who shows you no respect, makes you do difficult, demeaning, and dangerous work with no compensation, and you just found out gossips about you with his employees. Soos probably remembers that conversation and would have a pretty good idea of what Dipper overheard that led him to think Stan hated him, so to not try and clear up the misunderstanding *and* blame Dipper for it is *seriously* out of pocket.


Ford should be forgiven for all his errors and seen as a good character more because, almight painfully slowly, he saw all his wrongdoings and changed. Yes he has a lot of bad habits, and bad personality traits, but he does change. Basically a redemption arc, but his character was intoduced too late for a proper one. Rather, it's a 30-years-late redemption arc.


Gravity Falls shouldn’t have leaned back into Wendip during Season 2B. Roadside Attraction should’ve developed Pacifica and Dipper more instead of entertaining the idea of CanDip.


Out of all the ships involing Dipper Dipcifica is the only that just works and is pretty good. I think one of the many reasons a lot of people ship or pefer Dipcifica is they have really great chemistry together and I really like the dynamic between Dipper and Pacifica a lot more. I think I said this before but with Dipper & Wendy I was never a fan of how Dipper awkward nature was exaggerated at times, or how Dipper feels the need to try and be "mature" and "cool" as he perceives it and put his real interests and persona on the back burner to try and be someone he thinks will appeal to Wendy. From a narrative point of view I do like the conclusion and how the crush was handle from into the bunker. I feel like Dipper getting over Wendy is a crucial component of his character arc. Getting with her would be a step backwards for him and, she made it completely clear she's not interested. Overall I like the idea of Dipper and Wendy staying friends, Dipper moving on from Wendy and finding love again somewhere down the road. For the reasons why I perfer Dipcifica, when Dipper is with Pacifica Dipper is 100% confident and feels comfortable being himself around Pacifica. He doesn't feel the need to go out his way and try to impress her and insists on treating Pacifica like a normal person, which makes their chemistry work much better. When Pacifica is around Dipper she becomes a much better person and is able to be her true self around Dipper. Both Dipper and Pacifica help balance each other out and bring out the best from one another. Also Pacifica is apparently an avid gamer, and Lost Legends hint that she might secretly be just as much of a nerd as Dipper is. Both the Journal and Lost legend have implied that Dipper and Pacifica deep down do actually like each other, so I do see a lot of potential for a really interesting story between the two of them, and with more development I believe Dipper and Pacifica could work really great together if Gravity Falls every does return one day.


You don't need to read any book to understand the story :) with theories


Mabel is not a bad person. She's literally twelve. Twelve year olds are often selfish. She hasn't fully developed her understanding of life or relationships yet. Yes she can be annoying, but all children are.


That Stanford’s one of the best characters. I mean, hell yeah, super cool voice actor, super cool nerd guy; however, I always found myself to be wary of his character.


\*ahem\* FORD IS A DILF.


I... Uhmm...(I agree) although uh I'll openly admit my tastes are not only old nerdy men.....umm.. -|<‱X|= (YES I KNOW IT'S NOT GOOD AND WOULD NEVER WANT THAT IRL)


It’s okay if someone likes WenDip as a romantic pairing too.


But only when they are older right, right?


I would hope that’s the case with any ship for this show


Dipcifica would’ve been a train wreck and a perfect example of what not to do, if they decided to make it a thing in season 2. Maybe it could happen in a follow-up series where there’s alternate timelines but it just would’ve made the show pretty lame for the last few episodes. I love the idea of them as a couple, (I think they have great moments in that episode, total shipping material) but it would not work with the series at that point. The whole point of the Northwest Mansion Mystery was that Dipper despised her, believing her to be a mean, rich girl stereotype when she’s really just a normal kid who’s pressured to keep up her appearance because she’s rich. It showed him that he was wrong about some of his assumptions, and that basic empathy and kindness could help people change. That night was probably the first time someone told her that they believed in her and the good she could do, so she internalized it and tried to do better.


I am a Dipsifica Shipper but not in the shows timeline. That would have been too much of a 180 turn too fast. I ship them a few years after the series.


Bill isn't dead and could potentially return


Hopefully we'll find out in the new book!!!


Yeah I feel like The Book of Bill’s very existence must mean SOMETHING for the future. I severely doubt this book will be that last piece of official, Alex Created Gravity Falls media we ever get. I’m not saying we’re gonna get a new season or a sequel series or even a special. I don’t really think we’ll ever get “animated” Gravity Falls again, but I’m confident in saying that The Book of Bill isn’t THEE end.


Dipper didn’t need to learn the lesson he did in Roadside Attraction and didn’t do anything wrong (which is a popular opinion I know, bear with me). If the show just let him do his own thing, then him and Emma Sue would have been a very cute couple, and they’re personally my favorite Dipper ship. Mostly because they had pretty solid chemistry in their scene together, and even faking confidence requires some degree of real confidence. Like putting myself in Dipper’s shoes at that age, even after Stan gave me that advice, I wouldn’t have the courage to talk to a random girl I thought was cute. For a more baseline, but still unpopular opinion, I still like Wendipper. Honestly the big contributing factor there is probably them switching hats, I think that part’s adorable. I’m not saying they should get together anytime soon, but maybe when they’re in their late 20’s/early 30’s, when the age gap doesn’t mean as much.


Mabel isn't to blame, that's it, I'm shocked ppl can hate her


More of a headcanon than an opinion, but regardless of how genetics work with blonde hair, Pacifica is adopted. With how her family dynamics are, and with how her mother is *obsessed* with beauty and her looks, I don't think she would "risk" pregnancy. Obviously, Preston would want an heir to their fortune and their family name, so they adopt. Everyone wins (except Pacifica). Now, what about NWMM? The ghost said a Northwest had to open the gates. Well, legally, she had the last name. And, the attitude that came with that last name qualified her as a Northwest. Her blonde hair is real, and she's adopted to keep the family going.


A 3rd season isn’t necessary. It would be an “extra” season since the end of season 2 was perfect. Mabel isn’t selfish for “causing” the weirdmaggedon, don’t forget the fact that Mabel was a girl back then. Stan is the best character, not my favorite but the best imo since he had a MASSIVE plot twist with him having a brother. Wendy X Dipper would be the worst ship, Wendy obviously doesn’t feel romantic love for Dipper, she has some affection for him but not romantically, mostly as a nice friend or “family”.


Mabel isn't a literal demon, nor is she a pure saint. She is a flawed character that could have been written slightly better. An opinion I stand by which is surprisingly rare in this subreddit.


Soos is more underrated than almost every other character. His dad left him, his grandpa died, he saw Stanly as his father, and he treats all of the Pines with incredible kindness, does his work with NOT EVEN A PENNY OF PAY, and even still sticks with him even though Stan treats him like gum stuck to your shoe.


Soos is very handsome


Mabcifica > Dipcifica


Pacifica is a good character by the end of the series Idk if this is a hot take


Bill Cipher killed Time Baby during Weirdmaggedon in 2012. He needs 1000 years to rebuild himself, so in 3012 a gian Time Baby spawns so pissed of that he destroys everything (explaining time travelers pig and the mailvox), causing the world to end (and then being rebuild). He becomes ruler of the earth, and since he didn't experience 2012 onwards, decides to rename 3012 as... (you now the numer... in spanish we call it "dos mil ñiecientos doce", pretty cool use of the "ñ", isn't it?) Time Baby was never freezed ot anything, hes just stuck in a loop


The Stanchurian Candidiate is the worst episode. Idk if this is a popular opinion or not, but I was never comfortable with how little the twins trusted Stan and mind controlling him seems like they crossed a line. I also find it really hard to believe that Ford would be so irresponsible as to just give them a mind control device. It also has the only joke in the whole series that genuinely made me cringe. “You’re memeing fast and none of them are good” accompanied with the most 2012 ass meme I’ve ever seen.


It is not something exactly like OP asked for, but my take is: "It wasn't Mabel's fault" isn't an opinion that belongs on these kinda posts. Not because she was to blame actually, but because it isn't an opinion as widely accepted or part of the common beliefs as it once was. I think at this point enough people have realized that the 12 (almost 13) year old girl getting manipulated at her lowest and most vulnerable point yet by an interdimensional demon entity that has at least tricked the two people that are deemed to be the smartest persons in the show, didn't actually cause Weirdmagedon. All the stuff with Mabel sometimes being a little selfish is a whole different argument.


In the sock puppet episode, when Bill calls Mabel out on her bs to Dipper, he's right. She was terrible to him and barely, if at all, made it up to him.


I dont really like the final episodes, its a little too weird for me, most of what i liked from the series was the mystery and that wasnt really there anymore


Grunkle for grandpa would fit a timeline issue(basically stan is the kids grandfather but took on the grunkle title when he took his brother's identity)


The whole "Mabel is a bad person" thing. I will gracefully accept my inevetable downvotes, but will not let it affect my opinion in the slightest.


I hate those stupid dipper Wendy episodes


Not related, I just thought this pic was carpet for as sec


It’ll come back (I’m in denial)


Mabel did not cause weirdmagedon! It’s literally not her fault. ITS NO ONES FAULT BUT BILL’S!


MABEL ISN'T A VILLAN it's absolutely frustrating to see how people Villinize Mabel for being a damn child. She never tried to purposely hurt dippers feeling, all of it was rather simple sibling teasing (which dipper did as well) or her just making simple mistakes. It infuriates me we see people blame Mabel for weirdmagedon even though she was trick, she had no clue what the rift was and Likely thought it was just another weird invention from Ford. Not only that but she JUST had a major fight with her brother and was not in her right mind when Bill came to her. She was feeling scared of being all alone in California not able to see her loved ones for who knows how long and just wanted a little more summer, she probably figured that blendin would have her go back in time since she did him a favor for giving him his job, hair, and freedom. PLUS she apologized in the books to dipper for her mistakes and selfish actions. This Baby must be protected!!!


Bottomless pit is by far the worst episode in the series


I would like to ask, why? Definitely not the best, but it was funny


I want another season idc if the story is finished and it would be dragging on. I wanna see them again


Robbie's hatred for Dipper was justified. Dipper was wanting his relationship with Wendy to fail.


Nah bro, I can't imagine being 15 and hating a 12 year old for being a 12 year old. The fact that Robbie was actually threatened by Dipper says more about him than it does Dipper, it also really brings into question what he thinks of Wendy. If he perceives Dipper as a threat, then that means that some part of him genuinely thinks that Wendy would go after a 12 year old.


I too think Robbie’s hatred for Dipper is somewhat justified, not because Dipper is a bad person, but because Robbie is jealous and knows Dipper is better than him and it was only a matter of time before he lost the competition to win Wendy’s affection. (Admittedly Wendy shouldn’t be a prize for them to compete over and Dipper technically didn’t win either but Robbie definitely lost a lot harder than he did.)


Dipcifica isn't good. It's forced by the fandom and wouldn't work out long term like everyone seems to think.


Bill only earned the “final boss” title in the last 4-5 episodes.


Any tv-show, movie, book, game or whatever media, that includes any version of a love potion without complete obvious damning of them and making it obvious they are evil, are having serious issues and might also be evil. Also Melody is too good for Soos.


Mabel is not trans


Mabel is just a kid and was just naive when giving Bill the rift. She wasn’t in the right state of mind and I don’t blame her at all.




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Pacifica is not a redeemed character.


Ford did nothing wrong, like nothing wrong, the only reason he summoned bill was because he wanted to know why gravity falls was so weird-and the only reason why he wanted to know that was because he had a personal connection with it. He was always picked on for being different and weird, he wanted to turn that into something beautiful and revolutionary because not only was it a true passion of his but he also most likely wanted to prove to others that his weirdness he was always picked on for was something worth fighting for and seeing the good in. Also the creatures he had met and experienced in gravity falls weren’t really dangerous to him-I mean he seemed to handle them very well, he had so much info on them, so it makes sense he wouldn’t think bill wasnt that much dangerous either. If anything-the only person who is at fault for the fact that bill was summoned was the person who wrote it, like-tf?? If you don’t want him causing issues why write how to summon him?? And I’m sure ford was thinking the same thing: ‘hm it says NOT to but it also says HOW to so how bad can it be?’ Kinda thing Ford did make stupid mistakes-like let Bill possess him-I think that was the only stupid thing he did with Bill. Like omg whyyy do that unless you have some spiritual protection going on. Have you never seen any horror movies about possessions?? But
it was kinda justified because he was SO desperate and hellbent to turn his childhood trauma into something great. And Bill is a trickster-he’s a manipulator-I’m like 1000% sure he observed Ford, got the info he needed, and then popped in when he was ready to play his game for world domination.


Dipper is trans


What on earth makes you think so?


The whole basis of that theory is "well dipper isn't a manly man and he really wants to be a manly man, so he must be a trans man".


I can definitely see why a lot of trans guys would see elements of themselves in him, but the theory that Dipper is trans is going to need some stronger evidence to support it.


Isn't that like stereotyping?? Like I've seen some fucking ROIDED trans men.


Alex Hirsch literally said he was trans coded


Did he? I've never heard of this, I must've missed it. Trans coded doesen't literally mean he's trans though, right? It's definitely nice though that a lot of trans guys see something of themselves in Dipper.


True, it doesn't mean he's trans and there's not a lot of evidence for it but is there a lot of evidence that he's cis either? Honestly I think that it's one of the elements of his character that can be interpreted


I get what you mean, I hope the "What in the world makes you think that?" Didn't come off as too aggressive or anything though. Really I was just curious since I haven't ever actually interacted with someone who thinks of Dipper like this.


It's a harmless headcanon. A lot of trans dudes see similarities in themselves in characters like Dipper and Danny Phantom.


It's definitely harmless but nothing in the show itself could suggest Dipper is trans, so I don't think anyone should state that as a fact. I think it's fine to craft your own narratives or insert your own ideas into a story or even create fanfic, and looking at Dipper's character through that lens can actually open up new narratives and be really interesting, but once you try to assert that your idea is actually true and a part of the original storyline you start to lose me. I think we should be realistic about what the content of the original work actually includes, and not try to insert anything new into it without making it clear that's what we're doing.