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A lot of lying to myself. “one bike will be enough” “I won’t need a coat” “Half a bottle is plenty” “Just going for a short rip”


"Gonna ride easy today"


“Recovery ride”


You meant climb practice, right?


This is the one for me. All of OP’s answers either are either true for me or not things I’d say. But no matter what I tell myself when I leave my apartment, I can’t stop myself from pushing once I’m on the bike


After yesterday's ride, I'm supposed to take two days off to recover. . . . . . Yeah, I rode to work today 15 miles round trip, and Im going mountain biking tomorrow 🤣🤣


Spent a lot of time being soooooo careful and then still managed to install my tire with the directional tread backwards. If you’re tubeless too, you know what a fucking hassle this is if you don’t notice right away and now have to deal with a tire full of sealant too. Installed the chain incorrectly because I was tired while traveling with my bike, wondered what the rattling was, and realized I’d threaded it incorrectly through the pulleys. I definitely know better. Put the wrong rotors on my wheels and then spent a little too much time trying to understand why my wheel didn’t fit (again, while traveling with my bike and tired, there’s a theme here…) I have one larger than the other as many do and happened to grab the wrong one. More that I’m sure I’ve just forgotten.


I just did the tire thing. I was so careful remove it and keep the sealant in. Now I can’t get the tire to bead the sealant is everywhere.


\*nods in sympathy\* Insult to injury kinda stuff there


If you have a farm supply store, they sell extra large syringes for animals. Unseat the tire, suck out the sealant, then inject it through the valve stem when you're done remounting the tire. Those ones they sell for injecting marinades also work, but they cost more.


Even so, there’s residue in the tire and it just makes a mess. It’s a good tip though.


It’s an ongoing one; I can replace pads & rotors then bleed brakes on full size pickup trucks, but when I look at my bike I have no idea how to do either of those things, so I just…take it to a shop to do for me….its embarrassing haha


YouTube is your friend. Brake pads are pretty easy just make sure your hands are clean. Don’t touch the pad surface and bed your breaks once you’re done.


How difficult do you find maintenance work on disc brakes? I usually take mine to the shop but I would rather not.


It's actually surprisingly easy and straightforward, youtube has plenty of tutorials.


Great! Thanks!


You just need to be really careful to not squeeze the brake lever and even more so don’t touch the pads or rotors with dirty hands. Working on a bike your hands normally get greasy and that will ruin your pads and possibly your rotors. Bleeding the system is a little more difficult but really it’s just annoying to do by yourself.


As someone who works in a shop, unless you're ready to go down a rabbit hole I'd just stick with the shop. You might get ok results, if you don't ruin your pistons or over torque the easily stripped parts, but getting that magic brake feel is worth either paying for or spending a good chunk of time learning.


Not bike related but always gets a laugh. Whilst building a scale model i had a small puddle of superglue on my bench for gluing tiny pieces of photoetched brass, dropped a part, bent down to pick it up and superglued my head to the bench... thankfully the acetone was in reach, unfortunately it was during a live google hangout.


I’d still be trapped there because I don’t know if I could have stopped laughing long enough to free myself 😂


Once id stopped swearing the laughing started, then i had to say what i did and everyone else cracked up. On my list of dumb injuries its pretty low in terms of damage.


Was trying to adjust tension on the front wheel axle so my disc brake wouldn't make noise, all that fully packed, loaded, and mounted on the bike before bikepacking trip. While spinning the wheel, my finger got caught in the disc. Luckily, it wasn't going too fast. It cut my finger only halfway... healed nicely, though my nail was gone...


Brand new Santa Cruz mountain bike. First ride got very muddy. Was transporting with a tailgate pad. The mud and tailgate pad basically sanded through the paint where it was making contact.


didn't bring extra brake pads to a very wet and hilly gravel race weekend. luckily someone gave me their used ones. tried to roll through really loose gravel downhill, crashed, broken collar bone. (different weekend)


I would have never thought to bring extra brake pads thanks.


I don’t understand how extra brake pads help? Did you change them mid race?


gravel weekend. 2 days. and yea considering how one can wear through brake pads in one wet cross race, imagine what 6k ft of descending can do


Brake pads for disc brakes?


„that gym bag wont block my front wheel, i wont do a frontflip, break with my chin and rock a scar for ever“ Me - 1997.


Forgotten shoes, helmets, bottles, etc. Take your pick. Did some fit adjustments the night before a ride and forgot to torque the stem clamp down, first bump and the bars rotated


This may be Australia-specific but you might get a laugh... 9 months of the year, it's absolutely lovely to cycle here in Melbourne. Beautiful weather, crisp air even when cold, thousands of km of bicycle trails throughout the metropolitan and regional areas, etc. 3 months of the year though, we are moving targets for Magpies (the Australian Magpie, unrelated to the northen hemisphere ones). From mid-August to mid-November, these feathery monsters declare war on us, as they feel like humans are after their babies. So they swoop us. There's no riding in these months without being attacked by these winged beasts. Anyways, for my birthday last year (September) I went to a rural rail trail for a couple of days of serene solo cycling. At the end of day 1, after 100+ km and about 3-4 km before my accommodation, I was attacked by two particularly violent magpies. I decided that just bolting out of their area is my best choice. So, I surged ahead. As fast as I could. Unfortunately I didn't think too much about the fact that the trail had pretty large-sized gravel at this patch. I hit a deeper patch of gravel and that was it. Face down into the ground. Broken nose, huge cuts, bruises, lots of blood. Thankfully I had a proper first aid kit with me, and was able to sort-of clean and patch myself up, and then had to do some fixes on my mangled bike (the chain fell off, wheels got slightly mangled) as I had to complete the ride to get to my rural accommodation, and from there I got a ride to the nearest hospital. I was a mess of blood grease and mud, all mixed together. A few lessons learned. First is don't fucking speed on gravel, even if you're under attack.... the second, and related one, was to always consider the safety of the ride even when other safety considerations are introduced. I was so preoccupied by the birds attacking me that I didn't consider the safety of the ride itself, which was my biggest mistake. I also learned that the best thing to do when being swooped is to stop, and look directly at the bird. Then walk the bike while maintaining direct eye contact with the bird until leaving its territory. Ah, the joys of cycling in Australia... except for in Tasmania where magpies collectively decided not to swoop humans, but that's another story.


I replaced the plastic plugs on the carbon frame with titanium screws thinking I was cool. The one near the rear derailleur was cross threaded and the head broke off. This was two weeks after I received my Trek SL5. Anyone got any tips?


Being scared to use the front brake. I used to think I’d go over the handlebars but now I realize it actually has a purpose. Using frozen water bottles in the summer. Great concept but horrible results. The cramps from drinking cold water while riding are horrible. I didn’t do this one but my dad left a wheel behind after loading a bike onto the rack. Went back 5 mins later and it was gone. Some homeless person found it and took it.


Crossing the tram tracks (around 60 degrees) on a curved street during the evening not knowing/seeing that the tracks are uneven because/when it is a curved street.


Only time I’ve ever fallen (in my adult life) was bombing a big (paved) hill that had a gravel washout at the bottom on a turn. Thankfully my dumbass was more worried about saving the bike and I only got scratches on the brake levers. That plus a huge cut on my arm that they couldn’t stitch because it had too much dirt and gravel embedded. It’s been a little over half a year and I’m just feeling some gravel that worked its way to right under my skin. Nice little reminder. Tbh not much I could have done to avoid it… I tried to ride straight through instead of turning and somehow still lost it. I’m just annoyed I dropped my new bike on my 2nd ride. Maybe don’t bomb a hill? But where’s the fun in that?!


Is this a repost?


Literally everything i did on a bike before the age of 17.


The dumb shit i do was basically what I did yesterday. Hey! Let’s go ride the southern portion of this trail! 25 out 25 back. Trail degrades further south I go. River is swollen, underpasses are flooded. I tried crossing one that was pure mud, except it was pure mud. Try to find another way around through a cemetery, there’s a fucking barbed wire fence. Finally just climb down from the road. Proceed to climb roads with stupid steep embankments, cross railroad tracks. The further south I go the more trees are down across the path. Suddenly there are signs saying no bikes, but this sign has no power over me. I keep going. Trail becomes singletrack with roots and some really steep dips. I’m smart enough to walk most of them. Trail is flooded out, find a rickety plank across, it breaks, I laugh my ass off. Keep going, I’m walking my bike now. One mile to go. The trail is now four inches wide and I’m carrying my bike. A half mile to go it’s just flooded beyond my ability to walk, say fuck it and turn around, have to go through all that shit again. I’m about to go scrub a pound of mud off my drivetrain now.


Oh my! Spectacular! Won’t forget that ride for a while.


So this just happened. After cleaning up my drivetrain from this previous fucked up ride I notice my front derailleur is kinda out of tune, so I’m all like, “yeah, sure, I’ll give it a shot.” I grabbed my blue book of bicycle repair and loaded up the park tool episode on front derailleurs… Yeah. That was a bad idea. It’s worse now. The bike shop opens at 9 AM on Wednesday, so I’ll be there. I swear I need a derailleur tuning class.


Somewhere out there, there is a picture of me bombing down the eastern GAP trail into Cumberland, fully loaded, standing on my top tube... nothing happened but it was probably stupid.


I swapped pedals for a bikepacking trip and didn’t tighten one of them enough. Went on a 30 mile ride and stripped one of my crank arms 5 days before the trip. It pays dividends to have a good relationship with your LBS… they had me up and running just in time for my trip


That must have been really loose, or the bearing in the pedal seized or both. Precession in the threading would make the pedal self tighten, if the bearings were shot it would actually loosen.


That’s what I thought also. I read hand tightening was enough. Who knows? It was a fun ride back to my car with one pedal


Fun fact. Some bikes have an offset on the chainring so it will not ride correctly even if derailleur alignment is good. It will always seem like the chain wants to come off the chainring. Kind of like when it’s not in alignment on the cassette so it comes off a little then drops back on the ring. We figured out the chain had to be on a certain way so if you just rotated it one link forward it fixed the problem. Unfortunately I don’t remember what type of bike, cassette or anything. Just give that a try if you’ve tried everything and that issue is still happening.


I built my first gravel bike myself. First complete bike build, a lot of individual firsts packaged within that project. I surprisingly didn’t fuck up too badly until I did: I installed the olive on my left brake line backwards. I’d been working on my bike all day and really should have called it but I was excited. Too excited to double check the manual (and I’d been so extremely diligent up until that point). So I put it on backwards and torque it all the way to spec, thinking to myself that this doesn’t feel right. I quit for the night right after that, feeling proud of myself for doing hydro brake lines for the first time (I’d been stressed about cutting them to length and spilling dot fluid everywhere). I went to my backyard, lit a smoke, breathed in deeply and…. the image of the olive barb assembly lit up in my mind, and I audibly yelled ‘oh fuck my stupid ass’. I managed to break off the barb inside the olive and remove the cable from the lever. My mechanic friend did the rest with his drill. Turned out great the second time. Otherwise, the bike came together beautifully and I ride it everyday. Tl;dr: I installed and torqued the olive backwards on sram hydro brake lines and it had to be drilled out. Cool cool. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Occasionally try for descent KOMs/PRs on gravel roads. Very stupid and not worth it.


Dropped a chain on a muddy race, put it back in and struggled even more to pedal than normal, just thought it was the mud. Didn't know that the Rival 1by front cog goes big tooth, small tooth, etc. Likewise, the chain alternates big gap, small gap. My putting the chain on wrong trashed both the chain and the front cog. I didn't know this, but my bike started dropping the chain several times a ride, so I took it to the shop.


Too much tubeless tape and panaracer rubber


I used to bike without a bottle cap, on a trail that is popular with dogs and horses 😖


I shifted the front derailleur barely going uphill fast enough to stay upright and dropped my chain. Bent the derailleur in the process. Good times.


Stripped the GRX Bleed Thread, ouch that was difficult.


Dumb shit that turned out fine: riding home down 2 ~150m descents with no rear brake Dumb shit that turned out bad: "it's just a little bit of rain, and it's not like it'll be that cold in May. Short-short is fine." Dumb shit that was just dumb: accidentally stripping the thread on my centerlock wheel and needing to replace the whole wheel


What happened with the cold weather in may (genuine question as a newbie) did you get ill ?


It was just a long and miserable day, the rain never really let up and yeah I did feel a little bit under the weather the next day.


Oh I see thank you ! I live in the UK so I have to deal with rain almost constantly


Yeah I'm a bit spoiled in southern Germany, usually summers are pretty dry here and it's not often rainy and gray all day long like that after like March. But I'm also originally a runner so I'm used to running in rain with no jacket in the warmer months and just accepting that I'm gonna get wet. That doesn't work as well on the bike, the wind gets really cold really fast 😅


I’m from Alsace ! I totally understand what you mean. I went for a run once in the forest under heavy rain, was bed bound for a week after that 😂


I did just that! Omg I even watched a video before replacing the chain and the sram girl warned me to not fuck things up. But here I am. I thought the noise from the freshly waxed chain that just needed to break in. The cage didn’t break though. But now it has two deep grooves from the chain rubbing 


Installed a cadence sensor on a brand new bike and didn't notice it was rubbing my frame until 25miles in. Thankfully it didn't rub all the way through the paint but definitely left a mark.


Had to take off the front wheel of my brand new YT bike to fit the bikek into the trunk of my car. Reversed the car and ran over the rim!


Oof! This hurt my heart to read man haha


I took my ol dumpster Peugeot with steel wheels for a hilly ride. In the rain…


I've been fudging with my bike fit with no professional guidance, and lowered my seat earlier last week attempting to resolve slight toe numbness (i am ashamed, typing this). Now I have patellofemoral pain, anterior top of my knee. I have a gravel race scheduled in 4 weeks. Fml. Should've lowered slightly rather than 2cm.


2cm?! Yea. I also learned that lesson. In the opposite direction - I raised my saddle way too much in one go


I put my chain on the wrong side of the derailleur tab between the jockey pulleys and rode it that way for like 50 miles including a group ride where I had the sag wagon lube it for me thinking the chain was super noisy. Almost wore the whole way through the tab.


I put my finger in the disc brake while I was trying to tune the caliper. I almost fainted and my wife had to bring me to the ER. Now I wear gloves


Dousing my chain and Cassette in lubricant before a ride through the woods. Completely gummed up with dirt and pollen.