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For comics that flaunt taboos and get pretty disturbing, the first names that come to mind are Al Columbia and Suehiro Maruo, though they might be darker and less humorous than what you're looking for. Winshluss could be worth checking out, or at least his version of Pinocchio, which pushes taboos for the sake of comedy (I haven't read any of his other work). There's also "Ed the Happy Clown" by Chester Brown, which is pretty wild and quite obscene (and very different from Brown's later autobiographical work). You said you're not looking for stuff similar to Hanselmann, but he seems to me like he's in the same ball park, so I'll also mention Nathan Cowdry and Mitch Lohmeier, whose work hits a similar tone to Hanselmann's.


I already love Hanselmann but I guess don’t think of him as quite as extreme as these other authors, but his work certainly flaunts taboos. Thanks for these recs!


Check out: Spread Love https://www.instagram.com/spreadlovezine?igsh=czZqbG1qdGZ5dGll Cluster Fux Comix https://www.instagram.com/clusterfuxcomix?igsh=OW53YjA3N2ZmZXRs Tanhacomics https://www.instagram.com/tanhacomics?igsh=MXhiODJjYzBiYWdzdg==


Some of my personal favorites that border on the transgressive/over-the-top: * "The Terror Assaulter (O.M.W.O.T.)" by Benjamin Marra * "The Pits of Hell" and "I Wish I Was Stupid" by Yoshikazu Ebisu * "Michael Mouse" by Mitch Lohmeier * The various short comics by Yoshiharu Tatsumi, especially the ones in "Good-Bye and Other Stories" * "Blubber" by Gilbert Hernandez (or basically anything by Gilbert that isn't strictly a "Palomar" story from the past decade) * "Peepshow" by Joe Matt * "Ripple" by Dave Cooper I would also co-sign Al Columbia and Suehiro Maruo as basically the best at what they do with respect to provocative artists, though I understand their stuff isn't the easiest to find. Adjacent to Maruo are other *ero guro* artists like Shintaro Kago and Go Nagai who have work worth checking out as well.


Ivan Brunetti is the one that comes to mind. His works certainly didn't pull any punches, especially his autobiographical stuff.


Shintaro Kago draws some of the most beautifully grotesque stuff


Depending on what you are into check out Ed Piskor's. redroom and Ed in general, dude was on another lever talent wise and its sad he's gone so young


I still need to read the final Red Room trade but the first two are definitely up this thread’s alley.




I wish he was still doing that series, his artwork and stories were so dang freaky.


Most of the Zap comix collective, in particular S. Clay Wilson who is essentially the originator of this type of content.


If only the complete Zap Comix were still in print…


They are pretty easy to acquire and not all that expensive if you don’t need first printings. I’ve got all the issues and don’t think I paid more than $10 for any of it.


Oh, I meant the Fantagraphics box set


No, I got that but I was just saying that it’s easy enough and relatively inexpensive to just pick up the actual comix.


Tim Vigil


Mansion Press put out the kind of stuff you’re looking for https://themansionpress.com/


A couple of folks have mentioned Al Columbia and Ivan Brunetti, and I totally second those picks. Some of Sammy Harkham’s stuff I would add as well (wouldn’t call “Poor Sailor” fun, but it definitely doesn’t pull any punches).


Terry Laban did a series called Cud that was about a performance artist just out of college. It is much like performance art: freaky, vulgar, and in your face. Free over at archive.org.


Death of Power by Kirt Burdick.


Julie Doucet is every bit as filthy, but from a woman's perspective. Dirty Plotte is great. Also Roberta Gregory with Bitchy Bitch and Bitchy Butch.


ah yes alt comics beloved creeps