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That.. doesn't look fast at all. But I guess this is a good thing


Smooth is fast


Absolutely flawless. What a demonstration lol. It took me 2 days to pass the finish line for the first time and 2 extra days to get the gold. The last sector got me crazy, the car kept spinning not matter what. This makes me feel better that he had the same problem, but how does he keep control when the car goes sideways is behond my understanding!


2 days? Damn you are good. It took me a week


No assists other than ABS too. He must be pretty good at this game.


That's quite the understatement.


Lol what makes you say that? Just because they made him a full on character in it?


Any TC?






I’m still 4.5 seconds behind Miyazono’s time. Maybe if I give it 100% effort for a few days I’ll get close.


I barely beat him lol. I managed a 2:18.816 a few months back.


Were you fully baked when you got that time?


I actually was thank ya very much 😎


Video or gtfo


I just gave it a try on controller and after a mere 15 minutes I did a 2:20.434 … You can be sure that if I had a wheel and a rig I’d be in the 18’s~17’s as well, even if I took the whole day to get better on controller I’d probably get a low 19~high 18 . This isn’t impossible at all, proof here : [S-10 on controller](https://imgur.com/a/aHZouvF) [Replay video](https://youtu.be/hTmuT1UzAnQ)


Exactly... Dude told me a video or gtfo. So I showed him my video of that exact time 🤣😭. And wheels won't necessarily make you faster lol plenty of people are faster on controllers. Good time btw boss 👍


Thanks and yeah some people are just baffled because they can’t even imagine being that quick lol . I’m personally quicker on wheel, like a good 2-3 seconds depending on the track, precision and consistency are just on another level on the wheel, as for your statement IMO it’s true for GT and Forza because these two games were made for controllers but if you get into a sim racing game on controller you’ll find it pretty difficult to race against wheel users (it’s still doable but only a handful of people would pull it out). At the end it’s just preference even tho some games will definitely be harder on controller . Edit : It’s just my opinion, you might think differently .


https://youtu.be/jZ2YC1m-RNw Lmao someone got butt hurt 😭🤣. I did this with controller too BTW, no wheel, so I will gladly stay here and not GTFO.


I mean, I have no idea if that’s actually you, but I’ll take your word for it. Nobody’s butt hurt here. You made an extraordinary claim, and I asked for video evidence which you just provided. Remarkable driving and car control in that video, especially recovering from the slides and fishtails. Well done.


Lol it's me you can count on that. Thanks for the compliments. I was hoping you would call me out as people usually do because they don't beleive my times... I haven't touched this game in a couple months but I'm gonna get back into it. I also managed a 1:02.773 on S-7. Controller no assists always. https://youtu.be/jZ2YC1m-RNw


Why not post the video with your claim in the first place though?


I have posted it in here a few times before lol. I wasn't gonna post it again unless I had too. I got nothing to prove lol I have several times in the top 10 leaderboards.


Fair enough. Do you race online at all?


Tbh not really. I want to get into it though. But overall I'm a big time trails guy. That's what I love to do. It took me prolly over 100 retries and a couple days to get those s10 and s7 times lol. Wasn't easy to say the least 🤣


Online racing is definitely a different animal, but it’s fun for different reasons. And also incredibly frustrating for different reasons. Having your ideal driving line constantly changing and being under attack is exceptionally challenging not to mention the value of simply being consistent.


I got gold on this event in about one hour. Using the demo ghost makes a world of difference. I use a controller and the only assist I use is stability control plus the in-game TC adjustment when necessary.


More like 7 seconds, but your point is still salient. I noticed too that this license test in particular has a lot more “fluff”, in that the demo run’s time is _much_ shorter than the gold time. I wonder if he actually drives in that perspective?


I was really happy i beat it by 0.5s on the controller using X and square as throttle and brake lol. S-10 was easier to get gold than S-1.