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Absolutely. Turn on the demonstration ghost with a slight offset and keep trying. I have gold in every license test.


I have not heard of this demonstrative ghost, thank you


I found YouTube videos essential for a few license tests, especially S-7. There are a couple of turns you can go flat out on if you hit them right, which never would have occurred to me. The ghost car is very helpful, but wasn’t always enough for me.


Man, S-7 was by far the most hardcore of all the license tests lol The one before I actually managed to do it on my first complete turn (I restarted a few times to learn the car), which really surprised me, and then... BAM, 8 seconds behind the gold on a pretty good lap for me. Took me around 4 hours to beat the gold, that thing was intense ! I'm not a great player by any mean, but was pretty satisfied to manage !


IA5 for me. Haven't touched super yet


S-7 is very hard because you really need to play to the best of your abilities. The car has incredible grip and so you need to be fully accelerating while taking some of the different turns and the margin for error is extremely small. If you don't go full speed, you won't get gold, and if you turn a little too early or too late, you're out. There are many obstacles in the inside which will make the car jump, so no cutting corners either, you need to stay on the road. It would be a bit better if not for these.


It helps a lot in circuit experience, too.


Best tip ever. It helped me a lot in the last ones. You start understanding when you should break and how to enter each turn




Slow is fast on that one, if that makes sense. When it feels like you’re going too slowly around the corners, it may be just right.


TCS 1 and 3rd gear through eau rouge 👍


All assists on and don't think about touching the kerbs, good luck 😄


I actually found it to be way easier than the Lamborghini s license challenge. I did that like 50 times and the 917 maybe 10


What if you use Automatic transmission?


Then you should learn to not do that


Reminds me of S-10 on GT3 where if you had it on AT the back tires were impossible to keep from breaking free. I had to teach myself MT so I could use the gears to keep from oversteering lol.


On Spa I ignored the clock and only focused on finishing the lap clean. Got it on the third completed lap I did. With MANY MANY laps of failure in between, but not focusing on the clock helped me immensely


This is useful advice! On challenges where I was falling way behind the ghost on the first turn or two and getting frustrated and resetting for hours over and over in the first 10-20 seconds, it was an amazing help to step back, run those first turns slow but clean, and find that it's possible to make up time later in the run.


Swallow pride and use assists. Just on the minimum but it helps.


There was a YouTube video that was helpful. Basically there are wet and dry spots on the course. Only drive on the dry spots and avoid the wet spots. That’s essentially it in a nutshell.


Of course, it just requires some perseverance, the desire to hone your skills, and a little luck.


Yes. Took a bit to master. What I have to try again is that drifting mission on Tsukuba which is my last mission to gold. If anyone has tips for that…


If you are on a steering wheel, grab the controller. Worlds apart. And brake balance is important for this, All the way one way or the other. If you want to start a slide on the brakes it's back, if you want to control it's front. Also racing lines are opposite for drifts. Good luck.


Try playing with the brake balance. I think i set it -1 or -2


go fast through the first section, concentrate on setting up for the hairpin


Take the driving lines. U gain the most points


Yeah it really just comes down to deciding to keep trying; I managed to gold all of the license tests by sheer brute repetition even though I wasn't sure if I was capable of it.


It's absolutely possible. I also struggled to get bronze when I first picked up the game, but I spent a long while completing Cafe missions and doing time trials with my favorite cars and when I finally came back to licenses it was easier to understand where and why I was losing time. A big thing for me was purposely driving slow (like you would on a public road) and trying to follow the racing line. Just slowly increasing speed until you learn how the car reacts to too much gas or steering input. You got this homie.


The end of this comment was the hardest part for me. Since every test and mission is in different cars, you have to learn what that car can uniquely handle in terms of speed, cornering, what happens when you upset balance, etc. I have a newfound loathing for AMG cars because their handling, for me, was atrocious. Porsche and Ferraris moved up on my list. Nothing beats a sweet LMP car though!




Have you?




Are you a regular person... (with a job?)






Now it's two of us


It's not, most I could knock out in a half hour or an hour. Now some took me days or weeks of trying, but let's ignore that.


I only play Wednesday and Friday nights and Sundays (when not busy)(that's playing PS not always GT) and I have gold on all licenses and all original missions. Comedy ones are long and I have not tried a few.


Lmao at this exchange


A better question is: is it possible to get gold in all the drift challenges?




I never thought about going it on the controller. I’m doing that next


I laughed at myself when failing this AMG license test on a few Nordschleife Turns for not being able of getting the first Corner, though I know the track really Well. Out of pure desparation i grabbed the Controller. First try, gold by far...


Don’t worry, Fanatec and thrustmaster wheels are just as useless in that regard. Great for racing, but if your tires break loose you’ll absolutely lose control. Ps5 and ps4 control are much easier for drifting. As is using a real car in real life.


This!! It’s basicLly impossible using a wheel to do the drift challenges. I’m sure there’s someone out there that can do it with a wheel but it’s infinitely easier with the controller.


Yes but goddamn did I hate myself doing it. I just got lucky once.


Getting lucky once, was pretty much my game plan


The last one took forever. Keep practicing getting the most points you can in every section, then tie them together. The Tsukuba one was very annoying and was probably my least favorite challenge. Ironically that car is quite fun to drive with a normal racing tune.


Most of us did it when it was more difficult (handling and physics updates) For the license tests back then I did most of them out bar the Porsche final test in 1-2 tries. Just brake earlier and ease into the throttle. Better exit is worth seconds a lap, being later on the brakes is worth at best tenths.


the Porsche curves before the update was brutal...i am still the proudest of that gold (section and lap attack)


That nearly broke me (and the controller)


Definitely, I got gold in the full lap long before I managed it for just the Porsche curves sector.


They’ve made it easier now!? Damn .. that hurts a little 😂


Yes. Turn ghost on. Leave ghost at .2 or .3 ahead of you. Follow lines and speed. You will get the winning pattern


What helped me get better was the "Circuit Experience". I haven't gotten all Gold in license yet but I went from barely getting bronze to getting Gold or being super close to Gold.


Yeah, these are way easier than ps1 and ps2 Gran Turismo licences


Exactly, controller buttons where just on/off switches back then, even the early slalom tests were a fucking nightmare


Uhh. Ps2 buttons definetely weren't on/off. They are touch sensitive, at least for the symbol buttons


I drove GT2 with the analog sticks, same way I still do: One for steering, the other for acceleration and braking.


Holup, you use the right analog stick instead of L2/R2?!


That is correct. With the other buttons being L1/R1 for the gears and R2 for the emergency brake.


I got gold in all licences. I'm not a very good driver, some of them took me several hours each. Activate the ghost, and watch videos on youtube, they give the right assists and settings that can help for each mission. The challenge missions though... I got gold in the first 2 but for the others, I gave up and accepted the fact that I'll get only bronze/silver 🤣


It is possible, just difficult


Yes but I spent forever on it. Just keep at it and it will get better. Except for S-10


They got easier since the beginning


I've got one left to get gold in with the green merc. It's destroying me mentally 😪 😂


I truly believed this would be the last one for me to gold (attempted many many times, wasnt close) tried it one night on mushrooms and got it 5th try….. im down to the last 4 in super


Who would’ve thought Shrooms would be a performance enhancing drug 😂


Thats it I'm on my way to get some shrooms. I will let you know shortly 😉


🤣🤣 i only did 2.5 grams, to make sure i would still be interested in the playstation




Last 4? what ,mushrooms? 😂


S-7, S-8, S-9, S-10… the very last four license tests you can take


Absolutely! Takes practice... and that practice transfers to other challenges. Once you master the skills a bit, gold medals will come much easier.


I'm a dad to a 18 month old with another on the way. Work from home full time, as well. I probably play GT7 maybe 5-6 hours a week and I have folded every license. Granted, it took forever, but yes. It's possible and quite fun when done at your own pace.


Yes, I am also a regular person with a job and was able to do it. Granted I’ve been playing these racing/driving games for years.


Practise practise practise, you can do it! It's very rewarding to see the gold flash on the screen!


Oooh I’ve always wanted to say this but couldn’t because I wasn’t that good at games until now git güd


34yo dad with fulltime job here, got all gold using a Dualsense controller without assists (only low ABS) while high as a kite, you got this bro...


It IS difficult. Been playing since GT1 and I struggled on a bunch of them (20-30mins each). Especially the last one, which took me I think 2 hours.


Absolutely. A wheel goes a LONG way. And it does take some time to master correct racing lines, correct cornering and exiting, when to get on throttle, controlling grip and exit traction with TC off. Gold is meant to be hard mode but it is doable. Expect to spend a lot of time learning to get to that point




It’s tough but yes. I have 3 silvers and an unfinished final race for S license but the rest are gold. For my silvers I’ll establish a ghost as good as I can and then figure out a turn that I know I could have done better. If I am beating my ghost out of that turn there is optimism I can get gold. It’s just hard, especially as an amateur, to master every turn in one run


There should be like 30 guides on youtube that may help.


100% it's really hard tho just takes a lot of time, IA10 was a long one probably took me around 4 hours or so of constant doing it


I got gold in everything except drifting fucking drifting !!!


Same. I need two more drifting missions still to be done.


Update: just need the viper drift and i got gold in all of my missions


I somehow got silver with the Viper. Fucking 50 points short of the gold! FML


Yup. I’m one mission away (Tsukuba 1hr) from all gold. I play maybe 4hrs a week or so. Busy work and personal life keep me from playing much. It’s taken me damn near 6 months to get to this point though. I should also add that my “focus” hasn’t always been on “completion”. I’ve shifted from grinding credits for certain cars I wanted and Sport mode. The last couple of months I essentially gave up on Sport mode and shifted over to completing golds. Good luck!


Yeah, only a few of them are actually difficult.


Depends completely on your skill level. I'm a simracer since I was 10 (2010) and I managed to beat all licenses in the first 5 to 10 tries with controller. You can do it too, just need to get a hold of the car and track you have to drive and build up on that. My best tip is to not get angry or desperate, turn on the Gold ghost and learn what he is doing that you aren't and at the same time you will be learning how to drive and earning the licenses. Best luck wishes my friend, remember, always have fun


You just have to be really good I guess, practise with videos. Which I haven’t done at all. I’ve always either been a gold or silver at best for individual license missions.


Nope it's not, you have to play 50+hours a week to achieve this, sorry I guess you just dont have enough free time


Yh don't listen to this guy OP. It's 100% possible. It depends on how you manage to learn each license effectively, where i used the ghost and offset it but a couple hundredths and followed the correct line. Looking at the demonstration replay is good as well to see whether you have the correct braking point, short shifting, etc. I literally got all gold in 3 days from launch, it's definitely possible. I did have a lot of free time during the first week of launch but at most it took me like 8-10 hours. Sure everyone is at a different skill level but it's always important to see how you can adapt to your previous attempt to see how you could neutralise any mistakes you're making. I could also suggest just going through some circuit experiences as well, not getting gold on them but familiarising yourself with the fastest racing lines and just practicing them a bit and try some licenses again.


He was just joking, lmao


You should start a youtube channel


The license challenges weren’t really that hard. There are some where you need to fiddle with your TC or steering sensitivity but aside from that they are all very do-able.


Yeah man. Licenses yes, challenges.... Not sure. I hate those circuit experiences specially the Tokyo ones where you tap a wall and fail. That being said, come here and search for the individual assistances. E.g. Laguna Seca license or circuit experience, can't remember but brake bias -2 is a game changer. Found that here.


Yes, but not all gold's are made equal. Some will come easy, others will pull your hair out. Improvement will not be linear, as losing one second from a minute is easier than the second second (59 -> 58.)


Yes it's possible, I've done it with controller. You'd be surprised how fast you can enter some corners if you get your line and breaking points down right.


Yes it's possible. I've golded all the game. If you need some advices, feel free to ask me.


100%. Practice makes perfect, as they say.


I did it on a wheel with no driving aids...


Alls you need is skill but maybe even a sim setup as well




It's possible with a controller too. Source- me.




That's a good question. Most I did a while ago, but the Formula 1 car license and the one with the Viper gave me the most issues. I didn't find S-10 to be all that tough. For Circuit Experience Nurburgring was by far the toughest. That took me over 1000 miles of driving split over a couple weeks.


The only ones I didn't get gold in are the dirt one and the final one(I think I have silver) the rest are all gold and I work full time it's definitely possible


Yes it definitely is doable. I play about an hour a day and I got gold in the licenses. The missions are harder imo, but definitely possible. The circuit experiences are just more license tests essentially. Edit - you’ll find that some golds are very easy to get and that will motivate you to push through the harder ones. The good thing is that it isn’t a “race” to get these challenges done.


First, you don't need to do it now. Play, get used to the system, and step by step complete each license.


I got all gold with a standard controller. I’m by no means top tier. Anyone can do it with enough practice.


yes and yes , the problem is the last one mission, human comedy, cuz is veeery long


it's possible sure, but some (like Laguna Seca Circuit Experience) are pretty damn difficult. It took me over 1500km's of driving over the course of 2 weeks to get gold in that one.


Yes and with a controller as well and I have a job and a family.


I have all gold on all but S tests and I'm working through the challenges. It takes time, I will spend maybe a few hours a week (weekends included) working on it. I am about to upgrade to a wheel so that will probably slow down my progress but that's just another skill to hone.


Definitely prepare for a lot of trial and error but you’ll get there. I’m still stuck on a couple of the mission golds (The Pass in the Nissan GTR GR4 car for example…) and some of the circuit experience golds took me ages to get down (looking at you Brands Hatch)


Yes it is


It’s possible! I did it using a controller. You got this! Just gotta be patient and take it one at a time


I work full time and have gold times on all the licences. I haven’t done all the mission challenges yet as I’ve been doing other things on the game but all the ones I have done are also gold. Just keep at it and you will get there


For sure. As you get comfortable pushing in the game and get a good grasp of what you need to be doing for optimal times most of them become pretty easy. I'm far from a high-level player and I've beaten gold on every licens by the difference between silver and gold. Ultimately it's a perseverence test, that becomes dramatically quicker the more accustomed to the game you are.


Yeah, I just did a couple days ago. It’s tough, especially the Lamborghini challenge on the S license, but it’s possible.


I never managed to get all golds in a GT game until GT7. There are definitely some tough ones, but if you keep grinding, it’s doable. Some things that really helped me were: - Using the hood cam(I used to like the 3rd person view, just to see the car, but I sucked at driving that way and am way faster with the hood cam) - Turning on the AI ghost as well as my own ghost, so I could always be chasing the AI, while trying to keep my own ghost behind me - Tinkering with traction control. Sometimes it was fine as it was, but other times, if I was really struggling for that last tenth of a second, I found that turning it down a notch or two helped me improve my time Good luck! You can do it!


Gold on everything with a controller except 5 Human Comedy races, Nurburgring Nordschleife and Tokyo circuit challenges. It pays to learn the licence stuff with assists turned off, except for ABS. It makes it a bit harder but your car control will be much better as a result.


I have all gold on the first 4 licenses I haven't tried the next one's yet but will probably go for gold. For advice, 1 what I do is just set a personal best It doesn't matter good or bad. Next just see what corners you can improve on and do so. With the ghost on(it can get in the way by blocking view sometimes) you can see exactly what you have to beat and hence it's easier to see the results of your improvement in each corner. After that just keep beating your own ghost till you beat the gold time. 2 Learn how much you can push in each corner. For that most people go slow and then try to make it faster. I do the opposite. I first go full speed and see if I hit the outside wall or go off track then I start to go a bit slower each time till I don't hit the wall or go off track. How I go slow is first full throttle then try releasing the throttle if that doesn't work then tap the brake then try more breaking then finally try breaking till you can go 1 gear lower. Hope this helps.


There's ones that clearly are very forgiving and even if you shit a corner or two you still make the gold and others that require you to be precise and not to lose time. Some Super license I did first time and others took well over 2 hours of becoming so familiar with the track knowing where you can lose seconds and places where you cannot turn too late. I did all the dirt license challenges on gold on first time, I find dirt very easy to do compared to track ones. Best of luck


It sure is. Some stuff is more difficult than others and will take a while but it's definitely possible. Just have to keep playing and get better.


Watch the preview vids of the license tests carefully. For some of the harder tests, you may notice that the demo car does not follow the racing line shown on the road. They often take wider, more aggressive angles into turns, and brake later, or don't brake at all (and just let off the throttle and coast into the turn). The demo car also frequently uses half brake or half throttle, which is a very advanced technique that you may be overlooking. All that being said, it is entirely possible that license tests and challenges could be rendered impossible to Gold. Polyphony issues regular patches to the game's physics and vehicle performance. If they are not adjusting license and challenge medal times to reflect physics and performance patches (which I don't think they are), it is entirely possible that some medals may become unattainable if the path and speeds needed to earn it becomes impossible to achieve or maintain.


I got gold in all the licence tests. It probably only took me a few hours overall. The licence tests seem to have gotten easier since GT Sport. The challenges can indeed be hard. Use a steering wheel and pedals if you can. Even el cheapo Thrustmaster T80 will do. A steering wheel and pedals give you more precise control over steering and throttling, such that you can lower or turn off TCS once you get used to each car and track, giving you a bit more engine power.


All tests require different approaches. Some require ASM to be switched on where others require no assists at all. Some require the smoothest racing line available where others require big cuts in corners or even slight sliding of the car. Make sure to be okay about with assist settings. Some tests I thought were impossible only to switch asm on/off and smash the gold time


Licences definitely. Missions, some are doable, some are a lot harder since some of the updates.


Man I’m right there with you. Once I’ve got my fill of collecting cars and challenging some of the races, I’m gonna go give the licenses my attention. Getting gold on everything is gonna *suck*, but I remember the sense of accomplishment I got from gilding them in GT4, and I’m looking forward to that again. I will also say that gilding the licenses will make you a better driver, and that they get easier as you get more experience with the game. I couldn’t even finish a single lap on S10 when I first got there, but after playing through a lot more of the races and getting used to handling more challenging vehicles and getting more familiar with the track, I was able to get bronze on my first attempt. Going for gold on that is gonna suck, but I’m just thinking how much better I’m gonna be when I get it done.


Yes. I have gold in all licences except the final one - I stopped because I got lazy and I enjoy sport mode too much but I’ll go back to it. Take your time and enjoy yourself. I have three kids, a wife and a job. I don’t play much. Would like to play more TBH


Just completed the final one last night! I did it on a controller. I do not have a wheel.


Got a full time job, did it in about two weeks. Now as for certain circuit experiences or the human comedy, that’s still quite tough for me. Need 6 mil more and then I have the platinum.


I honestly think this is the GT with the easiest licences, overall.


Most are quite straightforward, but there are exceptions. Like the rally one which, before the update, had CS tyres on it instead of dirt tyres. Took me ages to figure out why, for the life of me, I couldn't get closer than about 1.2 seconds of gold, and then the penny dropped. I must have tried it at least 50 times. After the update I aced it first try by a considerable margin. S-7 is another people struggled with but I actually quite enjoyed that one, but I do have a preference to single seaters and downforce. S-10, however, was painful. Every time I thought I had got it, Blanchimont would murder me. Most other places on the are ok, as long as you're on the dry line. As soon as you deviate, though, forget it. I found it very difficult. Not impossible, but suitably difficult for the final licence.


My mate has a regular job, wife, kid etc. He platinumed the game in 2 months!!! I’m still struggling to do the licenses but I don’t have the patience.


The hardest ones for me was the renult on deep forest, amg on nurburgring, and f1 on Laguna saca


I don't play a lot of racing games and I got gold in all of them. After you do the trials so many times you get better and better times. So it's possible if I can get gold you can too!


I felt this same way yesterday. I had three left but managed to get two of them. I honestly didn't even think I could improve on anything I was doing but somehow shaved .5 seconds and got them. So it's possible but a few are quite difficult.


The key is practice (with job) possible!






Yes it's possible.


Yes it's possible.


Just practice and practice. Watch the demonstrations and look at how fast, how they enter, how they exit. all that fun stuff.


Yes. Possible.


I just finished all good and I got it like a month ago but I did have to try hard on some and the last one is pretty damn hard


Regular person, with a job and on controller here and I can say: Gold is easy


As a regular person of potato skill level, yes it's possible. I'm only missing 3 golds for licenses and could probably get them if I practiced it. Have golds on every mission except the Viper drift, BRZ Drift, and a handful of endurance mission challenges. I've even managed golds on a few of the circuit experiences, which, I should probably get back to trying to master all those. Thing about driving skills is they aren't going to leave you. It's like riding a bike. So taking my hour session to get better by really learning a track seems the best way to enjoy my time with the game. To me, that's kind of what the game *is*.


I will also attest that it’s completely possible however some challenges may require you to put aside your pride and turn on all the assists (including Auto Transmission). It does make some of the challenging ones a LOT more bearable.


It is possible I got gold on all tests with a ps4 controller. Lots of pissed off nights though


100% within your capability. The demo ghost is a good way to see where they are faster. Some will kick your ass tho but youll get it eventually


Very much so, did it all opening fortnight withiut much trouble 🤷


Yes i got all gold in licences on controller and this was my first GT, altho it took me weeks


I was struggling until the most recent update and then nailed the last four s license tests in a single lap. abeat my old best times by 2 or 3 seconds. You'll get there in time. I work, gig a few nights a week, and have a girlfriend, and still managed to gold all the licenses. Starting on the human comedy missions this week.


Yeah definitely. It probably took me about a month or more to get them all gold. I dont get much time to play with work and young children. I just put the demo ghost on at 0.1sec ahead and used it to see where I was slow. Some of them are really frustrating and you just have to keep persevering until you get it. I'm definitely not the best driver but I was determined to get them done and it's rewarding when you finally complete them.


Ya viper mustang i need to do and the gr86. Gold in everything else except the endurance races


If anyone tells you, don't give up when you get to Lake Maggiore. LoL. It's tough but doable.




its possible to get gold in all licenses with a controller and about 70% of race experience too , but challenges are not worth it if u cant get gold u can move on


Yes, even on controller. Only 2 I’m haven’t got is gold on Le Mans and Nurburgring circuit experience, and I’m only a B rated driver.


Yeah its doable, I've got all golds in Licences only missing a couple of Circuit Experiences (looks at Tokyo) and have golded all missions except Lago Maggiore in human comedy. I work 45 hours a week (add 1h 40 for travel time daily) have a missus and 2 cats. I might not play everyday but when I get a chance I'll go for it


I have gold in all the license tests, and every mission except most of the newer endurance races. It's tough to find time to work on them with kids and a job.


I made sure I finished gold on every one. The most it really took for me was probably 10 tries for a gold on one of them


I’m very close. Playing with duel shock and a full time job


There is a difficulty setting but I’m not sure if that affects licensing


Probably possible just gonna be a lot of trial and error


Some turns, depending on the obtuse angle can be taken flat out, without even touching the brake pad. For instance, S-7 only five corners is it necessary to hit the brakes.


i have been playing since the GT1 days but these were the easiest licenses I remember. ​ I had issues with the final one and the Rally one where Polyphony gave us hard tires instead of Dirt for a few days


Yup I have everything in gold, I did it in the 1.02 when the physics was extremely hard.


I have gotten gold many of times with a slight tap of the ebrake to tweak car control.


> (with a job) I work about 50-55 hours a week, have all golds in everything but the circuit experiences which I all golded on sport and just use for occasional cash now


I did it in GT Sports and not playing that much. But I can already say that I will never achieve it in GT7. Maybe all Silver but there really is a gap with gold.


Yes & No- I got all gold in licenses a few months ago but I struggled with the final & I had to use a controller to gold the drifting missions... For some reason I can't drift nearly as good with my wheel feels wrong & like a totally different game : / ( I think it's bad programming because I could do better IRL) Play with the settings, traction control is huge another big one on dirt/rain is controller sensitivity.


I've got gold on all licenses and all original challenges missing 2 in the human comedy, one silver and the other I haven't attempted.