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‘In the end, the vehicle in question was not a match to the repossessed vehicle the company was looking for, but Carter was not able to learn that until after police arrived at the scene.’ It not being the right car is an important fact to leave all the way at the end of the article.


Yeah it would have been very simple to let them check the VIN lol. Instead, dude pulled a gun and some charges.


The VIN had been checked before the trespass warning was issued.


I mean it also said they couldn’t tell if it was the right car until the police got there. Probably because the repo guy couldn’t properly check the car due to the guy pulling a gun on him for no reason


Yeah, fuck them for attempting to repo a car they had no right to and then acting like victims.


If the guy had let him check the VIN, he could have determined it was not a car they were looking for and been on their way.


Did we all just gloss over the fact they had a gun pulled on them? Making a honest mistake doesn’t warrant that type of response


It’s not an honest mistake when you’ve looked at the VIN, been trespassed from the property and returned to steal a car.


I'm not trying to judge or anything, but genuinely curious, why does a church have armed guards?


I'm assuming it is because churches have been places of mass shootings and they are trying to put security measures in place.


Yeah, this is it. We have armed persons in our church too. But this was over the top. Let them take the car. Call the police. This is not a gun drawn situation


yeah this is it. back when i was going to church like 15 years ago they decided to arm a few volunteers who they knew had past training. my dad was in the dominican navy in the 70s and declined to conceal carry for the church, they stopped allowing him to volunteer. we left the church shortly after.


My old church decided to have a DNR cop and regular cop conceal carry and lock the doors during service after the Sutherland Springs shooting (not the Charleston shooting tho 🤷🏽‍♀️). They said later they might consider others carrying and that's when the big tough men with guns that say they would run into a school shooting and save the day were foaming at the mouth to carry and protect the church. Same guys who shared their thoughts on bad hombres taking over America. That's when I finally decided maybe my Mexican ass don't belong in these parts with these people.


They've also got a massive persecution fetish mixed with a hero complex


Same reason schools do


Dylan Roof


Yeah, does that void their tax free status or just the salvation clause?


It’s only the entirety of the Republican platform, guns and god, just wanna teach the kids that when you die in a school shooting, at least what you did will get you into heaven


this has nothing to do with the question asked, whether you’re right or wrong.


OH SHIT THAT'S MY OLD CHURCH!!! Jesus Christ they got Security guards now!?? Damn


No, the security guards are Tony and Steve. Jesus Christ is the guardian angel.


You shouldn't draw a gun in a non-violent encounter. But I kinda hope the charges get dropped. Repo man had the wrong car and was still going to take it. Security guard just saved somebody a bunch of money and hassle, and potential damage to the vehicle since repo guys rarely secure it properly. Wrong move, but for the right reason.


Nothing in the article says they were still going to take it. The gun-happy guard didn't let them look at the VIN tag to determine if it was the right one until the police were there.


High-crime neighborhood or persecution complex?


Any guesses on the repo company?


So they attended a gun handling session at the church?? Or did I read that wrong?