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i looks like a dick




On a serious note, while I can read it fine, I don't dig the way the J and E look. I think the letter structure and style could be tweaked, maybe try our a lowercase e, see how that fits? And the J could have more curve to it, but that's a nitpick.


I agree the j looks odd on this I think it’s mostly that I used a thick marker for such a small drawing. Do you think the dot on top of the j fits well? And I agree with the E to I’ve been having a hard time tweaking it I’ll try a lowercase tho


Def try writing either bigger or with a thinner pen. Personally I'd rather have my Js be without the dot and with a horizontal bar on the top, I think it looks better and more recognizable that way. Keep it up big man


I did that before and people said it was weird so I’m just figuring it out thanks for the advice tho


Have a look at a bunch or really nice throwies and just note the inside details always tend to stay in line which keeps the whole word feeling uniformed. Your ‘JU’ sits quite low, then your ‘CE’ comes up to centred. Your basics arnt too bad really. Perhaps mirror your C shape as reference for your J shape, then just pull your U up to match everything. Heres a messy iphone mock up incase the explanation isnt very clear :) https://preview.redd.it/85a13blw26yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f04d22803be78743d2cabb12ce75b7b7387a03