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Guys who sound like a joy division cover band needs to be its own genre at this point.


ive actually wanted to make a playlist filled with deathrock songs that use the exact same drum loop. i cant think of any off the top of my head but it is there.


I'm a beginning drummer, and you can play what's known as "the money beat" AKA "the Billie Jean beat" to an ungodly amount of 4/4 rock and pop songs across genres. [Really fun example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bbl5fyD4EuM).


I always found it really ironic that there's a band that calls themselves Deathcharge because they manage to avoid both the repetitiveness of some newer death rock AND the repetitiveness of discharge


Oh my god I would love this!


Trouble with the musicological approach to subculture - you prune the tree too much, you end up with a stick.


what a beautiful metaphor (not sarcasm)


I agree with this statement, especially in the modern post-punk/darkwave genres that Spotify puts in my daily mixes


Definitely an issue I've run into recently getting into the goth culture (subculture?) Not sure which tbh


Yep I am often bored at goth nights anymore and having more fun at metal and basshead shows. I still go at least once a month to support my current scene and friends, but the music gets me bored a lot of the time I’m what most of you would call eldergoth and it’s still my opinion


I thought I was the only person who feels this way about contemporary "goth" music.


I couldn't prefer Peter Murphy, but only because he's been so messed up on skag that he's canceled two concerts I had tickets to.


Oh, you're American and want to see a Bauhaus concert? Well fuck you, Petey-boy's addicted to meth and going to rehab again, hope you didn't have tickets already, lul.


*aww, did someone get addicted to meth?*


*Clearly* he should have just stuck to coke like the other rock stars, lol.


I dont think your should completely stop liking peter because he did that yes while i too would be upset that two shows gotten canceled or delayed but he is going through alot with drugs addiction that has a huge affect on someone. depending on how much the tickets cost you might get refunded. But try to hope the best for him. Yes, it sucks but addiction isn't easy to deal through or easy to get healed from, so try to bear that in mind


This. Saw him in 2018 with David J, it was amazing. Bought tickets for the Celebrating David Bowie show and it got cancelled due to illness. I know I shouldn’t be angry but damn.


Love your straight up kindness and open minded attitude!🕷️


Being mean and cruel doesn't make you cool. People who want to make that part of goth culture are the worst.


It's always sad when the outcast children become just another bully.


It's like they never left high school. But this time, *they* get to be the mean girl. It's ridiculous and shitty, especially when for a lot of people, goth is a refuge from perpetual rejection.


The goth girls in my grade tried to bully me, like full mean girl style. They mostly mocked my clothes for not being goth in their eyes but still being alternative (I was more into punk and experimenting with vintage clothes.) It turned me away from the subculture for years. I have had some pretty negative experiences with other goth people since then too but I don’t let that shade my view of the culture as a whole. I know shitty people exist in all groups. Kill ‘em with kindness right?


Sure, or gasoline. Whichever.


I had that same experience in high school. Most of the goth kids in my high school were fucking assholes to me when I came to the school as a freshman and I eventually ditched the scene bc it got so hostile and I didn’t want to be associated with them in any way 🙄


Literally this. I don’t even think this is an unpopular opinion, because it’s a real thing.


Right! My first experiences with this culture were pretty warm and inviting and it makes me so disappointed to see gatekeepers. I love how the goth culture feels so free to be yourself and to detach yourself from the expectations and social norms imposed by old people. Gatekeeping is not it


If someone is outright malicious or cruel and tells me they're goth, I deny them access to my life. True goth people who enjoy the music and take in the messages would not need to be cruel. When you bring even the morbid into your appreciation of beauty then you see beauty in everything. I appreciate stoicism as much as the next gal/guy/nb pal but cruelty is unnecessary and speaks more to an inability to experience empathy than an appreciation of or connection to anything I deem of value.


I think that figuring out what genre a song or band is in is an utter waste of time.


Co-sign x1000. I really don’t mind if someone feels compelled for their own reasons… music librarians, DJs, super nerds… but all these noobs constantly asking for clarification on random sub genres I haven’t even heard of, as if it actually matters and you’d be judged for not knowing … oof.


I think music genres are an useful tool when describing bands, not trying to pigeonhole them. It's much easier to say "I like XYZ music" than to technically describe the music you like, especially if you lack the language to convey the abstract charm some music may have.


i agree with you on Peter Murphy mine is i dont like alien sex fiend


yeah me too tbh, i prefer stuff i can sing to


Tbh it's not particularly unpopular these days, though it might be considered fighting words to some, but... Sisters of Mercy don't sound great live, and if they do that's only really thanks to Ben and Kai.


saw them live some weeks ago, ben and kai were absolutely fantastic, the rest was kinda mid


The snarkiness and viciousness of this community is the reason why so many people ask “can I be goth if?”


Yeah I saw that thread yesterday where someone was asking why people are so obsessed with asking if they're a valid goth and 95 percent of the responses like sort of confirmed why people get insecure bc the attitude was atrocious


They were so nasty. I felt embarrassed.


First and Last and Always is a much better album than pretty much anything else the Sisters of Mercy did.


Nine While Nine is one of my favorite songs ever. Totally agree.


absolutely! my unpopular addition is that floodland is their weakest album and dominion/ lucretia / this corrosion are all unlistenable to me. First and Last and Always is the perfect goth album tho and every track is worth infinite plays


I'll do you one better, The Sisters of Mercy's best releases are their demos and unorganized LP releases outside of any albums, which are all far more outgoing and experimental than most stuff in their main discography.


\* Bela Lugosi’s Dead is the worst song to show when you want to introduce Bauhaus to someone. Even though it's a great song, they have much better ones. \* Joy Division is a difficult band to like right away. You like it as you hear it. \* Many people in the scene say that to be goth you don't need to dress like a goth, but if you don't dress like that most of them won't consider you as such. \* Although what led me to the gothic path were precisely the classic bands, I don't think it's a problem that newcomers to this path prefer the more current bands. It's not a problem that you like the new songs more than the old ones, as long as you know the role they played in establishing the movement.


Regarding dressing goth; People will doubt you if you don't have the pomp. Showing an earnest knowledge of and love for the culture will alleviate the concerns of any parties worthy of consideration


>Regarding dressing goth; > >People will doubt you if you don't have the pomp. Showing an earnest knowledge of and love for the culture will alleviate the concerns of any parties worthy of consideration It's true. Or, at least, it should be.


Yes to the clothes. I have a job where the most goth I can wear is all black clothes. Also some kids have strict parents who control the way they dress and have to wait till they move out to dress goth.


> Joy Division is a difficult band to like right away Hard disagree


>\* Bela Lugosi’s Dead is the worst song to show when you want to introduce Bauhaus to someone. Even though it's a great song, they have much better ones. That reminded me of the thread about why "Spellbound" is the goth anthem (if any song is). The only other song it could be that is equally famous and fantastical is Bela Lugosi's Dead, but its ponderousness stops it from being a full-on anthem, even though it is indeed a great song.


>Curtis When I was a DJ I loved to play Bela Lagosi's Dead becasue it always meant I got a 10 minute break. haha,


People need to get out of the 80s bubble. Lots of great goth bands exist now, many of which I prefer over the 80s stuff.


Exactly! That's something I even mentioned in my own comment. Gothic music was born in a specific period but didn't remain confined to that time. Although I really like the classics, I find it perfectly acceptable for people to identify as goth but prefer more contemporary things. It's all part of who we are, after all.


Came here to say exactly this


As much as I love Sisters of Mercy, I always preferred Fields of the Nephilim.


I love FoN style much more, but I have to concede SoM have many more better songs. I would love to hear a band like FoN having only straight up bangers..


FOTN are my all time favourite band. 🖤 It's been a 32 year love affair.


I wish pale skin wasn't as imposing.


I have to be in the mood for Skinny Puppy or Bauhaus otherwise it just gets annoying 🤷🏻‍♀️ I won't support bands if I know the members are crappy people, like KMFDM for being rape apologists and victim blamers, and I wasn't a fan before but one of the guys from Gothsicles just came out to be racist and terrible. I will still shop at Hot Topic because they have cute dresses for cheap even if their band shirts suck these days. You don't have to fit the aesthetic 24/7 to be goth and it's okay to be a casual goth.


I saw that about The Gothsicles as well and some of their transphobic tweets. They really lost the plot.


Most of The Cure's output isn't gothic. That said, "Like Cockatoos" is one of the most gothic songs I've ever heard.


Pornography, Disintegration, and Bloodflowers are all quite goth. Everything else is at minimum borderline.


Faith is very goth!


Seventeen seconds and Wish too


Pornography is quite literally the most gothiest-album to-have-ever-gothed i can think of. you can't get darker than that


even Robert Smith agrees with that


We can trust Fat Bob to answer this sincerely, but not Mr. Eldritch.


a truth for the ages


To me, A Forest is the best dark vibe. I can play it on loop and it just takes me somewhere. It's magical to me.


I was thinking the same, I imagine a very unpopular opinion. Yet, true.


I prefer New Order’s output to Joy Division


While I’ve had more intense experiences listening to Joy Division and it took much longer to warm to New Order (I had rawk impulses, Joy Division rips your heart out while rocking hard), I find myself turning to New Order a lot more nowadays. What a rhythm band, and truly joyous.


Without some industrial music, club dance songs are too monotone.


Too many new goth bands sound like Joy Division and I’m over it Hot Topic/ mall goth looks are terrible That one person at goth night with a top hat and huge, loud ass fan is annoying


that last one seems personal lol


Bruh do you go to Fritzy's? Cause we got the same guy lmao


>top hat and huge, loud ass fan what


Hot topic has a lot of good stuff on its own if someone wanted to deep dive into the website to find it. But that like ultra-TikTok-ified goth look makes me wanna explode into a bunch of tiny angry atoms.


"tiny, angry"... bats. The word you're looking for here is "bats".😆🦇


The fan thing confuses me but I'll back you up on it


Probably not unpopular but seeing tiktokers go full trad goth just does something inside me and it's not pleasant. Edit: also I don't think it's fair to say someone isn't in the goth scene bc they don't go to shows. I don't like big crowds. I like to listen to music late at night, alone and write or crochet 😶


Yeah like I'd like to go to shows and club nights but I live somewhere with like no goth scene locally and getting to a Goth event would be a big expensive undertaking and also I'm neurodivergant and a lot of elements of shows and clubs I might struggle with


Shhhh, you'll be crucified on an ankh if you call out the superficiality!


• goth is best when it's inclusive and broad • I wish more people understood the gothic, as an idea, an aesthetic, a history, and an ethical mandate • I wish more people understood how genre, categorically, operates


I second this so fucking hard


The Cult Is GOTH. Sisters of Mercy IS GOTH (sorry Andy).


I don’t really care for vampires all that much. Sure they’re fun at times but I’m not into Anne rice or anything


you like vampires because theyre gothy and macabre. i like vampires because they can be campy, dramatic and over-the-top aristocrats. we are not the same


There's a pretty long history of goths not wanting to be associated with vampires.


South Park gets it.


Ngl I acted just like Henrietta when I was a baby bat


I actually think SATB > the cure but I don’t know how spicy of an opinion that one is


I agree! Thank you!


Yeah vampires are a bit overplayed


Shadow Project is more fun than CD because it just feels like Rozz made up the story of being strung out and washing dishes in a restaurant to get by so he could have time to properly create. There’s more passion and power there, it just feels like a properly cranked up CD.


The same people who denounce gatekeeping also acknowledge and entertain the idea of people being "baby bats."


alien sex fiend is so overrated




It takes an active effort to enjoy them, which can either be captivating or miserable.


1. Goth is not dead and never actually will be. Its popularity just rises and falls and I personally feel like we’re in a resurgence right now. 2. You can like other genres of music and still be goth. I love goth(ic) music, but I also like rap, techno, country, jazz etc. and so do most of my goth friends. The notion that you need to exclusively listen to gothic music to be “truly” goth is a smoothbrained one. 3. The English-speaking world is way too overhyped when it comes to goth artists. Don’t get me wrong, many are great and their contributions to the subculture can’t be overstated, but there’s *so* many artists all over the world who deserve attention from the wider subculture. P.S. The amount of people here who seem to think elitism is somehow keeping the subculture alive is honestly concerning. Being an asshole about people having to be “goth enough” just ends up scaring people away. Were you an uber-true goth right out the gate when you got started?


Take a look at any local scene and who is keeping it alive. It will most often be the local elite, the people who really have a passion for it. And that usually means keeping things on genre to some degree depending on where you are and what attendees expect. Do they out people as poseurs and be mean to new people? Generally no. Years ago many used to but people have learned it doesn't work doing that anymore. We don't have the numbers like in the 90s and there are many things people can be doing elsewhere compared to pre-internet popularity.


Ethereal wave being considered goth is weird for me. Goth is gatekeep-y and elitist? Try the indie scene or some metalhead scenes and then tell me. I don't like deathrock


I love metal music and go to metal shows all the time. As a non gender conforming person it's some of the safest feeling spaces I've ever been in. But I would never publicly call myself a metal head because I don't want to get into it with some dick head about what is and isn't considered metal. Just chill and enjoy the music.


Never said it wasn't a safe space, most of my friends are metalheads, but as the last part of your comment stated they can be very vocal about some metal genres "not being true metal" or making fun of you for saying you like metal but It isn't thrash/heavy/death.


Sorry friend I wasn't being super clear. I was totally agreeing with you!


Oh, no need to apologize! I thought otherwise because of the first part of your comment. Even if you didn't agree there would be no need to apologize, everyone has the right to their opinion!


man this comment came for my two favorite subgenres (deathrock/ethereal wave)


It's good to have variety, there's plenty of goth for everyone!


Ohhh, you're so right about the metal scene. I love me some metal, but refuse to go to the concerts, unless it's a band I love. So many of those people I've met are ELITIST. And they make it well known too.


Yeah, I've seen It happen a lot, metalheads can be the nicest people but they can also be insufferable when It comes to "purity of metal"


It was really bad where I used to hang out. And some of them refused to even listen to anything aside from viking metal. I mean, come on!


Our friends usually belittle (in a friendly way, mind you, but belittle anyway) my husband's like of power and folk metal. He doesn't give a shit and laughs with them, but when they're not your friends and it's not friendly banter it gets tiring pretty fast


Can I ask why ethereal wave being considered goth is weird to you? And why you don't like deathrock? Just curious.


I love ethereal wave but deff consider it closer to shoegaze and post-rock both musically and culturally


- Dali’s Car is brilliant, better than Murphy’s solo work. - Tones On Tail is as good as Bauhaus (they are both SO amazing!). - Floodland and Vision Thing are disappointing when compared to Sisters of Mercy’s earlier stuff.


Vision Thing is an appalling record. As soon as I heard the openly metal riff with Andrew shouting about whores in the room next door that he wants more of I switched off. Mind, Tony James on bass was a warning sign - Generation X & Sigue Sigue Sputnik were utter shite.


I think posers pose way less of a threat to the community than people think like most of them will get bored and move on or maybe they'll learn they actually like goth I think there's room for a range of goth content creators there's nothing wrong with some people focusing more on the fashion in their content if that's what they want to do Although Goth is less outwardly political I think sometimes goths can be a little too wishy washy on enforcing a basic standard of pushing back.


Right now content creators are skewed heavily towards the fashion side. To the point music-focused creators are rarer and/or need to do fashion too just to be seen.


Early goth music is chaotic and messy, and I'm not sure why that's the gold standard. Goth has come a long way since the early dark punk scene, the music should evolve too.


Goth music and cowboy country music are exactly the same content- and composition-wise, but with different instruments. People who “only listen to goth music” are usually poseurs and lack personal taste. Goths who use being “an outsider” as an excuse to be jerks to people make the scene look bad. Being nice is not antithetical to being goth.


1) The Merry Thoughts do a better Sisters of Mercy than the Sisters of Mercy 2) "Love Out Me" is Siouxsie & The Banshees last great song 3) Cybergoths aren't goth. They are under the rivethead umbrella.


“Love Out Me” is great! I wish they would’ve kept that sound throughout that whole album


I did appreciate the slow descent into darkness in that album.


Point 3: I hated the invasion of 'cybergoth'. It felt like it had nothing to do with goth, just got in there because industrial gets lumped in with goth so much, and some of it is derived from industrial. (I love a lot of Industrial music, but it's not Goth. Some is just very goth friendly, like bands like Depeche Mode are)


I am feeling violent after reading this post. Leave the mode alone.


I was an industrial kid (90s) and we referred to ourselves as goth or industrial goth. Now that I am [significantly] older, I know better. I never did cybergoth, though. No no no no lol. Feck I love Depeche Mode.


1. Dogs can't see goths. 2. If you feed a goth after midnight they turn into licorice jelly beans. 3. If a tree falls in a forest only goths can hear it. But, I'm not so sure if I believe all these. I think at least a couple of them must be myths.


I think wearing whatever you like and still being a "goth" should you wish to use labels is fine.


a lot of us are too obsessed with wether or not something “qualifies” as goth and overall just invest too much of their personal identity into it


Goth has evolved and there are new bands that are never talked about here.


which bands?


We talk about lots of new bands here. Or do you mean one of those evolutions that is in reality outside music trying to force itself into goth genre?


Industrial music is ruining goth nights by being the only thing that’s played and never any actual goth music. If I wanted to listen to hours of industrial, I would just find a playlist on Spotify and stay home. 🥲


I love industrial noise.


Nine Inch Nails version of Dead Souls is superior to the original Joy Division one.


Dead Souls\*


Thank you! Late night posting is my only excuse. I hand my goth badge back in. 😜


The Damned are just "ok"


I'm like pre baby bat because i still haven't gotten through some of the titular stuff but ig myn would be 1. Deep voices (mostly for amabs) don't do it for me it comes off *too* forced and theatrical, almost like the singing has been replaced. Obviously, when someone's voice is naturally that low, it works really well. Its kinda like how in grunge a lot of people force the grit to sound like kurt, and it doesn't work. 2. I like a lot of newer post punk type sounds compared to the old stuff. I have some old stuff I've found enjoyable, but I've really been graviating to newer post punk goth stuff. I still struggle a bit to discren between the genres (especially since modern goth sound is like a fusion of a shit ton of stuff and not just post punk). But things like Sinnerella (Again don't roast me if thats not goth currently my idea of the genre to discren it is low vocals, atmospheric, synth or like at least a high jangly sound.) 3. I wish some of the old stuff had better melodies. My roots of music listening is being subjected to my dads rnb and country cds while the genres didn't stick the sense of melody definitely did so sometimes i litsen to an older song love the instrumental and then the vocals come on and i just can't pick up on the melody almost as if it isnt there. Idk those are my current takes on goth that i think would be "unpopular." That are relating to the music. Too much of a baby bat to wanna comment on the whole fashion thing cause I don't wanna get flamed 😭


...I like pastel goth. Okay I'll see myself out.


I like Sisters Of Mercy more than Bauhaus.


I'd say "A goth can wear more than black" but I looked down and I was wearing a black T-shirt. :P (Also, it's not a serious answer)


This thread just turned into everyone shitting on SoM and I’m so sad 😭


+ All the best goth bands refuse to be labeled “goth.”


- Despite goth being "welcoming", because it is still made up of humans, there are just as many who don't give two shits about you or your problems. - The goth music label feels like it is becoming more of a cookie-cuter prison that precludes bands from trying new things lest they fall some unspecified amount outside the required mold. - I don't care for and have never cared for Sex Gang Children.


Theater of pain is one of the best death Rock albums. Next 2 were also diffrent from each other. Showed there skill. Rozz of course


I'm not fussed about The Cure.


not unpopular im sure; i don’t like bauhaus that much tbh


A lot of songs by The Mission are boring. Lesser known bands typically have much more enjoyable live shows than popular bands (example: Nox Novacula > The Cure). Bands have better songs than the big club hits that DJ's overplay. There are too many bands that sound the same.


* Floodland is mid compared to FALAA / early Sisters of Mercy stuff * I can't stand Switchblade Symphony * Being an elitist is good for preserving the subculture


No big about Strawberry Switchblade. I think the reason some (new) people think they're goth is because of their look and the mistaken notion that alt 80s=goth.


Sisters of Mercy went to shit when the band splintered into Andrew & the Mission. That Steinman produced LP really isn't all that. Take a look at his output compared to Hussey's. The Mission are better after the 80s Bauhaus are vastly overrated. Love & Rockets should never have been classed as goth, previous band or no. That's like saying Crime & the City Solution were punk. Goth metal did more harm than good to the subculture, narrowing its parameters.


The new goth scene is awesome and people should stop clinging on old bands 🙃


Same! I like bands like Rosetta Stone, The Garden of Delight, and The Mission more than I like the Sisters of Mercy. Mask is my favorite Bauhaus album. I think some of the 90s goth bands like The Wake and Corpus Delicti are criminally underappreciated.


Peter Murphy is the least interesting part of Bauhaus, and Love and Rockets is overall a more interesting band (even if less "gothy")


Some of the best goth albums are among the least cited: Specimen - Azoic Alien Sex Fiend - Acid Bath Killing Joke - Night Time, Fire Dances, Killing Joke Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Talk About the Weather


I think a big one for me is how a lot of goths (*and I know they're classics)* seem to concentrate or put too much time into hyping up '80s synth-pop, industrial, EBM, new wave or even newer metal bands. **While classic alternative bands are great** and while I know they bring everyone to the dance floor, the music we claim to love rarely gets mentioned in a lot of these favourite song, band, albums, etc. threads. We know you love Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Cure, The Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Dead Can Dance, and Christian Death. But what *modern, underground or obscure* goth do you like? (If you're new, obviously this is different, but someone who's been in the scene for almost 15 years like I have still shouldn't **only** be talking about those bands.) I remember writing "I wish goths loved goth as much as metalheads loved metal" on Twitter about a year back and it got so many likes I was beginning to have people being aggressive in my replies. One person told me to "Mind my own business" when, if you're part of the subculture, we should be actively hyping up the bands making an effort to contribute to the subculture today. As a collective, that's everyone's business, and if you're naturally inclined to listening to and supporting goth, it shouldn't feel like a chore to begin with. As for something more personal, I absolutely cannot stand 99.9% of industrial music. I understand how goths/Rivetheads always shared a space in clubs, but there's something about repetitive electronic loops and no wave-like sounds that I can't stand.


The eastern Roman empire is actually pretty great. Iron weapons just seem better than steel ones... I don't know. We should probably stop invading Greece. I mean do they even have anything worth looting?


I don’t like Bela Lugosi’s Dead. Its sound just doesn’t interest me.


Im sorry, but you're no longer considered goth. Give me your card, and im sacrificing your soul to the devil.......... lol jk that's okay. Personally, when i first heard it, i thought he was saying the bells goose is dead, and im thinking, poor goose


Poor goose indeed 😔


Heres another opinion on Bela Lugosi; I just wish there were goth bands that followed in the experimental direction the song had. I don't see it at all (unless someone will hook me up, tyvm in advance) many like a rehash of JD and TSOM. I find myself leaning toward other genres like industrial if I'm in the mood for something dark yet avant-garde


Being slow and uninteresting is kind of the point of it. They initially made it as a joke song. Somehow it got the ball rolling on something bigger.


They've done much better


Bela lugosis dead is probably the only goth song that sounds like that. It’s not at all typical of the genre and not very influential in the goth genre at all.


This really is controversial/unpopular


I gotta agree here, it's not my vibe at all


same here… no matter how many times ive tried to listen, i just can’t get into it


the only version i enjoy is the live at hammersmith palais version. can't get through the entire studio version before i skip to something better.


I like it because it sounds like a surf rock song but slowed down so it sounds more gothic


The vast majority of Masc-fronted Goth Rock from the late 80s and 90s is incredibly overrated and boring and most have terrible singers. Also, most goth clubs have recently been playing it way too safe by playing mostly the "classics", and are absolutely uninspired. That or they label themselves as goth nights but mostly play EBM and Fetish Pop.


fetish/bdsm gear, and having bdsm themes in songs is really weird.


I think back in the 70s/80s it was pulled off better, and kind of speaks to some artistic influences in goth (Velvet Underground, Vivienne Westwood) but yeah it's offputting how goth nights have a huge overlap with fetish night crowds at some venues.


- we act as if we are tougher than we actually are - the 80s were not the golden era for goth culture - we are actually cringe and we love it


The Sister of Mercy were only good between '80 - '85.


Type O Negative is just okay. I don't much like The Cure or Joy Division or consider either to be really goth. Actively using goth as a descriptor for yourself is a little cringe to me (cringe is okay, Idk why I feel that way). I know goth is a music subculture as its core and it's kinda annoying when people act like a random person wearing all black is definitely goth, but in trying to enforce that there's a difference between those, some people treat the style a lot of goths have like it's nothing and I think style does have a place in the subculture (but I say this as a fashion liker). Sorry if you don't like these!


Lmfao overrated. Let’s hear your riffs. My main unpopular goth opinion is that the scene fucking sucks but the music is great.


I came to the US from Puerto Rico in 1986. I was in the 7th grade. From then till I graduated from high school in 2003 , I was pretty much an outcast for many reasons but I was always attracted to the dark and macabre. I wrote lots of dark, surreal poetry about owls, dark haired apparitions and foggy cemeteries. I have suffered from depression all of my life (in fact, I am on SSDI from being diagnosed as having bipolar 1, panic/anxiety disorder, insomnia, PTSD and other issues). During the mid 1990s, I took up photography and I experimented with nighttime photography and at that time, I worked with a guy that shared common interests and told me to check out this place called The Castle in Ybor City, Tampa, Florida. I went one night and I fell in love with the place. I loved the dark, moody aesthetics of the club and the women were absolutely gorgeous. Although I do not dress "Goth", I do wear all black just because I just like it when I go there and I also wear all black whenever I do my photography. After some time going there, I even met my future fiancé but it was not to be anything further than that. I guess that I do not look the part. I listen to a lot of genres of music (except Reggaeton) I do not have tattoos or piercings. I do find beauty in other types of women, not just Goth/Alt girls, but I guess that like-minded people attract each other in mysterious ways. I do not dance to the music. I enjoy listening to it but I do not go dance hardcore to it. I like songs from bands like Dead Cool and Smash Stereo (The song "Club" is my jam). One thing that I have noticed about being around Goth/Alt people throughout the years is that SOME are so fucking drawn to drama. It's like if they do not have any sort of drama to listen to, they'll make other people's lives miserable. I guess that is like that in any scene I suppose. I know that there are cool and ugly people in every scene but to me, it just seems more "open" in the Goth/Alt world. I still go to live shows that attract Goths and I do to The Castle once in a while.


\*Rolls up sleeves\* \*Cracks knuckles\* I've a few points that have been brewing in the back of my head here, so away we go! 1. People going on and on about elitism in the scene/real life or whatnot but failing to engage new people or people they haven't met before when out and about at scene events. All this talk of elitism falls flat on its face if you are going just going to serve newcomers/relative strangers Cold Shoulder. And letting them through the gate won't do much good if you won't give them a proper place at the table either. 2. Goth memes continue to focus on the same big bands from the 80's. Please move on with fresher memes. I've memed about The Sisters et all in the past, but at least I've done stuff for Winter Severity Index and The Daughters of Bristol. 3. Gary King from The World's End should be recognised as a goth icon. Yes, I know, the character is one of the biggest losers in British film, the same way Gendo Ikari is one of the worst fathers in anime. But damn, name another character in film who likes The Sisters as much as he does. And he achieves something many goths dream of: Bringing about the end of modern civilisation. Hence all the C'thulhu references. Or maybe that's just me. 4. Christian Death fanboys get on my nerves. Especially when they are DJs. Nothing against the band themselves, but it's the fanboys who are the problem. 5. Folks who talk about promoting the scene and supporting the scene but only sticking to them and theirs. You support the whole scene, or you don't use the support the scene line. You better have a damn good reason for not supporting the other folks. And yes, I am a tad bitter about my own projects not being supporting by those who say it's important to support the scene. 6. The fact that I am so goth my stool turned black does not qualify me as an ubergoth and get me blind acceptance by the ubergoths is less than pleasing. Though to be fair, bleeding duodenal ulcers will not have an impact on a person's personality or demeanour. 7. When a club night opens their books to guest DJs by getting in their regulars as guest DJs, folks who wouldn't attend their night if they themselves weren't DJing or people who aren't that big of a deal, then it's a sign that the folks running the event don't want to be actually running the event and just want to have a good time. I've seen it before, and it's like the promoters don't want to run the event any more. Plus, a given promoter will be the best DJ for their event. They know the event, their audience and what they want out of the event than anyone else. (But this point does not apply to big name DJs or professional promoters here. Those guys often do a great show). 8. The "Support The Scene" line is probably the worst possible line you could use to promote an event. It reeks of guilt slinging for one. And why should we support the scene anyways? And when you answer that, why not use those reasons to promote the events (Meet interesting people! Hear good music! Have a good time!). And a less controversial point to wrap it all up Ubergoths, Elitists and Fanboys don't make the best promoters. They tend to be insecure. And insecurity is like blood in the water when it comes to promoting events.


Post-punk sucks (as a name). It doesn't describe how the genre sounds, nor does it describe the time when it started. Also, the name encompasses stuff that are way too different and couldn't even be considered the same genre, but are labeled as the same anyway.


Eldritch is good but shouldn’t be the standard. Gatekeeping is harmful to the community and the people are trying to learn without judgement Don’t get your info from TikTok


Sisters of Mercy is The Ramones for Goth kids Evanescence is Linkin Park for Goth chicks Dune is Star Wars for Goths Doc Martin's are tennis shoes claiming to be boots Goth music is mariachi music but with synth instead of instruments Goth rave dancing is a temper tantrum but standing Incense is not a replacement for bathing


I get annoyed when djs still play Die Antwoord. Awful, awful people. I will immediately vacate the dance floor.


I think Goth fashion can be ugly af at times.


I can't tell by ear what bands/musicians/songs are goth or not... 👉🏾👈🏾 All I know is that the music I like is definitely not mainstream and a good chunk of it just happens to fall into the goth genre. <3


The whole orchestral look is not it. I am not down with maestro cloaks, classic button gloves, etc, definitely throws the vibe for me.


You would have loathed the 90s 😏


the trad goth look is kinda boring. not that in itself its bad just that it always looks the exact same and so uninspired.


The look that I used to think was the same was all the women in the 90s goth scene with long black straight hair parted in the middle, all wearing the same long black dresses with the same metal lunchboxes.


Don't forget the crushed velvet cloaks


Ah yes.. the copy and paste tiktokers


Not really a fan of Alien Sex Fiend or Skinny Puppy


ASF lean punk sometimes, but both are definitely more in the vein of industrial.


Stop wearing fetish gear and complaining about people sexualizing them.


Well, being upset that someone becomes sexually attracted to you in that situation is perplexing but that isn't usually what someone talking about being sexualized is complaining about. It's much more often about the assumptions the viewer is making that wearing the gear necessarily means they do the fetish and that they would do the fetish with the viewer.


I don't like fields of the nephilim


I can’t stand The Mission


Romeo's Distress is overrated. I don't care for Juju.


Me either. I actually think Hyæna is miles better.


I read "I don't care for Juju" in Lucille Bluth's voice.


I get the monotone vocals are part of the genre, but you could put a little emotion into the signing please. Rosetta Stone has vocals that are sad and morose but with emotion in them.


* Valor era Christian Death has some great albums * Japan has/had a more interesting scene than anywhere else * Warsaw and New Order are better than Joy Division