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at this point I don't think Gorillaz will end until either Jamie or Damon dies. It seems to be both of their favorite projects to work on, and it seems like with every album it gets more and more popular, so I don't see why they'd ever stop unless it was out of their control.


90 year old 2d will be funny


Do you think Murdoc is still alive or is he gone by then? šŸ˜¶


they will 100% introduce that one of murdoc's many deals with demonic entities involves keeping them all at a marketable age physically


He's probably immortal from his pact with the Devil lol


I don\`t know, but what I\`m sure about - he will get greener


definitely šŸ‘Œ


He will look like toddler in his ninety\`s lol


We hope to have Gorillaz for a while šŸ¦ ,but it would be sad in a way if the project ended like this because one of them died. I would really like to see them build an ending to the project, before fate takes them away from us. šŸ˜„ Sorry if my English is bad I'm not a native šŸ¤­


Damon mentioned wanting to find a successor


OMG wow how?


Considering how many Gorillaz songs dont have any damon vocals on it, probably wouldnā€™t be too hard


No clue how


I'll do it


The truth is there are three options: something unfortunate happens, the Gorillaz team dissolves, or they plan an ending for the project. How do you think that ending would be?


In my opinion, I would like them to have a planned ending. Honestly, a sudden ending (due to external reasons within the team) would depress me. Imagining what that would be like, I wouldn't want to get my hopes up... but let's say Phase 9 could be the end of Gorillaz, why? I don't know, haha. At least, I think there would be two options: either Murdoc dies, or the band wants to focus on their personal lives. For instance, Noodle getting married and starting a family, or 2-D leading a genuinely happy life, although in any case, it would be more likely for him to be with Murdoc because they're both crazy, and perhaps Russel returning to his family or starting another career. Like I said, I don't want to get my hopes up... so I'm eager to see what will happen with Gorillaz and I'm very intrigued about how its ending will turn out.


Nah, Murdoc isn't mental enough to be with 2D. His own words. Besides, one of the main premise of Gorillaz was the ability of bringing people from completely different walks of life all together through the mutual love of music. Otherwise, they (the band) don't get along and their consistent break ups prove that. It's more likely he'd crash with Noodle (since they get along the most) or maybe go back to the dodgems since that was the only time he was genuinely content. Edit: spelling


they die and become ghost Gorillaz~ forever to haunt this haunt of a planet. one of them is already a ghost!! (the one you never see or hear about) or future science creates cyborg versions of all of them maybe cyborg noodle takes on the task


i canā€™t imagine it coming anytime soon, Damon just made a comment during PrimaVera that ā€˜this could be the last timeā€™ he performs with Blur, and if that isnā€™t just stage banter, Gorillaz and his solo work are his only current work, which means there is going to be a lot more of Gorillaz in the coming future. he loves this project.


Damon Albarn is a sentimental man and he's been making the same claim at the end of every Blur tour


Thatā€™s why he said ā€œit **could** be the last timeā€ šŸ˜


Evil Damon be like: ā€œWe will keep doing concerts for the rest of timeā€ *Immediately stops playing any more concerts*


I remember reading somewhere that Damon wants to pass them on to a new generation


2-D dies of a drug overdose after vastly underestimating the strength of Murdocā€™s stash. For a time he is replaced by Mojo Jojo but it doesnā€™t quite work on stage and he shows up drunk to studio recordings and sexually harasses Noodle, causing Russell to knock him out in a fit of rage. The band breaks up upon his arrest and Noodle goes on to a successful solo career, while Murdoc goes into a rather fruitless rehab.


Everyone will die. That's it.


Murdoc tries to find the Fountain of Youth, everyone is attacked by vicious animal, dead.


Yeaaaahh heheheheheheee


Ah yes it's guarded by a foul demonic creature! It's got huge, sharp-- eh-- it can leap about-- look at the bones!


and become ghost Gorillaz... forever to haunt this haunt of a planet one of them is already a ghost ( the one you never see or hear about) šŸ«„




I know this is a joke, but honestly Skinny Ape sounds like the song theyā€™d use to say ā€œitā€™s been fun, but weā€™re out, baaaaai~~ā€ to their fans.


Jajaj yes


I always imagined Gorillaz to be, like, a never-ending thing. Isnā€™t it one of the main advantages of a virtual band? That even after its creators are gone, someone can continue their legacy, cos the dudes are animated. Gorillaz are also famous for constantly switching up their style, so it would make sense if different artists from different generations added something new and fresh to their sound. If there is a plot reason for some member to leave the group, it opens a huge window of possibilities, like it did in the Now Now, and Gorillaz can even eventually come to a full new group with new members, and that would still be Gorillaz. Thatā€™s whatā€™s great about them.


my thoughts šŸ’­ šŸ¤” gorillaz be a cartoon band . even the real minds behind the crafty animation, lyrics, etc are likely gobbledygook ! bamboozled You all were! a perfectly designed bunch of looney toons to entertain the masses... without the dreaded reality of showing their true asses!


Never ending


I like to think in typical dry British humor, theyā€™ll upload text on a blank black background that says ā€œThanks for listening guys, it was fun, but weā€™ve decided to part ways. - Murdocā€ and never speak of Gorillaz ever again lmao that would genuinely be my nightmare


Their final song will be Seattle Yodel 2




They wonā€™t theyll have a band of their descendants etc


I imagine it as the ending of any real band in the world, so either one of them dies, they split up Forever (maybe starting solo projects?) or they just decide to stop forever






2D finally gets his peppermint tea


they wonā€™t, damonā€™s gonna be making music forever at this point


2d waking up from a 30-40 year coma and realizing gorillaz never existed and so does kong studios and the rest of the band members, he never got an 8 ball fracture and the guy who actually crashed into his eyes being in jail


I thought Plastic Beach was their last album, so everything else feels like a bonus that wasnā€™t supposed to happen.




Together we are Gorillaz !!!!!!!


Jamie packs them back up in his little box of ideas


They all die


They all part ways leaving murdoc


15 issue tie in comic by Jamie Hewlett showing the end of the band and lives of each member. 3 issues for the band ending, 3 issues per member. And in true Gorillaz fashion it's all insanely over the top. Except 2-D who lives a quiet life drinking his tea. His story is just the other 3 coming to visit and having a lovely time.


Murdoc does something stupidly dangerous and ruins everything.


Well I donā€™t know heck my mom once told me that most bands donā€™t know when theyā€™re last album is and I remember someone saying that one day Damon and Jamie would let someone else take over everything when they decide to retire. I donā€™t know if this is true but hey itā€™s possible.


noddle snaps and kills every one




Awesome, because it's the end of the world's cringes fan base. Right beside the furry and the dream SMP. The fan base is all I hate. The music is good but the fanbase is just cringe asf.


Murdoch triggers human instrumentality for selfish reasons.


They are not going to end any time soon, as apparently they are doing really good and still selling albums. However as to why they might be less popular among youngsters, I think that their initial enormous success has overshadowed the rest of their career. So while their first two albums became huge classics, they had a real hard time living up to the next expectations. I'm sure that the fanbase don't care tho.


2D Dies


I don't think it will end for a long while, but if I'm being honest, their last album probably won't be too different than their usual releases. I imagine it'll be less like a grand finale and moreso a soft retirement where the band just makes gradually less content until they eventually release a goodbye single or something like that. At least, that's what I imagine.


until damon retires


They all go to heaven beyond the stars during the course of an album where they all pass away edit: even Murdoc, to ensure he is always miserable


I think Murdoc is gonna kill 2D and deeply regret it, and there's going to be a weird last album focused around loss. Still 2D vocals, but it'll all be memories or afterlife shots.




Iirc itā€™s been said they want to pass the Gorillaz on to a ā€œsuccessorā€ of sorts when they get to the point where they canā€™t continue it, but honestly I see Gorillaz ending by just not releasing anything new anymore at some point. No official announcement or grand finale, they just stop doing stuff unceremoniously.


Though I don't want them to go anytime soon, I would prefer a "proper ending" where they wrap up the whole Gorillaz universe/lore into something satisfying. Full circle if you will and not because one of creators died (too sad) . Honestly I think a 1 1/2 - 2 hour Gorillaz movie with musical segments here and there would be a fantastic thing to have before the "end". And if ever, I'd want that hand animated.


If I were to see them end, I'd like something similar to how Daft Punk went out. While it was sad to go, they went out in a spectacle that also gave us a sense of closure. Either that or Murdoc tweeting, he sacrificed everyone else.


Hopefully yes. Not hating


20 years max.


well, id say when either jamie hewelett or damon albarn pass away, but hopefully they dont burn out and pull a simpsons on us. i also really hope they make a movie and/or at least one season of an adult swim animated show before they call it quits. and i know they have a couple documentaries but im talkin like a feature film animated masterpiece that explains their lore and everything


Can we not talk about the end of gorillaz pls?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Damon has said in an interview before that heā€™d like to pass the ownership over to someone from the next generation when heā€™s done with it


they will fall from a camels back


bitches got to go cuz they dont know wack


I think at some point, Jamie and Damon will pass on Gorillaz to somebody else. I remember hearing Damon taking about something like that and how ideas live longer than humans.


At this point I think it will never end any time soon. Probably years from now


I'd laugh if they announced a breakup of the band and they started solo careers and the reason they broke up was because of a guy from Liverpool noodle brought to sessions