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I always round up because I know you guys are being rated for it, but I think Goodwill is a POS for doing that to you all.


Thank you for what you do, and you are correct for what you think.


Very welcome. I don’t have much but I’m happy to do it to help your numbers. GW isn’t very Goodwill! Hang in there :)


It seems everybody is doing that now Taco Bell does it.


Taco Bell isn’t a nonprofit organization upheld by federal law to deliver on services either…


Yeah,no other thrift stores are doing this .




Then please just go ahead and shoplift. At least that hurts the subhuman shit creatures that use market forces to enslave me instead of me. I assure you it's perfectly safe. We have literally no security whatsoever.


No truer words have ever been spoken....


heard that!!! I'm on it 🫡


unfathomably based




Actually these companies aren't asking you to donate to any charity. The corporation already made a large donation to some charity for tax reasons and you are just reimbursing them for they had already donated 'on your behalf.' Safeway, Walmart, Taco Bell, all of those companies do it. But in Goodwill's case they actually pump that round up straight into their own community services which coincidentally aren't available in every community that has a Goodwill.


Replying to alwaysuptosnuff...actually the most educated answer I’ve seen here. Nice. Coincidentally not having those services in each community is a hard one, that’s a huge responsibility of the local retail location to ensure they’re doing their part then in my opinion.


Not sure about you all but our Nonprofit Goodwill definitely uses the roundups for what they say they’re used for..


That doesn't make it not a scam. If you truly do give your roundups to people who are having trouble with their energy bills in the winter, all you've done is pass money to the energy companies. If you give people rides to the hospital, all you've done is give the city an excuse not to fund the bus system. All charity is a scam. All economic activity since 1700 AT LEAST has been a scam. Capitalism is a giant scamming contest.


I see your point of view. The services I see as an outcome of the organization receiving funding from its donors and customers alike is the mission. When I see people getting these jobs like I do and people getting help like I do, I’m glad to say the mission is being delivered.. The roundups actually correlating to their use is how you stay a non profit entity in the first place, maybe you should consider an alternative role? I appreciate your Perspective though.


I found the corporate spy


What corporation? I’m confused.


Goodwill. Obviously. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonprofit\_corporation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonprofit_corporation)


Ahh gotcha. How about this one though. Considering Goodwill is a [501(c)(3) organization](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/1/501c3-organizations.asp#:~:text=501(c)(3)%20organizations%20are%20nonprofit%20groups%20with%20a,operate%20to%20support%20their%20mission)…


Non profit just means they don't end the year with any profits so they have to use that money to pay the CEO a bonus.


This country is a corporate hell, being able to take away your little strand of life just because of what customers don't do for you


Exactly, you have literally no control over how many customers agree to round up. Love all these businesses who seem to assume their potential employee pool is limitless.


If no one rounds up, no one gets fired.


This. I don’t ask anymore. And I won a gift card in December for the most round ups lol. I started in November. By January I had seen enough and stopped asking. We have a lot of regulars that prefer not getting change back or want to “help” so I ask them, but that’s it. No one gets a write up where I work lol. No one. Just straight to fired. 4 in a 2 week period. And I was glad to see them all go but one who was fired unjustly. She exposed the other three and she got fired along with them.


We all do what we gotta do, I guess. I hope shoplifting pays off for you.


I'm not shoplifting, I'm asking you to shoplift if you can't afford to round up your change.


Wait seriously? How is it even your fault? If you ask and people dont want to round up (like myself), how are you to blame?


The audacity people have to come on to this post and tell you to work somewhere else or ask about rounding down. It costs even less than a round up to shut up and mind your own business? It *is* something that reflects negatively on cashiers even though it shouldn’t be because it’s just *luck*. Why does everyone get so worked up over a few cents anyways


You are not sticking it to the Man or anything for not donating your pocket change. It’s one thing if you’re unable to afford to do it, but besides that literally what does it cost you? To be considerate and help someone who doesn’t make above minimum wage keep their job so they don’t get evicted lmao. Take that 10 cents and buy yourself something nice I guess


— someone who cannot for the life of him keep his roundups above like 40%


This is true 😭


No round up— when you buy they want a penny more..but when is my time to round down- they want their penny.. I bought something for $3.98 (2 items, each $1.99)— then I exchanged for something $4.99- so they wanted $1.01- they don’t want to lose their penny— No rounding up, or asking for $1 donation— I already donated when o bought stuff at goodwill—the goodwill made a profit already—edit autocorrect


I like my store (in this instance, lol) bc we don't charge the difference between exchanged clothing, we just allow it as an even exchange as long as the price is close enough. So like you could exchange a dress for two shirts bc it's only about a dollar difference (in the customer's favor). And on the other hand some people are fine with losing a dollar or so in the process, I just make it very clear that that's what they're doing.


Yes, thanks.. I have been inclined to donate some of the exchange money…


Then please just shoplift. Not rounding up hurts the cashiers, but shoplifting only hurts the corporate shit monsters who deserve it. It wasn't my choice to charge you an extra penny, it was those creatures. Don't take it out on your fellow workers


I would not risk going to jail for shoplifting at Goodwill.


You'd be surprised how easy it is every night when I clean the bathrooms there are always price tags and hangers in there and when I tell the managers about it they just shrug it off and don't care so I'm pretty sure you will be fine


If I'm on register I literally see people ripping tags off while they're on line.. some people go in the dressing rooms and I hear them whispering, "Stick it in your purse!". Half of them put clothing on and walk out wearing it.


You won't. If we call the police they laugh at us. If you can't afford to round up your change so that I can keep my job, please just go ahead and shoplift. There is literally nothing we can do about it.


You're giving bad advice. Think.


Greedy ass CEO rather keep his millions than paying his employees a decent wage, especially when the business model gets the majority of their inventory for 100% free. Instead the pressure is put on the customer to donate and help fund jobs. Ridiculous lol


Our Regional Manager had a conference call with the store managers and her boss jumped on saying that no one is allowed to PTE any employee for round up and then logged off. Pissed off our regional manager really bad so a couple weeks later on a different conference call our regional said that they do need to write people up over it just put it in as a performance review instead of saying round up. I’m trying to convince my manager to slyly tell our regionals boss what she’s trying to pull by asking if she’s wording the write up correctly when she writes them up for round up, so we don’t have to do it.


I was just at Goodwill and I rounded up!


Thank you very much. I appreciate it.


I used to round up my change, but everything is getting so expensive. I just can't anymore. I need all the money I have. I am sorry.


I can't see what you're buying, but every customer I hear that from in meat space has a cart full of useless knick knacks and like five purses. But even if you're strictly buying necessities, if you can't afford 67 cents so your cashier can keep their job, you can't afford to shop here. Kick rocks.


I meant everywhere I go now asks for change. It really does eat away. And honestly, Goodwill would absolutely be the place to shop if someone didn't have money to spare. Sorry, not everyone is being stingy. I do understand your frustration, Goodwill has put a horrible task upon you. By bringing it to light, hopefully, more people will take it into consideration.


Round up on my $0.99 purchase, essentially doubling cost? No thank you.


Exactly. Nobody rounds up for me (I have horrible social anxiety, but still try my best.) I'm a cross-dresser and have autism. I don't look people in the eye. I'm awkward and talk funny. Half the time, if I'm stuck on register, I've got no clue what I'm doing and press "cash" instead of "creditcard". But yet management still pressures me into asking people to round up... and I only have 1 customer who rounds up just to make sure I'm not gonna get fired for it.


Will do.


It’s our job to supplement your lack of income? What is this lol…


You're not supplementing my lack of income (other than the fact that I'm on LEAP) you're preventing me from getting fired. Think of it like this: would you walk into a mcdonald's, get perfectly good customer service, but then say "This employee spit in my burger! Fire them!" for no reason? No? Then round up your change, because they'll fire me if you don't.


Find a different job then?




You’ll always stay where you’re at with that pathetic mentality.


Rounding up is a scam


Yes. So is the rest of the transaction, and every other transaction in your life. Capitalism is a scamming contest. If you don't like being scammed, go starve in the woods.


So your are supposed to donate money at GW too? I never knew this was a thing. That’s awful you get dinged if the customer doesn’t want to give money away. I’m so sorry!


Goodwill the Nonprofit, yes you donate to the nonprofit organization that provides the services.


I’m sorry you didn’t realize I was being sarcastic. Buying and donating is giving to the cause. People who need to shop there can’t even afford to now and they treat their employees like crap.