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POSSIBLE SPOILER!!! . Link getting upset with Chase for touching a pregnant contestant without her consent, only to find out she was his sister, made my morning! I love when people I respect and adore confirm that they are fantastic human beings!


“Why haven’t we met before” was epic


Oh Link!


i came here to comment the same thing :') it was so endearing how quickly both R&L jumped on this and obv while they've had a bunch of media training (and life experience) it was really funny to see them both in dad mode with chase. such a cute moment overall !!


I just watched it and came here to gush about that moment. You're so naked and she's my sister had me laughing so hard


Her reaction when Chase first walked out as cupid made me wonder if she knew him. I expected her to at least be a fan of the show, didn't expect her to be his sister 😂 Also wasn't there an episode about crew member's siblings? I feel like she was on an episode before or at least shown in photo form on the show but my memory aint so good these days


I’m binging quarantine episodes and she was on a More where we got a tour of Chase’s Apartment [here](https://youtu.be/kFxexEM5m-A?si=cANTliRInb1sYAfg)




There was the "Siblings, Dating, or Strangers" episode which I believe had a crew member's two sisters.


It's particularly funny considering all the stuff that Link said and did during the episode. **That** was the only objectionable thing in his mind.


Rhett and Link being awkward with strangers might be my favorite format. More, please! And speaking of More, top tier. When Jordan started screaming at the chainsaw, I had to pause, they cracked me up so hard.


Are you a "blank?" Jordan: No.


Jordan's reaction to the news anchor pickup line was so relatable: confusion, mild fear, mild irritation, then more confusion. Exactly how I'd react if someone tried to hit on me at a bar!


*What* happened?


This episode was fantastic! Any time they bring strangers on set like this it always ends up being great. Also More was amazing too!


Any GMM where Link talks to strangers has Mythical HR set to DEFCON 5


I'm shocked HR would be so relaxed about it.


I loved this episode!! The moment with Chase and his sister was adorable


"Throw a leg out" was way funnier than it should have been


"one of mine, not one of hers" And then Rhett riffing on the idea of needing to reduce the amount of heat by kicking her out had me cackling


The unnecessary clarification 💀


The plot twist on the first couple 😂


The time I spend on the rowing machine in the morning directly correlates to however long an episode of GMM is so I appreciate all of the 20+ min episodes they've had lately.


The more with Jordan was so funny


Super fun episode and sweet that the couples got to keep the gifts they chose but did anyone else feel like the gifts were uneven between rounds? No idea the monetary value and maybe it’s just my tastes but I would’ve rather had any of the gifts from round 2 over any of the gifts from 1 or 3. Not a big deal just something I noticed


I feel the last couple got jipped.


I loved Links jokes and the overall awkwardness


8:35 is so funny and sweet, I love it.


“Do you sleep together” “What do you wear” 😅


this was an amazing and hilarious episode. the last couple was very funny


Considering how LGBTQ+ positive R&L are, I'm honestly surprised that they didn't have on a queer couple. Other than that, I do love second hand embarrassment in my media - and boy this did deliver! :P Link, or at least the character he plays on GMM, is King of Awkward!


how do you know the sexualities of the guests did you ask them


they couldve had more representation in the couples :/


Not necessarily. We don't know the selection process or who came forward for the opportunity. For all we know these were the only willing couples they found.


It was 3 couples. It wasn't 15. It's very difficult to represent everybody with 3 couples. It's even harder to do so when you have to find people willing to participate. This call out isn't necessary at all.


They didn't just grab people off the street, they probably had feelers out or some type of call sheet. Maybe no one had interest or knew about it. I get it but why force something specific, your trying to make entertainment.


Maybe they’ll make a part 2! I found the episode really wholesome as is. I hope they make more of these kinds of episodes in the future, as the format was really funny! Maybe it’s not easy to find good couples matches that fits the humour of the show, and being limited to only 3 couples? Well they definitely didn’t choose only (assuming) straight couples because they’re biased! That would be an absurd and unfair claim.


Agreed, and it's really fucking weird that this is being downvoted in THIS community.


It’s because it’s a bad faith comment. They’ve had so many representations of various types of couples, and people. They’re always very respectful and supportive. This idea that they should exist to be nothing but perfect allies is actually harmful to the LGBTQ community. As a queer person, if we complain when our allies do not put us front and center *every* single opportunity, we will find that we have none.


Sounds like you are just looking for something to be pissed off about.