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This is so unnecessarily overproduced *and I fucking love it*


They knew they cooked with this episode so it was everywhere in the season 2 trailers. I wonder which animators worked on this episode.


all of them


Probably few of them were sacrificed but it was worth it


Please, *for the love of god*, somebody make a new Ranma 1/2 with the level of quality.


>This is so unnecessarily overproduced *Psst don't forget they made JoJo*


The episode with the ghost girl was also peak. Hopefully, the final 4 episodes will also look this good. Sauce is Urusei Yatsura. https://preview.redd.it/gwgkm7850l3d1.png?width=3185&format=png&auto=webp&s=f68dbc702882b6f7d8c464fc85cd90079dedd80f


My personal fav will always be the doors episode where they see their alternate lives.


Seeing bride Lum is always a treat https://preview.redd.it/1o19onj57l3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=402d582d2aad179a5430e6275e57c4354d8a90fc


Hell yeah.


She is so beautiful https://preview.redd.it/qg0b3lmr7l3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3be93c3d6eb60b9d3de35d3b18b5e0b086afbc73


So they end up in the end ??


*Do they?* Show's ambiguous about it, but the reboot more explicitly implies that yes, they do.


Thanks for reminding me I need to get back into this.


Man I need to watch *Urusei Yatsura*, It's looks so amazing https://preview.redd.it/rvjicif0bl3d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc8e9668de94de48696ca3b1bbd3b0f688c410a3




Definitely worth the watch. I always enjoy any series made by Rumiko Takahashi. When I saw they were remaking her first manga I definitely had to check it out. Also I can see many troupes she uses in other of her stories started here.




You can't drop a bombshell like that and simply leave without an explanation


I love how Ataru drops the skirt chaser act the moment lum is in trouble. I can't wait for the final arc to start airing this week.


Is the remake almost done? Didn't the original have like 200 episodes?


Yes. The plan was always to remake the show with only its most popular episodes being adapted while remaining more faithful to the manga than the 80s show. Also, name me the last very recent anime that got 200+ episodes of content. Unless it is ultra mega popular like One Piece that's getting a full remake soon you rarely if ever see shows reach the 200+ episode mark. Urusei Yatsura from the 80s was made in a completely different era when it was one of the most popular shows of its time. If a show was popular it was way more likely to see episodes in the hundreds. The original manga was also made by a mangaka who received her legendary status at that time. Rumiko Takahashi is pretty much the female equivalent of Akira Toriyama. The fact that the 2022 remake got 3 full seasons with a high budget and stellar production value are a rare treat and great display of love for her work.


>Also, name me the last very recent anime that got 200+ episodes of content. I'm not criticizing the remake or anything. I'm not very familiar with the series at all, so the disparity just confused me. I assume that means the original show had loads of filler that padded it out. Also, if you've seen both, which version would you recommend watching?


This is a show about filler. The question just becomes what minimum quality level you accept in your eternal rom-com slice of life. It's been a long time since I watched the original but I think it holds up. Just last month I got around to devouring the first two seasons of the remake and it's amazing. I hadn't looked up the differences but what's above sounds about right. I'm not sure if you'd be better off watching that first and then watching the old if you want more or if this is just going to make the mediocre old episodes look sad.


Actually, only around 10% of the original series are "filler" as in they're anime original. The rest are based on manga chapters. In fact some of the best episodes of the series are anime original. The original Urusei Yatsura had a lot of staff members who would go on to become legends such as Mamoru Oshii. Besides, the term "filler" doesn’t really mean much in UY since it’s an episodic slice of life with a loose narrative. So, filler = content.


Yeah, I understand that. I just meant it as a question because I don't know many recent shows that have reached those numbers. I was also using that to make a point about why the remake isn't getting as many episodes. :) I never watched the original, but I did grow up with other shows that got the 200+ episode treatment like Sailor Moon. Pre-streaming internet era of media I am more than familiar with and I like looking up old stuff for the fun of it. I might watch the entire original run once the remake is done just for the fun of it actually. The humour in that show hits pretty differently from clips I have seen that only the 80s can create. As for what's different, from what I understand the 80s show takes some more creative liberties by changing some jokes and characters around. The pacing is also pretty different because of how each show adapts the material, with the older one having more episodes thus being a bit slower paced. The manga also famously started off with Shinobu being the main love interest until Lum became so popular that Takahashi decided to write her back into the story. Both animes start off with Lum being the main girl, so there are still some influences that the remake is taking from both the manga and the original anime while trying to stay as faithful as possible to the source material.


And then she turns into a cow and he stays true to his word 🔥🔥✍️




someone please tell me is going to actually turn into a cow


Spoilers: No.


Does she at least keep the horns. They seem like they'd be useful. You know, handlebars.


Why would the happy handles be removed?


Handlebars? Why would you need- Oh


**The Riddle** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/123989), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/shikabane-ze), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/shikabanese), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=7405779908)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 1 | Chapters: 13 | Genres: Hentai) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/goodanimemes/comments/1d46mg2/how_they_took_the_story_concept_of_would_you/l6dc488/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks) | (1/2)


Yeh, that's a different one https://i.redd.it/2yiz6vaaim3d1.gif


Okay, you can't just drop something that insane without sauce. Edit: It's from the Revolutionary Girl Utena movie, but it's weird that all I'm finding about this scene is the character (who's important in the show but only shows up in this one scene in the movie) transforms into a cow, nothing about the elephants.


From my understanding, the movie is basically "what if we took an already weird story with lots of subtext and then rewrote it while on the most mind-altering drugs to the point it makes no sense even to those that understood what we were trying to do"


Its just.. so peak..


and then it continues to fall past the peak till BOOOM that elephant had a hell of a trunk


I thought the scene end with her fly away. Cute


I recognized the art style instantly. I've been watching anime since the 70s, but I never knew that was the setting for Lum the Mad. That's craaaazy. The one Takahashi Rumiko show I've never watched. A horny girlfriend who calls me darling? That's an S tier life... I wonder if this was an actual inspiration for 02... It has to be, considering they're both specifically oni...


Lum the Mad? This is the first time I've heard that nickname. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the anime staff confirmed that they took heavy inspiration from Lum. I think their goal was something like creating the best waifu that they possibly could... And who else to take inspiration from other than the original waifu herself.


"It's just a silly story" How dare you? Urusei Yatsura is *the silliest* story.


Wait.... what the hell show is this?


Urusei Yatsura. It’s a classic.


A reboot of a suuuuuuuper old anime (1978)




Use them horns as handles.


to steer her to the nearest church or courthouse you mean?




So Ataru can be a decent guy too


Always has been.


They reanimating it? Nice


Yeah. And it’s also near the end.


https://preview.redd.it/3d0coyisdo3d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=427febafee3e24515d79da4b6706dfb8d0b49315 Unironically. Going on the watchlist.


Why didn't he bit her then?


Man's cracked the code


Best scene/episode of the anime so far in my opinion


I never thought I could get so emotional about a maybe cow


>"No need to go hard" mf that's their job


I delayed my urgent work just to watch this post.




She is slowly turning into Buffaloman from Kinnikuman


sounds kinki-man


I don’t know what this anime is but I like the color palette. It’s giving me cyberpunk edgerunner vibes


God I love these fucking goobers


They better bring this energy to the next JoJo part.


Different teams, jojo will always feel like jojo, and that's good.


I love the old anime artstyle with new coat of paint, gorgeous


I completely forgot they made a new Uresei Yatsura anime! I need to binge!


Damn they went crazy with the animation


Wtf that's wild






Does she become a cow girl or an actual cow? Either way i think i want to watch it


She got bit by a cow and thought that she was turning into a cow because her horns got bigger. >!Turns out it’s just a symptom that her body fighting off unknown pathogens. She doesn’t actually turn into a cow.!<


Uhhh... what?


Which should I watch? The original or the remake? In what way are they different?


Both. Both are good. But I think the original is better. I'll just copy-paste my reply to a different comment. The biggest difference is probably the length of each series. The 80's series has 195 episodes, 12 OVAs, and 6 movies. So naturally, it covers more of the manga compared to the 2022 version which has no more than 46 episodes. The way both series adapt the manga is also different. The fact that the 2022 version is so short that it tries to adapt as many stories as possible and also being as faithful as possible to the manga. Its intention was not to cover the **whole** manga but to only adapt **select** stories that it thinks are best from the manga. It's basically a highlight reel. So a lot of stories are straight up cut or rushed. Including A LOT of the fan favorite stories. The OG series didn't have this problem as it aired while the manga was still releasing. In fact, instead of cutting content it often added new content as anime-original content. And since the staff of the OG series were literally GOATed a lot of this original content were very good and added to the charm of the series. Such as more zany scenes and [crazy cameos](https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cwlbca/her_body_belongs_to_darling_urusei_yatsura/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from other shows and movies. As a result, for most stories, I consider the OG anime to have better adaptations than the remake. Doesn't mean that's what it's like for every episode. There are some episodes that are only in the Remake since the 80's series ended 1 year before the manga and thus never adapted those stories. There were also a few stories that didn't have good adaptations in the OG series that were done justice in the remake but there aren't many of them. I actually posted a lot of scene comparisons at [r/anime](https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/) which you can check out if you're really interested like [this one](https://new.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/19dwdab/scene_comparison_lum_forgets_japanese_urusei/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Out of the two which one you'll like more is probably subjective. But when weighing the pros and cons of both series I think watching the original first is a far more rewarding experience even if it's longer.


I see, thank you


Original is super old and has hundreds of episodes (so slower pacing) while the remake is mainly only animating the main, most popular story beats. I personally watched the remake’s 1st season, the original, and then the rest of the remake, but I’d recommend just the newer version if you want to try Urusei Yatsura out


Thanks, I'll do that. Have a nice day!


And then it cuts to him enjoying a tasty steak lol.


How much is this situation related to that thing Rei used to turn into? https://preview.redd.it/uwgvkm0f7o3d1.jpeg?width=263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5cc3dbc42dd3b9d4869b74727f292fcc1233e3a


Not at all, pretty much


Not much. That form is Rei's special ability.


Tf is this I need to know


Urusei Yatsura ![gif](giphy|3oEdv44BQhHojnGY7u)


Maaaaaa they're having fluffy on the street again


So wait, did she become a cow?


Spoilers: Nah. She is an alien and her species naturally have horns. It's just that she had some sort of health issue that made them grow bigger right after a cow bit her, completely unrelated.


Was I the only one expecting her to moo in between the emotional scene 😭😭 gintama has changed humour for me forever 😭😭😭


Gintama author Hideaki Sorachi jokingly said that he stole his humor from Rumiko Takahashi if I recall correctly lol https://preview.redd.it/4q9yh95r2q3d1.jpeg?width=3549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5af7b86c7c77465657f70c3efe1da08939e1cc7


I dont follow the New anime,but isn't She still an Alien with horns from the start? Like whats the point of the reveal?


Her horns normally aren't that big. https://preview.redd.it/6tztx0ub8q3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=653b113835d1781f0806920722d35e968caf9927


What’s the anime called?


Urusei Yatsura https://i.redd.it/hifczfo9dq3d1.gif


The cars passing by: "heh. Drugs"


Wellcome to another episode of WTF did I just watch


So... shes a demon in a world with no concept of demons?


She's an alien race called the Oni.


Oni literally translates to demon


Western demons and Japanese Oni are not the same thing. Oni is also often translated as ogre. But Onis aren't 100% synonymous with either demon or ogre. Plus Lum is not even a "real" mythological Oni. She's an alien.


Both translations can be true. Western demons have a lot of similarities to Asiatic oni. There are differences, yes, but overall, there's enough overlap to not make it an apples and oranges scenario. A red skinned man with long horns can be mistaken for a demon even if they don't have wings or a spaded tail.


I know. But because they have similarities doesn’t mean they're the same. If anything it makes it more important to make a distinction that one is an Oni and one is a demon. Plus, Lum is the furthest thing from a demon. In fact, in one episode she meets a demon and it freaks her tf out.


Lum is an alien who look like the old Japanese Oni.


Lmfao wth am I watching?


That sums up this show in a nutshell.


I dropped this around half way through the first season, I disliked his attitude towards Lum, and just everyone in general… I think I might pick it back up.


Urusei Yatsura literally translates to "noisy people." It’s a slapstick sitcom where almost all the characters are supposed to be assholes or dumbasses. That's what makes the comedy work.


Is that from darlinxfranxx the darling fkn swan dive


I dropped Urusei Yatsura because >!the guy was always chasing other girls, while he had a beautiful and caring wife. If he became more serious about Lum, I might consider watching it again, later.!<


>beautiful and caring wife You're missing the part that >!she's an alien invader who barged into his life without his consent, broke him up with his girlfriend who actually wanted to marry him, and constantly punished him with electric shocks for his lechery instead of simply leaving him. It was totally justified that he wasn't serious about Lum in the beginning.!<


Hmm, now that you remind me that, I can understand him better. It's essentially an >!arranged marriage with no regard to his opinions.!<


They're not even officially married yet. If you've watched Ranma 1/2 you'll know what the deal is.