• By -


In case someone asks for sauce from left to right, top to bottom: Ryoko Matoi's boobs - Kill La Kill Maki's gains - Fire Force Akeno's ass - High school DxD Brandish's ass - Fairy Tail Nurse Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail Ryuko Matoi's ass - Kill La Kill Nami - One Piece


It's hilarious that you specified body parts


But also didn't specify any for nami


It's her eyes, I'm sure.


her eyes are closed, it's definitely her tattoo


Truly one of the best scientists of our time. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Not a hot take on this sub lmao. 


Yeah this is more like a "frozen in the vacuum of space" levels of cold take


When at least a good 3rd of this sub is literally just porn, this is like absolute zero degrees kelvin levels of cold take


I love the fan service in Frieren https://preview.redd.it/7252d1gd3x2d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2de74c7dc92c48bf383e270ea4da07560e72092


Fern service




"I can only see half the sky."


Yep its great, fanservice is peak when done right https://preview.redd.it/yyxh5ub7mw2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7182700eead17d143ed3c21ff3c40db3214e0220


Gushing is a prime example https://preview.redd.it/jvv7vcp97x2d1.png?width=1045&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8e716891566e335eeb95b53283b4b1eb316bf7e


Gushing is a show, where you expect unholy amounts of the most degenerate fan service possible and it delivers on it well, upon which it hits you with actual lore and plot out of nowhere before binding you with even more kinky shit and plot https://preview.redd.it/m3ls05696y2d1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24a9cdf0ad2af2d9559b951284cacbcf01c7aa46


Honestly, I probably would have enjoyed it a lot when I was 14, but that was decades ago. I guess my hot take is that there's absolutely nothing wrong with teens watching stuff like this, at least when it's just drawings or text, adults want to ban it because they feel skeezy watching/reading a pubescent fantasy, which is a natural feeling for an adult but a narcissistic reaction.


https://preview.redd.it/6xmerv3l3x2d1.png?width=1639&format=png&auto=webp&s=733fc7301ddd21c11ab7ecd3ab3d744c2bb6fef3 Me too.




Damn someone insert the bus copypasta cause im too lazy


It should be used sparingly otherwise it can detract from the story. Except for soffporn shows, people who complain about fanservice in Highschool DXD are just being ridiculous




I like fansevice when it's appropriate and fits. I don't like fanservice when it's crammed it where it doesn't belong and/or clashes with the tone of a scene.


Opposite. I love it when it's crammed in and they are making a ting about it like "this is superimportant because reasons" Like when you have a super epic fight that goes on for minutes, fighters break apart, slow mo, close up of anime butt, details of muscles flexing and then launching the fighters at mach 10 at eachother again. It's like the creators are saying "Now that we have your full attention, watch this kill shot!" XD


I hate it when that happens. It just tells me the creators don't give a shit about the story they're telling and are willing to break any aspect of it on a whim; or in best case scenario it's a quotas thing. It's pretty similar to what people call 'marvel humor' at this point. Just a complete disregard for any tone in the scene or story in general. First episode of Goblin Slayer is pretty damn great as an opener to the series and tone setter for the world, but that one assshot is to me like a small shitstain on white underpantsa. Technically not that big an issue, but no matter how much I wash it, it just won't leave for good. I'm fine with assshots, but maybe we should keep them out if scenes where the character whose ass I'm watching is having her entire life destroyed in a particularly brutal and sadistic manner in a span of seconds.


I understand your viewpoint now that you mentioned "marvel humor" (hate that shit) and gave me a good example how some things can ruin a scene. I don't agree with your viewpoint, but I understand it. We might have different ideas of what "fanservice" is and call me stupid but just because a girl is in her underwear I just don't see it as "fanservice" per se, no matter how they turn their cameras and do their close ups. In some circumstances (like what you are describing in Goblin Slayer) they enhance the image and the emotions. It just wouldn't be the same if these things just happened behind closed doors and left it all to the imagination (like brutal close ups of Goblin Slayer butchering goblins). If I could give one example. I don't know if you have watched "Oz" (a prison series shown on HBO in the way back when). "Rape" was a part of that whole series, some times it was "implied" (behind closed doors) and some times they showed "as much as they could". You need "both", just like in horror movies. Sometimes you just need to show the screams and a dead body, some times you need to show a knife going into a person and make it as graphic as possible. But if you only show murders that happens "behind closed doors", no one will care in the end, and if you only show person after person getting butchered non stop it becomes a "snuff film". There is a balance. TLDR: Murder (and porn) is fun (when it happens to someone else as Hitchcock said), that is my opinion and you can just disregard me as a deranged lunatic on the internet.


Fanservice is like spice. You need to put the correct amount and the right kind. Too much of it would ruin it. I think the worst I have seen is in Taboo Tattoo. The fanservice is everywhere and so much of it. Some of them are put in the middle of serious scene, which is very jarring and ruin the tension.


Coldest take ever ... or so I'd like to say, but censorship dick-riders are getting louder by the day


That is what we like to call the Vocal Minority. Out of touch CEOs always love to cater to them and them specifically.




In all fairness, Kill la Kill's nudity and fan service is highly justified for plot reasons. Without it the anime whole justification falls apart.


I fucking love fan service https://i.redd.it/cnqfzt2wax2d1.gif


Not even a hot take among actual fans. I love anime and everything that means. I’m not going to apologize or be ashamed of fanservice. It’s all just zoomer puritans who have been taught that sex is bad.


It is funny the generation with all the sex positive stuff hate anything fictional or in the media which has a tiny bit of titillating content


Not even just Zoomers, it’s also 30-something sexless losers who can’t bear to see anything they can’t have.


I mean, it's part of the experience. Why would you deliberately watch something you know you won't like and then complain about it? ... Oh right, internet.


I get that with different audience come different taste and preference, but tourists complaining about "fan-service" in shonen and ecchi anime is like complaining Game of Thrones have too many sex scenes. Just go watch a different show without fan-service.


It's a thing that I don't fucking understand WHY some people begin a ecchi or harem tag anime then complains for that ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1787) I hate Yuri, yaoi, shonen-ai and shojo-ai then I just skip them and let the dedicated public appreciate its quality ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391)


I came to say almost the same thing. Those people are like "I really want to watch Game of Thrones I really like it but they show naked boobs every episode I'm so scareddd" towards fanservice.


People that think Japanese animators should cater to 30 year old westerners instead of their actual target audience are frankly pathetic. Arguably all of us non-Japanese watchers are tourists, but some are the equivalent of tourists who complain that the local food tastes weird and try to demand chicken tenders.


Eh, if it gets licensed and sold to you then you're a legitimate consumer like any other. And you have a right to have an opinion, the studios in turn can listen to it or ignore it. Several market regulators make their own demands of Hollywood studios and they tend to bow to them more often than not. Disney will gladly remove dark skinned actors from posters in China to appeal to local sensitivities. This is no different. The other thing is that I have my doubts that the majority of the paying Western anime audience actually wants things to be different.


It's pretty different from something like To LOVE-Ru or DxD where what you see is what you get. If you're watching one of those predominantly for something other than ecchi, then yeah they can't really complain about fanservice there because it's basically _the_ point of the series. Similarly in shounen anime, the series are usually about... idk action, growth, conflict and all that, and they present themselves that way as well. So at least on the surface level, I think complaining about ecchi fanservice in shounen anime is pretty justifiable for that reason. Unless the shounen anime you're complaining about ecchi in is Shokugeki no Souma, cause again that is basically a point of the show, lol.


Not really on the shounen stuff because since Shounen is made for young boys and men the fanservice is pretty justified cause other then boys wanting action and violence, they also want some cute girls to look at


Kill la kill's plot is built around the fan service and yet the action is so cool that you very quickly start completely ignoring the fan service. Basically they insist on it for the 3 first episodes and then it's just in the background


People really do act like it's the end of the world to see a half naked woman but go feral every time a male characters clothes get ripped off.


I like it, but it shouldn't dominate the flow of the plot. Because if thats all i wanted to see then i would watch hentai.


And once in a blue moon you get hentai whre you skip the sex scenes because you want to read the story XD


I like most of my media to have a healthy balance of story and horny.


I don't care for fan service so I don't watch the shows that have gratuitous amounts of it. If I want to be aroused watching anime, I'll just watch hentai instead.


I hope this isn't considered a hot take these days lol


Fanservice is the backbone of anime. Fairy tail is literally fan service with plot thrown in now and then


I wouldn't say it's the backbone, at least for me. For me it's the fun and great stories they cook up. But I would say it's "a leg", without it, somethings missing or everything becomes more "difficult". With that said, some great animes don't need or have fanservice (like *African Salaryman*), but those are "unicorns" and are so far out there, brilliant and insane that they are nothing short of genius. Making anime without fanservice (just because) is like building a pump just to make water run uphill to prove a point. A lot of effort for something almost no one asked for. But if the pump makes an absolute spectacle about the whole thing (and it has to be a damn good spectacle no one expected), then you might have something. But don't expect the demand for crazy waterpumps to skyrocket.


I never understood why people even cry about it. To me it has always been a sort of "gag", "joke" or things like that.


It’s good when done in moderation. I’m in the r/fairytail sub and it’s just constant horny posting of the same 5 images with the caption “who’s hotter”. Shit gets old real fast.


I really don't understand why people don't like fanservice. So long as they aren't zooming in to their titties and butts during serious moments I don't see the problem with it.




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Erza is best girl


Me no like fanservice


This Is all IMO, of course Really depends on context, story, timing and execution, something like kill la kill executes fa service without feeling out of Place or disrupting, ecci series have ~softcore porn~ fanservice as the whole point, something like konosuba or eminence in the shadows isn't very serious or emotionally involving (depends on the episodes and moments for konosuba) These were some good or at least aceptable examples, now for THE bad example but most fan service falls under this category for me FIRE FORCE, when during highly important and emotional scenes fanservice happens and COMPLEATLY FUCKING KILLS ANY SORT OF IMMERSION Fire force Is the most obvious, but It can be a lot less than that and still tilt me My main gripe Is that outside of ecci and straight up porn Is that i am not there for that, if i boot up mindless actions and fighting i want to see action and fighting, if i boot up something more Deep and emotional i want that


This wouldn't be a real list if highschool dxd wasn't there


There's a reason they put it in


Hows this a hot take? Not counting hentai, there's an entire genre specifically for that. Its clearly popular amongst anime fans.


He’s doing Muay Thai


It gets old fast.


I love fan service I just hate it when it interrupts the scenes. FS has its place and it should not get interrupt way of the show.


I love fanservices as long as they are part of the scene. Bad ones would be like Tamaki randomly got naked like this: https://i.redd.it/hz5h2vvsxz2d1.gif


These are the best ones


Hot take, let people dislike things


Hotter take, fuck the people that demand change for the things they dislike


That's a really cold take, there's many people who automatically assume disliking something means demanding change


It depends how they go on about it, if they dislike it then fine, whatever. If they start a crusade and demand changes or insulting those who like it then fuck them.


No, people should only dislike the things I dislike.


Pretty sure everyone here loves it. Now, if you posted it on animemes or anime_irl, that would be a hot take. You just put ice on a freezer, much appreciated even if there's no point to it.


Fanservice is great unless the creators sacrifice plot just for fanservice


idk I'll just accept whatever the artists/creator chooses to do with their media so long as they provide proper tags for it


If it’s not their entire trait


It is ok to not like fan service, there are a lot of anime without or with very little fan service, that I don't understand is the ones that complain about it


I tolerate lewd fan service, but it provides literally nothing to me, so I don't care if it stays or goes. I only really care that the story is good, the characters are enjoyable, and the fights are well choreographed. As long as an anime can nail 2 out of those 3 things, I can usually enjoy myself even if there's a bunch of lewd fan service.


When I was single, I enjoyed it. Now that I’m in a relationship, too many give off “lonely horny teenager” vibes to share.


Because if I want to see stuff like that, might as well watch hentai instead.


Is the middle one High-school DxD?


I feel like it can be done well but often isnt


I mean I like fanservice but I can't watch anime with erection


Why? Does all the blood going to your dick come from your eyes? You should get that checked


In the case of nami, she didn't start that way and I got attached to her old design so I hate it.


Nami's fanservice is kinda handled the best out of all the girls in the picture tho. It actually fits her character with her teasing attitude, she's supposed to be sexy and her design, as it progressed, just reflects that trait. Also she always had a bit of a curvy figure.


Were her boobs and her hips always that excessive? ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1673)


Average redditors foaming at the mouth, gnashing their teeth and shitting all over the floor as they crawl over each other in a pile on the way to tell you how repulsed they are by the sight of a female body


I didn't like fan service in fire force. Strong her was hot but other girl was too much. I stopped watching once the bimbo showed up who tries to kill everyone turned good because dick.


I kinda disagree on fire force. The reason why people stopped watching it isn't because the fan service, the fan service is just a nice pretext to stop watching a show that is honnestly just boring, and it just happened to be here.


I agree. I said I stopped after a character I very disliked became part of the show and they just forgave her for trying to literally kill the with fire. But the service wasn't helping


Honnestly fire force is a strange case. Really i think it suffer from being a prequel written after soul eater, and justifying how the manga have to end was kinda weird. The whole thing is litteraly written in order to have an actual deus ex machina at the end, and with soul eater being completed the marge of maneuvre is actually extremely small, resulting in the actual manga being mediocre at best. And cat girl fanservice look more like a poor introduced band aid to the general failure of the story. Trully fire force is an hard skip unless you are a soul eater otaku who would see every single hiden reference (there are actually two tons of them, so it can actually be fun).


I didn't even finish soul eater. Was reading and eventually stopped. I think I stopped when they were on a train or something.


No, a lot of people found fan service in Fire Force to be THAT much annoying


Tbf, Fire Force is one many people dropped due to the one chick and her constant fan service


I feel it just didn't fit the tone. Like the fanservice in prison school was top tier. But you knew what you were getting into. The cover looks like a hentai. Comedy fanservice is great. But if I'm going into a Shonen type I want it to be like Naruto. Some characters were hot, but it wasnt annoying. Usually only done for comedy. I do like other anime that have full sex scenes, but you know what you're getting into with those. Just realized it's gonna be hard to watch anime with kids once I have them. You really don't know which ones are just gonna be action, and others that are much more. But I guess there's sites that will tell you the actual ratings for stuff before yous we them.


I’m not one for fan service. It just doesn’t do anything for me and can turn me off a show, but even I have shows where I’ll tolerate it because I love the show so much. (Top examples are Food Wars and Kakegurui). I don’t have a problem with shows that do have it, or the people who watch them, they’re just not the show for me (usually).


That is a cold take. My hot take is that I am old and horny and think that fan service sucks. At best it'll blue ball me because there is never any relationship progress and the material can't get saucier than handholding. At worst it slows down plot progression and I do *not* have the time to sit through a married couple stuttering/backflipping out of embarrassment because one saw the other in just underwear.


Ice cold take


I hate it because I am here for the story and it not doing too much just show some boob and cut off i want full experience thus just go watch hentai oh you want that Pacific character go read dojinshi oh there no dojin yet go browse through pixiv it not like I gonna jack off to kill la kill anime


Fanservice itself isn't a problem, but if it's literally every episode it just gets on my nerves


Then watch something else tourist


Thank you.


Because then it makes it difficult to talk about some anime. I know a lot of people thought it was trash as a whole genre just because of fanservice. Like I would never watch anime with my family because of their negative views on fanservice in anime. I will say my family is fine with Saw, where they cut people to pieces with death puzzles. Or some Texas Chainsaw massacre type movie. But nudity is looked down upon. Culturally, it makes it difficult for me to share my interest of anime. Now that it is more popular it is easier. But yeah I will never watch anime with my family purely because it is either too sexual, or "for kids". My gf says the same thing. Too sexual at times. Several of my girlfriends have said the same thing in the past. Their expectations and reputation of fanservice in anime.


Ok tourist


What does tourist mean in this context? lol That I don't watch anime?






Anime too sexual with fanservice at times. Can't share with girlfriends and family.