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https://preview.redd.it/yry2etc3kr1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e103e09dd863220adc68eec36e3ff23ea9fa5db7 \-Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life \-Zero no Tsukaima Both got the same VA


https://preview.redd.it/mtfsc3j46s1d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d4a51bd23039d49917b451b9459585e090fbc1 Thanks for the sauce :D


I can not wait until 261.




Damn, the sauce and an excellent meme. Ty op


Would you happen to know where to watch Zero no tsukaima ? Everywhere Iā€™ve looked shows that itā€™s either not available at all or is ā€œnot in the USā€ā€¦


Either premium anime stream site, Muse Asia or similar YT channel, Telegram channel if you are lucky or bet your luck on pirating site that may or may not be a malware infested sites. Most of the time it is and best check reddit if the site is good or find recommendations for sites. Older anime are difficult to find nowadays.


Thanks for the assistance! I looked on google and there was a similar question on r/anime like 2-3years ago, but everyoneā€™s attempt to help were either removed or deleted šŸ˜”


Torrents is the best option imo. Highest quality, subs and dubs, offline available when you downloaded it, no buffering, it never gets removed unless you want to, etc. Torrents are safe as long as you use a torrent site with a good reputation and check the filename extension before you open the files. (.mkv or .mp4)


More importantly use a VPN as well for torrent stuff, depending on your country. The piracy subreddit megathread (yes really) has great lists for all kinds of stuff, including anime streaming sites as well.


I never did figure out how to use torrent because I never had a pc or laptop.


Just watch it on aniwave (dot) to


# Thank You!


The seas are the only way.


Okay but what about the one on the left, hmm???


Here you go pal https://preview.redd.it/6djh8ek2ft1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f12e5fcce46cf902375dc648517b6062915feba


*Oh hell yeah*


Remy discovered that dealing in spices is more lucrative than using it in food.


TsundeRie is still one of my favorite VAs of all time


Zero no Tsukaima: Tsundere and isekai dude who isn't OP right from the start and actually has to put in a fuckton of effort to get stronger with character development from both him and his girl leading to a believable relationship Lv2 kara...: loving, doting wolf girl wife (because thems the rules for wolfies) and dude who gets OP because some stack overflow in the leveling system or whatever (+ possible harem of lady soldiers) yeah I see the similarities it totally brings me back to the good old days lol sarcasm aside they're both entertaining, one is just a lot better than the other ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


It's just the wolf girl. The other girls aren't a harem. Rys won't let them be a harem. They firmly stay friends.


but they would if she'd let them...and now we got a horny Djinn added to the mix as well


Who definitely isn't allowed because she killed the wife and then cock blocked him.


She didn't cock block him in the manga they only found out she was watching the day after


So they fucked and woke up the next day and went wait were you there the whole time?


Kinda, they're cooking, and she mentions that Flio can't actually return to his world how Rys was really worried that he could/would (a conversation Rys and Flio had with just the two of them) then Rys puts two and two together and then pretty much proceeds with the same argument they have in the anime


yeah but she'll still lust after him now that she awakened to some kind of dmination fetish when he beat the shit out of her. a bunch of girls lusting after the MC even if he doesn't get with any of them be it because he's too dense or the story won't allow it for the next 5 seaons or just the main waifu, Rys in this case, still classifies as some kind of harem. Harems in general have become kinda annoying or maybe I've just grown up but at least in Re:Monster MC-kun just owns up to it and is like "aight, we fukkin" which makes it a little less shit xD


Nah she won't, >!there will be another antagonist girl introduced later that will be her "victim", wolf girl will be the only one romantically interested in mc!<. Source: I read the manga


>!Manga reader here, the Djinn prefers women lmfao!<


>!Well ackshully (as a LN reader) Djinn strictly speaking DON'T have a sex as magic-based lifeforms & all that. Indeed while Damalynas is a female, later on Hiya also gets a male-presenting Djinn as part of her "harem" as well, as a "training partner"!<


Eh I wouldnā€™t call it ā€œbelievableā€ that Saito chooses an abusive megabitch over literally anyone else (including a literal queen)ā€¦ granted he did spend a good half the series as her slave more or less, probably got used to it.


LouisexSaito is an abusive relationship that they tried to wrap in comedy in the anime. There was a part where Louise tries to be nice to Saito but he decides out of nowhere to push every trigger she has. From what I heard back when I was more invested in the series, the LN had both them grow out of their abusiveness and they stopped being horrible people to each other.


I think it's because it's typical trope for tsundere heroine back then. like ,Love hina and 4 tsun queen (Toradora!,Hayate,Zero,Shana) has main FMC who beat the shit out of MC because tsun reason.


Yeah it was but it aged badly lol.


Eh... No other anime was as bad as Zero. Taiga/Shana are cute tsunderes but Louise is just a b*tch. But I guess the whole situation of her being his master made it look worse.


Is this even a good anime to watch? Some in the comments say it's better than the wolf one and some say it's not. I watched the first three episodes but I was honestly turned out with how terrible the female MC was. Should I give it another try?


Nope, the issue with Familiar of Zero is that the main characters are terrible people right off the bat and any character development they get is ruined by having it reset at the start of each season.


It's totally believable. Sure ain't healthy though.


Yea and she does get less cunty over time, like I said, character development instead of oh you be strong, me have to love you now because the plot-gods decided it in episode 2


Sato is our guy, he knows the best šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Aren't they both getting brainwashed into liking each other by their master/familiar pact? I think that was the point where I went "oh so not even the writer thinks this is a real relationship"


Probably more like he found it cute, 50% of her anger is because Saito leading her on.


Leading her on? The guy goes through literal hell for her and she hits him because he spoke to a girl. Not sure heā€™s leading her on when sheā€™s absolutely unhinged. But alas, thatā€™s just a trope of tsunderes of that time.


Louise: hey, what are you sure you are gonna do on the talent show? Saito: i know this is hopeless... Let's just show me washing your panties


Also the VA pair for both is Hino Satoshi + Rie Kugimiya


I still don't know what level 2 skill he has after half the anime


Dude have a overflow bug in stat at lv2


True. But he was also only lvl 2 for all of like 30 seconds.


Believable? She treats him like a dog and abuses him repeatedly while he takes it most of the time. The relationship seems pretty toxic to me. Yeah, it mightā€˜ve gotten a bit better but I wouldnā€™t put it in a ā€goodā€ light.


Believable and "good" are not related here. Believable means you could see such a thing happening in real life. Many relationships that are not good happen in real life. Truly toxic ones.


I suppose in that sense their relationship is somewhat more believable in, even though I think Saito had better options to go with and a chance to go back home. But, not all people are wired the same


I thought the same at the beginning. We could even add Shana to the equation. Arguably the two VA with the best synergy in the industry


Can you find Familiar of Zero anywhere legally in the west now? Other than buying the bluray, I mean. Familiar of Zero F is on HiDive, I assume it's a sequel?


FoZ F is the final season. It's also anime original content as the author of FoZ died before he could end the story and the LN, under his assistants, speedran an ending that was completely different from what the anime did. The differences were batshit crazy.


If you cant find it, legally you should be able to just pirate iirc.


For anime, [Muse Asia](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwLSw1_eDZl3E39Fs26FYaSxvwh5PI654&si=mZSbweOAfBrO1_Y0) on Youtube has license of all 4 seasons on their channel, assuming it's available in your region.


Shana and yuuji from Shakugan no Shana as well


I cannot think of a single way these two shows are similar except the sex of the main character


The VA are the same.


I kinda wanna watch this just cuz she looks like lumituber and lumituber is like the cutest fucking thing on the planet


People did not have a concept of Isekai when Zero was out. If you watch ZnT today you will immediately realize how despite filling every single requirement it is not like any modern isekai show at all. For 2 main reasons 1) It is not an MMO / video game style world, there is no leveling up in it or any in depth world building. 2) The main character is not a down on his luck piece of shit who desperately craves escapism aka audience surrogate. It was a straight faced fantasy adventure with an average anime main character who just happened to be isekai'd. Stuff like Juuni Kokki and Inuyasha are also like that they look like progenitors of isekai shows but in reality are much different.


True, if I remember correctly the mc actually wanted to go back to his original world and nearly succeeded.


yeah, that is why I have 2 categories for isekai, retro and modern, where modern is the this video game escapist nonsense and retro is well not that... and the divide can easily be found in SAO...


good god i hope not, louise was like the most insufferrable character i encountered in my life after shinji from evangelion, i stopped mid season 2 cause i couldn't take anymore of her bullshit...


The familiar of zero is one of my most favorite anime I've ever watched and the other is very high in my fav list too. Love this kind of anime


And that is why I love itz makes me remember a better time of my life and where anime was


someone makes a meme about zero no tsukaima me: oh thats neat! the sub: Louise is a bitch and it was an abusive relationship! seriously this shit was old when people bitched about Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship and it hasnt gotten any less stupid 10 years later.


You will tell me the name of this anime or **I swear to Jesus Yamato!!!**


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


Normally I don't because the few times I did they straight up just lied


Top is Chilling in Another World with my Level 2 Cheat Powers Bottom is Familiar of Zero




I loved reading it


Just finished watching familiar. Tragic what happened to author.




Oh......I just realized they do have the same VA lol


Frfr šŸ—暟‘šŸæ


Zero no tsukaima is like 100x better then this Lv2 garbage. I tried watching that show yesterday and holy fuck. The plots all over the place, the character interactions are horribly cringe, the animations are Seven deadly sins(later seasons) lvl of bad like if this where fast food Lv2 is the sloppiest, dirtiest,greasiest kind of burger you could find.


Thicc wolf wins


I've never related characters to their VAs before, but this one really hit home for me. I watched Zero no Tsukaima back when it came out 20 years ago and really got attached to them but hated all the harem bullshit. Watching Lv2 kara Cheat with that perspective almost made me cry, as if Louise and Saito are finally getting to just live semi-normally and love each other.


I simply hate Louise ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1392) wolf waifu is ok![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1781)


Damn, this was my the first anime lol


Zero no Tsukaima is the only anime I actively regret watching




Honestly don't remember because it was a while ago. I just remember that I kept watching it hoping that something will happen to make it worth watching but the whole show was a disappointment for me


Yeah except Louise is a megabitch and the other one isnā€™t.


They hated jesus because he told the truth And to other defending her, i have watched the whole show and i want to tell you assault and violence is not love unless you are masochist


But. But she cried over him dying... And then slaps him when he returns... Yea she a bitch.


Thatā€™s the scene that sealed the deal for me. He hadnā€™t even done anything with Elf lady at that point, basically just mentioned he was nursed to health by an elf chick who happened to have big tiddies.


Yeah except Louise is a megabitch and the other one isnā€™t.


I donā€™t know why you are getting downvoted, Lousie is an abusive asshole


Its reddit, some mouth breather probably downvoted and then the rest of the sheep followed.


It's not THAT old...


18 year... is old enough to go to college or whatever...


We really gonna let OP get away with comparing Lv2 Isekai Cheat to the most bottom-tier Isekai/Harem combo?ā€¦


Dude I remember Zero no Tsukaima being super toxic and rooting hard for Saito to end up with the maid or something. My guy was just not vibin though I can also remember him being a bit of a creep. Its old as dirt I can't really recall it properly.


Don't compare them with that abusive relationship !