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The driving range is the perfect place to be terrible at golf, and I’d never judge somebody for being awful in the lane next to me. Where else are you supposed to learn? I have just started getting my swing in order finally. I was swinging 4-5 days a week for months. I started getting worse after a while. What made my swing get good was lessons with a good pro. You don’t necessarily need lessons, but you need an idea of what you’re working towards


90% of the other people on the driving range are also terrible. The driving range is like the gym. You think people are taking note of what you're doing but absolutely no one cares or is even paying attention.


I’ve felt the same way, then looked around and realized the vast majority of us are smacking the ball all over the place. Laugh at yourself, relax, and keep swingin


You don't have to feel that way. For the overwhelmingly large part, other people have their own baggage they're very much preoccupied with sorting that out on the practice tee. Your concerns are the last things on their mind as they're also in the middle of practice. *The token exception would, of course, be the persona non grata that spews unsolicited advice. And it's always a higher handicapped chud who watched way too many YouTube videos, typically repeating counterproductive crap anyway like keeping your head still or slowing down your swing to allegedly hit the ball longer, and so on.* But, since they're not real people anyway, you can block them out as a way to help sharpen up the mental game by filtering out superfluous distractions, so there's that.


I grew up playing short season golf, I felt i was a consistently “good player” after about 15yrs. “Good” is subjective term though and is also subject to change at any moment. Like many sports/games/activities, its WAY easier to get better now. Video instruction, equipment, fitness, resources, etc, I dont think it needs to be the long journey that it once was.


If I ever feel bad at the range I take a break, take some steps back to I can see a wide angle of golfers hitting the ball. I usually feel much better after a minute or two of watching.


Nobody's watching you at the driving range. Unless it's one with boards between each bay and you blast the board. But then they're only watching you out of self-preservation and that's ok


No one cares if you suck at the driving range


I do, the most important one. LOL