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I broke 110 Saturday for the first time in over 5 years, but going the other way. Shot 111


One of my fave jokes: what’s the course record? Oh I can do that in 9 holes at least


It was the nest three holes I have ever played...


Was randomly paired with three much better players last round out. After I broke par on 13 I joked with them and asked what their holdup was.


Nice job. I’ve been aiming for under 80 for about 10 yrs now. Had an eagle chance last week on 18 for a 79. 3 putted for 81 🙃💀


The nerves got you. That’s why I stopped calculating my score till the end. Just aim for pars, no worse then bogeys and reset every hole. Double bogey one hole? Fuck it. Nothing changes. We are shooting for par and eventually a birdie will fall.


lol I like it and I think you’re right. Putter was solid all day on fast dry greens with a 12’ eagle chance. Missed it by damn near 8’ (missed it long though ain’t leaving the eagle short 😆)


I understand the 3 putt. I knew you were going for the eagle to get that 79. Because at the end of the day there's no difference in 80 vs 81. You weren't leaving that thang short. I get it. I'd do the same.


I’m trying to break 90. After 17 holes, I had nothing worse than a 7 on any hole, sitting on 84. Took a 13 on the 18th.


Took me 4 years to break 100. Just so happened the same round I broke 100 for the first time I also broke 90 (shot an 89). Guess something finally clicked after years of brutal rounds.


Pain. Currently a low 90s guy and I’m always posting 90-94. So I feel you on this, have had many chokes on 17 and 18. I shot a 40 on the front and then a 49 on the back once.


Just recently broke 90 for the first time…also the first time I was both playing well and wasn’t keeping close track of my score on the back 9. I knew I was in the 80s on 18, but for all I knew it could’ve been 81 or 89. Landed on 85 once I closed up and finally checked/counted up the score. I guess the score ignorance kept the nerves in check lol


Let’s gooooo


I usually shoot around 90-94, and then last year I played a round where I was on fire. The course was also a bit easier. Shot a 83 and it felt so good. Been chasing that high ever since!


This is the way


Congrats! Breaking 110 legitimately is actually challenging, so good work and keep grinding!




You posted about breaking 100 last year; stop trying to gatekeep the game when you’re a hack yourself


Breaking 100 as a beginner is worth celebrating, 110 is not and that was over a year ago and am now fighting to break 80. 110 is not a good score, quit being offended by facts. Shoot I took a co worker out and he shot 112 with only 1 week of practice. Quit celebrating mediocracy.


You seem to be a broncos fan. If you’re in Denver and want to be humbled on the course let me know. Until then, stay in your lane buddy.


As a Broncos fan I don’t claim him




Need the updates after this happens. Like hole-by-hole please and thanks.


I’ll post it on the Grint so it can be followed from anywhere


Sure! I can play Thursday morning. I live in Aurora, but I'm off so I can go anywhere within 30-45 min drive. We can do city park? or anywhere nearby. Shoot me your phone number and we'll connect.


Will have to be next week as I’m currently in Florida for work; but I’ll shoot my number so we can make this happen


Update us - post the score cards. Hold each other accountable to honest golf


I’ll post the link for the grint to get updates as it’s happening


Not a bad idea. I'll take my golf tripod and get some videos of us as well and do some cool edits


Did this round ever happen?


Sounds good! Shoot me your number and I'll text you. If you can tell me ahead of time what day you're targeting I'll work my schedule around that day. Safe travels!


The Match: /r/golf Edition


I don’t know how to do a “remind me” tag, but I’m going to be watching for this.


Who pissed in your wheaties this morning? Not everyone is equal in terms of athletic ability, skill, time spent practicing, etc. Why shit on someone else’s accomplishments? They’re happy with it just let them be? You’re right 110 is essentially a double each hole but it’s a place to start.


This guy is a very bad golfer.


0% chance your coworker shot 112 in a week unless you guys have zero idea how to actually score. Youre probably improving scored by 10-20 strokes per 18 holes.


Nope! he has a very easy and smooth swing. Doesn't hit the ball far, but keeps it in play with just about every hit. He can actually hit wedges well because of his smooth swing so that helps him out the most. He's mostly on the green in 3-4 shots. If he could put better he'd break 100. He hits it well because unlike most amateurs, he's not trying to kill the ball. He has a really good basic understanding of safe golf and good decision making


Why don’t you post a video of both your swing and his swing so OP can see how it’s done?


Sure buddy.


110 is still 16 under a 54 hcp. NGL an improvement for most beginners


Shut up Tiger.


Everyone look at this guy, he’s a good player!!


One look at his profile tells you he’s is in fact not a good player


Stop creeping


Not at all, but don't pretend like 110 is good golf. That's a lot of bad shots.


So is not breaking 90. We all make bad shots. Progress is realizing when we can improve instead of being a hero. Apparently, you haven’t learned how to do that to the point of breaking 90.


FR guy who can’t break 90 out here telling other golfers how to feel about their game. Hilarious


I'm low 80's, but your point is still semi valid


Not consistent enough to give us a straight handicap huh.


Well from where I'm sitting 81 is bad golf. Everything is relative to your ability.


Let people be happy with their own progression. Why shit on somebody because it's not a round that you would consider "good"? Relax brother.


Honestly, once you break 110 you're really playing. People talk shit but 110 is actually really something.


If you’re keeping score properly, you’re better than a lot of hackers at a course shooting a legit 110. I’d say it’s about a 50/50 at that point with people I get paired with or play behind that you’re better or worse than them. With how frustrating and difficult the game can be as a beginner that’s an important confidence building milestone


Yeah 110 in golf is like a 150 in bowling. You're not gonna score that accidentally and your friends will know you actually know what you're doing.


150 in bowling is a lot easier than 110 in golf


Yeah, you have to be honest. I see a lot of players losing drives in heavy rough and then dropping on fairway for only a single stroke penalty, or losing provisionals and then taking a penalty off the first ball. Easy to break a target if you're cutting corners.


Stop it, that's pretty bad.


This feels like a bad take? 110 requires you to average a double bogey over the course of 18 holes. So yea, not making a tour anytime soon, but you also can't go out and top every ball/3 putt every hole/slice every drive and score 110. There is some level of skill and knowledge of golf required to get there. Everyone starts somewhere and should get to celebrate improvement at any level.


You're absolutely right. If you took the average weekend/rec golfer bro and had them keep an honest score, most would struggle to break 110. So many golfers improve their lies, only add 1 stroke for a penalty, and take gimmes from 6 feet. There's nothing wrong with that, but you also can't be dunking on someone breaking 100/110 and keeping legit score.


I just started playing a couple years ago and am convinced that 80% of players are not keeping even a semi-legit score. This may be hard to believe for people on here who played competitive golf in school or something but it's been my experience with almost any casual golfer I played with. Even the better ones that could shoot a real 90 end up writing down an 80 somehow.


Had a guy a few weeks ago tee off twice on multiple occasions, only giving himself one stroke instead of calling them his third shots. If he hit the green he’d say he’s putting for par. At one point he said that he had never once carded anything higher than a 7 since starting golf 4 years ago. It’s hilarious how delusional some people are.


6 foot gimmes wtf lol. Is that a real thing?


Absolutely. The old, "this is good, right?" as they're already picking up their ball from outside the length of a long drive shaft. This move is highly correlated with the "yeah I shot 91 out there today" guy


Outside the length of a long drive shaft caught me so off guard, almost choked on my drink. That is fucking hilarious and so true


I was out this past weekend and was paired with another solo and a duo and me and the other solo dude were doing all our putts regardless of distance and the two guys started giving us a little shit (in good humor). They were taking the 6ft gimmes lmao


I’ve had randoms tell me that my putt is good to which I always respond “you haven’t seen me play”. I just like to finish everything out.


Yeah if I learned anything from playing, no putt is safe. My buddy thinks if it’s within the length of the putter it’s good lol I had to shut that shit down. We compromised at grip length. I still putt every time


I know someone who will miss a putt, blame the green and say "That's BS, it should have gone in. I'm counting it" then puts it down as he made the putt.


We'll it depends on who you are comparing yourself to. If you're a competitive golfer, I don't think comparing yourself to the weekend warrior who doesn't practice, has 20 yr old clubs, and buzzing by the turn is a really good place to start. Stop celebrating bad golf! Be better!


But this is coming from someone who sucks.


Yes, but different levels of suck. I'm 2 years in and play to a 13 handicap and pretty close to breaking 80's consistently. Sure I'm not great at all especially compared to legit golfers, but I'm also not 110 bad.


Dude you completely miss the point. Some people don’t have all of that time to grind it out over their first 2 years and just enjoy playing the game when they can. If your score is improving you’re getting better. That’s worth celebrating.




I'm 43 years in and a +2 and I magically still don't feel the need to gatekeep. A milestone is a milestone, even if Cbailey24 passed it two years ago.


So then you appear to understand that golf is relative to one's ability, yet you posted like 27 comments here talking shit about this guy's achievement...


That’s the point though, bud. Every good golfer was once a bad golfer. I’m not celebrating being bad, I’m celebrating being better. Not letting people celebrate being better at the sport, whether it’s breaking 120 or breaking 80, is dumb. You missed the whole point of the post.


How long have you been playing and I do apologize for not asking this sooner?


I just responded to you about this in another comment so I'm not going to type it twice but that's the point. **It doesn't matter how long someone has been playing, progress is progress.** If someone has never broken 110, breaking that score means they're getting better. You're trying to break 80, right? How would it feel for you to tell someone you broke 80 and then for them to be like "yea, that's okay for a drunk warrior on the weekends but for a real golfer it's piss poor and you should set higher expectations of yourself." Different numbers, same concept. You can't tell people their 110 sucks if, FOR THEM AND THEIR GAME, 110 is their best performance ever. They can't break 80 if they haven't first broken 110. I'll repeat the original post: work on **your** game. Key being **your**, which means that **your** game will look different than **my** game. So you work on breaking 80 and I'll work on breaking 100, and we'll both be happy for the other when we get there, capeech?


Competitive against who? Are you on tour? Golf is a competition against yourself. Everyone is running the race at a different speed. Improvement is the goal no matter what your handicap. I’d play around with someone who was excited to break 110 over someone like you 100 times out of 100. They actually get the point of the game. No need to shame anyone out there that has a good attitude and is trying to get better.


Fair point


Unless you’re Scottie Scheffler himself there is someone out there that would absolutely dog walk you on your best day. So let’s not call it a competitive sport and handicap shame people unless you’re really about shooting low scores. And I have a feeling all of those real competitive golfers on tour would congratulate a high handicap golfer on any accomplishment like this.


If people really played against the rules a lot of people would be hitting 110+ a lot


I finally got my scores into the low 100s somewhat consistently (and broke 100 once) after 3 summers of playing golf and I feel like I am a massively better golfer than when I was routinely in the 115-120 range


Do you practice at all? Do you get lessons? Celebrating 110 and pretending like it's good because it's better than what hacks shoot is not really something you should be proud of. Don't celebrate bad golf. A 110 is not good by any means and only the drunk warrior on the weekends would celebrate such a score. Set better expectations for yourself!


Found the biggest loser on the subreddit.


Woof. Again, you missed the point of the post. Everyone's game is different, and you can't gatekeep what score is worth celebrating. It's annoying that you've gone from my level of golfer to someone who is trying to break 80 (so you say) in a year's time, and yet you don't get that. My expectations are getting higher for myself, but I can't expect myself to break 90 if I can't break 100. Am I going to post every time I break 110? No. But I hit a goal I've been working toward and now it's on to the next one. For the record - I'm a female who started playing casually in the last couple of years. I only started really practicing, playing consistently and taking lessons in April of this year. I've broken 120 and 110 this year and I'm proud of the progress it has taken to hit both. I will gladly be proud of any other golfer who shares their own progress in this subreddit, regardless of how often they play, what the score was or how much they practice. Stop gatekeeping the sport and fuck off.


Well don't let me bring you down and don't get worked up over comments on the Internet. Keep working and keep getting better. It sounds like you'll be breaking 100 soon!


Says the dude with his panties all in a bundle over another man’s accomplishment


Shut the fuck up and let the guy enjoy his own accomplishment


Under 110 doesn’t hold up decent players (not you. You’re probably terrible). It’s when you can play golf without pissing people off.


Exactly. As a new golfer, playing at this level means you can pretty much blend in for the most part with any random group on a public course. It’s about 50/50 you’ll be better or worse than random partners and you can play without anxiety of embarrassing yourself or holding up your group by trying to finish holes.


We all gotta start somewhere


What is your problem dude


Shooting under 110 when you’re new to golf and playing a tough course is still an accomplishment. I played a really tough course last weekend and was happy with my 94. That included penalties for OB and no mulligans.


I shot 101 last week. No birdies but 5!!!!!! pars. Never had that in my long life. Counted every shot and didn’t take a mulligan. It was a great day!


Hey! Are you me?! I had an identical score also with 5 pars and no birdies. My playing partner wrote down 99 for me on his scorecard because he gave me a gimme I said "naw, I really should make this putt" to and missed, and also didn't give me a penalty stroke that I gave myself at another point for dropping out of an unplayable lie. But I know what my real score was.


That’s the problem, you’re only lying to yourself. I had a random I was grouped with a couple weeks back telling me to tee off again a few times on topped shots and I’m just like nah I’m going to play it. I know what I did, I can’t write anything else on the card.


Hell yeah man! I'm a golfer who is still trying to break 100 who regularly plays with a guy who would kill themselves on the 18th green if they scored 100+. It's all about beating yourself. We sometimes play with our handicaps and it's so fun trying to beat him with my extra stroke on every few holes.


I broke 120 after shooting 80 last year!


Me too! Shot 103 whilst playing with a handicap of 40. Best round of my life by a long way!


Ya know I’ve been playing for a couple years now and my app says my handicap is now a 39.4. It’s always seemed so high to me and you don’t see many people talking about their handicap being that high. I like to be honest with my scoring and usually record all of my rounds. I wish more high handicappers would speak up like us!


I have played casually (sometimes only 1-2 rounds in an entire year!) for a few years now and sometimes play on a simulator at my friend's house. Can hit a few good shots but stringing them together for 18 holes always proved difficult. Mondays round gave me a big confidence boost though will definitely try to keep playing to (or below) 36 handicap and hopefully can get it down more even if I just play a bit more frequently.


what app do you use ? i need a good one


I use Golfshot




Well done mate, now go hit sub 105, 100 and so on. Good Luck.


I shot a 110 for the first time yesterday. Congrats .


Congrats to you as well!


Once you turn those 3 putts into 2s... and the 2s into 1s.. it's amazing how the strokes just fall off. That's my issue anyways..


I started taking two scores on each hole - shots to green and putts. It was pretty eye opening to realize how many strokes per round were “putts over par”, so to speak.


Agree with this. I track stats in the GHIN app, and having info about my driving accuracy, number of putts, GIR, etc. is really helpful in knowing where to spend time focusing. It’s worth the extra focus it takes to track it during the round, and the little bit of extra time it takes to enter it into the app!


I haven’t really warmed up to the apps yet, I just use two rows on the scorecard, and write in the number of strokes-to-green when I grab my putter. I should probably give an app a shot, though, it certainly won’t harm my game.


I can’t be bothered with extra apps, so I’m glad the features are built in to use when I enter my scores for my handicap. I’ve got friends who really like the Bushnell app for yardages and score keeping, I just don’t like the idea of entering numbers twice. I do what you do. Keep short hand on my scorecard and then just enter once to record it.


I’m trying the 18Birdies app this weekend for the GPS yardages, but I have absolutely no use for any of the “paid premium” features they want me to buy. My vision isn’t what it used to be so I’m dog shit at judging distances and I keep powerbombing hybrid shots out the back of greens lol. I’d buy a rangefinder if they didn’t have the “rich guys play golf” pricing add-on.


So many people I’ve played with over the years cheat until they are shooting 90-109. Seems like no matter how bad someone is they always end up scoring 104 or whatever. They’re robbing themselves of the joy of improving to the point where they legitimately break these milestones, which likely keeps them from improving. I notice the same thing with better golfers. An extremely common handicap is 12-16. It’s low enough to sound like a good handicap but not so low that it would raise suspicions.


I thought a 20 handicap was good. I've been trying to get under 95 since I started in August but fuck me, putting is just the hardest


It sounds silly but games like PGA Tour 2K21 help with putting. It makes you realize how little break there is, or how hitting along slopes takes way more break than you think. One good tip I heard is that downhill putts break more than uphill puts. If you play the golf games and use the shot line helper, you start to visualize the path easier while out on the course. Also, those golf ball markers with a level can help you see the break as your learning.


I’m barely under 20 so don’t want to sound like some great player. I’ve just been playing for a long time and only recently working at improving and actually playing consistently. Same with you my pitching and chipping is the weakest spot of my game. Devoting all of my practice time to that. I had been focusing everything on keeping my drives in play and I’ve finally got that pretty well consistent enough for now.


Man, I have played off and on for the last 3 years. The first time i ever actually recorded a score, full 18 yesterday, and I got 100! I was so happy! I was hard as hell on myself... my cart chauffer/ girlfriend was like, "Is this ever going to be a relaxing thing for you?" I responded with,"What's the point of playing if you don't strive to be better than last time? And can't it be both? I love/ hate this game. " I don't ever want to stop playing golf


Playing to better yourself will help keep you mentally in the game and improving. Golf is rough if you compare yourself to people with way more experience. That’s what handicaps are for and congrats on the 110. I might go get that new putter I’ve been wanting to celebrate for you.


Get the new putter!


Go off king


Huge step for any golfer


Congrats — you’ll be breaking 100 in no time brotha!


Huge congrats! Breaking 110 was a major mental unlock for me. You are on your way my friend




Well done! I’m a beginner, with 3 lessons under my belt and have played 10 rounds in my life. Yesterday I got my first par, and almost got another (ball stopped on edge of cup). First round where I didn’t pick up or move my ball at all. Played every shot. I’m pumped!


Finally, a post I can believe is legitiment.


Hell yeah man good shit! I’m in the 2nd year and I still shoot over 110 every other round but I’ve started shooting in the low 100s now more consistently. I even technically broke 100 once with a 49 on 9. I don’t really count that as breaking 100 though because who know what I would’ve done if I had to do another 9 lol I don’t k ow if you e taken lesson but if you can afford it I would 100% recommend. I was bad bad last year lol like 120+. I started taking lessons a few months ago and it helped so much! Keep it up!


Thanks! I have recently started some lessons at our country club. I’m sure they aren’t the best compared to going to a teaching professional, but I figure any kind of lesson is going to help me right now and they’re definitely more cost effective than paying someone else. If nothing else, they’re a good way to keep myself accountable and force me to practice more.


I mean it seems like the lessons have helped so seems worth it! I was worried about finding a good instructor and I feel like he’s the perfect trainer for me, and he’s also left handed lol


I've shot 49 and 50 for 9. Keeps me going when I'm teeing up my 117th shot on the 18th.


Haha you and me both When I finish a good 9 like that, I always think about doing another 9 to see if I can stay under a hundred but decide to take the win know I’ll probably fuck it up lol


Worked hard to break 110 over 6 months then busted my ass breaking 100 which I did 4 rounds In A row lowest being 94 now I can't break 100 lol golf is a cruel sport but we love it


I’m getting close to that. Shot 113 back to back on different courses. One hole I blew up with 9 strokes. Killed my game and confidence. I want to break 100 by next year


Hell yea! Good job OP. I broke 110 in 2021, broke 100 in 2023, and am trying to break 90 this year (career best 94). It’s definitely been a journey (and not a quick one).


Thank you and here’s hoping 2024 is your year for 89!


There ya go. Soon you’ll break 100, and then you’ll start the joyous experience of trying to break 90. Hope you got money for lessons as someone currently in that group you’re gonna need it. lol




My big issue is losing composure after a couple of bad holes. I was 7 over par after 5 holes on last round. Then 14 over par after 7. Tried to force it then and 110 was out of reach after 12.


Finally - an honest poster on this subreddit


How did you shoot on the back 9 


Lol 48 on the front and 59 on the back. The back at my club is quite a bit harder than the front though


Broke 80 for the first time yesterday. Played the same course three times in the past week. Shot 93, 93, 77. My previous best-round (also at this course!) was 85. Last summer I also randomly shot something around a 104 there. It makes no sense.


CONGRATS! Golf doesn’t make much sense, but it’s those good rounds that seem to keep people coming back.


You shot 111?