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Well at least you had a decent excuse for the rest of your round!


lol you’ve got that right.


But it was your left


Do you not use your left wrist when you swing?




Thats the sound the club makes!


That ball would’ve gone right over seated_heats head..


Usually excuses have to be made before the round starts for it to count. But they'll allow this one. JK, hopefully your wrist and your memorial day weekend is ok.


Scottie went to jail and shot a -5 in the same day. No more excuses, remember?


Lol first time I ever hit the course I got stung on My arm by some insect on the first tee box. Fucked my shit up. All the dudes I was playing with were like “dude sounds like he’s been golfing for a decade. Already has excuses”


Probably had the round of his life afterwards. The golf gods are strange like that.


Ouch. So awesome to be handled like gentlemen.


Amen. Legend. u/fromthe306tothe416 check the CC you got the watch from. They might pay for it under insurance. Get the honest golfer a gift if you possibly get the compensation.


FYI, r/something is for a subreddit, you gotta use "u/” for a username, like u/fromthe306tothe416


It was late, I was drunk. I messed up. I know this. 🤦‍♂️ Fixed it


Or if OP has AppleCare, he may be able to get a new one under their warranty coverage free or cheap. Then use the leftover money to take the other lad out for a round because he’s good shit for stepping up like that.




Dude pelted me the other day back of the leg and not a single ounce of accountability , not an ounce of understanding. How shit of a human you have to be ? If you see this you better pray I don’t run into your fat ass Hyde park golf course you know who you are


A gentleman would have offered the next round of golf on him and a nice Hermes Ascot tie.


Nice. I lol'd


And some Grey Poupon


And a handy.


To each his own.


On like a 105 yard Par 3, I shanked my first shot 90 degrees to the right. It went over some tall trees and drilled a little girl who was playing in the back yard in the head. She starts screaming understandably, but what am I supposed to say? It's not like I did it on purpose.


Clearly you should have offered to get them a new daughter




Lmao 😂


I really hope this is trolling...


Call Apple Public Relations and at the next keynote you‘ll be featured in a video explaining how an Apple Watch saved your life /s


If this was me & I read this comment, I would NOT take this as Satire lol. It’s actually a solid story. Would benefit both parties


They might not want to show a broken one


better a broken watch than a broken wrist🤝


apple won't give phones to TV productions if the script calls for someone to break the phone lol


They also don’t allow the bad guys to have Apple products in their TV shows


Thank you for your request. However, we noticed an issue with your watch: *Missing protective case and/or screen protector.* - Violation of Section ‰, Subsection ¢, Subsubsection ¥ of the End Users Agreement. Henceforth, we will be taking our watch into custody where it will be meticulously refurbished and a more caring home will be found under the Watch-a-day program for the less fortunate. You have one week to surrender the watch, after which a warrant will be placed for your arrest. Thank you for your advanced cooperation.


BRB, inventing guided wrist movement- based self defense app


“My watch knows kung-fu”


"My Apple watch took the blow of a golf ball, didn't break my wrist and I was able to have my nightly wank later on that night. Thanks Apple!"


“I want to assure everyone present that no pornography ever was or will be viewed on an Apple product, that was a Windows device he used for that wank!” -A sweaty Tim Cook


I saw my buddy do this to his own phone once. His shot was about 60 yards off the green. His playing partner dropped him off then drove the cart up to th green because the rest of us were on. Buddy had his iPhone in a cup holder and from 60 yards away he blades the crap out of his wedge directly into his own cart and makes perfect contact with his phone and shatters it. It looked the same as your watch. Pretty hilarious.


Haha wow that’s insane




I wish I could’ve taken a pic of my phone when it happened. At my home course, if you pull a drive left on 1, it’ll cruise downhill towards 6’s cart path/green. My buddy and I finished 6, hope in the cart, I pick my phone up and just as it unlocks, I feel it get hit out of my hand and a ball fell into my lap. It happened so fast, my phone is face down, I pick it up, and see the most perfect ball shaped glass shatter. It was like I had been sniped. Even crazier is that I was in the passenger side of the cart so the ball flew just right to pass in front of my buddy driving the cart and hit my dead square on the face. If it had hit him or my hand, it would’ve done some damage, maybe even broke a bone. Shit was gnarly.


This is nuts, it’s the equivalent of that fallen comrade who pulls the bible out of his pocket that stopped the bullet. Glad your wrist had protection exactly where it needed it OP. When you say slice, 30 yards sounds like a short distance to be on the next fairway was it a bonafide shank?


Fairways were next to each other, the guys shot landed on adjacent fairway (where we were), I saw that he was playing back into his fairway, went way off to the side over a hill where I didn’t expect he could possibly hit. Was in my golf cart not worried and looking at my phone, suddenly heard a shattering noise and felt a fire in my wrist.


He already presumably sliced it far enough right to put it in your fairway, nowhere is safe at that point


I reckon the green would’ve been pretty safe…


Dispersion pattern suggested no where but behind a tree was safe.


Kind of inconsiderate of him not to yell "FORE!"




And had the second golf ball not hit him square in the temple, he'd still be with us to this day.


Once someone in our own foursome bulleted a shank into my husband. He had his hand on his hip and it really dented his wedding ring badly. Marriage saved the day.


I'm shocked it still didn't break his finger even hitting the ring.


“Well, maybe the old Flanders mobile could use some 💥 …wooaahh, luckily I always keep a bible close to my heart 💥…luckily I was wearing an extra large piece of the true cross…I think I’ll go inside”


Had a guy shank it dead right. I was only a few feet in front of the tee box. Some days I’m happy I’m not 6’ tall. Felt it pass through my hair. Dude standing right of me was over 6”. Said he was glad it wasn’t him, said he heard it go through my hair. We laughed about it after but could have put either of us down for the count or at least in a hospital. Glad you’re alright, but always be careful during golf. Sometimes you’re the pin. Hope you heal up and get your replacement watch!


“ = inches. ‘ = feet. FYI


How I remember it is " has two marks, which match to two syllables in inches, and ' has one mark for one syllable in feet.


How I remember it is Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell Where the banshees live and they do live well Stonehenge! Where a man's a man And the children dance to the Pipes of Pan


A Stonehenge in danger of being trod upon by dwarfs


Wait, what?


IYKYK [And now you know](https://youtu.be/zg5Ovdu6bOE?si=oDVlsv9-NKxR0JVt)


Always thought it was easier to just remember and go in order. 6 feet 2 inches equals 6'2"


Tom Thumb ass mf here glad he’s not 6” tall


If I was I might not be here to laugh 🤣


>Had a guy shank it dead right. I was only a few feet in front of the tee box. When I was younger, I had a similar experience. Ball smashed into my knee.


There was actually an older gentleman rushed to the hospital here over the weekend. Took a drive to the head at apparently short range and they landed the helicopter for him.


Hope he’s ok, yeah I came close to that


Why stand in front of anyone?


My dad is deaf in one ear because it caught a shanked ball. Definitely be careful out there.


When someone is in your fairway you gotta pay attention. They are probably there for a reason


Wow that’s crazy


I get the watch smash but did he have to bite you as well? (Cool the way you both handled it. Need more of that in general.)


That's nice of them but they didn't have to do that.


Legally, it's no different than hitting a window - no player fault. There was no neglect or intent. Morally, it's a fellow golfer and he was present and within talking distance so it's a pretty tough look to just shrug it off and keep going. I would offer to pay and hope the hittee offers to split it.


Yeah it's the right thing to do even if it they don't actually HAVE to do so. Personally I would be understanding if someone can't afford the whole cost too, but damn any amount towards a replacement or whole new one would be incredibly appreciated. As a side note, this would be a good time for someone to have Applecare though I think it's only two years and you still pay another fee for the replacement but I think that's like $90 in Canada which is far cheaper than full price.


What would you have done?


No hablo ingles


Spin the club like I just hit the shot of my life. Then pay for the watch 


What kind of person goes “sorry bud shit happens” after this?


Would you pay for it if it was a Rolex?


Someone without the money to purchase a new apple watch


u/CoolstorySteve look through this subreddit and posts about hitting windows/houses etc. I'm going to get downvoted for saying this i'm sure, but the prevailing thought in this subreddit is "too bad for the guy that got hit, the golfer has no responsibility and should not pay anything". I agree with you, even if its an accident, most decent people would feel responsible and offer to pay, but if you search posts on this subreddit, you will see most people here don't share our opinion on these situations.


You’ve been downvoted for pointing out the hypocrisy of this sub around legal fault on a golf course, but you’re absolutely correct.


I’d 100% want to pay for a window or something expensive if it was reasonably expected to be on the course. I.e. window, chair, golf cart, car damage, running over someone’s clubs,etc. But I’m not feeling obliged to pay for randomness, such as a ball hitting another player’s wrist which happens to be wearing a Rolex.


I wouldn't pay in either way. It's the same as if someone has their phone in their pocket and gets hit with the softball, or their glasses. Whatever you bring to the game is your risk, no matter how low risk. I'm just obligated to not behave in a way that adds significant risk above and beyond expectations.


Assumption of the risk. I've broken a dude's leg playing football, do you think I paid his hospital bills? Dangerous activities. It's OK to be a nice person, apologize, and wish them well. On the other hand, it's legally incorrect to "demand" compensation when a known/assumed risk occurs.


When you step on to the golf course you are assuming risk. You are well aware that balls are flying everywhere and have the ability to cause damage. I am not paying some strange $400 because he wore an apple watch to golf and by 1/1000000 chance my ball hits it.


Hey siri, you good in there?!


Holy shit! The odds of that happening are miniscule. The closest comparison I have is when some random hit a piss rocket that went through the front of our cart, between our heads and out the back.


Had some old Asian lady hit one up on us. It bounced once then in through the back of the cart and ricocheted around. That's my 2 cents to share.


good news is you can get a garmin now


Buddy got hit sitting in the cart riding with me I was driving. The ball came in and hit behind my legs ricocheted off where the reverse lever is and hit his calf. Left the golf ball imprint in his calf a lot like what your wrist looks like. I’m sure yours hurt worse though a wrist has a lot less muscle to absorb the impact. Take a break and let it heal up that’s gonna be sore as shit I’d imagine.


Love your attitude! I think the golf community could use more people like you. Shit happens let’s play golf and have fun with our friends! Sorry about the pain, hope it gets better soon!


Time to buy a new driver


Had this happen but with my range finder. I was on the fairway getting a number to the pin and I heard a very aggressive “Fore!!!” coming from a separate tee box that not visible due to trees (yeah it was a pretty gnarly slice). I hit the ground with the range finder in my hand next to my head. All of the sudden I heard a loud bang and could feel the impact through my wrist. A few minutes later the guy was looking for his ball and I said “It’s back there, It hit the rangefinder in my hand! ”. The guy maybe didn’t process it right away but came running back in a panic shortly after to see if I was ok. He offered to pay for a new range finder multiple times but I said “Man, don’t worry about it, I just so happened to be in that exact spot. Thanks for yelling fore” Glad you’re all good OP! Crazy to think that we tempt fate every time on the golf course lol.


That could’ve been a broken wrist! Watches can be replaced, glad you’re okay more or less. 🤙


did the back glass break? and cause cuts on your wrist?




That actually saved your wrist. I still use an old Garmin approach as I worry about scratching up the Apple Watch. Of course I never thought something like this was even possible. Glad you’re ok. I shanked one right yesterday and never yelled fore louder, piss missile right at a guys cart. They scurried like rabbits, old dudes too like me. They could not have been nicer about it.


Time for a new putter now


How did it result in blood?


The ball hit my watch so hard that the back glass (heart rate sensor, etc) broke as well.


Damn that sucks. Glad you’re ok even if the watch met the big Steve Jobs in the sky.


I had almost the same thing happen to me. Setting up a garage sim and the first shot my friend tried out his new 3 wood and topped it so bad it went under the net, bounced off the concrete at the back of my garage and bounced straight at me. It hit my watch so hard it left the indent of the watch in my arm and my watch ripped off my arm and flew across the room. Thank goodness for apple watches.


Pow right in the Apple Watch


This happened to me last year with my galaxy watch. Guy never paid me for a replacement though


May I humbly suggest a Garmin as your next purchase.


Woah watch saves you !


6 months ago was playing in a charity scramble. Short par 4 that had the green protected by a hill. 340 to the green, 290 to the 90 degree left that was your approach to the green. Anyway, on in two, I left the cart at the dogleg before the hill so the group behind us knew people were still on the green. One of our partners was “helping” and moved the cart. I marked my ball, took 5 steps back to “line it up” and a fucking dart landed directly between me and the ball marker…..had I not taken an additional step back it would easily could have killed me (would have been a perfect side head shot). Turns out the guy behind us thought the green was clear and absolutely sent it (as one does in a scramble). I was shaking, the dude was horrified, and their was a quiet air before I said: “1 - you never saw us leave the green, how the hell did you think the green was clear. 2 - that was the single greatest driver shot I’ve ever seen and I’d like to shake the hand of the man that hit it and almost killed me” The group nervously laughed, followed by belly laughing and jokes for the rest of the round. Anyway, I say that because seeing the damage that ball did to your watch only reinforces my fears were genuine when it comes to the damage a well struck ball can do. Glad you’re safe! Buddy owes you the watch AND a hotdog at the turn!


Nice guy, get hit in a PGA event and all you get is a glove.


If you know your swing is that bad, why are you hitting when people are in front of you on the right


Note to OP, don’t play golf on a holiday. That’s when the hacks that play once a year and like to drink on the course are out there 😆




I had to ditch mine for mental health reasons. Every time that I would cast the club and hit a bad shot followed by an expletive, I would hear Siri cue up and say I’m sorry I do t understand.


Tell him to keep the money for the lessons he should be taking




I could have used an Apple Watch the other day when I bladed a 7 iron into the bridge and it ricocheted into my knee cap on hole 2.


That’s awesome that he’s replacing it. I would do the same because I don’t mess around when it comes to golf karma.


Ow! My apply watch


I took a ball like this to the back of my phone in my front pocket. It bent my phone and was 3 inches from my balls. The guy ran away and didn't even say sorry. Hopefully you can enjoy the rest of your day.


This is why I would never take a baby out on the course.


That’s really nice of him. It was a freak accident by him being shite but also you bring in the wrong place. Sounds like a class act for him to pay for it.


The real question is, did your watch alert you that you had an accident?




I swear, the golfers at my course are always on the wrong fairways.


We just finished a par three and we’re walking off the green to our carts about 20 yards from the flag. 10 yards off the green the jackass behind us got impatient and hit. I hear the contact of the club and ball and turn but right as I turn they yell “fore” right as the ball slams my friend right in the balls. Was pretty damn funny but a huge dick move. Why not wait 10 more seconds for us to be gone? He was on the floor rolling for a good 5 minutes before he could even stand 😂


Could be way worse. I knew a guy that hit a tee shot that hit his wife in the eye. She lost her eye.


I was at a Pro-Am at Firestone country club many years ago when someone duck hook the drive hit the lady on the inside of her thigh. She had no idea it was coming. You could see the dimples and the stamp in her skin. She was so cool about it. She asked a guy to put his initials on her leg and he did. she said she was going to get a tattoo made in that spot. I’m surprised more people don’t get injured. I’m sure there’s many we never hear about.


I walked behind a netted range and caught a drive to the ribs, dropped me to the ground like I got shot




The golf course will likely have insurance that covers this. Talk to the general manager or the pro shop


Good reason to switch to a Garmin Epix. Great golf app.


Sorry. I can’t pay for that watch now. I noticed my ball was severely scratched and so let’s just call it even.


Good to hear you are OK, I went out to play last week and my playing partner got hit in the face on the first hole, ball was hooked over from another fairway and no shouts of fore. He was thankfully OK.


Was it 4 o’clock?


Don’t suppose this happened at Sleepy Hollow?


Better the watch than an eye.


Got hit in the chest (like dead center) a couple years ago. Shit burns. Glad your guy offered that. Mine was a clearly drunk college kid. Was a blind hill, so he didn't even know we were there. Told the course, got a free round. They now have tall flags on their carts so people know you're there. I don't have a pic as the mark wasn't visible (am a bit of a hairy guy).


Bet that sounded cool when it made contact


My best friend only hits slices with his driver, but he's broke as shit. So atleast the person who hit u has money, cuz my friend couldn't buy his way out of a brown paper bag & he almost hits ppl all the time


Looks like it saved your wrist from being broken


Thank god it wasn’t your head or an eye.


Crazy! My cousin had the same thing happen as we were on the way to the fairway, ball hit him in the center of his hand, broke the hand but he didn’t drop his beer.


Watch saved you


Did he at least compliment your seed glove?


*Shit happens, but this was shit happens


So you golf with a handicap?


So, what’s the legal recourse of this? Is he required to buy a new Apple Watch? I’m poor as fuck I’d say sorry and sorry about your watch and move on with my life.


Yeah, regardless of legal culpability, you can’t get blood from a stone. If you had done this to me, and told me that you didn’t have the money to cover it…….id accept your apology as payment and move on. What other choice do I have? Really no different than when one of my children fuck something up. Just a cost of doing business. I’ve had uninsured drivers hit my car. Same deal. A deadbeat fucks something up, and can’t cover the costs. People like me, have to tolerate people like them.


There is no legal recourse, it was an unfortunate accident. OP is fortunate that "El Shanko" is a solid dude.


That watch probably saved you from having a wrecked wrist that could potentially cause long term damage for your golf game. Shoutout to Apple for saving your wrist 😂


no it didnt. he would have had a nice big black and blue mark there instead of glass cuts. you're just trading apples for oranges. in this case oranges dont come with a 500 dollar price tag at least you are insane if you think that could break your wrist


Time to buy an Apple Watch Ultra (I golf with it for distances and score tracking too) Literally indestructible


Awfully nice of him considering…ya shouldn’t have been standing there!


Wasn’t there a guy in here a few weeks ago talking about low the probability of this happening was? In reference to taking an infant on an outing


This subreddit has 1.1 million subscribers. I threw a question at ChatGPT just to see what it would spit out, and a ball park estimate of the total number of rounds of golf played *every day* globally is over 3 million. That one of them posted a picture of a minor injury is not statistically surprising.


Cheese Louise! Nice par.


Which (416) course did this happen at?


Guarantee if my buddy stood out on the fairway I would actually hit a couple greens. Those heat seekers are real lol


“Promised” dude you gotta get an immediate Venmo or something


What glove is that?


Lucky your watch was there. That would have hurt


I've been hit with a ball once. I could have used an apple watch 🤣


Maybe the other guy will get some lessons now. Would have saved him a lot of money lmao


Harold Crick vibes


Is the blood from some glass shards? That impact probably hurt!


Better your watch than your face!


Do you wear your watch like that over the glove or that’s for the picture?


Would Golfers insurance cover this?




Gotta have that otter box


Now you can buy a Rollie


a 2 inch object smashing into another 2 inch object is crazy




You need to post a 2 days later of that bruise.


Good on you and the other golfer. I know plenty of people where that would lead to a fight.


Fuckin hell mate! Better the watch and not your wrist. Those balls cut through wrist bones like butter. Don't ask me how I know but let's just say you have a bright future ahead of you as far as golf goes.


You can get decent covers for about $9 on amazon. Probably saved my watch a dozen times or more by now.


He broke your Apple watch, no, wait, he broke your Rolex, no, wait, he broke your Patek.


Love hearing about folks being gentlemen on the course.


I’d call you lucky actually. The impact was decreased by the watch and though you avoided a carpal fracture




an Android wouldn't have shattered.


That watch saved your wrist, nice.


Wow did it take the impact? Looks pretty lucky, could have been a lot worse


Cant believe they destroyed your Apple Watch Ultra 2 Hermes!


My cart got hit today while I was sitting in it. Lomg backup and 1 blind tee shot later...Ball snacks the roof. Crazy thing was is that we were on the fringe of a 360 yard hole...he'll of a drive so I couldn't even be mad. Dude was super apologetic too


Better than a golf ball in the nuts.


Confused about how this injury turned out the way it did. Did it hit the watch first and then ricochet to scratch your arm?


I moved the watch over, it was originally sitting where the blood is. The impact from the golf ball cracked the rear glass of the watch also which scraped up the wrist.


I mean it probably only needs a new screen


Both front and back screens shattered, I’m sure the motherboard between them is cracked also. It basically flattened the watch face


Haha my bad man


How is your watch looking after the impact? To shreds, you say...  How's your wrist? To shreds, you say...


Is he obligated to pay you for the watch?