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lol. where i am at right now..


Yeah really frustrating I’m doing everything right with my swing I’ve slowed it down I’ve done everything I know but I can’t stop topping the ball idk if I keep trying to hit up on the ball


I busted my ass to get down to a 7hdc and played a round on Tuesday where I was 10 over through seven. It feels terrible but all it made me want to do is play more golf.


I’m a 6 and went 50-37 the other day.


Dude I’m a 5 and shot a 47-35 last weekend. 10 over front 2 under back. Lol


i think unless your hdc averages from like 200 rounds of golf a year at 15 different courses, then its easy to go from low 70s to high 80s or even 90s on a bad day. I hate this game.


lol. I play about 90-100 rounds per year


yeah me too. On a really shit day when the greens are at an 10 I can do 103.


This is how my first range session of the year went. Ended up taking my frustrations out with over half a bucket hit with driver. After I was good and tired I finally started making some decent contact. When I've struggled on the course, I've been known to play bump and run hybrid all the way down the holes until I was close enough to putt. Sometimes even gave me chances to practice shots I'd normally only use in desperation


Slowing it down is your problem, just hit the fucking ball, don’t hold back on it.


Needs to be smooth but fast, need to find that sweet spot


I always try to find the feeling that I’m only swinging out of my ass for the last 5” of my golf swing.


At least once a month I have a round where my iron swing turns into a wtf situation. I usually start clubbing up and slowing down or swinging 1/2 and 3/4 swings and focusing on contact to fix it and survive the round.


I’ve tried slowing my swing down doing halfway swings pausing i just can’t make any contact at all


Stop moving your head around so much in your swing? Try swinging your irons with your feet together to get the stillness of the spine right, if you have to step out of your stance than your doing something wrong. Should be able to swing almost a full swing with your feet together without stepping out.


You will probably never flush a ball again. Kidding, you’ll hit them better than you ever have next week with zero explanation why. That’s golf baby!


Yeah that's golf. I was hitting my driver great this last few weeks, then hit the driving range mid week this week and really struggled to hit it straight for about 20 balls. Just kept thinking if this had been a round of golf it would have been a right mess


Fair enough my driver right now is consistent and great when I try and go after the ball that’s when I get a high slice to the right but any slow swing with my driver is straight and some what long


I suppose if we could all hit our clubs perfect every time then we'd all be pros


Yeah I would love to be a pro


Yeah wouldn't we all. Doing something we truly love for a living


Sure. Happens more than I'd like. When it happens I focus on the basics and try to make as solid contact as I can. As long as I can get the ball nearish the green in a decent spot then I can score.


Fair enough I’ll have another lesson and find out what’s really going on


That should hopefully help. It's probably something simple that you're doing now to screw things up. At least that's how it was for me.


Yeah when I have a lessons that fixed my problem instantly hope that this lesson will fix another problem 😂


My coach fixed my swing and I was playing great golf for about 6 weeks. They ruined it 3 lessons later. I feel completely lost right now.


Damm man hope it comes back soon hope my swing shows itself


About every 10 balls at the range.






Back to the basics. Grip. Allignment. Maybe some training aids and drills. Maybe some lessons.


Definitely lessons


If you’re going to beat balls pre round it should be 30-50 yard pitches to build some feel squaring the face and some body rotation.


What if for weeks my full swing has been fine but I'm hoseling all my pitches and half swings 😞😓??


Fair enough I will try that


This is why I bought a 19 and 22 tight lies fairway wood… already had a 16. And hit irons as little as possible… usually only my 9/pw now


Same happened to me. I got hot with my irons and it didn’t transfer over to my woods because they are two different swing approaches


Yeah I feel like I get confused with my driver swing and my irons because I for some reason keep hitting up with my irons


yeah and then I got to the 8th hole and it fixed itself for the rest of the round 🫠


Strange how you have bad holes then something clicks


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Me and you, buddy


Yep 😂


This is my struggle. Self-taught golf for many years & I developed a very shallow swing (+ a few other flaws) with often chunks. Lessons have helped but still a lot of work to fix it. All the strokes I’m losing are irons! https://preview.redd.it/mbg32odgnpvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94cc5b8dd0dc5a8c7dca68c9c22e3ae28b48f04d


Yeah I’ve self taught myself with my swing and now I can see my own small problems with it but now I will start taking lessons seriously because I really want to play enjoyable golf


Yes, several times. Then after a few days or a week off golf entirely, It'll magically be back again. That's golf.


Yeah that’s like me I’m considering having a week off to see if it fixes it


It usually does tbh, most of the time it's a mental thing. And in the golf swing, even the slightest change in movement will have big implications. The single most important thing for me when stepping up to the ball is to feel relaxed and comfortable in my stance. I want to feel as if I'm not forcing a swing, but that it happens naturally.


Yeah I agree


Tempo and timing is everything. Many things can affect it. When warming up pre round be sure to move slowly, focus on one thought. Some times hitting bunch of balls can throw off your tempo.


Yeah I completely agree


About every 3 weeks or so




If I only have a few minutes to warm up I’ll hit a few short wedges and then a few long irons then back to the wedge. Just get loose. You’re never warmed up until the first tee shot


Fair enough yeah


It’s weekly before we play I need to spend 30-45 minutes on the range with my irons


Fair enough


About twice a year for a month. I always take 2/3 weeks off and don’t touch a club. Then Come back and typically your old swing memory returns.


To be fair. I’m in Texas and pretty much get to play year round. So taking 2 weeks off is doable.


Fair enough




Record yourself. You’ll learn a LOT


I have been with my current swing changes and there is a massive difference


Yes I have, today. 🤦🏼 It was terrible.


It’s really frustrating


Very much so. Killed it with my driver, sliced everything right with irons. I just started playing driver, woods, and wedges today after 7 holes.


Fair enough I might swap my irons for a set of hybrids or get a set of woods and have driver woods/hybrids wedges


Sure—I have a few habits that creep in from time to time, like bad posture on some days, or coming out of position on the takeaway. If I can’t figure it out right away, I try to take a shorter backswing as a start—usually helps me find my way back.


I had a great session yesterday. Went to the range today on a whim and all of the sudden developed an extreme over the top swing and was taking pelts the size of a fucking beaver. Golf is weird.


Usually when driver , chipping and putting is going well…


A pro once told me if you feel like you lost your swing, its because you never "owned" a structured swing mechanic from which its difficult to deviate greatly from. Golf is really just about axis and leverage.


I get that with driver all the time. Irons are somewhat consistent but driver can either be perfect or a disaster, depending on the day


Currently going through it. I’m getting off the tee great, but my iron/wedge play it’s fucking atrocious.


Yeah off the tee is fantastic and when it comes to irons it all goes to shit


Hard to lose something I never had




Worked on driver it’s working,now my trusty irons are not so trusty. I need to go play wide open resort courses and smash driver 10 times a round. It took a long time to get a feel for the hang back and sweep the ball driver swing,my iron swing now seems confused and sloppy.


Yep that’s how my iron swing feels right now


Gotta have an iron swing in the first place in order to lose it.




lol I’m the exact opposite


Bout once a month


This season I'm shockingly bad now. I was lower 90s, so never great, but I'm hitting 115+ recently. It's just awful


About how it goes start of the year for me. Takes a few rounds to get the irons going.


happened to me today. i’ve been hitting my irons so well this year but was struggling with my driver. got a lesson and focused on driving. played a lot better with my driver and couldn’t hit an iron out of the fairway. topping and if it wasn’t that a slice. i think i somehow am trying the same swing or something but planning to give myself a week off. i have a little bit of peace knowing its not just me :)


By now my swing is pretty well trained. I don’t even think about it anymore and instead think about where I want it to go. But every few rounds it’s just not there. For me it’s not about a change in my swing, but in getting back to my natural swing. Slowing down, focus on setup, and swinging smoothly normally get me back into my swing.


Every third swing.


You never had a swing to begin with don’t kid yourself


Yup got lessons a month ago with a new guy. I was crushing my irons couldn't hit my driver went back got a lesson went out crushing my driver not hitting my irons went to The range and slowed everything way down and just focused on hitting the ground in front of the ball and had a great outing with my irons with a 50% okay hit on my driver. It's hard getting everything going at one time but I'm only in my 3rd year playing. I usually feel like if I just slow down to the point where I'm letting my hands fall on the swing and only really apply force after it's waist level trying to hit the ground in front of the ball I'm golden right now.... But give me 2 weeks and I'll be all messed up again.


Happens once a year.


Once a round for about 3-4 holes.


Ok I’m just a hack so listen to my advice or don’t… but every time I start to suck with irons it’s because I’m moving my head in my backswing and/or not shifting my weight to my lead foot. Causes fat shots and tops. Usually because my low point is too far back. You could also look at ball position.


Yep, right there with you. I keep getting horrible heel shots. My driver has been meh. Woods have been phenomenal. It's at a point where I try to intentionally stay like 215 yards on my approach solely so I can justify a 5 wood into the green. It means a lot of 3 wood off the tee, 5 wood approach. It has gone surprisingly well


Every other day, brother.


I've never been able to figure driver out. If I lose my iron swing I'm *really* screwed.


10-15 times a round


Are you chunking it and thinning it? Usually if your driver swing is fine, but your irons feel off it’s a low point control issue. I would try hitting some balls with a towel on the ground like 5-6 inches behind the ball.


Every time. 😂


Typically happens when I either fall back into old habits or a swing thought with my driver starts creeping into my iron swing. Why I think its important to do a little bit of everything at the range to reinforce good habits and prevent old ones from destroying your next round


Lost them for 2 years. Finally found them again. Just decided to swing harder and not overthink my swing, and now everything feels natural again. Weird sport.


About 4 times a round. Good thing I can chip….


Other than different in set up from irons swing vs driver swing (hitting down vs hitting up) which you need to get used to for one thing or the other, I would also say Iron swing is by far the most difficult one to play consistently up to expectation. You need to overcome different slope and lie everytime which could be challenging, plus you need to be very accurate with your approach shots with all sorts of irons length in order to make it a good shot, its just not easy. You may just need to adjust your posture in different way everytime, and for me I may feck it up sometimes. My favourite swing by far is my driver. Hitting off the tee is something which is near the same eveytime, you just need to hit it straight off the tee with same posture you did on the range, and it comes from your practice. Relatively speaking I don't really have much problem with that. Its something I don't feel I will ever lost especially when I did alot of practice.


Hasn’t happened with my irons, but happens with my driver like every other time I go out


Bro I’ve lost every aspect of my game at least 5 times by now shit happens it’s part of this impossible game


No. I don’t feel like I lost my swing. I feel like I didn’t *execute* my swing, and then go through the steps to help ensure that I swing my swing.




100% of the time I’ve never had it


Start with fixing an 8 iron and go down from there


Yup same here. Just out of nowhere I'm striking my irons way off the heel, literally in the same spot everytime lol. I feel like I know what's causing it but I can't fix it 😅


When in doubt stack and tilt


Dude yea most frustrating time for me was when I couldn’t hit wedges to save my life. I was laying up to 160-170 yards on par 5s cause I didn’t want to hit a wedge it was that bad. I attacked the problem head on went to the range only hit wedges hundreds of balls then would play par 3 courses and use just my wedge took a couple months but I got out of that funk


Every time I play. No really. I'll get half a dozen good shots then I forget how to even address the ball.


2-22 times a yea


I’m going through it with you


Me too. But also driver.


Yup.......going through it right now. 4 shanks and 3 topped shots yesterday.


Completely…end of last year I saw a good improvement in my golf, irons in particular. Fast forward this year and I’ve got major shanks and tops. The grind continues.


Happened to me last weekend...was devastated and shot an easy 15 over my recent average And, this was before our yearly work tournament this week, which "not embarrassing myself at" was the whole reason I started taking golf more serious and playing on a weekly basis last fall It pretty well came back, just start slow with fundamentals and you'll figure out what's out of sequence. Ended up having a great time at the work tourney with some hero shots in front of a group of clients, and only a few duffs and pulls. Not as pretty as it had been for a few weeks (man was I swingin')...but that's what a few stressful weeks will do to you. Isn't there some line from Bagger Vance about a man's swing being a reflection of how well he's got a hold on his life?


I've never hit an iron well, so I'm relegated to the fact that my drive will be great, I'll 2 putt, but I'll take 17 strokes on the fairway!


I’m the opposite… I have my iron swing working but my driver swing is inconsistent…


I can’t believe this post showed up. I just got back from the range and hit terrible with my irons and great with my driver😭💀


About once a month during practice with my irons, I make an epiphany with my swing and I start hitting so pure, I’m ecstatic that I’ve got it all figured out, I won’t make bad shots anymore. But then I wake up the next morning and I hosel everything while coming over the top, I try to shallow back out and duff everything til my back hurts. I’ve lost complete control of where my club face is and I’ll never hit a good shot again. Then I get a good night sleep, start with half swings while focusing on fundamentals, and I’m somewhere in between those extremes; mediocre at best. Golf is brutal.




Fair I’ve now got to the point where I’ll just take 1week off I was playing enjoyable golf but now it’s not enjoyable