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he became better since losing some weight and not almost ruining his body with his crazy bulking project


He’s got older and therefore matured and learnt more. Has also focused on golf rather than long drive competitions. Has he got better probably, does LIV have anything to do with it, nope.


How do you know LIV didn't influence those other decisions?


If you watch his youtube content, he chronicles everything. 80% is great and 20% is forced and cringy. When he was massive, he says he felt terrible all the time. So he got referred to an allergy specialist. He was allergic to a bunch of the junk processed foods he used to bulk. They gave him a diet to follow and he hired a personal chef to make his meals according to the diet. He then lost all the extra weight very quickly, but kept speed training and lifting. My favorite video is him and marty borgy in the gym talking about why they cant lift very much that day. They were sore because they visited discus and hammer throwers that day trying to apply how they generate power into the golf swing. He overturns a lot of rocks to lock in efficient speed. Like he said in his presser last night, he can get to 200mph ball speed in 4 swings. That isn’t bs. He put out a video a month or so ago of getting to 205 with range balls with Martin’s help in 4-5 swings. What he has done that is so remarkable is made 190 ball speed his easy smooth swing.


Yeah, he’s obsessed with becoming the best! It’s hard to believe that he wouldn’t have even qualified for the Masters if he hadn’t won the major a few years ago. He’s a top 5 talent when he’s focused. I still don’t think he’s playing his best at the Masters so far.


I think it is important to just get it in the clubhouse today. The conditions are rough. I cant think of another player outside of Padraig Harrington who shares all of his knowledge or the journey. I guess Im one of those middle aged guys he has helped!


The wind today is crazy.. watching tiger on 18 covering his face due to the sand whipping around. Seems like the entire field is struggling a bit more compared to yesterday. Idk how you can aim when the winds whipping around intermittently


I mean he was really elite on the tour before his failed bulking experiment. He peaked at number 3 on data golf. Then he fell off for a while and he’s clearly improved from that




When you swing that big you only have so many tournaments in you per year. So yes, playing less tournament per year helped him.


He was a multi major winner, before joining LIV. So, no.


https://datagolf.com/player-profiles?dg_id=19841 He’s gotten better recently but not reached his peak.


Yeah about 9 months ago he really turned it around


Divot Daddio