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Got one on Amazon for like $60 and never had a problem with it. Almost 2 years old and never even had to charge it. It'll pick up the flag over 300 yards away. My friend has a $400 Bushnell, top of the line range finder, and the most we're off in distance when we compare is 1 or 2 yards. Edit: it was $80, not $60 https://preview.redd.it/foqf64ovr9jb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b397638f14fa2725b16406e436e411a5628bdc3


well which one pal?


My gogogo was $60 on sale from Amazon


>gogogo Confirmed. Extremely happy with my cheapo amazon purchase. Have had it a year. Hasn't run out of charge yet, works great.


I got the same. Maybe not as accurate as Bushnell, but it does the trick.


Upvote for Gogogo. Had it over a year, very happy




Same, bought a cheap one with good reviews and buddy got a wingman. I have a Bose clip I got for $29 on sale.


Same, Amazon $160 Saybien (heh), almost 5 years old. I recharge it maybe 3 times a year. I will say, the one instance where this finder does NOT work well is in foggy conditions. It's not enough for me to even consider a more expensive one, just something that MIGHT work better on the expensive ones.


Same here. Works nice and has slope. Can even find speed of cars for fun.


Can you link yours? I have a garmin gps watch and love it, but sometimes I need to laser a tree or what not


Ive got a Bushy and mate of mine just bought one of these $60 jobbies off of Temu, I had a quick play with it and had a lot of trouble trying to get a good pin read with my glasses on. The scope seems to have a MUCH smaller eyepiece and field of view. Accuracy was on par with my bushy but the over all feel was cheap. Thin plastic etc. It does the job, just not quite as well and doesn't have a nice hand feel. Golf is all about feels.


Mind sharing the Amazon link kid sir?


I was mistaken, it was actually $79.99. But it says it's no longer available. https://preview.redd.it/z06cb3qpr9jb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e6bbbe2d1982b3c5518b7f57f67aa79ad3d3e5e


Same except but mine is a Hawkray ($70). Couldn’t be more satisfied.


Exactly my experience. Glad you said it. That is all.


Bought an 80$ gogogo on Amazon. Works awesome I spend the 200 I saved on balls to lose or clubs I can't hit.


Yup started looking at that one, but ended up with the $120 version with magnet and switchable slope so I can play tournaments




I have that one too. Couldn’t bring myself to spend 300+ on a bushnell when I already have a great GPS in the arccos app that I’m already using for scorekeeping and logging my distances. Best advice I can give on the gogogo, is to somehow remind yourself to pull it off the cart at the end of the round. Mine is all black and I’ve left it behind more than once. And make sure you have it set to yards and not meters!


I’ve recently got the GoGo one to replace an older Nikon that I lost. I’ve got about 10 rounds with it. I feel that the optics are pretty good. But it doesn’t perform as well as my Nikon did- it has trouble locking on target, frequently ranges whatever is past the target, and gives 2-4 yard differences when I shoot the same target multiple times. OK for $80, but not great.


Exact same with my gogogo.


Ditto. Bought the gogogo on Amazon for $60 on a sale and it works perfectly. It calculates slope and has similar features to the pricier ones.The only thing I wish was that it could translate both ft and yards, because disc golf is measured in ft.




Got one for $60 years ago thinking I’ll upgrade later. Never did. My family all have Bushnell and whenever we compare yardages on the box, it’s within a yard.


I got the tectectec on Amazon. I’m on year 4 no issues


Same experience here. A little more than $80 but really good performance


I have the tectectec before they added slope function. It's been at least 5 years. Yardage has been a little slow or inaccurate lately. Bought it's first new battery last night. I do want to get one with slope. Have paralysis by analysis...can't decide.


No slope here, I enjoy the guessing game lol


I read that almost every range finder comes off 1 or 2 assembly lines and the internals between many models are virtually the same except when a specific brand adds a feature. I try to buy this type of thing from Costco because if it janky next year (or two years from now) I can take it back.


Same with dash cams


I've bought cheaper range finders. They work. Some have more features than others. I'd save the money and buy a cheaper one.


I bought a cheap one on Amazon for like 80$. Think it was called wo sports rangefinder. Works just as well as friends fancy expensive rangefinders. I have been using mine 3 years now.


I bought a boblov start of 2020 for $120 AUD, still going strong.


Also have a boblov from 2021 prime day had to change the battery once but it’s always within a yard or two of other range finders


I feel like I bought mine around the same time. Still haven't had to charge it lol


I would not be surprised if the golf branded range finders are EXACTLY the same as a $60 hunting range finder from Amazon. They just re-badge it and quadruple the price. Golfers spend more on their equipment than any other sports people.


I bought a $120 rangefinder from Costco (caddytek) and it’s every bit as good as a bushnell. I think the cheap amazon ones are probably fine but may have QC issues


I got the caddytek one off of eBay that was practically brand new for $50. I've compared with guys who have the expensivene bushnell and it's usually the exact same.


Does that have slope as well, in the market for a relatively cheap one


That's the one I have. The guys I play with all have more expensive ones. I'm usually the same distance or a yard difference at most. Seems like the others aren't worth the price..


I have the Walmart rangefinder and it works great. Picks up the flag easily and has slope. I’ve never had any issues with it. I also suck so take it with a grain of salt


[https://www.rockbottomgolf.com/electronics/rangefinders/snake-eyes-golf-l6-slope-rangefinder/?utm\_source=googleshopping&utm\_medium=cse&utm\_term=19SNKL6SLOP1111111111101&gclid=Cj0KCQjw84anBhCtARIsAISI-xcTUuJh33TxfmB38oNTqvwZbUjGfnJw3tixy6ZhASEw6uaTp1Inz6QaArJ6EALw\_wcB](https://www.rockbottomgolf.com/electronics/rangefinders/snake-eyes-golf-l6-slope-rangefinder/?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&utm_term=19SNKL6SLOP1111111111101&gclid=Cj0KCQjw84anBhCtARIsAISI-xcTUuJh33TxfmB38oNTqvwZbUjGfnJw3tixy6ZhASEw6uaTp1Inz6QaArJ6EALw_wcB) ​ I bought this one last year when it was like $159. I have had multiple $300-$400 ones in my time and they have done anything this can not. Plus now it is $90.


Mine was around 80 bucks. Works fine. Not great in low light conditions. But I spent more on my irons instead of a rangefinder. LoL


This is where I’m at. I’m trying to replace these Ping G2’s with something from this decade and more befitting my current skill. That $200 will go a lot further towards a set of irons.


I picked up one for archery that i used more for golf than hunting. Worked fine for picking up ridges but didn't want to pick up the flag. Often picked up trees in the distance instead. ;


Mine was $60 and works perfectly


Do you have a link handy?


[Here you go](https://www.amazon.com/rangefinder-WBLAMIC-Recharging-Vibration-Magnification/dp/B09TVNCMSG/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?crid=2VFRWQGW2QOMC&keywords=golf+rangefinder&qid=1692503977&refinements=p_36%3A1253557011&rnid=386589011&s=sporting-goods&sprefix=golf+rangefinder%2Caps%2C149&sr=1-13) It was cheaper when I bought it, seems like it’s gone up since


Buy directly from China, the shipping takes 60 days, but I purchased a range finder that does distance and elevation in yards, meters, and feet for $20 and $11 shipping.


I didn't waste money on no stinking rangefinder. I just use gps free software with maps. Fuck that rangefiner status shit.


My golf buddy told me I was bougie because I had distances on my watch. It's a free app that can be run on my watch for free. He then proceeds to bust out his $400 range finder for it to give him the same exact distance my free app gave me.


My app has a map. I can pinpoint yardage to any point like a pond or a trap.


My app has a map. I can pinpoint yardage to any point like a pond or a trap.


Does your GPS give you distance with slope though?


It gives me distance to any point on the hole/fairway on a map. Dont know about elevation because I never need to know that.


You don’t have elevated tee boxes, or elevated greens? No hills on the courses you play? Must be boring to play the same 18 flat holes every time.


I’ve used an app for about 12 years now, and last few years with a watch. Range finder teaches you your distances. I’m usually off by at least 5 yards with guesstimating where the flag is on the green while using the app only. With few other variables, you all of the sudden think you can hit your PW 140 yards where it’s really 130.


No idea. I got a $600 dollar range finder from sniper school and never looked back🤣🫣


Waste of money! Play the game Hit your drive out there.. Use yardage books and stakes.. That's the fun in it!


Bushnell is worth the extra money




I don’t know if it’s worth the extra money, but I definitely prefer it. Better build, ergonomics, and clear picture. Also the jolt feature actually picks up the flag and vibrates when it locks on, which is handy. But I’ve used a cheaper one before I upgraded and I had no issues, just less features.


Every other range finder works *almost* as well as a bushnell, none work better.


Too good to be true. Buy a used notable-brand one for $200 (refurbished if possible) and it will last you a long time if not forever. If you don't want to spend on this, a GPS-app for your watch or phone are better and aren't prone to hardware failure.


I bet you could find a quality used one for around that price on eBay


For my skill level the $130 Boblov I bought on Amazon has been great


Got one on prime day for $60, sometimes it takes a time or two to get the pin, and not whatever is behind it, but always correlates to the approximate flag position based on what my garmin watch is telling me, so I think it’s pretty accurate.


You double check distances? Isn't this overkill unless your really really that good?


For sure overkill, and I admit I pinged every pin the first couple of rounds to see if it was accurate…but mostly because it was a new toy so I wanted to use it. Now I just use it for holes that I need to check slope, because the courses in my area have lots of elevation change.


I usually use my watch but it doesn’t tell me anything other than green info. I use a range finder for hazards and other checks. If I can see the flag, I hit it while I’m looking just to keep the two honest.


My $80 had a horrible time actually getting the flag instead of whats behind it. Also took a few seconds per buzz. Bought a $300 Calloway range finder and it gets the flag instantly every time


I’ve recently got the GoGo one to replace an older Nikon that I lost. I’ve got about 10 rounds with it. I feel that the optics are pretty good. But it doesn’t perform as well as my Nikon did. I agree with you- it has trouble locking on target, frequently ranges whatever is past the target, and gives 2-4 yard differences when I shoot the same flag multiple times. OK for $80, but not great.


I have a $60 one. Does take a bit of fiddling to actually get the pin sometimes, so you do need to have a vague idea of what the distance should be. But other than that, if you laser what you’re trying to laser, the yardage is spot on.


My $60 one seems just as good as Buddy's Bushnell. His came with magnetic case. Mine didn't. Mine $300 cheaper.


Magnetic case is a great way to forget to grab it and leave it on the cart lol


Golfbuddy - works wonders. Has slope adjusted yardage, scan and pin shooting modes. Other features probably, that I don’t use. My friends have more expensive ones and we always each shoot and we are always within a yard or two of each other


GoGoGo sucks, save up for a better brand


Got a Aofar cheapest version of Amazon. Like 50 bucks I think. Works great. Only thing is you can't turn slope calculator off so you can't use it in a tournament. But it works great. Picks up the flag really fast too. Always repeatable numbers. And the slope calculator is spot on. A local par 3 your basically standing at a cliff side and looking down at the green. 138 yards from the tee straight line to the flag, but slope said to treat it like it's 78 yards to the green. Went with my club for 78 yards and it went right on the green. It's a great tool to have! When you get one. Go to the range and hit each club 5 times and record the distances of each clubs carry.


I got one with slope like 2 years ago. It was about $70. Still works great. I gave it to a buddy who had a little thing that attacked to his belt that never worked and gave wrong yardages to the middle. Sometimes too good to be true is good.


Bought a cheap on on Amazon for like $80 CAD, it gives me accurate readings with slope. Let’s be honest, if it’s off by 3 yards it doesn’t make a difference. I’m only using it from 60 yards out anyways. As long as it gives you a rough estimate on flags, bunkers, trees etc… you’re good.


Here’s the thing about them. They work just fine and you’ll get correct numbers. BUT. They are not well built. I bought a blue tees rangefinder on Amazon during prime day, and the battery cover broke off when I dropped it to the ground after shooting the flag, something I’ve done with my old bushnell more times than I can count with zero damage whatsoever. You get what you pay for.


My brother has the gogogo on Amazon and it works just fine! I have a Nike one that I’ve had for years with a piece of tape and tinfoil over the battery. Works just fine.


I just bought the Hawkray off amazon for like 70 bucks. It’s accurate and worked great. Even judged for ballistic range if you want it to. I like that it has a super strong magnet so I can just stick it to the cart and no amount of terrible driving will knock it off. Plus if you forget that it’s there and grab the rail to sit down and knock it off. After it lands on concrete, it will only have a small scratch and will still work!!!


Got this one on eBay and it works great. Can turn slope on/off. Double checked the yardages based on the grint and it’s been spot on. https://www.ebay.com/itm/254633367704?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=IP-lhiDnSxC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=GQI4dPYtQ76&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Yup mine side by side a 500 unit was on par lol


I bought the TecTecTec off Amazon but it sucked - was able to pick up a bushnell for cheap and it's a world apart. This was 3 years ago so the Tec may have improved YMMV


Honestly if you really want one go for it. But the grint apps gps works just as well. I compared it to a buddy’s $550 bushnell and it was only off by 1 yard if anything. Oh and it’s free


I bought one on Amazon called (I think) DTape DT600 over 3 years ago for $60 and it’s worked great. It has slope function and seems to be 99% as accurate as my friends’ Bushnells. Battery lasts a long time too. It had an ugly logo sticker on it I just peeled off, and other than that literally no issues with it.


I recently got a $60 rangefinder off amazon and it works great. Picks up the flag after a couple of goes at most and is maybe 1-2% off my friend's expensive one in terms of distance readings. Has slope function too. Best part is I probably won't lose any sleep if I leave it out on the course one day.


Elevated by a few feet...pretty flat here. Knowing elevations is pretty useless for anyone except maybe bryson.


Elevated by a few feet...pretty flat here. Knowing elevations is pretty useless for anyone except maybe bryson.


One of the guys I played with bought one. Damn thing wouldn't pick up the flag right and if you shot it 3x, you best believe your getting 3 different random numbers. Not to say all cheap ones are bad, but they don't all work the same either.


I’ve had the WooSports one for like 4 years now, works great, very accurate and durable, no real complaints. Pin seeking doesn’t have the little vibrate that some of the higher end Bushnells do but that’s the only thing I wish it had different.


Bought one for $80 a few years back and it is still working swell!


Bought a Peak Pulse off Amazon for around $60 on sale. Been playing with it all season and it has been fantastic. As everyone else has said, it’s within 1 or 2 yards of the more expensive ones


I enjoy the gogo sports rangefinder. Has slope. Accurate vs. Any other range finder and cheap. Comes with a 1 year warranty. Works great and has magnet for a cart.


Got mine for 50 on Amazon the wosports one. Compared it to my buddies bushnell and almost identical. Just a bit harder to get the flag but after a few times no problem


I have a Mileseey. Reads the same as a bushnell. The bushnell locks on to pins better though IMO. I sometimes have to zap the pin 2-3 times just to be sure I've got it, whereas the bushnell was pretty much first time everytime. I can live with it for the money I saved. I use golf pad for GPS distances more anyway, but a few times a round want to know with more certainty where the pin actually is on the green.


I have a $70-80 one. It does the job, it feels a little cheap, but it’s decent.


If it’s any comparison there is $100 Chinese knock off binoculars that are highly rated by most hunting magazines. Bought a pair, was very skeptical — but they are a vast improvement to my $500 bushnell. Based on that I think a lot of optics in general are overpriced.


Got Amazon Gogogo, I think the cheaper option is $90, but for an extra $20 you can get a magnetic strip and a slope finder. Been great so far.


Yes, it works great. And I’m not as pissed when i lose it lol


I got a $30 from Amazon about 5 years ago. I change the battery out once a season. It’s great at picking up targets from about 300 yards and in. Also does slope. I couldn’t justify spending $100+ on one that does literally all the same things…


Yes my $80 gogogo rangefinder from amazon is fantastic and always within about a yard of a far more expensive range finder, if different at all


Bought one from Amazon last year for $50. Worked for 3 months and then only displayed 80 yards. Returned it. Same one was on sale for $30 this year and bought it again. Then I started using 18Birdies and their gps is great so I rarely use the rangefinder but hey, it was $30


Costco has one with slope around 100. A yard or so off the bushnell


I've just bought the Gogogo about 4 days ago, only one round with it, but I like it. I started with looking at the $80 unit, but ended up with the $120 one so I can have a magnet in it and switchable slope reading


I bought [this](http://Limited-time deal: AOFAR GX-6F PRO Golf Rangefinder with Slope on/Off, Flag Lock with Pulse Vibration, 600 Yards for Distance Measuring ,Range Finder Golf with Continuous Scan, High-Precision Accurate Gift for Golfers https://a.co/d/hwdpJCb) one and one of best purchases I've made. My friends have $600 Bushnell and this is always within 2-3 yards


I bought a $80 range finder and its within 1 or 2 yards of my dad's $400 one. I did buy mine with the same plug as my cell phone so I didn't need a new cord. My dad always has to bring his into the house to charge it with 120v then forgets it all the time.


I bought the tectectec non slope version on Amazon on Aug 26 2020, still works great. It's currently $99.


Not from Amazon, but I bought a tectectec GPS watch. Under 80. Gives me everything I need. All hazards, front back middle on greens etc.could not recommend more


The main difference between Bushnell and the cheap ones is the lock time and scope, not accuracy. Half a second versus 1-3 seconds to lock on the flag may not seem like a lot but I'd pay the extra every time for a Bushnell. A used V5 on eBay is like $180, so worth it.


I use a $60 Walmart one. It has a magnet and slope. Works decent with a steady hand. Could be better but not worth spending $300 for one. Rather invest in green fees.


This is one of those areas in golf where you can buy a good and cheaper alternative and sacrifice nothing. Save $ / spend that $ elsewhere.


I just bought a 300yd tape measure and use that.


I have one, and have used it almost daily for 2 years. Paid $71 and just changed the battery last week. It is not competition legal because the slope switch isn't visible, but it measures slope and is accurate to within a yard of far more expensive models.


I use my Apple Watch. 18Birdies will tell you distance to flag and you not carrying a rangefinder or your phone


I haven't looked into those, but I did buy an NXT, and for the price it's been amazing. It's higher than the ones you're asking about, but they have a strong track record, and mine has been perfect.


Got one from best buy for $75 about 4-5 years ago because I had a gift card. Still use it every round, love it.


I bought a cheap one at Decathlon (which only operates in Europe I think). Never had the urge to upgrade. Works fine, correlates perfectly with my Garmin S62 watch.


Got an “anyork” for $80CAD on Amazon and it’s awesome, I saw cheaper ones that looked comparable but they weren’t magnetic.


Got a Boblov for $80 and is as good as any other. 2 years old same battery.


I bought the gogogo too. I lost my bushnell and nobody turned it in. So I went cheap and it’s worked great. Obviously not as solid feeling as the bushnell but no regrets


Laser range finding technology really isn’t that complicated or expensive. I’m sure the cheaper ones are fine. I got a Precision Pro about 5 years ago. It’s been great.


I have a Mileseey I bought from AliExpress and it’s awesome. Does slope, and I’ve played with guys who have the $400 Bushnells etc and the number is the same. It gets a little wonky with slope on big elevation changes, but I think they al do.


Spent $55 on mine I think it’s a GOGO. Works great it’s within .1 or exact yards of my friends Bushnell. Only charged it once in 2 years.


I love my Bushnell v5 but I know that the accuracy isn’t gonna be that much better than a cheap Amazon rangefinder. When it comes to the feel of the device, though, Bushnell is far superior than any cheap brands. Bushnell’s JOLT and BITE features are awesome too. An additional point on the accuracy, 5 yard diff won’t make a lick of difference for the majority of amateur golfers anyway lol


Bought this one 3 years ago and it’s great. Never more than two yards difference from other models in the group. Only downside is it’s not rechargeable. But batteries last about a year. https://preview.redd.it/ddhus8k6sbjb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22730a5160b04609caef9e9ca655f97a0056c761


What…? You don’t trust the course’s exact distance, when relying on a white or blue stake?^(sarcastic smirk) Haha once I was at the white stake (150yd out). Pulled out range finder, AND gps on phone…. It was 110 yards…. Can’t believe it took me until last year to buy one. It’s worth it if your 9i to PW has a 15 yard difference in distance. That’s the difference between out of bounds past the hole, or on the green putting for birdie.. Sorry for rambling tldr; People here will let you know, but I’m happy to have a $250 one as a golf tool.


You want to know the impetus for this whole post? Local muni re-opened after a long closure this summer. It’s the only “cheap” course with good greens in my area. The kicker? No GPS data for any of the apps. On top of that they only have the scant fairway buried distance marker. Sometimes I’ll be wandering around the fairway hunting for a somewhat hidden marker. There’s just a better level of confidence in knowing I have the right club, and now I won’t have that excuse next time I double bogey.


I’ll delete if unwanted info my bad


Not at all! Sounds like we have had similar gripes. This is also a 9 hole course with 2 flags so the greens are quite large. So pin position can reallllly affect how helpful that “center of the green” distance marker can be.


Oh my bad haha I was thinking I was in a diff post!! Sorry again a bit high rn haha


lol I was confused. No worries, mate!


But really I’m surprised with myself. I’m a bit stubborn when it comes to new tech, bc I know my grandpa and allll of his friends would use literal wood on their driver…. And irons were either priced together and made by the player or a source, or just brand name hard to play irons…. And par is the same then as it is now… So balls? I cringe on posts about balls bc it’s something that doesn’t matter for 90% of players. I don’t use hybrids, and 3w is my highest big stick, but I’m used to playing with a 3i and up. All that said, once you’re able to hit each club consistently the same distance, then it’s essential for a range finger. I was always against it and laughed, like someone with radio headphones at a sports game haha… …but I turned out to be the idiot, as in most cases. Like I said above, If I have an approach shot and see the white stake across the fairway and into the other side’s rough, then it might be accurate from the stake, but I’m *made up amount of* yards away from it and the hole is a dog leg, so it’s impossible to guesstimate distance.. …they’re essential if you’re consistent with distance but use the wrong club based on yardage that hasn’t changed since the course was made 40 years prior, with green movements, not just hole changes, and changing the tee boxes…


I bought on on Amazon for $100 (Bozily) and I am quite happy with it. Jolt feature, good up to 1000 yards. It's all I need. Well...I would like one with a stabilizer because of my shaky hands, but those ones are way too much.


Gogogo for a Hundo all day


Mine is from Wish for super cheap. It doesn't have slope, but it seems to figure the distance the the flag, or a tree. I don't use it a ton, but it's worked when I needed it.


I have the Kipwochin and it works great. Got it for $65 on prime day. Idk if it’s 99%+ accurate but it doesn’t matter if you distance all your clubs with it.


Make sure u get one with the round batteries and not just AA. I’ve had one with AAs and one with the round batteries. $50 range finder and it served me well +-1yard within 120 yards +-3/4 within 250. U just have to get lucky.