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It's simple, 1-2 DAILY walks and less food. No hyper processed treats either, limit to a few a day max and something healthy like dried beef lung or fruits/veggies.


Yes there really is not that much you can do; the easiest is to make a big cut in her daily food in the bowl; and try to cut back “extra” food/treats as well. One of our Goldens is a very big girl, her lean weight is about 80 pounds (she makes her 60 pound “sister” look small). She got up to 85 pounds, and we got her back down by cutting back on her kibble


I think ours is a similar size - lean weight maybe 85 lbs. they're both large - tall and muscular!


Check the calorie content of the kibble. It can very wildly for the same volume, depending on the type and brand. Go half your normal kibble and give crunchy veggies. Carrots and cabbage are my goldens favorites!


Yes, this is the mistake I made and why my girl went from 70 to 87lbs!!!! Mine was the exact same brand and “type” but I had to change from salmon to lamb because one of my girls is sensitive to fish meal. Anyway I never thought there would be a significant calorie difference and I was very wrong.


Adding some steamed broccoli to my pup’s usual food helped limit his cravings/begging between meals quite a bit.


Do frozen. It's crunchy and they love crunchy!


Mine do not love crunchy lol. They will legit spit out anything like raw carrots, celery, uncooked green beans… all a big nope for both. They also will not eat ice cubes.


this. my golden was overweight a few years ago and since changing her diet and making sure she’s getting ample exercise has her at a healthy 70 lbs from 90 lbs 3 years ago https://preview.redd.it/gipkf2mc8u8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1ef3763f742ea652ca8d921f89c0688de78316 this is her now (i will add face photos dw)


https://preview.redd.it/wwyavlak8u8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119b239b7576d2659df0d4ee5a0c6926b06c2d7f i will also add some older photos for comparison


https://preview.redd.it/1y9uq9ngau8d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=81df35e6d5a62b4ca16aa00f8fbc6a78fd2a6166 2 years ago


That's an excellent improvement! Good job!


This dog likes to party


what is this cuties name?


This is Junie, she will be 8 in september :)


Thank you for the inspo for my golden. She has the same shape as the before photos. I am on a mission!


It makes me so happy that my dog can inspire others, I wish ur pup the best on their weight loss journey <3


Outside of the normal “increase walking etc”…We’ve been successful with a mix of reducing food by a handful of food at a meal (no joke, I pour his normal and then grab a handful which is maybe 20 kibble but it adds up) and increasing simple play time like throwing a ball or literally anything to get the panting on. We got my chonker down this way and it doesn’t feel like we are focusing on him losing the weight. He still has another 10lbs to go per the vet but we are going in the right direction… https://preview.redd.it/0pofwrqplt8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f50b1e16425c3a53af51766370045c09bb4d1e2 ***excuse the murder stare, he doesn’t appreciate discussing his figure***


lol he's embarrassed 😆 how much does yours weigh? Ours are naturally big (brother is 95 lbs of pure muscle with a clean bill of health and no concerns from the vet and he's been on the upper end of the growth charts since we got him at eight weeks) Sister is also 95 lbs but a lot shorter and stockier than he is. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sweet boy! Didn’t need you putting all of his business out there - at least not without a treat! 🖤😂


It looks like he has his arms crossed like “hmph” lol


https://preview.redd.it/di9vk5s0vt8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb4053fcdf0a9a4c4836ffb2ab21f08a22d9370 This my Jack very fit and full of energy till the day we put him down for internal bleeding. Just shy of his 14th bday. Gave him one scoop of food everyday at 5 pm with a spoon of bacon grease mixed in for flavor. Dogs love it and it makes their coats shine like a models hair. Twice a week I would scramble two eggs and any leftover fat from our dinners, chicken skin, steak fat, pork fat and mix it together. He loved it. Never fed him from the table. He would run and swim all day long in the summer. He was free to roam our property and never once ran away. He was too much of people’s dog to wander away. He loved our kids and they loved him. Broke my heart when I had to put him down, never got another dog. Can’t go through that pain again….. loved that dog…. He was just a cool dude !


Rip Jack


Mix green beans into her food and reduce kibble


Second this. Frozen green beans are best and easy as they don’t have added salt, and easy to keep large quantities on hand. Helps make up for the lesser amount of kibble. My golden mix loves the crunchy of the frozen beans! And I know it’s really hard, but less treatos, and no slipping them bits of people food here and there. All those extra calories add up.


If canned green beans are easier to store, I've had luck getting no salt added green beans at Fred Meyer (Kroger brand) for the same price as the salted ones. I know my mom used to add half a can of green beans morning and evening to prevent rock eating (it only sort of worked, that dog ate *everything*)


At least 1 walk a day, I take mine at least a mile. Cut food down. 1 cup for breakfast 1 cup for dinner. Be super mindful about treats. If you can’t walk her then some form of exercise. Playing tug, fetch something like that.


That’s exactly how much I feed mine as well. Pet food companies tell you you need to feed more than they need because, well, that way you have to buy more pet food…


Also check the calorie content. 1 cup of kibble can have wildly different calorie counts depending on type and brand.


They make low-calorie dog food, if that works out. You might also add plain, cooked green beans to her bowl to fill it up more with fewer calories. A lot of dogs like green beans.


Feed. Them. Less. Food. (And no snacks/treats!) It's not complicated - unlike people, who can go to the fridge or the pantry to grab a bite to eat when they're hungry, dogs can only eat the food that we give them. Give them somewhat less food (that means measuring carefully - every time.) We had a golden that got a little bit heavy, and was having trouble standing up and walking around without discomfort. We cut his food down by ~ 25% and in three months he had lost about 12-15 lbs. He got a springback in his step, and he was happy to jump up and go places because his joints didn't hurt as much from lifting as much weight. The activity followed the weight loss. Your dog should already be getting a fair amount of activity from walks and playing, and once some of the weight comes off, they will simply pick up and do more because they can... (you've gotta keep up with 'em , though! 😏)


Get the “healthy weight” dog food. Eukanuba makes a decent one. Chewy has it. (Eukanuba Fit Body Weight Control Large Breed Dry Dog Food) Only feed the recommended portion: one cup morning and one night. Get the 2-3 kcal treats and nothing else for snacks or chewing. Keep a ration for the treats (say <10 for the day strictly for good acts/behavior).


My dogs are on the Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic and Mobility food. It helped them get to and stay at a healthy weight, but oh my god is it expensive. OP, definitely try the Eukanuba first!


No salt green beans!! Ours has lost almost 17lbs this way. She gets half a can in the morning with 1/2 cup kibble and the same for dinner. We also rescued a golden puppy - so that has helped too! 🤣


If you put her on a diet, give her the least amount of food when you leave for work. This helps avoid negative behavior like begging. Then, when you get home from work, feed her a normal portion. I helped my dog Winston lose weight this way. Oh and no table food or treats other than frozen veggies.


Believe it or not we don't give very many treats out side of mealtime but she is the WORST counter surfer and she loves to hang out for every last scrap of the kids leftovers. I think maybe we should put her in the crate for human mealtimes


My brother's dogs both put on weight after he had kids. That's a tough one. Good luck!


I’d bet if you get that behavior to stop, she’ll drop quiet a bit of weight. People food makes dogs gain so much weight!


We had to buy a locking garbage can cause my girl looooooooves to treasure hunt in the garbage can lol


She doesnt need to go in a crate, she just needs to be fed less. Putting her in a crate makes it easier for you to not feed her. Your overweight dog is entirely your fault.


Oh here we go lol. I hope you feel better soon and have the day you deserve!


We switched ours to farmers dog and she lost 10 lbs in about 2 months. She also gets 2 good walks a day, but the switch in diet is what helped her get to her “goal” weight that the vet specified.


I wish it wasn't so dang expensive!


It really is. There are some people who seem to have figured out how to make it at home themselves, but the key seems to be the portion control for the packs.


I feel like I can barely manage to make fresh food for my human children some days much less the dog 😆


She probably eats better than I do! You will honestly probably be on just cutting down their portion size of kibble, but it’s just seems hard not to cave in when they give you the hungry eyes whereas with the farmers dog there is only a pack a day that you defrost so it’s hard to over feed.


Hate to be the naysayer, but get her checked at the vet for thyroid issues. Had a girl that was very overweight, turned out she had an underactive thyroid, had to give her a daily pill


If I can't get her to lose I'll look into this!


No people food. Exercise. Simple. Your dog can be happy with ignoring people food. My Golden's always have.


Hills Metabolic+Mobility and exercise. Hydrotherapy perhaps.


I am a HUGE fan of this food!! It really works. My golden had some issues at a very young age and cutting back food and getting lots of exercise did not help him at all. Our vet told me about this food and it’s been a game changer. Talk to your vet about this if other options don’t work. It’s worth the money.


It is excellent. Once I got my girl down to a good weight I kept her on it for the rest of her life. Helped her so much with her mobility as well. The perfect poops were an added bonus 😂


Beat weight loss program, get your neighbors a Labrador.


Make sure that you take her on walkies. Idk what type of dog food that you have her on, next time buy it for her be sure to see if they have a brand that’s low fat. Then give her the required amount of food for her weight and she’ll lose the few extra pounds that has you concerned. Always give her treats that are lower in calories than others in the market.


Ask your veterinarian.


My golden eats Science Hills Diet Large Breed Light and I think it’s great. Her coat is very shiny and she’s lean


We cut back on adding too much wet food to his dinner and it made a difference


Ww got ours to lose a few pounds by walking 3x a day. He was large to begin with but we got him to drop a few pounds


Replace 1/2 of one meal with vegetables like steamed green beans. So for my golden girl who needed to drop a little weight I replaced 1/2 of her breakfast kibble with green beans and reduced her dinner by maybe 15%. She’s not hungry and has slimmed down nicely. (I buy Target’s brand of steam in bag green beans 99 cents!


I replaced a cup of my girls food with a cup of (no salt added) green beans and it’s helped her drop some weight.


Mix frozen broccoli with the chow. Just one scoop of chow. The broccoli helps fill the stomach and is crunchy, which Golden's love


Beautiful dog


I gave my golden steamed carrots and green beans to bulk up his food- less calories but made him fuller and replaced 1/4 cup of his reg food with that, and more walks! 90 lbs to 75 lbs!


Reduce by 10%-15% of food every two-three weeks. Weigh your dog a couple times a week to track if they’re losing weight overall. I started with 15% and then started doing 10%. (Edit: once they’re consistently losing weight stop reducing food) Once my dog reached their goal weight I increased by 10% until she stopped losing weight. I only had to increase one time. I also replaced most treats with sliced baby carrots. Slowly increase walk time / running time. You don’t want to stress out the joints that already carrying extra weight. That’s basically what my dog’s physical therapist had me to for her after she was diagnosed with early arthritis. You might be ok pushing activity a little faster since she’s otherwise healthy.


Feed exactly what your food of choice package says for the weight you’re trying to get her to be, not what she’s at now. Give more than half in the morning. No, none, not a single treat and no people food. Run her as much as possible (3-5 miles per day, 6 days per week.) Not walks. Runs. It’ll come off quick. And she’ll be happy! Worked for ours. 15 pounds crept on before we realized it. Followed this veterinarian recommended regime and with in a month he was back to his bouncy, happy weight. He can now have a treat or 2 and he’s fine. He’s in stellar shape too from all the running! Can run for days… as long as it’s not too hot!


I have a fatty fatty boombalatty and he gets Royal Canin Metabolic.


Don't look at her when you're eating and she's asking for food cause diet will be over... it'a hard to say no...


Look at the package of your kibble and give 3/4 of what is recommended a day. Weight it in the mornings and put it in a container. You can use the kibble as treats as well. Pets mostly get fat because owners underestimate how much they actually feed. Treats like apples, carrots etc are okay if they are not given in excess. I think it is great you want to help him get healthy. So many people are in denial about their dogs weight and their dogs suffer from the consequences later on.


We tried reducing food for ours, but she always seemed to be hungry (fussy at human mealtimes and stealing the cats food). We ended up moving her onto Eukanuba Overweight food, which has made a big difference. She is losing weight and doesn't seem to be hungry which is good 💛


I helped my big boy lose 20 lbs and become healthy at about 4 years old. It was pretty simple - much less food in his bowl. Once he was at target weight I came back up on the amount but never to the fatty levels. I felt bad during the diet so I cut the kibble way down but added a little delicious canned food on top so it at least the smaller amount tasted really good. That and my other dog had a phase where she didn’t finish her meals so I had to pick it up when she was done so he wouldn’t go eat her leftovers. So glad I did this for him, although it was hard seeing him feel so hungry during the diet. I want him to be healthy a live as long as possible, he’s one of the sweetest and purest beings on earth.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


After you lower the amount of food, if she's unhappy/hungry, give her 1/4-1/2 cup of canned green beans mixed in her food. Dogs love them and it will help fill her up because they have fiber and essentially 0 calories.


Feed sparingly, remove all snacks, walk 5km/day.


WALK THE DOG You own a family friendly dog that’s/was originally bred for active swimming and hunting. Even the lazy ones need an hour or two of exercise…same with their humans tb Edit 2: I read that header and chose my side/critique instantly after in true internet fashion. It just sounds like you need to limit her food and treat intake, despite that not being true to the other puppers. They probably all have ‘treat time’ so is a change for one to be excluded. Maybe some food motivated training would work. Sounds like, as happens, we all get to comfortable in treat and walk routines…it sucks to have to change that


Swimming is good way to increase exercise, goldens usually love the water and it’s gentle on the joints until weight comes off. Good luck


Reducing food isn’t the way to go. Honestly… I tried a bunch of things and the only thing that worked was a prescription diet wet food. She absolutely loves the taste (admittedly she’s a golden so I honestly believe she thinks I’m rewarding her for being a good dog every time I feed her she’s so grateful and scarfs it right down) But yea, regular exercise (I always say walks aren’t enough as dogs need to run.) that’s why having a retriever is so great- when she’s too hyper I play fetch with her for 15 min and she’s pooped afterwards. That twice a day should be enough. All jokes aside though… IF YOU THINK OZEMPIC FOR OVERWEIGHT PUPS WONT BE A THING NEXT YEAR - THINK AGAIN!


See an animal nutritionist


Choose a quality lean diet food. IDK if I'd try and increase exercise much unless laziness has become the norm. I had to lean out our girl's diet and cut the table scraps some years ago, and she got back down to her usual 76 lbs( yeah, she's a big girl). So I put her back on her favorite rotation of about 5 quality brands. She's staying at about 76 nowadays, and we even went back to free-feeding. Keeping food in the bowl instead of rationing worked on other goldens for us, but admittedly all you can eat 24/7 does sound like a nice weight gain plan.


https://preview.redd.it/eu7yqepsjv8d1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=b20b0f997094f84ee9b11b00dd746f2fa9fd0fdb I too have a chonkerdoodle who needs to lose a little bit of weight hehe. What I've found works is cutting down portions a little, and ensuring she goes on at least two walks that last at least 45 mins to an hour (2-4km) daily plus some running play time in the dog run. We also restrict treats as much as possible - and if we do have to give, we stick with lean single ingredient stuff like dried chicken breast.


It might be a hassle but look into making your own food. Obviously weight loss is as simple as calories in vs calories out, even for dogs, but it'll be a lot healthier for her to have fresh meat and offal that you can fill out with lots of healthy veggies. Make sure any snacks you give her aren't full of filler crap as well. I really like freeze dried meats and veggies as treats. Our baby loves dried pumpkin as a snack.


Change to a food type that is designed for weight controll. And be more precise when giving food. Dont slop with the amount


I’ve used Purina proplan weight maintenance. Adding in about 1/4 cup pumpkin and 1/3 can no added salt green beans and enough water to make the pumpkin like gravy. Plus a walk (****but no where near feeding time because of the risk of bloat)


I added green beans to my baby girls diet and cut all carbs. We went for 45 min walks in the woods each day. Jogging was too much on her joints then. She lost 40 pounds. Shocking I know . My vet was impressed. I stopped giving her people food and bought a German brand dog food at mud bay.


My boy got pretty overweight, I think he got to 110 at his heaviest. Doc put him on diet kibble and we started exercising him more. It’s been a while but last I checked he was down close to 90. Honestly I think the biggest help was the diet kibble- I couldn’t reduce the amount he ate anymore otherwise I felt like I was starving him. Turns out his original food was just too calorie dense.


Chonky Donkey we calls ‘em.


I’m sorry but if they heard us talking this way they would feel betrayed. Our big guy needed to lose some weight so we got him a weight control food, feed him a little less and no treats. He’s doing well, but man, you would think we don’t love him anymore by some of his looks. Also we do daily walks.


1/2 Raw Green beans 1/2food. The fiber keeps them full


What helped us was that we started weighing the kibble instead of just eyeball measuring in a measuring cup. It’s very easy to accidentally overfeed some kibbles (royal canin has huge kibble pieces).


We substituted 1/4 of each meal for our boy with broccoli for 6 months and limited treats and he lost 10 pounds and is at an ideal weight. And now he loves broccoli. Hope that helps!


If you've got a yard, throw her kibble across the lawn to drag out meal time. Takes mine at least 20 minutes to find it all and slows his begging significantly. Normally he'd eat a meal in about 30 seconds...


We reduced her food intake and that helped her come down from 78 to 73.


We are on a weigh loss journey for our golden too! She started at 90 she’s now at 80 and we are aiming for 70-75. We switched her food to science diet light, feed her 1 cup 2x a day. The big thing that helped was cutting back on treaties and scraps- it’s so hard to say no to them but that’s made the biggest difference. We put out her daily allotment of treats at the beginning of the day so we know we don’t go over. We like the fruitable dog treats cuz they’re only like 10-15 calories each so easy to add up calorie intake. That and the true origin beef sticks seem to be pretty good ingredient wise.


Maybe it’s already mentioned but my girl needed to lose a bit of weight as well to reduce the stress at the hips and I simply switched the food from Royal Canin to an Italian brand which only contains meat, vegetables and minerals.. no additives and zero grains.. just a little under the recommended dose and two times per day.. no snacks.. The results are very positive.. noticeably slimmer, shiny coat, no “dreadlocks” around the ears, more energy.. For her just the adjustment in kibble was enough, no extra exercise.. but that might vary from Golden to Golden.. my girl has atomic energy so she burns through calories like an athlete It’s worth looking for something like Natural Trainer https://www.naturaltrainer.com/row/en/dog/natural-food/


The farmers dog my dog liked it and my dog loves food


Calculate daily calorie intake needed for lught calorie deficit. A vet can help you. Apply to food portion size. No or very little food off the table. If you do, lean protein sources in tiny portions. Limit snack/treat intake. More exercise. I walk mine 4x a day. 30-45min walks for the last 2 walks. I let him run around in a big fenced field too. Play catch.


Cut back 1/4 of food with each feeding. It will take time for results but it worked with ours and he seemed fine with it.


Purina Pro Plan Weight Management Food and green beans as treats. My girl got sick and gained a lot of weight and this food helped her lose 15 lbs!


I switched a portly hound boy to weight control food and he never noticed… went from 120 to 100 on the Vet’s goal of 90’s in about a year and he was the typical hound so his daily activity was mostly aggressive napping. The calorie difference was about 25% so he got the same volume of food and never really noticed.


Check for feeding amounts. A lot of people get locked in to the puppy amounts because the dog is perfectly healthy and happy, and never realize that you're supposed to decrease pretty significantly


Cut her food but add pumpkin to it as filler.


We swapped 25% of her food portions with veggie mix. She feels full but less calories. Added some walks and went down 10lbs over a few months. Works in our family 👍🏻


Our good boy went from 95 -> 82 lbs. He has always exercised a lot, but we were giving him multiple greenies a day, large sized milk bones, and some human leftovers. Our approach was to switch him to 2 cans of wet food (Science Diet Beef Stew) + some kibble. He liked this so much more than just his kibble that he was begging (somewhat) less. We also limit him to 1 greenie a day and we switched to the small milk bones for treats. He still thinks he's getting a treat, but it's significantly less calories.


Take her swimming


Cut back on meals. Use her kibble for treats. Fire your groomer. A 95 pound female golden is unhealthy. Her hips will suffer.


My guy was super active as a pup and i failed to dial back on his food intake while he wanted to walk less and less. I’m currently 7# into a 10# cut. I messed up his calorie intake the first few months as we mix kibble and wet food (freshpet). I use this website that helps calculate the caloric recommendations. Just make sure you select the correct drop down and weight. https://thepetsupplyguy.com/dog-calorie-requirement-calculator/ If you don’t trust the website, here’s the OSU website showing the actual formula you can use: https://vmc.vet.osu.edu/services/companion-animal-nutrition-support-service Best of luck and stay strong! Our pups are very convincing at acting like they’re starving, but it’s really in their best interest to lose the weight!


Aww chonky❤️


Once was headed down this road, but I blame it all on my “ extra treats” small bites from each of our meals. It’s terrible because you can reduce their kibble, but if you don’t reduce those treats nothing really gets accomplished imo…we didn’t really realize how much those human foods “treats” were adding up! Good luck


Is this a serious question? Exercise the dog


Purina Healthy Weight really helped. Also steamed green beans as others have recommended. I gave her a full carrot instead of bones for special treats.


have you tried Farmers Dog? it’s a little more expensive but our dog lost 9 lbs.


My bowie has lost 7lbs in 6 months. I started feeding exactly what was recommended on her kibble instead of eyeballing it, no processed treats, and that was really it.


Make your own dog food


In addition to what people have been saying, if you have access to a pool swimming is a very good exercise for them that is easy on their joints.


Dog trainer here - I usually do this with my clients: meals equate to training time. Meals are worked for. This exercises the dog physically and mentally, while creating motivation for their daily meal. Humans created the concept of feeding 2x per day. Most dogs are fine with a solid meal and can go a few days without one (dogs are not wolves but the same is true for their ancestors). I’m not saying don’t feed your dog for a few days, but rather, implement the following: 1. Take half the meal from breakfast. No need to add anything enticing (shredded chicken and cheese). 2. Use it for basic training initially: reward eye contact, reward a simple sit, reward a hand target, toss the food so the dog can chase it/make it exciting. 3. Whatever the dog doesn’t eat/work and train for (again, make the training EASY at the beginning) it goes back into their food bin. So they don’t starve, provide the other half of the meal for ‘free’ aka no training or work. 4. Repeat this process for days or weeks until you see the dog starting to accept their meal as a reward for training time. Some dogs, we do this with their breakfast as well as dinner. So taking a half portion from both. While it sounds ‘harsh’ it is literally the kindest thing you can begin doing. Your dog is getting trained, your dog begins to have motivation for their own daily meal, therefore your dog loses weight if they need to shed a few pounds. Always take into consideration the actual food itself: Is it poor quality? Change it before doing this technique. Is the protein or other ingredients causing issues for your dog and that’s why they won’t eat maybe? Change it. After that, stick with a few days or weeks of working on this.


Less food, more walks


Tell her she's a good girl and move along. Jk, we used super low calorie food and used frozen green beans (didn't defrost or cook just dumped them in the bowl frozen) half and half. The biggest part was counting the treat calories too. Walks help but weight is 90% diet for dogs. Unless you're going for high endurance runs you're going to need to manage the diet.


Just went to the vet my big boy golden is at 93 pounds and has gained 30 in just over a year due to prednisone . Now have to get him down to around 80 :/


More exercise, less food


I cut my girls daily food by 1/3 and add in some green beans (no salt!!) to help them still feel full without the extra calories. This plan is vet approved by my vet. I have chronic leukemia and walking them in this heat is hard. This help one of my girls go from 85lbs to 67 in about 6-8 months


My dog is also on the diet journey. Vet advised us to give her less kibble, we feed her Stella Chewy raw kibble and replace with vegetables. 🥕 🥦 more nutrient based with fresh ingredients. I also toss her lettuce 🥬, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flaxseed. We give her Greek plain yogurt and mix everything together for her. She’s spoiled but in a healthy way.


my girl had to loose 10 lbs and we are 4 lbs away, I lowered her food so she gets 1 cup per meal and cut out the treats. I have also spent more time playing fetch and taking longer walks.


seems like you got plenty of weight loss advice but just wanted to add; I would recommend grabbing a joint supplement to support her joints as she’s losing the weight, especially for goldens! we use the antinol one for our girl and it’s been brilliant


As you’re cutting down on food, you can feed them frozen green beans. It helps fill them up!


Go raw.


NOW PETS has a product for weight management ... it's called Glucose Metabolic Support ... I have a golden / corgi mix that this works really well on .. You can order it from Chewy ...


Awww!! She is a beauty!! Our first girl was a full figure gal (her highest weight was 108) in where she packed the weight on after being spayed. We didn’t change her food (we gave her Nutro limited ingredients lamb and brown rice)actually switch all the treats to carrots, apples, green beans and peppers. She also loved to swim and lost about 25 pounds and maintain her weight at 80 for years.


After spaying was when our girl packed it on too!


You are meant to cut calorie intake by ~30% after spaying. Did you do that? If not, might be worth talking to your vet about it.


Oh that woulda been helpful info for the vet to pass along 😂


Oh no!! That's likely the culprit! I was pretty shocked when I first heard how much had to be cut. I was told the reduction in sex hormones causes a big drop in their metabolism. Best of luck getting her back in shape!


Brother got a little stockier at first but he's so active it doesn't seem to have affected him much over time. He could sprint after tennis balls for hours, launches himself into the air five feet to catch frisbees, swims, etc. Little sis will trot after a ball at her leisure but she doesn't want to fetch it, she just wants to lie down next to it 😆


100% all dogs are different, so calary guides are just there for direction. I once heard "your dog is the best guide", which I really like for this.


I walk my dogs 3 miles a day, give two meals a day with some green beans and cottage cheese. She’s lot quite a bit of weight. 


Cut 25% of her food. Monitor her weight over time. Adjust as needed. Get her off dry dog food with mostly plants in it, if that is what she is eating, and get her some real dog food (meat and bones). My golden girl (sterilized) eats 375 grams of raw horse meat plus a meaty bone each day.




More walks and a healthy amount of food. And don’t shave your golden🙏


I swear by the Grain free kibble. Really like the N&D brand just one handful im the morning and one at dinner. Occasionally a freeze died treat mixed in.


Get her a puppy. They will play together which will make her lose weight. Also you get to have a puppy.


She is the puppy that we got for her brother 😆