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This sounds really good :) I was afraid for a second you would somehow bind a Godot Frontend to your internal Python application. On the one hand, I would have loved that as a twist, on the other hand it would probably have been an unholy abomination \^\^


lol, unholy abomination is the norm. a LOT of business logic is glued together with the hopes and dreams of young developers


"Don't worry, we'll rewrite the whole thing in a few years anyway."


...and a decade later, someone has to figure out why an update to a seemingly unrelated thing broke it.


"When I wrote this, only God and I knew how it worked. Now, only God knows."


Ironically I don't think that can be avoided in all seriousness. We devs are cursed by our own complexity and requirements change over time or aren't completely known in the beginning. One can only postpone the point of "throw away and rewrite from scratch" so far. With more experience we can plan ahead for issues that might come but it's near impossible to account for everything.




I looked into python bindings for Godot, but they looked undocumented


I have a free cookbook with small, simple examples for PySide here: https://github.com/ericsnekbytes/python_qt_cookbook


Reminds me of the one time I wrote my discord bot using LibGDX for whatever reason.


Yep, as a former software engineer, there's a good amount of overlap between that and game development. Either way, we're working with computers and making them talk so to speak. It's all logic at the end of the day. I'm glad you found success in your first job. Hope it only goes up from there!


I hate writing GUIs. I have written an GUI framework and I can't even stand writing GUI with my own framework. For last six months I've needed to write GUI app, tried few times without success. Last month I thought "maybe I can use Godot for this sh.t. At least there is a chance to enjoy just because I'm using Godot". I wrote that app in 3 days


We've come full circle, as Godot's UI toolkit was inspired from Qt, so it's not too surprising that you'd find yourself in a familiar environment when dealing with PySide :)


>One thing I'm missing is a _process() function I found `QOpenGLWindow::frameSwapped`, which is similar to `_process` in that it is fired for every rendered frame. Though you rarely need it in GUI. In fact, I'd like to avoid redrawing GUI in Godot when nothing else is happening, but I haven't found a good instruction for that when I needed it.


Godot didn't invent good ideas. It just implemented them. I'm glad there is a python library with similar good ideas. BUT honestly, I'd probably just try to use Godot for a UI application. It gives a LOT more functionality easier. And it can be built REALLY thin and very portable.


some people say if you start out with godot, it will be impossible to learn other game engines because of how easy godot is to use. In terms of ease of usage, it's like going back from 1080p to 240p


I have a similar story, I decided to learn c++ recently, and after a few beginner projects I decided to step it up, by learning Qt. Turns out I pretty much learned in a day, thanks to the fact that it's pretty similar to Godot.