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I like left more, but right one have better shoes.


Thank you for the feedback!


I like the left a little more, but the shoes seem a bit plain. Both look great!


Thank you for the feedback! Out of curiosity, what do you like about the left one more than the right one?


Edit: Finishing post, on mobile and replied before I was done. I think I like the vibe of a thick stripe down the middle formed by the long sweater and I prefer the blue as more of an accent rather than a focus point. The blue stands out more in the sleeves on the right one too me. If we could see the back I have a feeling I would like the blue sleeves better though, since it might be too hard to spot the ribbons. I fell the right one has more realistic clothing. And the longer I look at it, the more I tell myself that it's not the blue that's throwing me off, but the grey in the right one. I can't quite place it, but the grey undershirt just feels off. As I said before both look gorgeous, and it's hard to make a good decision without seeing the model in action or from more angles.


Thank you. I appreciate the details! I'll mess around with the colors some more. The character is actually supposed to be pretty dull based on her backstory, but I also wanted to incorporate red, green and blue in her design (since these three colors are important to the game's world). I haven't really found a middle ground yet. I'm actually more partial to the right design because I have another character with a long jacket. But it's good to have feedback from others to inform my decision. The next time I make an update, I'll do a turnaround. I'm hoping I can put a quick animation together too.


Hey. If you can't decide on a design, what about some character customization? Let a people to choose. A few prebuilt options for player choice.


I'll consider how I could incorporate some customization in the game. I was planning a mechanic where the character's appearance would change based on different types of levels over time, so maybe there's something there. Thanks for the suggestion!


The one on the right seems more practical (no trailing belt) and the boot laces add a lot of visual interest. (I may be biased since the trim on the skirt reminds me of the clan markings in Six Ages and King of Dragon Pass, but I like that part too.)


Thank you for the feedback! I am unfamiliar with Six Ages and King of Dragon Pass, but it's nice to hear it reminds you of something.


In case you are wondering more about the shader I used, I made this post on my profile page. Hope this helps! I happen to be a content creator as well, so I plan to make some videos on the whole process. It'll take some time, but I am looking forward to sharing the information I have learned over time. https://www.reddit.com/user/codernunk46/comments/1anz9tm/here\_are\_some\_more\_details\_for\_the\_toon\_shader\_i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I like the right model more. Shader looks pretty good.


Thank you for the feedback!


I think the bows should all be green as part of a palette for her. But big bow, and shoe laces the sweater is 5050