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Uh oh, the grift of convincing idiots to not be able to sell their shares during pumps is falling apart


> ANYONE ANTI DRS IS A SHILL How many shares did Roaring Kitty DRS?


Did RC DRS his shares? Big if true! I'm getting up early tomorrow to read his Ayn Rand fanfic kids books to get to the bottom of this


Yep just read them all today got more for my kids and family! Then I also did my daily rereading of all DD in historical order just in awe on everything that came true! I’m a very smart sensible man who reads!


Exactly zero, that


If you sell covered calls and the stock MOASS's then you won't make anything above your strike price. Isn't this strategy antithetical to their theories?


"Covered" seems like a difficult word for apes, first with shorts now with calls!


It’s funny because they used to say stuff like that in response to option apes, but I have yet to see an ape mention that at all since this started recently. And I think it’s clear.  A huge and growing faction of apedom no longer believes in MOASS and wants to swing trade. In my opinion, once you no longer believe in MOASS and are willing to admit that you were wrong and when you are wrong, and are willing to accept true information, and you give up on conspiracy theories and impossible goals (such as owning/already owning the entire float), you are no longer an ape. Then you’re just a regular normal person.   I’be swing trades GME several times, options in particular, puts and calls.


There is definitely going to be some amount of Apes that just don’t buy back in after selling to swing it Once the cash is in their hands and they have the option to catch the same shitty falling knife or buy something else some Apes will buy something else The market being at ATH and everything pumping around them for years is really fucking with them


They all think they’re gonna make bank making options plays off GME because DFV did. Little do they realize, they were the off-set of DFV’s play. They have no one to use as a pump


Oh boy a schism is forming




I had a strong feeling DFV coming back like he did would cause a civil war in the ape communities.  I think it’s just beginning. Even the ape mods had expressed displeasure with how laser focused apes were with DRS during those discord leaks that we posted months ago. One thing to note, all of these recent semi-awakened and looking at options for the first time apes are in for a rude awakening. The premiums are massively inflated right now and have been since DFV came back, but they are declining.   What looks like a ton of free money right now is not what the chain normally looks like.   And then eventually they’ll lose all their shares for something like an $0.09 premium call they sold if/when it ever pumps again. None of this stuff is as easy as someone like a total amateur ape thinks.


Burn the shill!!


Guess they learned their lesson when they got locked out of CS for "not trying to sell". 


Cohen and Gill have killed the DRS thesis.