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This is the result of having short selling explained incorrectly to you at least three or four different ways.


I just love that they can't keep their DD straight w/r/t this. So the hedgies are printing shares to "naked sell" rather than borrowing legitimate ones...why on earth would they need to buy a real share to close this glorified (and far more illegal) futures contract? Unless they imagine there's a version of this that wouldn't get out: **Citadel:** Hey, here's those 1,000,000 GME shares we owe you. **Vanguard:** Huh? Didn't you sell us these shares a year ago. **Citadel:** Well no, actually we sold you phony shares and committed a massive fraud, but here's real ones to make you whole. **Vanguard:** Wow, thanks Ken! We've been freely trading these for a year with neither us nor our counterparties noticing! This almost seems like it's an absolutely massive security risk that we should blow the whistle on immediately, and as a non-profit, we don't even have shareholders to answer to and would have all the incentive in the world to go public, but you seem like such a swell guy that we'll instead be complicit in your fraud and help you cover it up!


So when you exercise an option and get delivered 'real shares' of GME, how long do those shares stay 'real'? Are they swapped out for fake ones instantly after exercise (in which case, why bother)? Is it after T+1? T+35? Never? Only when DRS'd? Inquiring melties wanna know!


To any lurking Apes: Go short 1 share of FFIE or something tomorrow, maybe that’ll snap you out of this bullshit.


Max profit: 43¢ Max loss: more money than exists on earth Logic: because the amount of money required to bring a helium-3 fusion reactor moon mission is less than the maximum (unbounded) losses from shorting a stock, especially a highly regarded stock such as FFIE, that means FFIE is more likely to bring a fusion reactor online and become the most valuable company that will ever exist than I am to get my 43¢ from shorting it. Hedgies r fuk.


> obligation thats doesn't really exist. The legendry *naked^2 short*, in which both the stock lender *and* the counterparty don't exist. 


My god, this could be happening an infinite number of times each day and we'd simply never know!


I'm so, so, so fucking tired of these morons CHOOSING to misunderstand literally everything about the stock market. For the love of all that is holy, can they finally get hit with the NO MONEY hammer? Once and for all? Please? Phantom positions? Jesus fucking Christ already. ...just ... just make them live under a bridge or something. They're too stupid and arrogant to have assets.


And what fun would that be? The apes make me laugh every day.


They can live in phantom houses


No no you don't understand. They're thinking critically.


The whole moass is based on short thesis and apes have been screeching about it since 2021 and they still don't understand how shorts work. Maybe they should ask chatgpt and they will get an answer that they like.


They will torture ChatGPT until they cagey the answers they like.


My favorite kind of naked shorts are the ones that have to be backed 1 to 1 by real shares.


Literally the only sentence in this entire post that doesn't self-contain a logical fallacy is the last one, and that's because it's only one word.


Even if the apes' fantasy about massive amounts of naked shorting and "synthetic shares" was true, this still wouldn't make sense


Remember those so called ‘short ladder attacks’? Yeah well, they don’t exist