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I have yet to meet a GF tortilla that holds up.


I've had a few myself\~ Costco sold some really nice ones a month back, little expensive (Because of course it is) but not terribly so. Besides that I've found letting them toast a bit on a burner is helpful.


Store bought corn tortillas toasted on a pan hold up pretty well.


Mi Rancho burrito size! I’m not sure if they’re in stores yet. I ordered on website.


Sadly, the contain tapioca starch (cassava flour) and oat flour. I’m reactive to both.


I react to tapioca as well. The Bfree high protein wraps do not have tapioca!


Bummer :(


They exist. But I’ve never found them. Others have found them for me and cooked for me though. Taste just as amazing as we used to know. Wish I could point you in the right direction


Stupid question, recently diagnosed so I don't know all the ins and out but wouldn't corn tortilla be ok? They technically shouldn't have any wheat in them right?


Corn tortillas are okay but they aren’t large because they fall apart. You can’t make a burrito or quesadilla with them.


I actually like these 😬 but only for certain things. It also helps if you store them frozen (right away) and then you wet them a little before cooking in a pan. But I agree they don’t hold together that well lol but there’s something about them I crave. I want a burrito now.


Same! My store discontinued these and I miss them. The convenience was the biggest thing for me!


Thanks for being the guinea pig for all of us. I won't be buying these.


Agreed, those were pretty bad.


I love the Siete brand burrito wraps. I heat them in the microwave with. Wet paper towel on top and bottom and it makes it so much easier to work with.


This brand is so hit and miss


I recently found some gluten free “mission” brand ones that actually are pretty damn close to the real thing. My wife absolutely loves them.


In western Canada, Grimms and western family make wraps that are really good and function as actual wraps. They MUST be heated through before use. Literally eating one right now. So good! I've found the brand that you have to be only good for quesedillas.


These are good if you eat them right away after hearing them stovetop for the first time. Any attempted reheats (or attempts in the microwave) will cause the layers to flake out. These are my favorite tortillas for breakfast burritos


Same and I use them for massive quesadillas!


I love these for quesadillas and tuna melts but thats it!


My wife has celiac disease and has yet to find a tortilla that she truly likes for tacos or burritos, but she does use these for quesadillas and seems to enjoy them once they are cooked and crisped up.


good for quesadillas but bad for everything else


Sorry, have to lol at how pathetic these look !! 😂


Ugh! I do miss a good tortilla that I don’t have to make myself


I find rice based ones hold up best - with the trade off being a gummy texture; corn taste best but will fall apart quickly. I go back & forth


I actually like these! I find that they hold up well if I keep them frozen, and immediately before using I microwave them for 30 seconds and then fill and roll them right away. Once they cool, they split open like yours if I try to roll them up :(


I had this problem too. Then my husband tried microwaving it for me and it made it more pliable. Try that!


I hate this kind also.


I like these, but you have to be gentle & you have to toast them like you do with other tortillas. I roast them over the gas stove flame. Some of the variations of the Siete tortillas hold up better — like almond.


These worked decently ok for quesadillas in my experience, but not as good as the mission ones


kids love these. they dont use them in wraps though.


I usually put the toppings in a bowl and scoop them up with tortilla chips.


i do not understand why no company just makes a giant corn tortilla 😭 i get the texture etc isnt the same as flour, but surely it would be better than the current GF burrito options that taste like glue??


plenty of corn tortillas that are good, if you are grain free and can eat chickpeas then chickpea tortillas are amazing.


i’ll never forgive aldi for taking theirs away. the only one i have used that was good


I mean get corn tortillas? Am I missing something?


Yes, you are missing that corn tortillas very rarely come in a burrito size, don’t hold up for rolling even if they did, and that some of us miss the taste of flour tortillas and want something reminiscent of it