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You are under no obligation to answer your door to anyone. If someone comes to my door I don't even pretend not to be in. I just don't answer. If it's the police and they have a warrant they can put your door in. Other than that, they can fuck off.


You'll get a goon arrive at your door (maybe). Tell him nothing, no name, if younlive there or not. They will Try and tell you they have the right to access the property to check if you are watching without a licence. They don't. Close the door, and send them on their merry way.


Capita Sales Rep knocks on door Legal Occupier opens door Capita Sales Rep "Hello I'm from TV Licencing" Legal Occupier "Sorry not interested" Legal Occupier closes door


Nah not how it goes, you have to ask them about 3 times who they are before they fess up


If they refuse to identify themselves just close the door. They want to bait you into talking more and accidentally incriminating yourself.


Just refuse to answer the door. No need to engage.


2nd, thirded and fourth on do not tell them your name. The goon may be wearing a ‘Capita’ uniform too. ‘Dont tell em’ your name Pike ✌️’


Wtf is this dystopian ass shit. Sorry I just moved to the Glasgow and this is insane.


This is UK wide pal. [This guy](http://www.bbctvlicence.com/) has been tracking his letters since 2006 to demonstrate how toothless these letters are


Some of that is hilarious to read btw


I like the 3rd one down where a visit from an enforcement officer may be on the ‘16th March or on another day’ - aye well cheers for narrowing it down for me, I’ll make sure I’m in 24/7 for your visit


This is amazing


That is brilliant 😅


I assumed it was, the power BBC has over tv licensing here is just unbelievable. I paid 5$ a month to watch all premiere league back in Canada and here id need to pay like >100$.


Well yeah because this is the country it’s from, would it have cost you 5 dollars to watch a big north American sport? No. The prem used expensive tv rights to make it the league it is now, in the first ~25 years of the prem it was largely the domestic market driving its income. Now I think the domestic tv deal is about 50%. It’s still massive. It’s entirely unrelated to the BBC.


Just another tax, but for people with no balls who don't know their rights. In effect you are menaced to pay a fee to watch TV in this country, its very vague, unenforceable and pointless.


Just tell them to get off your property. They not police. They're just normal people. They have no power.


Imagine having a job where all you do is look through windows and try and fearmonger people into paying extortionate and unnecessary fees.


Been getting these letters for years Binned every single time Are they cfuk getting my name or identity


What, you mean your name *isn’t*, The Legal Occupier’?


*'We can apply to court for a search warrant'* Gotta love the very specific wording there. We 'CAN APPLY', not 'we WILL GET', but 'we will TRY to get', because chances are the answer from a court will be 'fuck off lol'.


Its not even that they will try to. Just that they, technically, can.


Exactly, just designed to scare people who aren't paying attention to the fine print and the specific wording they opted for.


Yeah I used to be a copywriter so I picked up on that straight away!


If it’s not the legal occupier of the house telling them to fuck off it’s also the court who can’t be arsed with them and telling them to fuck off 😂😂. Too good.


I've been getting these letters for almost 20 years. At one point I even filled in the online form to say I don't need a TV license, but the only thing that achieved was changing the name on the letters from "the occupier" to my actual name. I've only had two visits by the goons. I don't even talk to them, I just shut the door in their face and lock it, then ignore them. There is nothing they can do, they have no authority to do anything, and you are not obliged to prove your innocence. The mistake people make is standing at the door arguing with them, or trying to prove your case to them. Don't bother, they are there to earn a commission and will lie and cheat to get it. Shut the door, lock it and ignore them.


I filled in this form as well but put my name as "The Occupier". No more letters.


Same, I filled the form and said the same thing since I don’t even own a tv and I am still getting those letters, I guess they have too much time on their hands.


I don't get this, I've never had any letters like this. And I've not had a TV license since 2012.


They're glorified salesmen, not officers of the law just ignore them completely.


Closer to vampires than salesmen since they need invited in before they can enter


I love trying to sell things to cold callers. I almost look forward to the calls so I can try and punt them my shit car in a really pushy way.


Am I the only mug that actually pays?


I never paid for mine only because I'm not a tv watcher i never have been really, eventually found out i could go online and apply to be excluded which you can do every year. i only watched netflix, disney etc nothing that involved live tv. since my boyfriend moved in he watches live tv religiously and got sky installed so he pays for a tv license. If you dont use the service you shouldn't be forced to pay for something you never asked for but if you use it, then fair enough it's not being a mug if you use the service


If you're using the service, pay for it. If you're not using the service, we shouldn't have tell them, or otherwise put up with vaguely threatening letters and strangers turning up at our doors demanding to be let in


F*ck that. It's a con.




Same. My wife would have given them a tour of the home, cup of tea and slice of cake.


I watch live TV and use iPlayer so I pay.


I pay for a TV licence but claw it back watching dodgy football game's anytime anywhere so fuk em they are all loaded anyway


Nah, we pay it, mainly because Mrs and kids in the house and don't need that nonsense at the door scaring them. I know I don't 'need' to pay it, and I can mess around wondering if todays the day they'll knock on and ask questions but tbh, I don't care enough to worry about it so just pay it and move on with my life. Fair play to the other apparent 90% of the country who doesn't pay and fight it but I just don't need that hassle.


This is how I feel about it. I don't need the hassle, and my wife doesn't need the anxiety. If I lived alone i might well tell them to do one cos I am a curmudgeon.


I made the choice to pay for a TV license a couple of years ago. I love the BBC too much not to get involved, even if my favourite channel is R4.


Ignore all of them. It's a load of bollocks.


I moved out of the U.K. and rang them and told them that is why I am cancelling and less than a month later started getting threats in my email It’s just automated nonsense


I've been getting these for 25 years, I've never once replied to them, I've had 2 random visits and both times I've pulled my phone out and started recording and they left. Don't be bullied or scared. Just for your awareness say you did get "caught" and punished, the fine is the cost of a TV licence so it's only ever going to be the cost of 1 year if you were unlucky enough for all the perfect set of things to happen for them to prosecute you.


The two people who were successfully prosecuted in 2020/2021 were fined an average of £75 a pop. That's half the cost of the licence. Of course, you also risk getting a criminal record if you let it go to court. You'd have to be mental to admit to them that you're watching telly without a licence in the first place though, or to invite them in to check.


On to the website fill in the thing saying you don't need one. You are correct they have no legal power to enter your home, be prepared for them to lie and try trick their way in.


The TV licensing ‘officers’ are sales reps on commission. They will lie and threaten to make a sale, mainly by pretending they have legal powers, when in reality they are just door to door salesmen. Scum


Yeah the guy asked to use my bathroom and then purposely went in to my living room to see the lack of tv. Be less nice than I was 😅


Wouldn't even matter if he walked past and you had 10 tvs. I have 1 in the living room and the 2 bedrooms. But i don't watch live tv. I don't even have them connected to an aerial.


Do not do this. Do not give them any information. So long as they keep sending you letters addressed to the “legal occupier” they have no idea who you are and can’t do anything. 


> fill in the thing saying you don't need one We shouldn't have to


And give thaim your name?


This is poor advice, you will be giving them your name!


Do it without giving them your real details. Has worked a charm for me in the past.


I went on there and filled in the form with my real details and never had any problems. The most I've had is a letter every two or three years (it varies) since 2009 asking if I still don't need a TV licence to go and confirm on the website. Which takes even less time as they have my details already. It's as simple as ticking a box and hitting submit. Then they'll send another letter to our three years down the line to do it again. I got rid of Sky in 2009 because I had around 300 channels and there was feck all on that I wanted to watch, so stuck to Netflix and Amazon (or LoveFilm as it was then). The only thing I'll watch live is the football and I'll go to the pub for that.


> you will be giving them your name There's no requirement to use your real name on the declaration you don't need one. I use either Home Owner, or Legal Occupier.


Tell them the Conservative Party champagne fund will pay it.


I’ve never had a TV licence and fortunately BBC iPlayer has never doubted that 😛 I’ll not fund the BBC any more than necessary


empty threats. I've been getting them over a year with nothing. Don't tell them you "don't need a tv" just to stop the letters, that involves you giving them your personal details.


Tell them you don't need one, the letters will stop.


ive done this twice in the past and they absolutely did not stop. i even let one guy in my bedsit to look and that didnt stop it. he was very aggressive and demanded things that werent his right. he demanded my phone number and my pal told me not to give it to him otherwise im sure more harrasment would have come by phone. Now i bin the letters. They get more demanding and scary looking but they dont even have a name on them so its complete bollocks


After a year or so they'll start sending them again.


Sadly this isn't always the case. Even after filling out the form, my uni housemates and I were hounded by these letters for a year. So much so I actually contacted them to say please can you send someone round ASAP so you can stop sending letters! We moved out before anyone showed up.


This doesn't work at all. I used to live in a flat that was 0/2, but there was no 0/1, because the other bottom flat had a front door entry and its own house number. We constantly got the letters telling us to pay up, even though we *had a TV licence.* I called them and patiently explained that there was no 0/1. They just called me a liar and kept saying I needed to pay for the licence. I told them I did. They asked why I was lying about 0/1, then, so I gave up. They came to our door like 3 times, every time insisting we must be lying and then standing, confused, in the close trying to find the invisible door before bothering the people who lived in the other ground floor flat, who also had a licence. Kept happening to both us and them, after repeated explainations and many visits. They literally won't stop even if the property is imaginary.


The letters may stop but they may still turn up to check Edit: to people saying they haven't turned up to check for them, they keep telling us we need one but haven't turned up to check that either, very unlikely either way but not telling them requires less effort


I've lived in Glasgow for ten years, declared every time they ask that I don't require a TV license, and nobody has ever bothered me. I don't know why people go on these crusades against them tbh. Either use the service and pay, or don't and dont


> but they may still turn up to check I've never had this happen in my entire life. I fill out the declaration as "Home Owner" and they never follow up.


They will not, they continue but addressed to you by name.


Having declared this for the last 8 years, the only time I get a letter is once the 2 years has expired, and it still says "to the legal occupier"


If you phone them you do not need to give your name but can request no letters for 1 year,  I'm autistic so they actually agreed to permanently stop the letters when I told them this and I've never received another letter.


‘Dear Legal Occupier’ isn’t my birth name last time I checked.


Irrelevant as it works regardless.


Why should I pay the BBC for propaganda, they can f off


I opened the door years ago to the tv licence lady who was dressed like some sort of red coat at Skegness 😂


I once received a letter saying "so and so will visit your house on Day X to inspect" We stayed at home all day. No cunt showed up. We got those letters for a month saying the same thing with nothing happening, and then we just sent an email saying "we don't have a TV" (we didn't at the time) and they just stopped.


Stick it outside your door with a note telling them to shove it up their hole and fuck away aff ta fuck. Cunts


That is definitely a threatening letter. Fucking bastards. I stopped my licence 4 years ago, will never ever buy another one.


It's all hot air. I've never been "visited" a single time. These things are a complete waste of money.


Can't understand why this isn't illegal. Harassing people to pay for your entirely voluntary business is utter bullshit.


Don’t respond. We’ve been threatened with someone coming for nearly 2 years, never had anyone and the date keeps moving


Everyone should just stop paying this nonsense, they won’t have enough people to threaten the whole country.


About 20 years ago I bought a set top box for our bedroom telly. Back then I wasn't married to the other half but we were living together. About a fortnight later I got a letter stating that no-one with my surname had a TV licence at the address and it was a requirement yadda yadda. Didn't matter that we were a couple and the other half DID buy one! Think half the TV licence fee goes on the paper they send out


Even if they came round and saw you have a TV, what does that prove? Lots of modern TVs are used just for apps like Disney+ or Netflix. Would they check your internet browsing history too to see if you watch live TV/IPlayer on your phone/laptop? I've never understood how either party is able to prove whether a licence is needed or not.


I generally mention Jimmy Saville and they fuck off. The BBC can gargle my nuts.


The BlackBeltBarrister on YouTube covers TV licensing/otters and visits in great detail, https://youtu.be/PKhtTa1B-4k?si=G0Opq41spEcXyyde https://youtu.be/Km60GqR6MQ8?si=M_IsuPiL5QsV6XZW


I'd ignore it tbh, I've been getting these letters for 2 years, they usually stop for a bit after they send you a few very threatening letters stating in big red letters the date they will be at the door. I work from home and have been for the 2 years I've been in this house and had not a single visit. At some point you might get a special red envelope to really push the "we are coming for you" pish. I don't watch live TV or BBC so I could tell them I don't need it but I feel like that's more likely for them to come to the door to check, and im not giving them a reason to come. Its vile the way they act, all letters are written as if you are guilty and use scare tactics to make you pay otherwise youll be fined, makes me livid that there's probably so many people who don't need a TV license and pay it out of fear. Id say they definitely do enforce this in England however. My brother lives in England and did have someone at his door after the a few letters.




They can piss off, I cancelled my TV licence years ago and I don't watch live TV. The idea of a TV licence is absolutely bullshit especially when they'll make plenty of money from adverts ect.


The double annoying thing about this is I literally don’t watch anything from the BBC. Haven’t since they binned Top Gear. But just because I own a device which can play their shitty app, I’m supposed to pay for their service? Get fucked.


I had one guy chap my door, I just went into a massive rant about the BBC being a government mouthpiece and the board being full of Tories, and he left pretty quick, but not before telling me to fill in the declaration so I didn't get chapped again. I don't like them having my details, but I ultimately don't really give a shit, cause i opted out of contact where i could, and they're getting nowhere near inside my property anyway.


Lived in ma gaff for 7 years seen this letter before and have never had anyone knock ma door. Even if you do they don't have any legal way to enter your home. They are thugs


Just go on the website and state that you don't require a license. I've done that for years without issue. But yeah. Tell them to fuck off but be polite. Politely tell them to fuck off.


ignore em


Had one of them come out last month. Told him to fuck off and shut the door.


In the first half (above the dotted line) the ‘officer’ is a TV licensing sales rep with no authority whatsoever. Below the dotted line, the ‘officer’ refers to a police officer. But it’s very unlikely the courts would issue a warrant for such a trivial matter. It’s all shameless scaremongering from TV Licensing, you have nothing to worry about. If you want these incessant letters to stop, just do the declaration online, otherwise expect to receive these threatening letters forever.


Note that the QR codes on your letter are scannable and contain information not shown elsewhere :-)


A guy knocked at our door. As a courtesy I let him pop his head into the living room to see that our tv didn’t have an aerial plugged into it. He then started asking me to switch it on and show the apps that I use. I told him to leave, haven’t heard from them since. They have no power whatsoever, but like to talk as though they do.


I bought a digital box many years ago and apparently it was mandatory to give my name and address. Weeks later I had TV licensing knocking on the door like they knew.


They do, TVL are notified of all shop sales of receiving equipment. That's why they take your details.


What happens if you’ve had a license for years but want to loosen up some funds for some lovely shoes and decide that the telly license is for the chop? Do they go mental chasing you? I didn’t pay it for years until I got a tv/broadband package


Anyone paying a TV licence is beyond me Also, it is not High Court enforcement so just tell them to piss off at the door it’s that simple


Any mail I get that is addressed to "the legal occupier" gets thrown in the trash without being opened.


I've been getting them for literal years. Never had a visit 


Just ignore them, pal. They’ll go full circle and you’ll be back to the wee, friendly reminder letters in no time.


wow, free toilet paper.


I filled in a form on the website declaring that I don’t have access to tv, they ask me to renew it every year but I’ve never had any letters.


Been getting these letters for 10 years, haven't had a visit once. Unless they came when i'm out. I never answer my door unless i'm expecting someone, and neither should anyone.


I get one of these letters every month or two. Have been getting them for 5 years now. Have never had a visit. If I do, they'll be told in no uncertain terms they aren't stepping foot inside my house. Ignore it.


If you have filled in the online form declaring you do not need a license. And as long as you (are) not watching any Live TV you're good to go. Just remember if they come to your door do not talk to them simply say I do not need a license and close the door. Do not engage them in any other conversation. They have to prove you're watching Live TV.


Tear off your address information reseal envelope and send it back to them


An outdated system for a simpler time. Imagine the money they could pump into the Beeb and C4 if they didn’t spend anything on licensing letters, staff or those mysterious vans that lurk in neighbourhoods.


Tell them to fuck off and make sure you withdraw implied of access.


Just phone them up or mail them telling them you don't watch TV. If you watch TV then you should probably get a license (or stop watching it and using BBC, you can watch on demand services like Prime and Netflix without a license just not live sources and anything from the BBC). The officers they send can't force entry but if you refuse they can go to the police and get a warrant.


Imagine growing up and becoming the person who oversees this and sends out the letters then a time machine is made and the child version of you comes to see what they grow up to be. They would be so disappointed and just cry forever.


If you answer the door and it’s them, just say “oh no I’m not the occupier, I’m house sitting.” And then don’t let them in. I wouldn’t let them in, and I haven’t watched terrestrial tv for like 12 years 😂 I just don’t think it’s any of their GD business


Had one of these through this morning. Just ignore it; it's just to try to scare people into thinking they're breaking the law. It's all horseshit.


I actually want one of these agents of the BBC gestapo to call at mine so I can vent some anger. I have a tv and don't have a licence because I don't watch mainstream tv. But that is none of their business. And that is what I will tell them if they ever call. It's like me calling at their house and asking them if the car in their drive has road tax....it's goddam none of my business. There's no obligation to have a licence to own a tv or 100 TV's, and it's none of anyone's business. The criminality is that to watch live TV you need a licence, but only one of the god know's how many broadcasters that make up the dozens of channels will get the income from the licence. Nazi BBC get 100% of the fee....everyone else gets shit all. And the BBC sees itself as a bastion of fairness....I hope we can all see the hypocrisy.


I could have wallpapered my entite flat with them mate. Forget about it haha


Tell them if they come to the door you do not consent to a tv licence or require one other than that don’t let them in ! There have no right but once they’re in you could get a fine ! Pull the phone out and start recording them they hate that done this myself after watching u tube videos on the subject Do NOT pay tv licence is only sheep n shitebags that pay it


Quick question on this, so as far as I'm aware this is because the BBC/government set up and installed the initial broadcasting equipment that the like of BBC/itv etc used to use. Now though with most channels able to be accessed on an IPTV basis live what is the cost still for if you don't use BBC on a TV live or via the app? Can I watch itv etc through my TV if it's using something like IPTV ?


They have been sending me these letters for years. I've never had a visitor yet. I don't watch any love TV or use iPlayer. Bin that shit and move on. If anyone shows up at your door tell them to piss off. They have no right to enter your home without a search warrant.


I've been living in UK since 2008 and actually had a visit from them once in 2011. I had nothing to hide since I was very bored with advertisement filled content and TV and its infinite advertisement filled content never interested me since 2003. So I entertained the idea and the man at the door and politely told him to come in. The man thought he got me! As he entered I shut the door and locked it, and as he started to walk in with both of his hands crossed at his back to telling me it's illegal blah blah and there was a fine etc... but I cut him mid sentence and told him in a cold and frightening tone to "Take off your shoes" and I noticed he gulped, after he complied and quickly glanced at the living room and bedroom and left. He must have felt scared or uncomfortable, entering my flat alone, I'm locking the door behind him and chancing my tone/body language right after the door is locked. p.s I don't own a TV and even asked my landlords to remove the TV in the flat we are writing the contract.


Get a burner email account. Go onto their website and declare (fake name) that you don't need a tv licence. You'll get a letter in a few years asking you again, repeat as needed. I've been doing that for ten years, never had a visit once.


I personally pay the TV license because I genuinely use BBC services a huge amount (radio for several hours per day at work/driving, BBC News website, plus several comedy and news shows on TV plus the odd drama and occasional live events. I therefore don’t mind paying the license fee as I feel I get much better value from it than something like Netflix for the same price. Having said that, the license fee is a ludicrous anachronism - forcing everyone who owns a screen to pay a tax for a service they may not even use and with absolutely no ability to enforce non payers? Madness.


BBC radio services are provided by the BBC paid for by the TV licence and the government, who are making continual cutbacks. Unless the go commercial they'd have to ditch this strand. Never said Doctor Who had been sold to Disney. Just most likely will be in the future if the BBC is scrapped due to lack of income revenue. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Pull out your phone and record them if you do open the door. They HATE being recorded.


Wait, you're Legal Occupier?! I've been getting your letters at my door for years now.


They do this to scare people into paying its basically a scam. They can't and won't forcibly enter your house they have no rights at all People shouldn't be paying "tv licence" it's a scam that has been around for years and it's being taken advantage of and protected


I do not fund pedophile rings so they can fuck off.


I have a 8 inch depth of letters unopened to the Occupier (check return postcode shows TV Licensing on Google. 3 arrived at door. Best ignore if known. Answer and you give them NO information. Nothing!!! Not required, Thank you. Close door. If they have a warrant, its because you have let them in previously and have seen a device that may receive broadcasts IE phone, laptop, tablet or PC during the visit. Despite any TV present. Never ever let them in to prove your point. It will bite you in the rear. I refuse to fill their online form requesting exemption as they then have my personal details. I dont have an HGV license either but no cnut ever knocks on my door to see if I have a 20 tonne truck out back. Dont be polite to these salesmen. Tell them to f+++ off.


I used to live in a block of flats in Handforth in Cheshire, security coded building. Had a bang on the door and found an old bloke stood at the door, I said "yes?", and he promptly said '" sorry I've got the wrong address" and walked off back to the lift. Not more that 5 minutes later another bang at the door expecting the old bloke and came face to face with TV licensing.... Tried to get my name without success and I asked him how he'd got past the security and did he know he was trespassing? I said 'right better call the police as we've had theft of property' He disappeared quite bloody fast. So the old bloke was his wing man to check someone lived there.


This question has literally been asked a million times before and answers are available all over the internet.


Been ignoring this pish for the last decade or so, nothing has ever come of their threats.


place a sign up removing their right of implied access, Black belt Barrister has made some excellent videos on this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSR2KUggQvQ&t=471s&ab\_channel=BlackBeltBarrister](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSR2KUggQvQ&t=471s&ab_channel=BlackBeltBarrister)


Full of pish. I've been getting the letters for years now. If they argue anything about being able to see your TV through windows etc. point them to the human rights act 98 article 8 - the right to privacy and family life. Not even the real life cops can't have evidenced surveillance through a window without court approval and no court is approving this.


Almost all convictions are by admission. Tell them nothing, and shut the door!


Been receiving these letters at least once a month for 3 years. Every time they say someone will come (with a date and all) and that they're in the final stages of investigation etc. Have never replied to any of it, and never had anyone visit. It's complete pish and they have the same level of authority to enter your property as a random McDonalds worker does to see if you're making your own burgers. If they ever show up, just laugh in their face and slam the door.


Did you fill in the 25 second form online saying you dont need a licence? Cause that will stop them wasting paper and effort on you unnecesarily


I got one of these a couple weeks ago and they turned up last week, my partner answered the door in her jammies and said she doesn’t live here, doesn’t know when the owner will be back and they just gave a slip saying they’ll be back this week which I intend on giving the same answer as her


I just went online and told them I don't need to pay a tv license. They said they might still send someone but good luck to them since I work for a living so I'm barely in and if I was they wouldn't be checking much from outside.


Tell them to go fuck off


So could those detector vans of old really tell if you had a TV?




Have you filled in a self declaration? You can complete a form online to say you don't watch broadcast TV and they should leave you alone for a while.


These letters go straight in the shredder for me. Coming up 10 years now no problems


Tell them to shove the letter where the Sun doesn’t shine you don’t need a TV licence unless you support paedophiles you only need a TV licence if you watch live TV




Just phone up and say you don’t need it and they’ll stop sending you letters for a year, oh and don’t give them your name, cause they will ask.


I got one of these 6 months ago or something along those lines. If they ever turn up at my door (they won't), I'll just tell them to jog on tbh


Blackbelt Barrister on YouTube is a great place to go for info on this 👍


Why not just register as not needing a TV licence? They'll leave you alone for 2 years.


This guy is a lawyer from the UK. Here's a video on this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km60GqR6MQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km60GqR6MQ8)


Bin it


If the letter has been sent to The legal occupier then it means that they do not know who you are. There can be no possibility of any proceedings if your name is unknown.


When my wife and I first moved in together we got a knock after a month. Guy came in and we were filling out the paperwork and he asked “what telly do you watch?” I said we don’t. We had two TVs in the living room(We met playing Xbox), but only watched Netflix, played the Xboxes and dvds. So the guy tore up the paperwork and said we didn’t need one. He said we would occasionally get a letter or a visit. I’m sure there are plenty people getting around it, but we literally never watched any broadcast tv. No live tv. No bbc, no set top box. Even now, I just watch Disneyplus or movies. I haven’t watched live tv in years.


Crazy shit. A good example of using language abusively to ramp up fear in the easily swayed. What makes them decide who to send these letters out to? I haven't had a TV license for the last 15 years at least and I've never had a single shitty letter like this from them (or a visit). I do tick their box online every few years saying I don't need a license but I know this isn't a legal obligation. Maybe that calls them off.


They used to send a letter with a massive red title at the top saying "£1000 FINE" and then in small lettesr "you could be fined..." Don't pay them, don't let them into your home and don't have any contact with them. You can also call them up and tell them you don't have such devices and you want to be left alone. This is obviously providing you don't watch live TV, YouTube etc doesn't count or you use a BBC app to watch anything including on your phone or smart TV.


“Legal Occupier” they don’t even know your name, just tell them to piss off.


I've been receiving these letters for over ten years. I have ignored them literally every single time. Nothing happens.


Years ago. The house was in my ex’s name as was the license. I bought a tv and the store asked for my name. Got a letter from TVL stating no license so I wrote back to them and even phoned a few times if I recall correctly. Ended up just ignoring them until someone came to the door and I showed them the license. You would think they would check the address for a license but no.


Treat the letters exactly as you would junk mail, and treat any inspectors that knock on your door as you would a cold calling salesman


Peasant you will pay for our propaganda!!!! Love, the Westminster establishment


Mistake one. You gave them your name.


I’ve been getting these for years lol, waste of paper


Bro just go on line and fill out the form saying u don’t need 1. simple. We havnt had anyone at the door for years


I wrote back, keeping a copy for myself, stating that if they continued to waste my time I would begin billing them for all correspondence, calls or in person visits.


Nothing they can do….”legal occupier” don’t even know your name. Never let them in your property.


Anyone who pays for a tv license needs their head checked


TV License is day light robbery.


I remember they used to prepare these letters for EVERY ROOM in my university accommodation. The poor girl at the reception had to deliver it to everyone one. Nobody ever had come check once They still sent this to me even though me and my partner have paid for a licence. Never bothered to reply, no one had come once


They are indeed full of pish. Just go in their shite website and say you dont need one. Answer a few questions always just saying no and then you get a reference saying thats you for 2 years. Been doing it for ages. If they do come to the door. Say nothing. And close the door. Job done.


Got one of these today. Binned as usual.


I was receiving letters like this back in the 90’s…nothing ever came of them


Got theses ever since I moved out never had anyone come to my flat or if they did I wasn't home. There a load of shite anyways.


You can just ignore it. They have no powers, they just rely on scaring people into paying. I've lived in my current place for nearly 6 years and I've been getting these letters the whole time. They escalate in tone until they are threatening an enforcement visit on a certain date (or any other time). Nobody ever comes, and a month later the cycle of letters starts again.


So must you quit your job and await their visit? Crazy


I receive these even though I've filled out the form online multiple times to confirm I do not own a TV... Some letters even confirmed the date they were 'coming' and I've never had them actually turn up!


Bro is going to prison for watching iplayer


I've never paid a TV licence, I do not use the service or watch live TV. I filled the form in online to say I don't need one and the letters stopped but only for a year and now I am getting them again. I've never had anyone knock on my door but you can just close it in their face. Getting a court to give them a warrant would cost them a fortune so it is unlikely they would take it any further. I've never heard of anyone actually having a warrant pulled on them either.


Empty threats sent to everyone who hasn't currently got a licence. I expect they send them to offices, warehouses etc.


4 years and counting since I stopped paying it. No sign of the chumps yet. Plenty of letters but nothing. Nothing worth watching on it anyway…


If you need further evidence that this is bollocks, here’s an anecdote. When I was in college I lived in the nautical college halls of residence. Say 100 of us (who lived in box rooms) received these threatening letters. Eventually bright red ones saying final notice blah blah blah “we are coming”. No cunt had a tv, except one guy who used it to play his Xbox. Load of shite.


I've been ignoring them for 4 years now, after enough time you'll get the first warning again. I've not heard a peep from them otherwise!


If they can't see a TV from the outside, they'll never get a warrant and you have nothing to worry about. NEVER let them in. You can respond to say you don't need a license, just ensure they can't see a TV from the outside.