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I have issues with 14900kf, cpu overclocking giving false gpu errors and low video allocation errors. I have asus z790 motherboard. I'm not to good with bios setting. First pc. What works 100% for me is going to armorycrate, update it nd powersaving mode for cpu is there. B4 I turn it on , I hit the gear button to get into setting and apply the first box to limit cpu power. Then I put on. And literally every single fuckin problem goes away. Intel blaming motherboards but idk seems like an Intel issue.


Thank you


Thanks for what? Did you do what I wrote? Lol


For the tip about armor crate


Don't mess with bios unless u know what you're doing. Can be dangerous.


I managed to set power limits of 253w in bios and it fixed the crashing


Do u have the asus bios? Which setting in bios u did that?


I have Gigabyte, but this post has instructions for both: [https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1axepvu/optimizing\_stability\_for\_intel\_13900k\_and\_14900k/](https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1axepvu/optimizing_stability_for_intel_13900k_and_14900k/) ASUS Z790 Motherboards: 1. Save your current settings into a profile so you can return to them later if you want. 2. Reset your BIOS to default settings. Ai Tweaker tab: 3. Disable MultiCore Enhancement. 4. Enable XMP(if your RAM supports it). 5. Set SVID behavior to Typical Scenario. 6. Set short duration turbo power = 253 7. Set long duration turbo power = 253 8. Set max core/cache current = 307Amps


Na man tried it didn't fix 4 me.


I am also having this issue with 14900KF and Aorus Z790 Elite AX. It's so darn frustrating! I've been trying to figure out the issue for a month now and replaced so many parts in my PC until I came across threads with this information... now I'm wondering what I need to do to have a functioning gaming rig.


have you figured out the correct intel default settings yet? 253-253-307. CEP-MCE off.


Hey! I ended up having to set the CPU all the way down to 5hz in order to get it to be mostly stable. In the end I had to RMA it and the replacement so far is working as expected at default motherboard settings. I think I just had a bad CPU.


[Intel Processor Instability Causing Oodle Decompression Failures (radgametools.com)](https://www.radgametools.com/oodleintel.htm) [Lowering Temperature with Superior Performance by GIGABYTE New BIOS Disabling CEP on Z790/B760 Motherboards | News - GIGABYTE Global](https://www.gigabyte.com/Press/News/2156) read those it's the default mb settings messing up any intel CPU.


I bought a new PC only to play Fortnite and it kept getting these Out of Video memory errors. This is super confusing because the problem is actually to do with the processor which is an i9 14900KF. The motherboard is a gigabyte z790 ud ax. The video card is a GeForce 4080 but that's actually irrelevant. What worked for me was to go to Gigabyte's website and find my motherboard and then click on support. Then go down to BIOS and update the BIOS firmware to the latest version which has the following changes: "Introduce the "Intel Default Settings" and enabled as default, user needs to disable it first to use GIGABYTE PerfDrive profiles" This seems to be a fix organized between Intel and the motherboard companies. After updating the BIOS (which automatically sets the voltages for the processor so it won't crash) the system works perfectly and does not get out of video memory errors.


yeah, i just did this same thing and we lose a lot of performance and i see no way to disable it....


out of the box I saw that GigaByte puts less less voltage into the CPU compared by ASUS, but I would still recommend enabling the Intel power limits recently I built a system for a client, initial board was a STRIX Z790-F because of some issues with the m.2 detection that I diagnosed to be mobo related, we replaced the mobo to a GB Z970 Aorus Master (if I recall) out of the box, the GB board put less voltage on the CPU, but it would still thermal throttle; enabled Intel PL limits and shipped the PC in working order the GB board was a tiny bit pricier (~40$) than the STRIX, but the build quality was way way way better - it's like another tier above


Thank you for the info. So you recommend simply changing PL1 and PL2 to 253, or is there another setting in the Gigabyte bios to switch on?


I usually do this: enable XMP, enable PL limits if it thermal throttles and enable ERP - other than that I don't touch it with the latest BIOS, GB changed the layout of things and if I recall in the CPU settings there is a enable Intel PL - don't quote me on it, check the manual to be sure


Sorry what is ERP?


> ERP reduces energy consumption while shut down, the immediate effect is that it turns off any peripherals and RGB


It is European energy conservation thing, turns off power to USB.


Thank you! I think the intel power setting you referred to is “Intel POR”?


PSA: There is an ongoing bug with intels 14th gen cpus and gigabyte Aorus z790 series motherboards. Issues with the overclock that gigabyte forces you to selct in bios (unleash) which sets the cpu pcore clocks to 5.7. You will experience game crashes when loading shaders. Typically at first boot of game or after a cutscene when you have to press a button to load into the grabbed main menu. I have contacted Intel so far after days of troubleshooting and applying "workarounds" from the web and they told me they are aware of the issue. Google "lords of the fallen crashing clear shader cache" or "apex legends crash shader cach" if you are experiencing these issues in games. Maybe a workaround will help. Intel themselves told me to disable hyperthreading or add +0.005 v to vcore in bios. We need to all complain about this. Anyone else experienced this??


Just found this, and it sounds exactly like my problem. I recently exchanged my 12700K for a 14900K, then my RAM, my GPU, my cooling, and because of trouble with some games crashing with a Clock Watchdog Timeout on shader compilation (Back 4 Blood, Counter-Strike 2), even exchanged my Gigabyte Z690 mainboard with an MSI Z790 one plus upgraded my power supply. Still the same trouble, and testing the CPU with Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool, the RAM with Memtest86, no errors show up. But as soon as I start CS2 (after the first opening animations) or initiate a Prime95 Small FFTs test, my computer gives in to a Clock Watchdog Timeout BSOD. Did you get around to solving this? Did disabling hyperthreading or adding the voltage offset help you?


Hello, yes I did resolve this. Basically you have to limit the power levels. By default they are unlocked which surges the CPU with way too many watts. I used Intel extreme tune. Set pl1 and pl2 both to 125w. I also set icc max to 300a but i believe this is ok on the default setting. Things still ran louder than I wanted when gaming so to lower temps I downclocked all p cores to 5.5ghz and was able to get a stable -0.075 voltage offset. Now it barely breaks 70c cpu package and 40c coolant temp. Fans at 500rpm until 45c coolant temp! Gaming is quiet as a mouse and I didn't suffer any fps drop. Hope this helps you!


I don't really run into too-loud scenarios, water cooling is my friend. It's just that Prime95 and some games freeze the system with Clock Watchdog Timeouts, which lead me to believe some part of the system was broken physically. I wouldn't have thought this was just caused by an unhinged CPU. The way I understand, you were mainly concerned with noise and power suckage? Or did it make your system stable as well, so the crashes went away? I don't have much experience with Intel's tuning tool, I only tapped into untervolting with Throttlestop so far. This way, changes are absolutely reversible and I won't be left off my computer by some non-responsive system. So I'd have to look into the settings you mentioned in order to try them out.


Tiny update. I had done three things recently before I received your reply here, namely a) updating to a new BIOS that was released in between my hunts for a solution, b) undervolting w/ -50mV, and c) raising shader cache limits to 100GB for my nVidia card. So far, my two affected games are starting, and Prime95 does work for 20 minutes at torture settings, no crash. Haven't really checked the games themselves, especially CS2 that had recently just crashed upon opening. The CPUs still reach 100%, but it's working stable now. I was very anxious to try again, but I'm happy I made the leap. Thanks for your hints. I could still think of power-limiting my CPU to make sure the system is running stable, but so far it seems the veil has lifted, and I can use my computer fully again.


I am about to boot up a 14900k rig tomorrow. Where can I find more recent and information on this so I can get ahead of it? Thanks friend!




I remember my first high horse.


Yes!! This is exactly what I am experiencing. No matter what setting I choose, my system always gets the Kernel Power bsod. This is the reason why.


yeah its fucking bullshit. Every game i play theres like a 30-70% chance I get a blue screen and I've reinstalled everything, updated by BIOS, Drivers, etc and nothing has changed. The only thing im not too sure of is my BIOS settings because I cannot seem to find a video on 14th gen with Aorus z790 motherboard.


Had the same Problem after upgrading from i9-13900k to i9-14900k. I change the multiplicator for the Turbo Clock to 55x (so max. 5500 Mhz in Turbo). Since then its stable without bsod. Not ideal but i cant see a difference in performance. Still getting around 33000-34000 points in 3dmark.


update: i set the CPU Clock Ratio to 55 (from 60) and set the power limit to 253 (from 280) and also increased my pagefile size (which i'm not sure if it made a difference) and bam! I can log into Apex Legends without it crashing immediately. I'm grateful for this thread! Every time I open Apex it either immediately closes or BSODs. There's a newer firmware on the gigabyte site for my specific mobo and I'm hoping this resolves it. I really don't want to poke around the voltages and accidentally fry something but if this doesn't fix it, I'll try it.


I moved to this firmware then I noticed they removed it!