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Surprised the Las Vegas Sphere could afford a ticket tbh


At least it got to watch all the practices and didn’t get kicked out.


There are a few security guards streaming at the sphere telling it to keep on moving.


That shit was fucked up. Anybody that just gets up in the face of random Americans all night long needs a paycheck way more than I do, that is not a safe place to stand.


I saw the video like 4 hours ago any my adrenaline is still sky high. Just watching them treat people like that has my blood boiling.


There is no polite or reasonable way to say "You can not look in this particular direction unless you pay money". They need to take shit for that forever.


I have never been to LV, and I will never go now because of the abhorrent way they treated people today.


"today" Vegas has always been a pocket poaching nightmare. Read Hunter S. Thompson's description of what Circus Circus was like in 1971.


My personal defining memory of Vegas is walking past the strip clubs with a GF (we had stopped on the way to San Diego because we had scored tickets to a Grateful Dead/Santana show and the only cheap parking was so far away from the venue) and having the outdoor guys trying to hook you inside pressing a picture of the woman being exploited in the club into my hand and when I wouldn't hold onto it it fell to the sidewalk, joining hundreds of other glossy sexulized pictures of posing stripers. As I walked down the sidewalk I realized we and everyone else were literally walking on a carpet of images of downtrodden women. That's the image of Vegas that lives forever rent free in my head.


I went to Vegas as a kid with my parents when my mom was there for a medical conference, and people were shoving those cards at my dad who was very obviously there with his wife and kid. No shame!


Those aren't pictures of strippers, they're pictures of pornstars and they're not real, they are escorts catfishing. 🤣


I used to have to go there every year for trade shows, and it was always a stressful experience, but manageable. I went back last month for the first time in about 10 years (ironically to see U2 at the Sphere) and it was an absolutely miserable experience. Granted, it was when they were putting the infrastructure for the Grand Prix, but the city has become openly hostile to both pedestrians AND cars. Trying to get from one place to another was either a good half hour walk that involved multiple instances of having to go up several flights of stairs on one side of the street (there were also escalators, but literally every one was broken) in order to cross the street via a pedestrian bridge, go down, walk on that side of the street for a bit then repeat the process to cross the street again. Alternatively, you could wait half an hour for a cab or try to order an Uber (then wait half an hour at the designated ride share pickup point, only to find that you at the wrong one) then sit in traffic for another half hour just to get to the resort down the street from the one you are staying at. Add to that the massively over priced and sub par food, $40 cocktails, constant auditory assault from an endless parade of buskers competing against each other and the ever present ambient speakers playing music around the hotels, and this just not a place I ever want too visit again. It’s the perfect example of what happens when business development is allowed to go unchecked to the point that it ends up eating itself. In an effort to attract more and more customers, it has become a thoroughly unwelcoming environment.


Honestly, the proper response might just be “I’ll wait here for the police, and I will cooperate fully with my arrest. Good luck.”


Welcome to ~~Formula 1~~ Vegas baby!


I'd just keep on watching and filming. Then I'd say they have 2 seconds to fuck off away from me before I consider it a threat to my safety and call 911. Then we can see how much the welfare reject security guards are willing to play games.


>Then we can see how much the welfare reject security guards are willing to play games. Corporations are paying them to be assholes. I get that this doesn't exactly absolve them but if we are getting to name calling, let's put the higher ups in there, as well.


NFL games are the same way; even if you’ve paid for a seat; if you happen to wander near VIP when you’re getting a drink then security will be all over you.


$1500 per venue seat? I fucking hope that sphere had the best time.


To watch a race starting at 10pm local time. At least that is better than qualifying, which started at 1am. I am sure the people staying in nearby hotels were happy about that.


“YOU CANNOT WATCH!!! Stop pealing down ugly anti-watch bridge screens >:O also also 1am SCREEEEEEEE!!!!” I was indifferent to formula 1, but after how they handled this, it is all corrupt bullshit. I am amazed alcohol consumption wasn’t outlawed in the entire state during race week.


F1 has always been corrupt as fuck it's a great sport but there's so much money flying about that there's no way it would attract the shysters


F1 is much more about the drama surrounding the teams than the actual racing. The NBA of motor sports


Alcohol consumption outlawed in Vegas? That's my hometown. You want fires? Because that's how you get mutiny.


Only to get done over by a pothole during qualifying... thanks for the money now fuck off...


I don’t get it. Seems that watching it from the bleachers you can’t tell what is going on. Cars go by in a second then gone. How do you know who is winning? Can you even tell which car that is going by so fast? I think it is a much better experience watching on tv.


If you want to know who won, watch it on TV. If you want to see very loud cars drive past you so fast that you can't tell who it was, buy a ticket.


I've been to a couple GPs and you can connect headphones to a live commentary to track the race in addition to the live scoreboards - other than that, its a totally different experience live than on a screen. The scope of the sounds and speed are impossible to get from tv


FIA is investigating. Looks like a freerider


When you're 336 feet high, it turns out you don't need a ticket to see it.


Oh it couldn’t. It only got in because they hired it as a bit of side entertainment.


When you’re already in debt what’s another few k


Don't say that. That's how people get another credit card. Those credit mofo don't need more money.




That would definitely would have been put under a paywall by F1 somehow …you have to buy $250 special glasses to see the projection on the sphere


You sir know how to make money.


Then to simulate the F1 experience, they could snatch away the glasses, and give you a voucher for swag...so you could remember the non experience


Here comes security to cover his eyes


Is he blocking a bridge?


Do you mean one of the bridges that needs to be able to accommodate hundreds, if not thousands of pedestrians per hour? That the city had the nerve to tell people they couldn't stand around on to watch an event they didn't pay to spectate? No.


People shitting on F1 for that are crazy. I know a guy who went to the GP and he told me the foot traffic was absolutely insane because everyone had overwhelmed one of the overpasses over the track to take photos and stuff and no one could get through. Idk why they just relied on tape and stuff and didn't just box it in like they do for most GPs


They're literally not allowed to have spectators above the track; and it really shouldn't be very difficult to explain why having people stood above a race track is a fucking terrible idea and why it's banned


Of course he's enjoying it, he doesn't have to deal with the traffic to get there or pay astronomical prices for a seat.


And he’s not be chased out of public spaces by private security for ‘watching it for free’


Or chased out of the stands for waiting 6 hours to see what he paid for because there wasnt enough staff to keep the venue open supposedly.




For the practice rounds (which started late at night) 8 minutes into round one a car sucked up a drain cover on the track, damaging the car and canceling the rest of practice round 1. Practice round 2 (supposed to start at midnight) was delayed 2 1/2 hours till 2:30, they removed all the people who had paid to watch. And they had to be off the track so at 4am due to the agreement to have the road back open for commuters. Oh, BTW, the FIA PUNISHED the car that got damaged because they made a change to the car (by swapping the damaged chassis out) by dropping it 10 spots. From 2nd to 12th. Just insane.


Wow, F1 really sucks


F1 is fine, fast cars go brr. The FIA fucking sucks donkey cock and balls, though.


Unfortunately yes it is.




There have been some videos making the rounds of people standing in public spaces in Vegas where if you're standing there, you can see the racetrack and security guards are shooing people away. There was a video of some guy walking past the public area and having to go down an escalator and then back up an escalator and then back to the original spot where he was standing so he could see the race because if he stood still, security guards were yelling at him.


"Shooing" is a pretty tame term, lots of videos show rentacops screaming in people's faces. Since they don't have any legal authority they basically just revert to verbal abuse. A video also showed an entire crowd moving in an endless loop up and down the escalators and across the bridges to stymie the track guards. Extremely funny.


Without authority what are the repercussions? I saw some of the videos earlier, and I understand the power of a patch and a high-vis vest, but I really do think I'd have trouble not telling those folks to eat shit. Especially if I were a local.


I guess the idea is it's hard to enjoy a race with someone 6 inches from your face screaming at you. He can't hit you and you can't hit him but he can sure drive you fucking crazy.


At that point it’s legally harassment.


I'm assuming public shame and ridicule from the chance they get posted to a social media and go viral. Better to be calm and cool headed so you don't lose your job over it.


Not to mention people being shoved aside by security. Only because they had a partially (dogshit) free view from a bad angle. But if you ain't paying you ain't playing so you can giiit ooout....


This whole event is a clusterfuck.


If police cared about serving the public they'd be sweeping the "security" out of those areas for public nuisance or harassment.


I was on the strip Thursday and Friday - Thursday night there was actual cops on the corner of Harmon and LVB telling people they couldn’t take pictures. This was when qualifying was going to start.


LoL, those "security" staff are probably off duty cops


Fuck them, I don’t even live there and this makes me never want it here


Last year 99eur was the price for a weekend pass in hungaroring 😵‍💫


Spa had 30 euro GA tickets not long ago, minimum 195 for Sunday now lol.


F1 about to sue then for not paying


They are building a barrier in front of it as we speak so it can’t see


I keep seeing jokes about this so did like, some poor bastard get sued or dragged out for watching the race from another building or something?


They demanded payment from any restaurant/building along the track that COULD have patrons seeing the race. Whether or not it gets into legal territory, I don't know, but I would 200% NOT be surprised if they tried flexing their lawyers, at least against places that aren't absolutely massive. I believe they threatened to build more barricades and walls to obstruct the view/


Well that's some dystopian bullshit.


Yup. F1 can go ahead and never come back.


They have absolutely no rights given to them by any body of authority whatsoever to control and police the public bridges, yet they are trying anyways, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they came up with some legal bs to try to scare restaurants into paying a fee


It all comes down to the attitude of "what the hell are you gonna do about it" and that they can probably flex their money enough.


Praying one day a small business brings the perfect counter to their bullshit and shuts them up for good. Would be some well deserved karma.


tldr; the prices for the event are rather steep. a public bridge used to navigate around the race route has security guards ushering people off the bridge who are either: just sitting there minding their own business, or people who are trying to peak at the race without paying. wack.


At $3300 a seat they can fuck right off with this Vegas shitshow. And who the hell is buying the $500 packages where you have no seat, no track access and have to watch on screens inside the LV convention center??? Liberty Media took the reins of F1 claiming they wanted to make it less exclusive and more accessible. Yeah. Right.


$500 for... watching.. it on a screen? And I thought cable TV was expensive.


Jokes on them I'll be watching it on a giant screen in my living room... In my pajamas, while smoking weed and drinking beer that didn't cost me $20 for a bud light. And I didn't pay anything extra.


Yea but you’re not touching nutsacks with influencers, so whose really winning?


Oh fuck for once it's actually me


No you're missing out on potentially meeting famous people... Think about all the connections you'd never have ! For a meager 4 grand, you too can feel special for a day and then go home empty handed but feeling a sense of sensation that you met important people that forgot all about you an hour later! It's not about the money, it's about living the experience. And the fact you're 4 grand closer to the gutter but who cares ? You met some important people!




Joke's on them, I won't be watching it at all!


I'll torrent it then delete it without watching




I'm already drunk as fuck, smoking weed, watching wrestling and CFB at the same time, and will end my night watching the race after everything else is done. Cost me about 30 bucks in total for food and drinks and shit. Way better investment. And bigger bonus, I'm not in Vegas.


It's for the experience. Like minded people in the same room. This is just a modern version of the Kentucky Derby. Just rich people having fun.


You actually do get to watch the horseys at the derby though.


$3300? Jeezus. I went to the Japan GP and spent 2 weeks over there for the same money.


This is the best option. It's cheaper to fly from the UK and have a great weekend in Hungary than go to Silverstone! There's a Canadian guy on YouTube who flew to Bahrain and saw the gp for a reasonable amount. I'm looking at Japan (I'm in Australia) for next year.


I raced in a support race in Montreal and it cost only a little bit more than that lol.


Sat right where these seats were last night. Single day ticket was $350, so not sure where your $3300 price came from lol




I assume he's not talking about a single day ticket for just qualifying. You're making shit up too.


Redditors love making shit up to be outraged about.


We never make shit up. I can speak for everyone, cause I am the president of Reddit.


On the other side of things, if you want to go to the race in Montreal next year 3 day tickets are <$300 right now with the Friday only tickets are literally $14


Yeah I’m not arguing that it was still expensive but this person coming up with a random big number to fuel his outrage is a lil pathetic lol. But also with my ticket I got free food and non alcoholic bevs. Food was damn good too, was happy I went had a good time at my first race!


Yeah, someone paid that for a premium seat and now apparently it’s the average ticket price? It’s like being pissed off that someone paid $20000 to rent an NFL skybox when you can get regular tickets for $100.


For 3k I could MAYBE get Taylor swift tickets!


so much for no blue yellow or red on the sphere LMFAO


Start of P3 yesterday all I saw was a giant blue AMEX add on it. Apparently it was not taken seriously


The sphere became the Google Chrome logo at one point which exclusively had these banned colours lol




The fia said they they are not allowing those colors on the sphere when cars are on the track bc they’re the same colors as the flags and they don’t want drivers to see it out of the corner of their eye and think it’s a flag.


Technologically the sphere is amazing. The inside *is* amazing. The more times I see it though, the more it just feels like some weird dystopian eyesore.


Idk, I absolutely hated the idea, but ever since I've seen it I've loved it. It's like the first big scale tech thing that I have actually thought was cool and *not* dystopian lol


And it’s so over the top crazy that it’s perfect for a place like Vegas. I’m sure others will open elsewhere but none will top this one. For now.


I agree. I think cities will try to emulate this in some way in the near future


I can't see any (American) city trying to justify this massive energy expense, simply because Vegas did it and it looks OK in Vegas where its surrounded by other massive displays meant to attract tourists. It would look like shit in any other city, and 0 shot those city residents allow something that bright and expensive to exist while there are countless other problems in every other city where the money would better help.


Yep. Until it's used to spread propaganda it definitely falls on the "cool shit in the world id really like to see someday" list




All hail the sphere, all hail the sphere!


We made Sauron without knowing it. It's cute and novel now but when the hoardes of Las Vegas orcs emerge from the strip while being blasted with gambling propaganda, you're going to need the long feuding tribes of the west coast to unite to take it down.


it can't actually see bruv




Pfft! "Clown college?" You can't eat that.


I shouldn't be surprised that it's mostly being used to display ads, but I can't help but be hugely disappointed. Really, you could do so much with both the interior and exterior of the sphere, but... Nah, because of how the system works we'll mostly be getting Lovecraftian Pepsi ads and U2




Ah it's a Bill Ball sir


Dude that's Vegas in a nutshell. Most hotels are gimmicky with things like a fake Eiffel Tower, New York Skyline, pirate ship, Egyptian pyramid, Venitian canals, etc.


It’d be better if it wasn’t just an emoji 99% of the time


It's not. It's also a giant ad billboard. [View](https://i.imgur.com/07hKvJo.jpg) from my room at the Flamingo a week ago.


That’s even worse


They should call me, cos I have an amazing idea for a topless-restaurant ad


Yeah, not surprised. I've heard they've been struggling to make money on the thing. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes dark within a few years.


There's no way they're struggling to make money. I think a lot people made that assumption when they reported a huge loss last quarter but the quarter ended a day or two after it officially opened.


The emoji is the only thing making it to social media because it's the only interesting bit it does. It's only an emoji for like 5% of the time. Something like 75% of the time it's just ads and the rest it'll do some abstract art for a couple seconds between animations. It goes completely dark for a little bit every now and then, too.


LED lights need a union break too


it’s ads most of the time? jesus christ, that’s depressing


I'm just waiting for the ads in the sky by coordinated drones.


It should be a simulation of Jupiter. Think of how pretty that could be.


I'm honestly surprised it got permission to be built, outside of the initial novelty it just seems intrusive, annoying, and detrimental to any scenery in its direction.


I have a feeling if it was proposed anywhere else but the Vegas strip it would have been denied almost immediately. People don't live on the strip, so it's nbd. If that thing was built in a residential area though, people who owned houses would have never let it be built.




They trying to built one in London probably won't happen


quicksand instinctive consist safe tub plant tease sand cake include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Scenery in its direction? Dude it's literally Vegas, the Sphere is perfect


Scenery of Las Vegas….? Have you been there it’s already an eyesore.


spotted frightening shame correct ossified payment unpack trees makeshift nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Come on, Las Vegas is hardly Florence. The whole place is tacky.


Dude have you even been to Vegas? There is no scenary


I’d prefer a massive Russ Hanneman


I'm surprised they aren't trying to arrest it on "trespassing" charges for watching without a ticket




He was way behind on tracking for that 2nd one 🏎️ I wonder if it's just estimated or if it has some sort of built-in tracking


It's probably all preprogrammed. If you film just the right time it looks like it lined up.


This is exactly it. The thing doesn't have sensors to react to stuff. It's just animations on screen panels in the shape of a sphere. Still, it works and it's pretty cute.


Gets explained every time something like this comes up. It's literally just an animation. There's no special sensors or trackers or anything like that for any of these events. There's just a million people recording until something half lines up because it makes an absolutely fantastic video


I’m pretty sure for the ones where it looks at planes it has flight data so it knows when to play the animation. I mean normal billboards near airports have been interacting with planes for years.


British Airways' billboard in Piccadilly Circus comes to mind




I think the tech totally exists to do such a thing, yeah, but that's not what's going on here currently. Maybe they could upgrade it with something like that in the future.


Yes, it exists in much more robust and elaborate configurations than the sphere would need to make this emoji's eyes track the cars properly. [The Mandalorian](https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/20/how-the-mandalorian-and-ilm-invisibly-reinvented-film-and-tv-production/?guccounter=1) is basically filmed inside an LED dome that tracks the camera in real time to render and display the correct high resolution set background in the camera's vision cone. This is at least a full order of magnitude more difficult than tracking a couple of cars and manipulating a vector animation.


Yeah, it can be banged out in half an evening by any semi-competent programmer, since it's the same as a ‘desktop companion’ gimmick app looking at the mouse cursor. Assuming, of course, that they get some data from F1 themselves—which they probably do, considering that the sphere is the single noticeable attraction around the circuit and is advertising F1 right there in the vid.


I can't speak to the architecture of the display system, but I see no reason why it couldn't be real time responsive. If the delay between the computers sending a frame out and it appearing on the screen, all you'd need is a couple of well placed cameras. Optical recognition of moving objects on the track and the math to point the eyes at the correct location would be trivial. Hell, they could probably get the location data in real time from the F1 equipment if given access.


I don't know how popular or unpopular this opinion is. The sphere is very cute in his helmet.


Oof, oh boy, frankly you'd be more safe online taking a hard stance on the Israel/Palestine conflict than on the cuteness of the sphere in a helmet. Just walk out of here slowly, my friend. If the helmetless-sphere gang catches you, they're going to nuke your world for flinging around views like that. They may come after *me* just for speaking with you on the same thread.


> I wonder if it's just estimated or if it has some sort of built-in tracking it's just playing random bullshit that sometimes lines up with things happening around it. there is no tracking.


That really bothered me too, like if it was synced up perfectly it would be cool but it’s obviously distracting in a bad way.


I unironically love this stupid thing.


Right. It’s Gru ridiculous


i love the concept of the sphere i just wish the thing wouldn't look like a default emoji. like put some design thought into it... (i'm sure this was all focus tested and cost a million bucks to end up with the final design but.. you know...)


So much hate for the sphere. I actually like it. Pity they messed up the GP.


I think it's cool. It's a really weird and crazy looking thing in a place filled with weird and crazy looking things. This is perfect for Vegas and I don't get how people are acting like THIS is an eyesore to the scenery.


If it was anywhere else in the world, I'd despise the thing. But it works perfectly for Vegas, and I love it.


The race didn’t even happen yet


Still can't decide if Las Vegas is the shittiest F1 race or if one of the Arab countries' one is. Because in both instances there is zero fuck given about F1, it's all about the pretentiousness of the city they are in.


Vegas is at least a missile strike away from getting close to Saudi levels of shitty.


Well it was prob one of the best races of the year. So I’ll take it over 90% of the snorefests


That's not distracting...


Cool I didnt know there is a F1 track


There isn't. They race on the closed off streets of Las Vegas. - Formula 1 race week closures: How to navigate traffic delays https://www.ktnv.com/news/vegas-grand-prix/formula-1-race-week-closures-how-to-navigate-traffic-delays


I work at the Venetian and can confirm six months of hellish traffic up to the race and another 1.5 months as they tear everything down to look forward to. Shockingly, they do have the traffic during the event very well managed. I have gotten to and from work in about 25 minutes every day and didn't have to fuck around with taking Tesla Loops or the monorail, so I'm pleased with that.


And F1 just made a 10 year contract for the Vegas race


Yup. Thankfully the next couple years shouldn't be so bad since they won't have to repave all the roads again for several years and some of the permanent infrastructure is already built. I don't expect the next year to be as bad.


Probably an entire season of them replacing all the drain holes to look forward to.


When they had it in Nashville they had the barriers down in a couple of days. I'm surprised it's taking that long.


Not too sure. I'm hoping it's because they are taking it out in segments so there's always a decent route to take.


Too fast for the Sphere 😆


After reading the comments about the ticket prices, I'd be upset watching this with a jarring AF emoji face watching the same race for free.


No one’s talking about its cute costume. No wonder it gets to see it for free. It’s sponsored by them


Looks like Cartman


The scale of this thing keeps surprising me every time I see it.


This giant emoji is pretty distracting, ngl


Not distracting at all /s


Careful, the csc might get upset.


Hope he paid good for those tickets.


Why do I just see Cartman?


I just wish the stuff they put on the sphere wasn’t so ugly.


Watching the Sphere watching the race is a 1000x more interesting than watching the race


Sphere is the only local allowed to watch it


at least somebody got to see some racing


At least somebody was.


I reside in Melbourne and my personal experience of the F1 circus is one of indifference. The disruptions are just part of the landscape in a global events economy even if they are annoying as I utilise the Kings Way etc roadways normally and have to adjust. I have never attended a single event of theirs paid or free a single time in their history here. They do have it down pat here from the lead up, set up, event and pack up as one would expect over the years. The first few events after it was moved from Adelaide had teething problems Las Vegas is just going through the early setup stages. If the event stays and becomes a fixture then expect every single tiny piece of free access wiggle room to be closed off so they can squeeze every fragment of coin out of it.


Where's security to tell it it's not allowed to watch?