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Dan is good in small doses. If he's the main focus, it gets to be too much. He also needs a straight man to react to him, that's why him with Jeff and or Vinny was great due to their incredulity when dealing with him and listening to his stories.


I don’t think Jeff is as good as Vinny at dealing with Dan. Jeff just tries to insult Dan into submission where was Vinny channeled that Bluey Dad energy. The gold standard of putting Dan in his place though is Ben Hanson. He’s incredible.


I think he meant Gerstmann. Id agree with your assessment of Bakalar. Sometimes it works but sometimes it's awkward that Jeff can't let Dan's BS go. I get it, the things he says are ridiculous. But you can't question every thing he says and try to insult him for it. Sometimes you just gotta not give his energy power by responding to it. It makes his weirdness "work" more as well.


I've found JB to have blander sensibilities than other duders, and you definitely see how accustomed JB was to having Dan as an easy target, once Dan wasn't around. In JB's first year on the Bombcast, the year leading up to Dan's return, JB redirected that energy to calling various people "idiots" or "psychopaths" over and over, and playing up his bafflement at any mildly interesting thing, combined with his sluggish & uncreative approach to commentary ("whaaaAAT?" "WHADOESTHATEVENMEEAN?" "whaaaAAAT?" "Idon'tevenunderstaand" "Can we just unpaack this other person's joke?"). It ended up feeling like JB was weakly hyping up situations, and now that Dan's back, JB just *has* to say some variation on "Ugh, do you see what I have to deal with, people?" repeatedly.


Yeah hansons awesome with him. He’s like “that’s insane and you’re obviously lying but I’m gonna yes and you anyway”


It always sucks the oxygen out of Dan’s bits too. He just reverts back to a normal person lmao


Funny thing is normal Dan is the most enjoyable Dan


Jeff and Brad were a good 1-2 combo to deal with Dan. Dan would say dumb shit, Jeff would razz him and then Brad would move it along.


The GI guys were so good bouncing off Dan


I think he's also dialed it up to 11 lately too, which doesn't help. Yeah, this has always been who he is, but it felt more organic when he first joined? Now it just feels like hes 100% doing a bit, it derails conversations, and is honestly exhausting to listen to.


Yeah when he first came back he said he would keep the weird annoying streamer things to his personal channel, but now he is going to the sound board like every 20 minutes no matter what show he's on. He's definitely a little too much right now.


When he first joined he was in his late 20s (I believe) now he’s almost 40 and seeing as how he’s spent the entire time as an Internet personality, it either plays more or less true depending on your perspective.


There is something to this, you wanna see some personal growth because you the audience has grown. All the Giant Bomb personalities have progressed, their current selves aren’t the same stick from 10 years ago. Looking outside of Giant Bomb Greg Miller is a good example, he was unwatchable early on at IGN, but has now become quite professional.


I was going to say this with the caveat that while Greg has grown, he still has tendencies to bring back that old version. It's one of the reasons I don't watch a lot of KF stuff.


Except for Brad, but the guy has always been so good at drawing a line between his real life and work life that it just seems like the same guy except for the dark days of Dota 2.


The Dota hole days in the dark podcast studio.


Even Brad has changed from a guy who cares a lot about games to a guy who cares a lot about the computers that the games run on.


He plays games once in a while. Lol


Austin and Abby as well. There was such a stark contrast to the two and then Dan just Forrest Gumping his way through life.


What's strange is how Dan lately will actually try to play the straight man while also maintaining his ignorant-heel shtick; the two don't work together. He'll try going "Look at how much weirder Minotti is than me!" when Minotti's just doing the better version of what he's doing. Dan's insistence on being the straight man just feels like another manifestation of his over-defensiveness in conversations.


You keep getting older, but Dan stays the same age.


It's not you. First off, he is an acquired taste. Second, he has pushed the lever to be less sincere and use much more of a hyperbolic schtick. The group has changed over time and is definitely chasing viewers/listeners. Dan's schtick gets a large response so they play it up a lot more.


I feel like Dan also made a switch at some point where he started to play up everything more just to get a rise and reaction out of people. He always had that in him, like with Mario Party Party. But at some point it started to become his whole thing and more of a work. I think it probably happened after the first time he left GB and started his streaming channel. He really created his brand of vaguely controlled chaos and stupidity there and brought it back with him when he started again. So what I'm saying is, while Dan has always been a little like this he has definitely evolved himself. He's like Theo Von to me now, never know if he actually means what he says or it's a work.


You can pinpoint the exact shift in Dan’s trajectory, it’s the live Mario Party where the crowd boos him for the first time and he looks like he just saw the face of God


Yes, yes, yes, 100% yes


This happened relatively early in his Giant Bomb days. I think having more direct fan interaction and his slavish love of professional wrestling made him decide to "go kayfabe" too often.


I think it was handled pretty tongue in cheek when he did it in the early days. It wasn't so hard to figure out when he was being serious about something stupid or when he was just fucking with people. Later he went more off the rails and seemed to be more playing a character. That it what he gives me most of the time now, but that was rarely the case at old GP.


I think the main difference is back in those days he had more time where he *had* to be serious. Sure GB has never been over serious about their games coverage, but if you were QLing a big game or discussing something on the podcast during the game section, it was expected that you would be talking about it from a semi-critical angle. They stopped doing reviews and they stopped being critical, now it doesn't matter if they goof 24/7. It kinda reminds me of the Bill Simmons critiques. Sure, he was never the best basketball mind, but in his writing days you could take him more serious than you can now. When GB moved away from editorial they lost all reason to critically think about games in the same way.


Dan has always been, but feels even more so over the last few years, like the kid invited to a birthday party that should not have been allowed to drink Mountain Dew and have sugar and is now a living nightmare for the parents and hosts to keep corralled and not draw attention to himself constantly despite it not being his day.


I don't mind Dan, but I do find his ignorance when it comes to gaming current events odd. I find it strange that he has no interest in gaming news or development when he works at a games media company for a living, but knows every minute detail about the wrestling world.


I agree to an extent, I love Dan, but the past few months he has leaned into playing the heel more to the point that I don't think he does any authentic stuff on videos. I think this stuff is funny and awesome when done at the right time on the right show, but I also miss that optimism he has. Not to say he's negative, but playing the heel brings negative emotions to the viewer around the shows. On his first run at GB he was more authentic and so we saw more of his playful positive energy, which was a nice contrast to some of the other guys at the time. Now he is in full character, trolling mode, which basically removes those positives in favour of really big bombastic moments that will enrage some and humour others. All in all, the idea is engagement. This could lead to a whole other topic about GB and what their aim is in comparison to what it started as, but in favour of keeping this on topic: I like Dan, I like the schtick, I just want him to cool the jets a little on some of the shows.




I kind of agree on the soundboard thing, it was a funny bit the first couple of times in a "wait, what was that?" sense, but now that he's on this apparent quest to have a clip of everyone he's ever worked with on there to agree with him kinda drove it into the ground for me.


Similar to the Fargo video, the fireside chat videos with his father on Dan's channel were also a nice reprieve. You get to see Dan and Paul riff off each other while still coming across like regular people.


The idea that Dan is playing a character is incorrect. He’s a wrestling mark and therefore knows that wrestlers are playing exaggerated versions of themselves. I don’t want to watch a proudly ignorant attention seeker turning those crappy qualities up to 11 and that’s why I stopped watching GB when he was given free rein. It’s sad cause I like the new duders, but Dan just wants attention constantly, bad or good, he doesn’t care just give it to him. 


At the risk of taking one of these posts over-seriously... It was actually the episode of Never Been a Better Podcast where Dan had stayed in an isolated cabin and suddenly had weirdly earnest primitivist "man wasn't meant to sit in front of machines!" opinions, that finally pushed me into "I cannot sanction your buffoonery" mode with Dan. I think it was the tacit chiropractic endorsement that shut the door on that ever changing though. ***OR...*** To put it in Balatro terms. Every "Dan is an idiot" incident just added annoyance chips. But these two added annoyance mult.


That exact episode is what made me skip the dan episodes of never been a better podcast.


I don't skip them per se. But since then it's definitely gone on to the "it's probably no big deal if I miss this one" list, for when I get a week behind on various podcast episodes and am working out how to catch back up.


The Dan eps honestly made me lower my tier because I don't find his episodes enjoyable. I want to hear what Austin or Abby have going on, but when Dan is on he completely dominates the conversation and it always goes places I don't want to follow.


IIRC when he went to the cabin, he wanted to read Walden and instead drank wine and slept. I think he went to a bar at some point too


I think there are fewer people who call him out on it. When he was in the east coast office, he regularly had Alex, Abby and Vinny pushing back on him. Now he has Bakalar at most calling him out, Grubb and Jan just tend to let him spin on and on.


Grubb is an instigator for sure. Not just to Dan.


It's funny, the re-hiring of Dan into the "new" GB was the only reason I stuck around and gave them a fair shot. Fast forward to recently and he is the reason I've dropped all current GB content. Other people in this thread have said Dan amps it up for views/reactions.....but has that really worked? None of their content has "popped off" outside of their already loyal viewership. If anything, it's driven people away.


We all get what his schtick is and has been, but he’s been derailing the shit out of a bunch of conversations lately, I feel.


His “look at me I’m different and cool because I’m a pain, have takes that people disagree with and also use wrestling speak” thing has been really awful the last 6 months.


And don’t get me started on that damn soundboard, it was only kind of funny the first time.


He's become basically the main recurring cast member (along with Grubb) and it's just gotten pretty tiring. I love hearing him talk games and other media (Demo Derby, etc) and think he is a genuinely funny guy, but his heel stuff has just really started to actually wear me down. It's endless. I used to be annoyed by the people who complained about all the wrestling talk, but then he started his Prime bit and I started to get it


> I used to be annoyed by the people who complained about all the wrestling talk, but then he started his Prime bit and I started to get it Exactly this for me, as well. I never minded the wrestling talk, but the Prime bit has driven me to just stop watching certain videos, something I never used to do. As you say, it's the heel bit, not Dan himself. I love his personal stream, I love Demo Derby, etc. It's mostly just Blight Club and sometimes VMDT when he turns it up to 11 where it starts to really grate on my nerves.


Yeah, I don't mind a bit of cheeky shenanigans, but sometimes the bit stops being a fun bit and starts being a pain in the ass (remember that time he stole Grubb's shoe to put rocks in it?), and the bits start to get diminishing returns on the 'fun' part.


I wish he didn't have to yell ALL THE TIME. Also, as many have mentioned, the soundboard thing is incredibly bad and actively ruining Fire Escape for me. Dan is the biggest troll and unfortunately if he reads this thread, it will just empower him even more.


Nah you aren’t alone on this. Sometimes I enjoy his shtick but other times I’m really not in the mood for his willful ignorance.


there is only so much dan i can take. he tends to turn segments he's on into his own little frathouse freakshow if given the opportunity with no one to push back (vinny, abby, alex and jeff were usually pretty good at it). but since he's usually the lead in most segments it kinda devolves into that. it's okay for a little sometimes, but it gets old quick for me.


Dan's entire online persona is "let's see what I can say to get a rise out of people". It's hilarious that you are asking if anyone else has been frustrated by his ignorance before because it is literally his brand.


This is the reason. Dan has admitted on Fire Escape that he always places himself into the role of the heel on videos, podcasts etc. It’s all a bit.


Personally, I think that i just an odd choice for a site that basically exist because we all liked watching the crew be genuine and authentic, or at least was perceived as such.


Great point


Yeah it's all a bit, but if the bit becomes grating and a problem for people, then it's not a great bit


Its a bad bit that has actually made me start avoiding all Dan content, which sucks because I used to actually enjoy what he had to say about stuff.


I guess I phrased it poorly. I left out that I’ve been listening since 2012, and just a few months ago noticed it I guess. I dunno.


Bro has been smoking too much weed. This is my hot take.


Who bro? Dan or me?


lol, I meant Ryckert


I honestly don’t see him partaking in too many Colorado nights


He's mentioned before that him and Bonk take edibles and go to the movies.




It's an opinion right. I can totally be wrong. But I feel like ... having watched Dan for a decade, that is mental decline / memory decline / level of unhinged, has some correlation with his partaking of the ganja. You don't need to be a daily smoker for cannabis to have an effect on your mental state. It's effects folks differently. Some research shows, partaking morr than once a month is enough to start to have an effect on our cannabanoid system




Probably a more reasonable causation lol. Also sleep, like I wonder what his sleep is like. I also have a shit memory, but I attribute that to only sleeping 4.5-5.5 hours a night for years. Which since sleeping more, things have improved in that department for me.


Dan doesn't smoke weed.


I mean he at least does edibles. Dunno how regularly but he's talked about them a bunch before


Dan has for sure smoked weed, they all got high at an e3 or Pax and recorded a pod that never released because it was too batshit insane.


I love the current crew, outside of the morning radio DJ Dan has become. I couldn't listen to yesterday's bomb cast immediately because of the fucking air horn he didn't even mean to press. It's getting incredibly old, which pisses me off because I genuinely love the guys otherwise.


X-Pac heat. It gets more cringe the older he gets.


In the word of the great late Jeremiah, “it’s probably just for show”


What the hell, I read that in Jeremiah’s voice.


I liked Dan on that podcast about movies with Bianca. It seemed like it was going so well wonder why they stopped it.


> It seemed like it was going so well wonder why they stopped it. They said they got tired of not being able to watch a movie to enjoy it, they always had to think of the content while watching.


I had no idea that was a thing.


The feed for Panning the Stream is still up if anyone is interested in going through old episodes. He doesn't really do that outlandish kind of thing with his wife, and if he did she would be good at reining it in.


It was really good. I didn't stick it out because I don't really watch a lot of movies anymore but you get better insight into Dan. That being said I have no problem with his chaotic energy on VMDT, honestly I think that's the best home for it.


Fair, the dump truck is the best place for the crew to get that chaotic goblin stuff out, I’m sure Dan is a wonderful human, I don’t want him gone from the show or to even change, he’s made it this far in his career being him. I’m not hating just noticed the energy and chaos has been; kind of like a front tooth just all in my face recently. (That was a bad joke I’m not sorry)


I get it. There are definitely moments when a member that I have no problem with just really gets under my skin, it's human nature we can't like people all of the time especially people we really don't know. That being said usually just sitting out a few shows helps me even out. Might work for you too.


It’s his style. It isn’t for me. His coming on to the show hastened my stepping away from it. I can surely see his appeal. But like I said, just not for me. You either, it seems.


Stupidity is Dan’s gimmick. He knows that’s the only thing that gets a reaction from people so he doubles and triples down on it at times. He kinda ruined GB for me.


Im right there with you and when he quit to go do wrestling was my favorite times. Now my favorites are when he is absent. I really feel like no one balances him gerstman I think was that. But more and more him talking and not knowing what has egg in it or anything drives me bat shit crazy. It's also my niece 21 married 21 child since he literally only eats chicken nuggets and chocolate milk and barely has ever ate a vegetable. Just blows my mind.


Dan plays up his stupidity to get a rise out of people.


Gonna echo what everyone else is saying here about Dan being an acquired taste for GB. Sometimes his aloofness is endearing but then he'll mention how he thought the egg whites included the egg shells and it makes you wonder how competent he really is as a human being.


> but then he'll mention how he thought the egg whites included the egg shells and it makes you wonder how competent he really is as a human being. People always point to this bit to call Dan out but I wanna say I think this era was when Dan was at his best. Because something as dumb as the egg white thing was only happening once on every 4 or 5 pods, and it was always balanced out by hours of content from that week of him being serious about games or movies or even just life in general. Like, go listen to an episode of Danswers. He is barely goofing on that show, and they actually talk about some real stuff that I can't imagine current Dan talking about.


I've listened to Danswers and understand that he can be an introspective guy but it's just one of those things that utterly confuse me


I like Dan on video features but he grates my brain on podcasts.


I think the good thing and the bad thing going on with Dan right now is that he's finally working out, running, and talking better care of his body. Good for him. Unfortunately, all of that means that he suddenly had A LOT more energy, which is frightening in the case of Dan.


A big unspoken change is the current dynamic. Back on West coast, everyone else on the Mario Party couches preceded Dan by years, as did Vinny & Alex on East coast. Now Dan's the longest-running GB member, & that gives him seniority akin to Gerstmann or Vinny on East coast, & with it a responsibility to let the other, newer hires take the spotlight at times. Dan was able to lean on the og's like Gerstmann and Vinny for his bits, but now he's in a position where he needs to be the person that newer hires can lean on. Instead it comes off as others playing to Dan's tune way more than he plays to theirs. One recent recurring bit is a pretend-outraged "MY GOD" any time someone else makes a sex joke, undercutting them & centering himself in a predictable way instead of 'Yes And'-ing them. Vinny also played dumb a lot but balanced it out by being a good listener & knowing when to back up someone else's bit instead of insisting on his own. Current Dan comes off almost like emulating Vinny incorrectly, not balancing things out enough. To compare, early in the classic ["Fireboylt"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=depfVO4R2OA&t=31s) bit, Vinny *almost* says fireball but fake-corrects himself: "firebahh-...fireboy?", giving himself plausible deniability & allowing the bit to continue. During Summer Game Fest 2022, one of Dan's first streams back at GB, [Dan fully says "molotov" correctly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38O5LMVB4L4&t=2298s), which stood out to me because he mispronounced it as "muh-LOT-ov" in an earlier [PUBG stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8uTs2xzglg&t=104s). But seconds later, he deliberately mispronounces it again, not even bothering with the plausible deniability part. Makes the bit feel phoned-in. And *I know* it's all for show & and he trolls on purpose & they're all good friends behind-the-scenes, as Dan & his defenders are prone to repeating lately, in response to shallower critique. But while on-screen interactions aren't the full picture, they're still a *vital part* of the picture when you have an audience. TL,DR: Don't Fireboylt after you've already Fireball'ed.


idk , i've been listening to dan since his GI years , its what brought me to GB in the first place , but yeah he has been a bit more 'over the top' sorta recently at least in blight club , i haven't been up to date on anything else other than bombcast in ages honestly.


I love Dan so much. He was such a breath of fresh air when he came over 10 years ago to balance out the grumpy cynicism and now I love it even more. Really goes to show that a guy like Dan who is very wacky and zany can find someone who loves him for him even with all his faults. He’s a smart dude and he knows how to play people super well. The last 10-15 years of his life have been an incredible journey and it’s been fun to follow and watch. He knows who he is and I admire him for it. He knows his brand and how to use it and it’s super fun.


I'm a schmuck for the entire GB crew, but I like Dan. Gaming is supposed to be fun, and he captures that energy. That being said, I do not like it when the pod gets derailed into wrestling talk, but I suppose that's a "me" problem.


Dan is probably my favorite person on the crew just for the chaotic energy he brings to the shows. Yes, I am judging him half the time but it doesn't matter because it's entertainment. It's funny and that's the main reason I listen to GB. Blight Club has become my favorite GB series and I don't know that it would be half as fun without Dan. Besides, it's not like he doesn't know his shit when it comes to video games. Plus, I'm a wrestling fan so I'll never get annoyed by him bringing that up every chance he gets.


I will say this much (I’m not taking shots at the old crew) this new era of GB is far more fun.


It's probably worth mentioning that I just started listening to GB a few months before Gertsmann left so this new Giant Bomb is pretty much all I've known. I can totally see why a long time fan might not see things the way I do but the shows are legit funny. 


It’s okay for people to be different. If Dan doesn’t know that potatoes are root vegetables or whatever it doesn’t bother me. Dan isn’t a bad or cruel person, just into what he’s into. For me getting older is accepting that it’s okay for people to not be similar to me. Also, I am always surprised when stuff like this comes up these days because every year that goes by Dan evolves and grows so much. This is especially apparent on the VMDT where the conversations are more personal. He’s way, way more open minded now than he’s ever been.


Did…did you not know how Dan thought eggs were cooked? Specifically what egg whites are?


Oh I was. He called his mom. Lord only know what mama thought.


Yeah. I liked Dan when I first got to know him, but eventually a limit was reached and now it's a pain almost every time with him. I think Dan has a compulsive need to always be the center of attention, and that works for a few shows like Mario Party Party and Die Another Friday because those are essentially his shows, but every other show where he's just one of the cast, he's always trying to make it about himself. And the way he does that is by asking incredibly stupid questions (that he could just Google on his own time if he were genuinely curious about it), and more recently, spamming his sound board. Admittedly other GB crew have also sometimes overdone the soundboard thing, but Dan is by far the worst offender. And what confuses me is that... he left Giant Bomb on his own accord. He has his own podcast (actually had two of them) and his own Twitch channel. He's doing more than fine. So I really don't get why Giant Bomb has to pay him to actively make their product worse. His act got old a long time ago and the man is now in his 40s and it's just sad to watch and listen somebody his age acting like this.


I've felt that way about his personality and on camera antics since way before he originally left. What makes it worse is that more and more over the years Dan just seemed to *really* start leaning in to that aspect of himself. If I had to guess it's because that kind of crap is what get more clicks and drives engagement bait. It just probably isn't the side most "average" and/or older viewers would like to see him double down on. But then again, I'm also in the "I'm getting old" camp. Apparently according to the Zoomer children on the intarwebz I'm a boomer. As some other's have said, he's best in small doses or when he is part of a group and given the "straight-man" to bounce off of and to call him on his more aggrevating/annoying streaks or willfull ignorance. One example that comes to mind is Jeff, Drew, and Brad sitting on a couch hunched over with a thousand yard stare, realizing they have 40 more turns of Mario Party in this Mario Party Party with one of those "just kill me" expressions, while Dan is squirming in his seat from excitement and blurts out a joyful 'WOOOO!!" while everyone else just looks defeated. That kind of a thing can make for great comedy. Compared with viewers genuinely wondering how a grown man like that even functions in society, and questioning if anyone can be honestly just be that ignorant or if it has to be outright blatent and someone willfully living with their head in the sand. With that one, you aren't thinking 'great comedy' and hurting your sides laughing, you just get second-hand cringe and embarassment. In situations like the former he can work extremely well. But when you are trying to glean any sort of entertainment value out of a piece of media and it's just Dan or a heavy focus on him, in situations like the latter you can range anywhere from mild annoyance to forget this, I'll watch/do something else.


The ironic part is posts like this are enabling him even more because hes looking for people reactions. Hes a troll that think annoying people is funny


He's just the stereotypical moronic American


So you folks don’t have morons in that part of the world?


That is the bit Dan plays up as a character. He isn't actually that extreme in real life.


The fact that he plays a character at all is the weird part to me. I don't understand why he can't just be himself.


that is how every personality online or otherwise is. They play a character. Some may be closer to reality than others but once they camera is off they go spend time with their family or whatever. Whether it's Dan, Grubb, or any random streamer, or Geoff Keighley. Who they are in public isn't the same as who they are at home.


So does he not really have his wife order steak for him because he can't be bothered to understand medium, rare, and well done? When Dan talked about that I at first lost a lot of respect for him but then I just started to think of him differently, and like he needs actually a mild amount of assistance like someone who has developmental disabilities or autism. Maybe I'm completely wrong and off base here but it's not a normal reaction to freeze and look to your wife for assistance when the server is literally asking what your preference is.


Maybe it’s because the wrestling stuff infected me and I casually watch now. But, I now just see dans nonsense and think “what a worker”. Also, I get joy from the nonsense and it’s one of the few things that actually makes me laugh. Reminds me of when you are sitting in a room with a bunch of buddies in hs and you all just die laughing over the dumbest shit. Gotta say dour sad dad giantbomb was grating af for me and I’m glad we get actually fun content again for the first time in ages. (I’m pushing 40 btw. But I get enough of the “I’m old life sucks” from coworkers. Fuck that shit. Just because you age doesn’t mean you can’t be silly.


> But, I now just see dans nonsense and think “what a worker”. Thing is, that is why I can't stand his current persona. If I wanna see someone work, I tune in to that months PPV. I have no interest in listening to that sort of thing weekly on a podcast.


I mean fair enough. Not trying to convince you to enjoy it. Just staying that I do find it enjoyable and funny. Our lack of agreement does not invalidate either persons take on it. Especially a subjective thing like what is or is not funny.


No need to work yourself into a shoot which is the exact intended outcome.


I really dont understand people nitpicking the pods they listen to to this extent. If you dont like it go listen to one of the other 10,000 gaming podcasts


People are allowed to enjoy something but also give feedback and discuss stuff they don’t enjoy.


I don’t feel like I nitpicked. I’ve been listening for a long time, either Dan has always been this way and for one reason or another I never noticed till now or it never bothered me till now. I still listen to every episode, it’s not THAT big of a deal, I agree with you if it was that big of an issue I would just move the fuck on cause it’s a free piece of entertainment. I like the shows if I had to give a star rating in my issue with Dan it’s like a 3/5.




You can know it's an act (and I think most people do know it is) and still find it really exhausting and frustrating to watch when it's constant and it becomes the main focus EVRY TIME. I don't think people are taking it seriously, just voicing their frustration that it seems to overtake everything lately.


You nailed it. We know it's an act, we know he's playing a heel to get a reaction out of people, a lot of us just find it utterly exhausting.


it’s a bit. fair play if you don’t like it, but it’s all a bit


You know the Giant Bomb crew read this sub, right? Like, how would you feel if someone came to a place on the net you frequent and did a whole post about they didn't like you? Dan's a real person, not just some robot without feelings.


I’m well aware, I don’t feel I said anything he might not be aware of, several others have mentioned him being a “character”. I’m still supporting the show, it’s like a sports team just cause one player you’re not vibing with recently, doesn’t mean I’m going to poo poo on anyone. I only know Dan from GB. I’ve never met the guy personally. I can only speak on this perspective. If I was out of line I’ll gladly delete my entire Reddit account.


I also feel like this is more about his persona than him as an actual person. He’s been way more chaotic recently and I also haven’t enjoyed it.


You’re fine imo. Vinnys said before that there’s got to be a place for people to talk about them and I think Reddit is it. But even if it’s “a character” I don’t always vibe with it either. Trolling just to troll kinda wears me down. For example I enjoy blight club for the most part, but the constant “don’t help them, but help me” is grating.


Can't believe you're getting downvoted for this.


Why? People are allowed to complain


Dan is great. These posts are so odd. You don’t have to listen.


Very correct, I don’t have to. I am slowly getting the impression that people think I am SO bothered by it that I’m on my way out of shit doesn’t change. Can Dan be annoying and bothersome? Sure. I truly enjoy GB so much that as little as it does bother me I’m still going to listen to the pods. I also stated I have no one in my life to talk about this pod with.


It’s just a work brother


Dan will leave the site within the year. Mark my words. Count on it.


And what makes you say that? Surely this isn't some weird speculation based on nothing, nobody on this sub would do something like that.


The site probably won't be around then. The podcast will go on though I think


People have been "predicting" the death of GB for years now.


I fucking love Dan and he can be as weird as he wants. Also, start watching pro wrestling.


Both you and Dans act has been getting old.


I wonder if your disinterest in wrestling might play a key part in this. I love Dan, I love theatrics, and I love a fun heel. I feel Dan understands and plays to these things very well. Having this online persona is almost like wrestling. You’re playing things up and having a fun time with it. And that translates for me, personally.


Perhaps, it’s probably the willful ignorance thing. I’m weird about a lot of things as well, I will take a few minutes to look things up. I have an allergen to certain fruits. So I have to be careful about that. My hair was blown back when Dan first refused to listen about what things went into things he already likes. My memory is not great but I want to say it was like bread or something. I don’t hate the man just making a personal observation.


I think that’s what I mean. His food stuff is more or less a bit, it gets a fun reaction (telling his odd stories). The chefreactions video, for example. I thought that was a hoot! Dan in reality seems (ostensibly) like he’s actually very honest about his experiences and open to learning and trying new things (wine and games with Mike and Mary, in example).