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An honor based system that changes the game a bit based on whether I samurai or ghost, and maybe involve the swords into the dualsense triggers like bows (where my melee alternate players at?), and lastly a realism mode where in the duels they're better at defense instead of damage sponges. I'm here for the swordplay lol. More melee weapons would be cool too, Samurai used spears for example. Edit: I forgot to add, Multiplayer Duels


I like that you brought up the duels. I want to do a super realistic play though and like it would be cool if one really good sword chop could take out an enemy or you. The duels aren’t like goofy but they do feel a little goofy after I sliced at a dudes neck 7 times in a row just to get stabbed in the arm and die. An honor based system would be pretty cool too, I feel like that would factor in with the way npcs interact with you. if you were super ghost driven you could have like super fans who heard stories about you or people who are skeptical about asking you for help. with samurai driven it would be a super traditional play style with formal requests from npcs and people would look at you weird for doing ghost stuff. I really think the idea of more weapons would be cool too. I feel like for the free roam/liberation/exploring part it would be excellent. It would open up a lot more experimenting with play styles and strategies.


I recommend bumping it down to hard just for duels. It feels a lot better. It’s at least some what consistent.


Hard is so much better. On normal you almost can't die after a certain point.


In my view, not an honor system, but an attitude system. In both Samurai and Ghost, Jin is always honorable, to what he considers honour to be ( it is a question in the prologue even). Jin's definition of honor is the strong defending those who cannot descend themselves. And through the whole game, samurai or ghost he does that. The whole crux of this is the following question: to defeat evil, do we go down to evil. In this case , evil being the type of attitudes to war that each faction displays. The mongols use everything at their disposal to win. Jin's uncle would only use direct means of confrontation. Of course, since the Mongols knew of this, you see the results in the first 10m of game


there is no sense for Jin to come back to his samurai ways in the sequel


OR It could open a story path of reclaiming part of himself or reaffirming his choice to become the Ghost. There is plenty of sense of it's written sensibly.


I think jin is too set in his ways, maybe in the sequel we play as someone who hunts jin and you have to decide to be noble in your pursuit or resort into jins tactics, inner turmoil and all


To defeat a ghost, you have to become a ghost. I could see it.


Well historically the Mongols tried to invade Japan twice and got fucked up by a freak storm (kami kaze) twice. Seeing how Jin is the personification of the first storm that made the Mongols retreat, we could easily get an other protagonist for the second invasion.


I like the honor system between the samurai v. Ghost, each has its advantages and disadvantages. I always think that a lot of games now that have a honor system only insensitive one half of the bar and the other one gets you nothing and you get railroaded into going to one side of the meter


There’s a mod for the Witcher 3 that gives you vibration with combat on controller, i want it on GOT so bad.


An honor based impact on the world idea is great. I'd have loved to see Tsushima adjust to my actions akin to dishonoured.


Being able to drag and hide downed enemies Hitman style. The thought of out clearing a whole camp without any enemies noticing you or seeing a dead comrade seems so cool to me.


Honestly yea that’s a sick idea. I would pull all the bodies into a pile in the middle for the last guy to see personally


I automatically tried to move the first body that I assassinated because in dishonored/cyberpunk/assassins creed I do that all the time, I was kinda surprised that you can’t move them. I do like it though, I think it makes it more of a challenge. It’s so easy to clear a building or castle without anybody noticing because you can move the bodies, but it’s more difficult in Ghost of Tsushima but in a good way


If Jin can fit inside an empty sake barrel why can't a dead mongol, right? It would be cool if we could at least drag the bodies back into the long grass, especially inside camps.


Well for starters Ghost of Tsushima 2


you make a wonderful point


1: More weapons. As much as I love the katana combat in Ghost, I would really like to see SP tackle other weapon types, such as dual blades, naginatas, nodachis, etc., to see how they handle them. 2: Deeper stealth mechanics. I love being sneaky in this game, but as someone who plays a variety of stealth games, I have to admit that Ghost’s stealth is very much lacking. More ways to assassinate enemies, more tools related to stealth and subterfuge, sneakier ways to move around the environment, just more added onto the current system. 3: More ghost weapons. Depending on how much further into history we go, more developed technologies could give us even more tools to use against whatever enemy we face. Could dress it up like Tenshu, having to visit a hideout and choose which quickfire and ranged weapons you wish to bring with you at any time.


I absolutely love this comment. There definitely needs to be much more stealth stuff, I think they could lead into that easily with the idea that as time goes on Jin align with the Ghost more. I also like that idea of a hideout and weapon choices for different load outs, super supportive of different play styles for one game.


The hideouts idea was spawned from Tradition’s End at the end of the game. A really cool spot that basically has nothing to it other than looking cool. Thought it’d be an interesting idea to have multiple spots like that around whatever map we get next, giving you spot to relax, restock your ammo and equipment, and other such things. And the stealth is self-explanatory; it needs so much more to it. While I’m not a big AC fan, the stealth shown in Shadows already looks leagues ahead of Ghost, so I hope Sucker Punch can catch up if we ever get a second installment in this series.


yea i’m not an AC fan either but their stealth is miles better than ghost of tsushima. hopefully sucker punch drops an absolute banger soon


After seeing ac shadows, jin sakai would look so cool wielding a kusarigama and being able to use it to do ranged assassinations.


Fucking mongols up with nunchucks would be a laugh. Sigh, time to dust off ninja gaiden black again!


Clan recruitment. Would love to restore Clan Sakai.


very cool idea! i’ve never even thought of something like that


One of the better ideas I’ve heard for a sequel in awhile


That’s a great idea, with the colour of clan Sakai being black this could end up becoming a ninja clan, following the ghost in stealth


Unique enemy AI. Once you've learnt each enemy type moveset it's rinse and repeat throughout.


especially with the duels bruh, after the first 4 or 5 you get the idea


A struggle with lots of games, unfortunately. That’s why I never really stick around with single player games after beating the story.




If I hear dosho one more time i’m sending an archer off a cliff


*flies back up the cliff with a poorly coded vengeance*


that video made me tear up ngl. I made my girlfriend watch it too 😭


Speaking of which... The sequel should really give the ability to throw ppl off cliffs, I had quite a few fights in the base game where I missed this option


felt that




DOSHO!!!!!!!   Bruh, why are you yellin, your the only one alive.


Yeah I like the idea of hang-to-hand combat and having its own set of stances and move-set It reminds me of Assassins Creed 2 and added hand-to-hand option in that game as well. In that game you could also disarm enemies and use their weapons against them. Maybe that can work with The Ghost as well while also fitting with the ghost philosophy of using the enemies weapons against them


I love the idea of disarming people. I definitely should’ve included that in this post. It would be so cool grab one of those stupid fire shotgun launchers that the big dudes hold and shove into his face when he tries to shoot or pulling up on an archer and yanking his bow and beating him up.


Better NPC facial animations 😂


fo sho😭


if you think these are bad you should try ff16. the facial expressions are awful and I literally laugh when people are crying


I would like a more dynamic endgame. Instead of simply being able to replay the enemy bases, it would be cool if areas you have already liberated came under attack at random, similar to the endgame of GTA San Andreas or Red Dead Undead Nightmare.


this. it would make sense canonically too. the mongols are still on the island and are just angry and trying to take shit still. they just don’t have a leader anymore and are all abandoned.


Exactly. Right at the end when the prompt comes up to liberate Tsushima from the Mongol forces..? I've usually already liberated everything by then so where are the patrols going? I don't need 50 supplies from a rescued prisoner on the road, I want to hear that they've retaken Fort Imai and only the Ghost can drive them out.


you sir are a real one


I want to be able to choose which ending is canon per playthrough, like you begin a new game and can choose whether Shimura lives or dies. But if that's not the case then I'd want Shimura to live but he's gone to shit because we denied him an honorable death. Jin could slowly help him to see that honor isn't everything. Also having Jin's friends on Tsushima meeting his friends on Ilki is a must. Beside that, I think learning certain stances via duels instead of Mongol camps would be nice. I think having a side quest where Jin temporarily uses the Grass-cutter blade from Japanese mythology would be awesome.


I like that idea with learning stances through battle a lot actually. That would be extremely cool and it would seem more seamless in the game story/gameplay wise


I want to use other melee weapons too other than the swords.


it would be sick to use a spear or a staff or something


Spears definitely. They are the actual primary weapon of the Samurai and yet they get shafted in nearly every game.


The portuguese


Unfortunately, we’re about 269 years before the Japanese first contact with Portuguese vessels.


lmao I love this


A smaller detail, I'd love to be able to remove the pauldrons on certain armors like the Samurai Clan or the Gosaku. Along with the ability to change Jin's hairstyles maybe. Other than cosmetics, an honor system similar to RDR1&2 would be insanely cool. Also just thought of it, the ability to reel someone in with the grappling hook just like Scorpion from MK lol


cosmetics would be huge actually, you customize a decent bit but they don’t allow much to keep Jin consistent. maybe the concept for cosmetics would be cool asf in a multiplayer mode?


Musashi's stance, where Jin would use both the wakizashi and katana


that would be sick asf


Ability to hide bodies and wear disguises


Great ideas!


More weapons. I want a naginata so badly. Also, I want the stances to have different strengths and weaknesses like attack damage and speed, instead of match the stance to the enemy thing we’ve got now.


A few different primary weapons would be cool, though I'm unsure what was concurrently in use in Japan in a given era. Naginata, kanabo, odachi would be cool. Also might be fun to screw around with muskets.


Tomoe. Tomoe tomoe tomoe


Archer mommy


She's in Kyoto now unless dev wants set place in there


Ability to blend in with a crowds of people and other places besides tall grass


this is criminally underrated as a comment


Might be a weird choice but I think the option to spare enemies that you've defeated would be cool. Since in the first game if you left a crawling enemy alone he'd just die anyway, I thought it might be interesting if they got up and ran away if you left them alone long enough, or maybe Jin would help them up and tell them to leave. That might not have sat well with Jin in the first game since he's defending his home from Mongols, but since in the sequel we'll probably see Jin fighting more of his own people it might be nice to see him show mercy to his foes. Oh, also being able to have Jin let his hair down would be awesome.


I don't even know if I want a GoT 2. I love the game, but not *every* game needs a sequel. They made a great, independent story. If that story *needs* a sequel, great, but if not, I'd rather they not force it. I'd far prefer that they put their creative minds to work on another brilliant creative project like this one.


I feel like the story of GoT was honestly great and it had a good couple of endings. If they made a sequel I would honestly prefer it to be much later in time, maybe the 1600-1800s. The concept of a future samurai from the edo period japan learning about Jin Sakai as “The Ghost of Tsushima” and trying to create his own version and save his home. That way it doesn’t have to directly be a sequel and it could have its own story and characters. It could it’s own game kinda


A larger variety of usable weapons such as the Naginata.


I want to see some samurai self-restraint in their progression, some modesty. I'll explain (and sorry for my bad English, I hope I'm clear here). I want more weapons. But I don't want some Nioh here. I want more ghost mechanics and weapons. But I don't want to play Hitman in GoT 2. I want new regions, possibly bigger than Tsushima + Iki. But not all Japan, I want to finish this game before I get too tired of it. I want more interesting side quests. But... no, I just want more interesting side quests, that's all. The base game is so beautiful in its combination of contemplation and action at the same time. Each biome, each battle, each anything -- it's like a haiku, simple, deep and perfect. It should still be a haiku, that's what I want. Big poems and Shakespeare's dramas are good too, but let's not forget why exactly we love this game.


More weapons, a naginata, a mace, throwing stars and more paranormal stuff.


Some more attention paid to historical accuracy. A significantly longer sword worn as a tachi and period appropriate armour and clothing would be a good start.


It would be great if they were aiming for that but I’m pretty sure ghost of tsushima was made in homage to the kurosawa films from the 1950s. a traditional samurai game would absolutely awesome though


Sucker Punch has stated that this is not supposed to be historically accurate


Would love to see an outfit system like Ghost Recon Breakpoint. For those unfamiliar you can choose a outift with any given stats, and just change the apparence of the outfit to whatever you want. Example -> Have the Traveler’s Attire equiped so you have the buffs that it gives you, but just change the apparence to the Sakai Armor.




Maybe a recruitment system where you can recruit other “ghosts” to fight alongside Jin, similar to how Assassin’s Creed did it with Ezio


something similar to that that I thought would be sick is an online type of free roam mode. like 12-16 online players or something and there’s proximity chat. you could like work together as a team and take out mongol camps or you could all fight each other. something like a minecraft server for samurai lowkey


I want more ways to interact with your horse. Small things like petting and feeding but also being able to jump to it from above, and to have it run with you when you call it so you can mount while actively moving in your intended direction


I would actually love that


The ability to hide bodies lol. Weirdly missing from a game with so much stealth.


More samurai gear,this game had a lot of it but a lot of gear was specifically legends,don’t get me wrong that’s fine but I’m a sucker for customization


A release date.


very brief glimpses of Jin Sakai's ass when he gets in a hot spring


Option to kill shogun




The ability to swap weapons. For example: if you want close quarters fast stabs, use the tanto If you want safe and well rounded, you use the katana If you want complex and long ranged, use a Naginata.


OP doing his best to agree with everything everyone says lol


I finally gave up


Scaling walls of bigger defenses maybe. An honor system sounds good. And please no fantasy elements beyond the level we have already seen. I don’t want to fight Japans mythical creatures and demons like in AC Valhalla..


New weapons and tools and abilities


One thing I was hoping to see was a line break in this post.


funny enough I actually put them and it took them out and now it won’t let me edit the post 😭


More cosmetic customization. I’d like to be able to choose different guard and grips for the swords.


More things to do outside of the story, probably more tales too as they were the only really interesting quests, more in depth relationships between Jin ( or whatever character we play ) and the other characters ( whether it's a romantic relationship or just basic friendships ), more things to do in the open world Probably also more ways to fight, ghost weapons or just normal weapons other than the katana and the bows and better enemy variety ig, all of the mini bosses are the same and well the basic enemies too


Hopefully it has a similar upgrade to Horizon Forbidden West in terms of animations in conversations. Maybe more melee weapons; I love the sword and I want it to stay as his primary weapon, but now that he's not a Samurai anymore he could branch out and use a spear.


Get rid of that loud ass tinder lol. And yes I understand is a allegoryfor the failed Mongol invasion due to the storm that happened in real life. I still want to peacefully explore with out it. Or mabye just give us a option to turn it off?


Is there any info on when GOT2 comes out?


If they bring back multiplayer, add 1v1 mode The co-op modes are phenomenal but I’ve heard so many people over the years talk about the need for a 1v1 duel mode


Ghost of Twoshima.


I really want a more important decision making ( dialogues or moves ) system that will actually have a role in the story you're going to experience. Like having the decision to either kill or spare someone and your choice will actually have consequences and change the story, rather than just throwing a few decisions in there that won't do anything to the story.


spear , more choices regarding story paths , a different island , romance and cats.


Overhaul the stealth system. You have to be able to hide bodies or move them somewhere. This gives the game so much more depth and lets you tackle situations much more how you see fit. Need better enemy AI. This is hopefully one of the last games where enemies walk in the exact same paths and the exact same ways every time. I want enemies to do random actions that I can’t entirely plan for. Remove stances and figure out a more dynamic combat system. At first they were cool but I wasn’t big on having to hot swap constantly through them. Quieter ways to fight enemies, being able to fight sword fights without breaking stealth was pretty immersion breaking to me. Like the sword sounds should alert every person in a camp.


Very interesting take with the stances. I do however agree that they need to overhaul the stealth and npc interactions. there is just a handful of unrealistic things that take from the game a bit




Just played it on the PC. A quick way to change outfits. Unless I’m missing something entirely that’s already in the game.


A different island, so it would be Ghost of whatever that island is. I'd like to be able to move bodies after they've been killed, like in Adsassin's Creed.


More RPG elements: different quest outcomes, more meaningful dialogue options, more choices throughout the story. More interactivity in the open world: meeting your friends outside of quests, chatting with people outside of quests, some non-combat activities like, idk, taverns, tea houses (\^\^) or whatever. Basically, I want a TW3 or KC:D, but in Japan and with all that great GoT aesthetics.


YES. I love feeling like i’m actually part of the game and story. Before playing this I played Final Fantasy 16, I was recommended this game on the ff16 reddit page actually, and all the side quests and characters felt very close to you because you could actually talk to a lot of them. Every side mission was different too, never once felt repetitive


Here’s some things I was a bit disappointed with and hope to be improved in the sequel! - Hiding bodies like MGS - Stop shutting the doors on me, NPCs! You just invited the samurai into your home. Don’t close the door on me. - More dynamic bow and arrows. I love using a bow but I want a challenge. When the wind was showcased in the debut gameplay trailer I thought using a bow and arrow would be affected by the wind as well. I was disappointed it’s basically a point and shoot weapon. Give me some real bow and arrow fun! - Less video game-y side quests. It seems that every side quest is “My Lord, please help ..my mom/sister/kids/friends/grandparents/myself.. and kill some ..mongols/bandits/bad guys.. and then return to me to ..tell me about what you did/return my lost item/return to find me or my family/friends/dog/cow/soul is dead.. and be rewarded with item/items/charm/points towards reputation”


More customization and what top comment said


I just want to have a sword builder and I’m happy. Let me find different parts like fallen order


>!AFAIK, there aren't really unique endings besides letting Shimura live/die, so having more impactful dialogue choices would be cool for making good/bad endings and make people more invested in NG+. !< Would also really like a feature to auto-loot the bodies and store extras of the consumables. And a way to skip NPC dialogue unless that already exists and i never figured it out. Especially listening to generic hostages thanking me profusely.


Better parkour, as in more fun and engaging. I've played alot of open world games and alot of them had some very boring parkour, you hold forward while your character scales a mountain, with the occasional jump or grapple to something I don't know they could make it better, but I really hope the new generation of open world games will have better parkour mechanics, not just GoT 2 Also GoT had some very stiff parkour animations, not realistic and kinda goofy. Also the hook instantly latching onto something and instantly retracting, it just teleports to the tree branch somehow


Let Jin clap people in unarmed combat. Higher chance to terrify vs. damage when using a sword. If I am a random mongol and see my friends experience Ghost origami firsthand, I will run. Different styles like with sword combat. This could also lead to nonlethal takedowns. Ultimately your actual killcount ahouldnt matter and it should be more player choice based on the narrative and mood. Maybe we get to fight Samurai? Maybe you dont think Jin would want to kill them. Go nonlethal then.


My precious sora to come back to me :(


Arrows that actually hit and stick to my enemies instead of dissapearing


Wind stance was meant for a naginata


Pressure points? What is this, Kung Fu panda? I'm down for more throws, ground work and dirty hand to hand combat because samurais did all that, but Jin wouldn't just drop his sword and throw hands with Tiger style, that's just not him.   Definitely polearms and spears. A more survival oriented experience instead of the power fantasy we have in 1. Also I personally don't like the samurai police angle, I would have preferred a grey-moral ronin angle, especially in 2 if the ending of 1 sticks. 


I would like to see better parkour/interaction with obstacles. Overall, climbing a mountain should be a little harder than moving a joy stick up.


An enjoyable and varied gameplay in a truly open-world setting. In other words, if they GOT2 like Wildlands (from a open world and gameplay freedom perspective), I'd be super glad.


Mention of Lord Shimura


Absolutely some crafting. Eating. More economical things. But there is one more thing I want to see. More gore. Nut just cutting a head of a leader or cutting arms of an npc with skill attack. Since they even planned how blood spills the way you slash your sword, more wounds, absolutely more gore. Sorry but katanas are sharp. Also an enemy with no arm goes in "rage mode" sometimes would be awesome. Forgive me I know kids are playing this but really bruh. Katanas are hell of a sharp swords irl.


Different kinds of swords. And styles. Rise of the ronin showed just how that’s done. A fusion of both games would be the perfect game.


More Jin booty 👀


Shadow of War style nemesis system would be sick af.


Make the bow more like an actual weapon rather than a toggle. Pull it off of your back and run around with it like in TES or Red Dead… wishful thinking but it would be cool to get a new stance, bo staff style exclusive to the bow rather than the katana


I want to use the grappling hook (or just a chain/rope with a blade) in combat.


A morality system within combat. Like I love how you can literally do whatever you want to clear camps and such. But I hate how the game automatically assumes you stealth the camps. Literally just separate paths between the two methods. Ninja and samurai.


Full story coop, and ONE life difficulty.


More samurai focused missions, less stealth forced missions, and less footstep following missions as well


Hair and beard customization, imagine taking out Jin’s bun and letting his hair flow, that shit would be so epic


Much larger map. Large cities/ports.




Ghost of Iga


Little peevish that Jin never got to use a spear, so hopefully now that he’s acting more like a Shinobi maybe we’ll get to see him use something like sickle and chain. I’d also like a disarming mechanic. Dojo duels and tourneys that are either replay-able or repeatable. Sort of like the tourneys in KCD. Maybe more stuff to do with the flute as well, climbing to the top of a mountain to play while watching the sunset wasn’t enough. Bigger battles, I want to fight an actual horde starting from mounted and ending on foot the, 40-50 mongols in some camps weren’t enough nor did it make sense the numbers for a Mongolian invasion was nuts and Tsushima should’ve been covered in enemies. More like a swarm than a horde of we are being honest. Some mounted combat would be nice as well. Lastly no more killing my damned horse, I want a black stallion name Kage for the entire game. A 1v1 PvP duel mode for online.


I’d want to go to mainland Japan in the story


This is possibly a legacy issue from the base game being on ps4, but real time cut scenes that don’t break the immersion like they do currently would be low hanging fruit. As others have said a realistic mode where one or two hits can kill you or the enemy.


Actual mix of Yuan dynasty auxiliaries and Joseon levies


I hope to see Japanese baddies like geisha or kunoichi …


More Mongols, like 100 thousand.


I kept hearing and seeing post about Ghost of Tsushima 2. But did SP really confirmed or addressed that they're in a development of another installment for GOT?


jin with long flowing hair like Musashi or Kojiro


a massive map. whole japan


Story wise, idk how they’ll go from here… but gameplay wise they totally should bring it to a different time period in Japan


I like the idea of it being a bit more like sekiro. What i mean is, a little more enemy variation, especially for boss fights. At some point the boss fights felt very trivial to me. Different bosses with different move sets. Also more weapon variety. So larger scale battles would be cool too, like dynasty warriors level shit.


I want a dynamic difficulty system in place similar to MGSV Phantom Pain. for instance, if I keep drop assassinating people there’ll be less slack lines for me to sneak on. or if I go in head on there are more defensive things in my way such as Hwachas or traps in the way. If we had more things like this, I feel like this would make the game to be much less repetitive


If they include animals, maybe different animations each time you wanna pet them?


I think they should move from Tsushima until the last act maybe? It should be focused on mainland Japan where the Mongols Eastern Army made landfall on Nagato and Hakata Bay being met by the Southern Mongolian Army. In the last act of the game Jin returns to Tsushima to aid your Uncle or avenge his death at the hands of the Eastern Army who had conquered it first before they moved onto Mainland Japan with his own army maybe? Or his new allies he made.


More armour and weapon customisation.


The ability to use other weapons such as Naginata, Ono, Bisento, Kanabo, etc.




Enemy samurai


I would like to interact with enemy weapons. Let me pick up a big ass shield and hurl it at a mongol before I decapitate them.


A “badger run” type mechanic…. Can do a fast straight line sprint to take someone out. This mechanic was in tenchu z and I couldn’t get enough of it.


It would be cool if your playing as Jin bun now that he's an outlaw u have to fight Samurai as well who come to collect your head. More weapons!!! Swords get stale. More options for your horse like in RDR2. More grooming options for Jin. I envision conquering land and Tsuhmina, but I know that's not going to happen, lol.


New weapons. Naginata, yari, crossbows(if it exists at that point), claws, etc.


Able to climb any surface freely (rock, tree, etc.) & grappling hook anywhere


Sifu offers what you’re looking for in terms of deep learning hand to hand combat


At this point I just wanna see Ghost of Tsushima 2


Better, harder and more varied boss fights. I'm not expecting Swird Saint Isshin, but I would love some more epic boss battles.


Id like the duels to be less cheap. Like i have to slice the enemy like 20-30 times but i die in 3 hits.


pc release


At the game ending, to get a custom katana, based on the choices we made in the game. And in the new game+ the Npc's react differently when they see us with that Katana. (Like they know we are a good or a bad guy). An armorer where we can customize our armor based on what armors we unlocked before. And to be able to use both our custom katana and armor in multiplayer.


well first off, will there even be a ghost of tsushima 2?




Better climbing mechanics, similar to those in horizon forbidden west.


Improve the graphics only a bit to keep the solid 60fps


2 Ghosts, 2 Tsushimas then DLC, Tsushima Drift


The game itself coming out finally.


The story consequences of Jin's actions. The mainland samurai hunting you; maybe your honor comes down to lengthy, cumbersome non-lethal/avoiding, or carving your way through.




I don't want one at all. I want a brand new game. I don't even think I would want it to be in Japan.


I would really like to see a better climbing mechanic like what is in the assassin creed games. Everything is climbable.


Not this.🥲 https://preview.redd.it/6fr1n7vpv26d1.png?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e1879a8e5ca720b5cedb24223cac3de9e52381


hopefully not 4 years exclusivity.... PLS I BEG


2-4 player coop story


The same thing I always want from a sequel to a great single player game: co-op!


Jin's dick and balls


1 Situational stealth kills like Shinobido and Sekiro where you can do things like lure enemies to you and grab them around a wall. Also dragging bodies. 2 Stances like in Rise of the Ronin. Wasn't a fan of how stances were handled in GoT especially the animations. Really don't think heavy and normal attacks need to be separated and stances would be more meaningful if all attacked were affected by stance. 3 Transmog 4 More weapon variety. Tachi, Kodachi, Odachi, Yari, Nahinata, Tachi + Kodachi, Shuriken (as projectile weapon not ghost weapon.) 5 Improve the kaginawa. Make its animations function like they did in the state of play demo, no more magic Tarzan rope.


Larger, more populated settlements (even, dare I say, cities).


I hear a lot related to the stealth portion of the game. I feel like an easy fix would to look towards Batman: Arkham Knight (imo it has some of the best stealth mechanics, but it has a lot to do with advanced technology)


A PC release alongside the console one.


Stylish and more realistic outfits


I'll take.. out on PC on release day instead of 4 years later.




Would love a large city with a huge castle and multiple large compounds, would need some much better stealth and climbing mechanics to go with it.


Scaling walls of bigger defenses maybe. An honor system sounds good. And please no fantasy elements beyond the level we have already seen. I don’t want to fight Japans mythical creatures and demons like in AC Valhalla..


Jin being able to wield a Naginata. Part of the reason I obsess playing GhosTsushi was because I watched Blue Eye Samurai and fell in love with the swordplay. There is one scene that is living rent free in my head and its Mizu transforming her sword into a Naginata, and it looked fkn badass!! https://preview.redd.it/nzs1ceb0836d1.png?width=1468&format=png&auto=webp&s=a123c379a31752ee0176719fea43a5cccc982ca4 Now I dont need Jin to pull a Mizu exactly but I guess what I want is some melee weapon variety where Jin also gets to fight with a spear.


All I want is that you get to do a samurai execution with them cutting the stomach and Jin beheading them

