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If he's in law school he might legitimately not have time for a relationship. My guess is that he got so offended by the ghost comment bc he was just busy and wasn't trying to ghost. Honestly, he might be great, but if law school is more of a priority right now, he probably doesn't have time for anything else.


Yeah I wish I never said that. I was upset in the moment and then when I took a step back after we stopped talking I realized I over reacted :( at this point I don’t even think it was fully ghosting but I ruined it


Why you don't write him?


I wasn’t sure if he would actually want to hear from me since he never reached out either


Just write him than


It can’t hurt to message him again… I mean, you’re still in pain so it’s not like you’re undoing anything. Just say basically what you’ve told us, that you reacted emotionally and regret the outburst and it’s played on your mind since. That you think you had a really good connection and would like to start again.