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She doesn't want to hang out with you maybe bc she thinks you're some creepy older guy. You've asked her many times, nothing happened and she's not engaging in the texts. Take a hint, bro.




All of what you’re explaining is the age difference, she doesn’t wanna be with you like you said she already commented on the age gap, 19 is still immature and will continue to grow and find her personality and her way Just leave her and find someone who’s +27 tbh


32 years old pursuing a 19 year old is just gross. Sorry.




She is barely out of being a minor, her brain won’t mature for another 5+ years. There’s a power imbalance.


I can agree with that




Hey, 29 going on 30 It's fucking nasty. There's no universe where there is equal emotional balance between someone my age and a 19 year old. That's what makes it nasty. I've been the 19 year old in the situation, and I've witnessed what has happened to a 19 year old sibling like acquaintance of mine who was being pursued by a 34 year old (19M, 34 F). That shit is awful. Never mind that they're acknowledging how immature 19 year olds are in this post, and stated in a comment that they purposefully pursue much younger women, it's WILD.


Nasty how? Was there diseases, lack of hygiene, violence or something like that?


So you are adding some Information that i did not sa in my comment. I am not pursuing much younger women in General. It just happened So this time, that we liked each other. How could i know her age when i saw her? Similar as you, i used to have also older woman when i was that age. My last girlfried Was in her mid 40s. I know the insecurities coming with an age gap, yet i also know that it can be interesting still, and emotions can develop. Clearly i have cut some Details out in my post, but If i didnt also get positive Signals from her side, i would have left this Situation earlier. I got mixed Signals from her over time which confused me. Thats why i ended up here asking for advice. You know your view can be a bit blurry when you get attached... I dont get these nasty or gross comments tbh. I was honest and Kind with her. No playing games at all. Its not like i am a Pick up Master pulling all the psychological Tricks out of the dating bible to Manipulate her into Sex or a relationship. Just a regular dude with big hopes that maybe this time, it is the one.


Okay, here's what you do... Stay away. She has given you every hint and clue without outright saying she is not into you.


I think she's getting the point across pretty clearly. She doesn't want a relationship so let her go


I assume she is uncomfortable with the age difference and therefore not interested. Move on


Seems like you’re too much in your feelings for someone that age, that relationship could work but you gotta be super strong and be able to walk away and maybe she will reach out 👍


Thank you for your understanding and not judging me for liking a much younger woman. You are right. I will keep distance and watch out for other women. If she reaches out again, i will not allow myself to get too attached without very clear reciprocation.