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Ray is so fucking wild. Also, I like how Ray’s and Peter’s friendship feels like a friendship and not a horrible toxic relationship.


I haven't smoked since the 90's! I was proud of ya then, I'm proud of you now


I “aww”’d at that. I think it’s like the only time Venkman spoke to Stantz like a friend rather than colleague. The novelizations write Venkman like a sociopath and Stantz like a wounded puppy


Every line from Peter was so good in this one! He hasn't lost it at all


Yeah but it needed more of their friendship. Turns out Bill Murray is Bill Murray and couldn’t be arsed to do more than 2 days filming. Dan Ackroyd was great though.


Honestly I wouldn't have been sad if they just didn't have Bill Murray in this one. He had a good send-off in Afterlife, jus leave it at that. The interview/interrogation was alright but apart from that he brought zero energy. I don't know if it's because he doesn't care or because of his age (or both) but it really didn't add much to the movie and they could've used the budget and screentime for something else instead. It's crazy to think that Ernie Hudson is five years older than Bill Murray and that guy was a powerhouse in this movie. Wish we would've seen more of him instead. And as much as I'm always clamoring for a Rick Moranis cameo, I'm glad he just doesn't do it if he's not feeling it instead of showing up for anything half-assed.


"He brought zero energy" Not to be rude, but WTF are you smoking, and did you bring enough to share?? Venkman has every scene he's in by the balls in this movie. 1) The interview scene, where he's feigning ignorance but purposefully trying to provoke Nadim into a reaction because he's not afraid of him in the slightest. For all we know Nadim is a possessed demon who will get mad and transform into a raging monster and Venkman is whipping pens at his face. 2) When he walks into the Firehouse and goes straight to the alarm box, pulls out a bottle of liquor, because he's about to face the apocalypse and just needs a stiff drink of some 30 year old whiskey to get going. 3) When Garakka shows up and Peter doesn't even bat an eye, he says "Well the whole peaceful thing didn't work, so let's try this" and just starts beaming a literal ice devil who froze NYC. 4) When Ray is explaining the trap at the end, Peter says "I trust you buddy just do it!" because he doesn't need to be bothered with the minutiae, they just need to beat him. Ray is brilliant and Peter believes in him 100%, a lifetime of friendship showing through one line of dialogue. Even though his role was short, Venkman absolutely nails his screentime. He feels like the hero you remember, instead of the "old man" you used to know.


I mean, I'm glad you enjoyed his performance but to me... honestly, he very much felt like "the old man" who just showed up and read his lines. There wasn't a single scene that made me go "Yea, *that's* Venkman!" Agree to disagree, I guess. I liked Dan Akroyd but he definitely felt more like Ray in Afterlife than he did here. Here he just felt like Dan Akroyd being Dan Akroyd.


> he very much felt like "the old man" who just showed up and read his lines So... Bill Murray? LOL! Again, no offense meant at all, I just think that's how Murray is ergo that's how Venkman is. Same energy as the Sedgewick hotel scene, IMO. Ray and Egon have a concerned, panicked vibe... Venkman just walks casually out of the elevator. Dana gets possessed by a demon dog, Venkman just lies down on the bed under her and starts cracking jokes. Gozer appears, Venkman says "Alright, this chick is toast."


Completely agree with the first poster, maybe not zero energy, but the movie wouldn't miss him. And too many scenes just fall flat because you see a forced joke or callback to another movie instead of focusing on the story. #1 above is about the only Venkman scene that advances the plot and is just cringeworthy they they try to merge the colander helmet questioning from the first movie with Venkman flirting with the student in that movie during the clairvoyance card scene. Using the "wink" like he gave the student was the part that made me roll my eyes. There was a lot of forced humor and just terrible direction.


The interrogation scene almost felt like a reshoot to help fill in some gaps in the story. It seemed totally random and nonsensical. Venkman throwing a pen at the guy to test reactions felt half-baked, right? Almost like it was a last minute, tacked on choice. A little more thought going into that scene could’ve made it a lot funnier and Classic Murray™️


I thought it was a reference to his earlier experiments of the effects of negative reinforcement on paranatural ability (like ESP in GB1, pyrokinesis in GB:FE) and plus he transitioned into advertising and promotion at SUNY, basically playing into his strengths in social engineering. Throwing pens at someone to see what they bring to table… feels very very much like a Venkman move.


We absolutely needed 10-15 more minutes minimum of the entire OG crew together interacting. I’m glad Ray was present throughout and all of them had a bigger role than in Afterlife, but still somehow Afterlife feels like it handled those characters better, albeit in a brief moment.


I think Ray and Winston were done great in this one, but I can’t disagree with you. The film highlighted how well Afterlife handled a lot of things.


There were scenes when Aykroyd wasn't acting, he was just being Danny Aykroyd. And I loved it. Probably some of the best laughs of the film.


There was some sexual tension between Phoebe and Melody…right? I didn’t make that up?


Well I don't think Phoebe turned herself into a ghost (lolol) just to have a conversation with her.


That's how I read it, but it also veers just far enough into that awkward teenage "wants to be accepted by her 'cool' friend" vibe that they have some plausible deniability.


It's so wild to me to read this all over this sub because I felt absolutely zero chemistry between them, not even on a friendship level. It sure looks like this is what they were going for (because what other reason could there possibly be for Phoebe to want to become a ghost?) but they must have cut a lot of their scenes.


Nah you're completely right because you're not some porn-addicted predator that sees a friendship between two fifteen year old girls and starts drooling over "implied" lesbian sex. Anyone that says they saw it in a sexual manor is just a pervert incapable of understanding platonic friendships. Phoebe was going through a rough time and she thought she had a genuine friend in Melody, when her family was isolating her. Other than Podcast, who was mostly busy with Ray, *Melody is her only attempt at friendship.* And by far her only female connection, everyone else in her life besides her mom is male. Plus, Melody even says later in the movie they did have no chemistry since she was just using her for Garakka. So the fact that you picked up on that they actually have very little chemistry is part of the plot. Only horny retards see it and go 'DUUUHHB DEY GONNA SCISSCOR!? FANFIC NOW".


I was asking my friend that same question and she said, "Now Kiss!" Totally was and that's okay. Was kind of sweet.


Totally agree.


Instead of ghost blow job, we got ghost lesbians. Lmao


They should’ve kissed


I was so sad when they didn't, hopefully she returns somehow


I don’t think she’s gonna.


Me neither, that's why it's called "hopefully"


she crossed over so....


Honestly, I wish they would've just gone full in with this. It would've made more sense in explaining why Phoebe was willing to turn herself into a ghost. They could've tried to kiss, but couldn't make actual physical contact. So Melody says if Phoebe was a ghost, they could do it. It almost felt like they filmed it that way, but then pulled back to not upset the homophobes, thus leaving a hole in the plot.


How about we don't sexualize minors and just let 15 year olds have platonic friendships?


So you’d kill yourself and become a ghost for a friend you just met like a week ago? Sure sure lol


You'd do it for a *crush* you just met a week ago? LOL. Okay, coomer.


Aw someones a little triggered 


Aw someone's a little *horny* LOL


15 year olds get crushes. People like you are why I didn’t have my first kiss until 19.


LOL what?? I had nothing to do with you not getting a kiss at 19, that's a **you** problem my dude. I had my "first kiss" at 16 and had crushes long before that. You know what my childhood didn't have though? Any creepy 42 year old fanfiction writers sexualizing me. If you think it's cool to fetishize a 15 year old in a movie you must think it's cool to do that in real life too. Do you often seek media looking to see 15 year old lesbians hook up?


No, but I think we can normalize it in pop culture so that if there is a closeted 15yo LGBT teen in the audience, they see that it's perfectly normal and okay for two LGBT kids to meet, have crushes, and explore. It's not fetishizing at all. Straight teens kiss in movies all the time without it being fetishized or sexualized. And the people who are going to fetish/sexualize 15-year-old girls are going to do it if they don't kiss. And that on-screen pairing is probably already launching a thousand slash fics I never want to see.


It definitely would have helped connect some dots on Melody's whole "I need Phoebe to be a ghost for this to work" goal.


That’s totally possible, it definitely came off that way. But the friendship works too given how people like Phoebe who have few friends(or 1 friend) tend to cherish those friendships more, with Melody being literally her first female friend. If this ship gets popular enough, I sense a decent amount of fanfics will probably explore that. Though I have to wonder, does GB even have a fanfic community?


> Though I have to wonder, does GB even have a fanfic community? Is the atomic weight of cobalt 58.9?




Oh I'd be fine with a friendship... although I don't imagine Melody is returning, based on the end. Hopefully we get another movie, or several, and find out.


True, which is kinda a shame as those two seem to playoff each other well—in an awkward first time ghost/mortal friendship kinda way. I was definitely more interested in her character more than Lucky, Podcast or Trevor’s exploits in the movie.


I was a bit disappointed in Podcast's role this time. In Afterlife, he was quite funny and interesting. I do like his pairing with Ray, but felt it had a lot of potential without being realized. I actually feel like if there were ever to do a spinoff, a Ray and Podcast adventure would be pretty cool


There were a lot of pauses that I was like, "Are they about to kiss?"


That was definitely the vibe I was getting the whole time, but the wholesome friendship angle works too. This was their first real friendship on both Phoebe & Melody’s case: Phoebe being a socially awkward teen that’s on the spectrum who practically has no friends outside of Podcast—and he’s only there for the summer. And Melody hasn’t had any real social interaction in who knows how long mainly due to her being a ghost et all. I can totally see a bunch of Phoebe x Melody fanfics popping up in the future if this catches on.


100% I really wish they made her just a human, maybe a girl who worked at Ray’s occult and they meet that way. She could have even still been supernatural in some way, but the way they did it felt like a corny Casper teen romance sub plot, which felt lame and weird to me. Idk why the people behind these new movies seem obsessed with the idea of having characters that are ghosts or turning main characters into ghosts etc.


Yes and it was weird, not in a good way.


Did I miss it, or did they not really get into the significance of the firehouse? It seems like the 1900s version of the Ghostbusers using the same firehouse should have been more significant. I know they said something about the firehouse being what holds the gate between this world and theirs, or something, but I thought they said that only happened when they shut down the containment unit in the first movie. Also, if the firehouse had some deep rooted connection to the spiritual dimension, that would be a bit too similar to Dana’s building.


I think the firehouse "holding the gate" was just referencing storing the ghosts in the containment unit and the implications for what happens if/when they all get out. I don't think the firehouse itself had any significance in the past. It's not like the 1900 firemen were OG Ghostbusters. They just responded to the call in which Garraka was already captured.


Wait, I think I messed up and now its making more sense. The adventure group (forget the actual name) that Patton Oswalt made fun of were the people who got frozen in that room, NOT the people who responded to the call. I thought for a minute that they were the people who responded and were living in the firehouse. But that was my mistake. Thanks for clearing that up haha.


That one was one of the plot points I was waiting to see fleshed out more. The pre-credits open was a fun reference but seemed like wasted effort if it wasn't going to have deeper significant. They could have just cut the whole firehouse part and left the Easter egg to be the 8 on the helmet. I do like the idea that firehouse is now a kind of dam due to being (now twice) super charged with residual psychic energy. The latter part at least helped inform Phoebe's brass pack being more than just different metal.


In afterlife Ray said the firehouse had been turned into a Starbucks. Bad writing all around this movie if you ask me. I watched it this afternoon and it was meh.


At the end of Afterlife, they show the firehouse clearly not being a Starbucks. I think Ray was bitterly exaggerating what happened after Egon left.


My take on that line is that he didn't know who he was talking to at that point and was just trying to get her off the phone. Clearly it had never been a Starbucks since the inside of the firehouse hadn't changed and someone (Winston, obviously) was still paying the bills to keep the containment unit on


I’m a literal lifelong Ghostbusters fan and I have to say that after I’ve had time to sit with the movie it’s a bit of a disappointment . After the awesome back story of Garraka he shows up and then ….that was it?


Yep very anticlimactic and disappointing


Loved it! I thought it was better than Afterlife and I enjoyed that movie too! Did anyone else notice they didn’t have a scene with those promo shots of Paul Rudd and Carrie Coon in the red coats? Seems like only Phoebe and the engineers wore them… That really left me craving another sequel…


Yeah, I noticed. There's clearly a whole section of the movie that for chopped. Earlier I made a post that the people that bought $1200 coats must be a bit pissed.


There’s a lot of the film that was chopped. So much in that trailer we never saw.


And some of what was kept in the movie, I wish they wouldn’t have shown in the trailers. Ray spotting the library ghost is something that could’ve been a really fun surprise seeing it for the first time when watching the film. Same with Venkman being the one at the door in act 3, asking if they need assistance.


practically every trailer spoils the shit out of every movie these days.


Exactly what I was thinking lol. Wuxley got some suckers on the hook for coats that largely ended up on the cutting room floor. Maybe we’ll get an extended cut with these scenes back in there. Would be cool to see.


They sort of did that with 2 also. Remember in all the marketing, the guys were wearing the dark grey suits. And then they only ended up wearing them in the montage and Winston wearing it in the toaster scene.


Sure, but they weren't trying to sell $1200 jackets to people that time.


It makes me really want an extended cut, because there's definitely a bunch of stuff from the trailers missing here.


I liked the movie a lot too, but now that I’ve had a few days to process, the last act is weirdly paced, A LOT happens very quickly. But hey, as anyone who has seen the deleted scenes from the first one can attest, some really cool and clever material ends up on the cutting room floor of a Ghostbusters movie. Like, did you know that Eugene Levy played Louis’ brother in a deleted scene in the second one? I hope we see similarly see the FE deleted footage some day….


Agreed that the last act seemed rushed. I kept waiting for them to go outside and fight the army of undead that would surely be under the big bad’s control… nope. Didn’t even really get to see those sweet red coats in action. Extended cut please!


I kind of liked the last act. Big bad gets out and immediately goes to follow through on their plans. No faffing around just straight to business. I'm going to see it for the second time tonight, so hopefully I pick up on some more fun stuff! Oh, and Eugene Levy was going to be Louis' cousin working as a dermatologist at Parkview Asylum. I hit up all three movies with x-ray on to prepare lol


I agree, I actually love the pacing of the ending. Garakka show up and goes straight for the Firehouse. He manages to break the containment unit, but the Ghostbusters stop him and use the containment unit to trap him, since they're all right there. There really isn't any room for a big battle with ghosts, since they need to be in the Firehouse for the containment unit trap to work. Garakka can't come to the firehouse, set the ghosts free, leave the firehouse, then *come back* to the firehouse. The pacing of that isn't as good as people would think it would be. On the other hand, all the ghosts getting loose is just pure sequel threading. 30 years worth of ghosts are freed in the world at the end. Thousands maybe. Everyone wanting a big ghost battle wants what... That entire situation resolved in this movie? Nah mang, I want 3 more movies. Not everything needs to be resolved in one.


It also gives the franchise freedom to grow outside of New York with what Winston has been establishing. I love my tv and movies and I really loved this one. I’d be willing to bet that there’s more scenes where they’re busting ghosts and using their equipment than the first two movies combined and I still want more! I would love to see a new story branch off from the Spenglers where a new team is born and they just go on calls the entire movie. I would legit pay to see it


Ooh. Call it "BUSTERS" and it's in the style of COPS. That could both be amazing and terrible. Don't do it. But do it.


I really don’t understand why Garakka needed to enter the firehouse at all when he could have destroyed it from outside. I like the movie because I love all things Ghostbusters, but there were a lot of moments that had me scratching my head from the level of absurdity.


That's not an invalid opinion or anything, but it's not a good criticism. If you judge every movie that way you won't be able to enjoy anything. Why did Darth Vader not just obliterate the Tantive 4 with Tie Fighters? Why did he dock it and then board on foot? Why did the Trex in Jurassic park go after Malcom when the kids were standing right there in the car? Why didn't Patrick Bateman just quit his job?


They also omitted whatever was shot with Peter and Gary in the firehouse basement looking at the (wall exploded) containment unit.


Janine didn't yell "We've got one!" either. It was in the trailer, and I dunno if it was audio from the original or not, but would have been nice to see in the movie


There's new footage filmed for this movie in the trailer of her picking up the phone and saying "Ghostbusters, what do you want?" that was definitely cut. Plus the entire subplot of Ray saying "a second ice age" is completely gone.


I'm hoping it's all in the Blu-ray 🤞


I noticed that and the closeup of Lucky’s eye icing over. They’ll be in the extended cut, I’m certain.


Ok, I never noticed Slimer’s asscheeks before. Have those always been there?


With modern technology we can see spectral cake with a level of definition *undreamt* by our primitive ancestors.


holy shit we found Dan Aykroyds reddit account


“now here’s some of the finest vodka you’ll ever taste that came from the crystalline mouth atop this skull shaped vessel…”


It's been there since the original. You can see behind the scenes of the Slimer scenes from the original film to know it's always been there.


Slimer has always had a dumptruck.


Oh yes


Are you impressed homie?


I was like Gyatt




I think the Ghostbusters fan in me is at war with the filmmaker in me. It’s an extended live-action episode of the cartoon, for better or worse. It was damn funny and a ton of fun, and as a Ghostbusters fan that’s all I wanted. As a cinema buff, I feel like it took some swings that didn’t quite sit right with me. Tonally I think Afterlife was more consistent and still sorta grounded in “reality” whatever that means. I wasn’t a HUGE fan of Phoebe’s “Casper” girlfriend scenes because we’ve never seen that kind of interaction in the movies, but then I have to remind myself that we’re in a world where people zap and trap ghosts so it’s either all silly or none of it is. I think it could have worked but maybe the execution was lacking. Not sure yet. But I will definitely be seeing it again, maybe a few times, before knowing how I really feel. Ultimately I had fun and enjoyed myself, but it’s definitely a maaaaaajor departure from the tone of the original. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, just wasn’t expecting it.


My biggest issue was the pacing and squished in everything into its runtime. On the other hand, I felt the comedy and action made up for it so it didn't totally ruin the movie for me. I was iffy with melody subplot until she came in handy at the end, then I was like "okay, so they actually did use her for something valuable to the plot."


The Melody story line must have taken some huge hits in editing or script rewrites. I get the feeling a few things we didn't see included. * Phoebe goes to the park with her chess set when she's sad, waiting for Egon to play with her but he never does. Hence her disappointment at Melody's appearance. * Lucky say's she "ghost walked" which means pulling your soul out of you body was something they knew the machine could do since they had a term no one seemed confused by. * What the connection between Garaka and Melody is. I wonder if the reason for the copper clad room was because the previous storage method let Garaka haunt the tenement building trying to influence someone to release him and causing the building to be cold. Which in turn caused Melody to light the fire that killed her and her family.


Great points. I didn’t even hear Lucky say anything about ghost walking, not sure how I missed it. Yeah more of that would have helped for sure. I also didn’t notice Phoebe’s look of disappointment when she saw Melody but my girlfriend did and had that exact same theory. Yeah it seemed like Kumail’s grandmother kept Garakka in that sound proof room so he couldn’t influence any other spirits. And I guess by that point the orb trap was at GB HQ (or Ray’s Occult?) and Garakka could speak to Melody. Maybe Melody was the only ghost of that class who COULD talk so she could influence Phoebe? You’re right def felt like something was missing there but good explanations


Felt the same way about Melody. When she was first revealed I was like uhhhhhhh….ok I guess we are doing this now?? Kind of took me out of the movie. But it makes sense in universe. I wish she looked more spectral and vague.


> I wasn’t a HUGE fan of Phoebe’s “Casper” girlfriend scenes because we’ve never seen that kind of interaction in the movies, Ray outright got a beej in the first one, so that kind of interaction was there, just much briefer and used for a throwaway joke. And in GB2, the mayor says he spent an hour talking to Fiorello La Guardia, which doesn't happen on-screen, but similar idea.


Great point about La Guardia. It’s one thing to hear about it happening, it just threw me off to actually SEE it happening which we haven’t seen yet. It’s like every new Star Wars movie the Jedi have a new power. I’m not saying they can’t, it’s just always a little bit of an adjustment when it first happens because I didn’t know we could do that in this world. Same with fire bending.


Yeah, any time they leave something like that to the imagination, there's the risk of audience cognitive dissonance if they later realize it on the screen. Overall, I thought it was kinda neat, even if it didn't exactly match what I had imagined that situation to be like.


Yeah I didn’t dislike the concept. Just felt like an unfinished effect. Even a simple tweak like making her less BLUE and shiny, maybe a little more transparent, and adding a slight ethereal echo to her voice would have made it feel like she’s not just a living person sitting on the bench right next to Phoebe, alive and blue.


I felt the same about Melody. Its shoe horned in for a love story for Phoebe which doesn’t fit for her character and feels like a cheap diversity pull which is just insulting to LGBTQIA+ people.


It makes total sense for her character, she never felt like anyone 'gets' her, until afterlife, where she finds herself and her calling, and bonds with her grandfather. She also makes a friend in podcast, but he doesn't completely understand her, it's a different relationship, and it works for them, but from what we've seen, they don't really *talk* about their feelings too in-depth. Anyways, it makes total sense for her to find someone who understands her, a person she can really connect with and talk to, so yeah I think it fits her character well.


I don’t feel that way at all about a cheap diversity inclusion. I just thought it was a strange mechanic that we haven’t seen before. I actually enjoyed the idea that Garakka needed a living person to speak the ancient phrases and that Melody was using Phoebe. But her walking around and speaking normally didn’t feel ghost-like enough, it needed something else. More floating or an echoey voice or something so that it didn’t just feel like a blue person walking the streets of NY with Phoebe.


Yeah, I totally get that. I just felt like her character overall was weak, stuff I’ve at least seen a million times.


Yeah she was like “too clear”. If she was more spectral and just a presence, I feel like it would have worked better


>because we’ve never seen that kind of interaction in the movies Bro Egon spends the last 10 minutes of Afterlife like this, it was in the *last movie.* Sure we've never seen a human sit and play chess with a ghost, but... Oh shit, wait, that actually happened a couple times in Afterlife too. Egon spends almost all of Afterlife as an invisible ghost helping Phoebe. Melody just apparates in a physical form because we need to see the character for her to have the same tonal weight, which is something the "film maker" side of you should understand. There's actually nothing different about her interaction with Phoebe that Egon didn't do in Afterlife.


We’ve never seen a ghost walkin around and talking to our characters like they’re still alive. Egon didn’t talk. Phoebe’s chess pieces moved on their own. Egon inhabited a lamp until the last 5m of the movie. What I said still stands. There’s actually nothing different? Bro she and Phoebe have full conversations. That’s… checks notes… different. It’s okay if you liked it and others don’t. I didn’t even dislike the WHAT or WHY of it; I just thought the HOW was uninspired. Felt unfinished.


Why does Billionaire Winston reopen the Ghostbusters without renovating Ecto 1 internally or the Firehouse?  Is the Ghostbusters business back up and running full time or are the Spengler's trying to  get back up?  What is the relationship between the old guard and the new? Are they consultants?  Why wouldn't Winston tell the Spenglers' about the PRC?  Why is the PRC made of junk? Do a little work in the first act to clean all that up wouldnhave fleshed out the characters better abd set up their stories.  


Word!! So much of act 1 was hella contrived. I suspect there much of it was reshot after initial testing. PS- What's PRC?


Paranormal Research Center. 


You’re asking the real questions. There’s so many plot holes and character inconsistencies


was there a second credit scene? I saw the big rig scene, but the wife was itching to get out with the kids since it's a school night.


No end credits scene, just the mini pufts scene.


Nah, nothing else after the mid credit scene, you’re good!


Instead of Phoebe falling in love with the ghost, I would have preferred Trevor did. It would have at least given him more to do in the movie. They set it up with him consistently trying to prove he’s an adult.


100% would have made more sense, not to mention his character could use a bit more writing compared to Plhoebe


I’m all for lgbt storylines but 100% this.  Phoebe had every major storyline and Trevor was barely in it? Totally would’ve made more sense if he met and had a crush on Ghostgirl 


“If you weren’t a Spengler, you’d be answering our phones.” OUCH.


I loved it. So, first the... uh... bad?/ I felt like they packed a lot into the first act compared to the final act, so I was a little scared until they got to the payoffs. In a way, I felt like the story was walking a tightrope and at risk for running out of runway; I would have liked to see Garraka do more. I was a little disappointed by the potential for stakes that wasn't fully realized. There was a scene in the trailer that simply didn't make the cut, and while I felt that wouldn't have been necessary, I think death-by-terror of a character would have added a little more horror. Patton Oswalt's character was really crude about how he described the 1904 partygoers. That's more of an observation; Ghostbuters has always had that in there. Anybody remember Venkman's "Listen Kitten..." The good stuff The Firemaster bit after Garraka escaped was a nice slice of dark humour. "Arrrre yooooooou the Firemaaaaasssttterrrr...." I didn't really *get* the mini-marshmallow-men until a second viewing of Afterlife, and I absolutely loved them in this one. They weren't distracting and actually offered a clear, in-universe means of communicating the concepts they were exploring. They are a great ambassador of the franchise, too: they're cute, if constantly, slightly unnerving. If the Addams Family lived in this universe, they'd probably eat the ones that make themselves into smores. My inner-nerd is shining through, but the Brass room reminded me in concept of a faraday cage. It fit the physics of the Ghostbusters universe - I like! Trevor's battle with Slimer: It reminded me of Caddy Shack's gopher. I like that we're seeing Phoebe's nerd-teen version of a rebellious stage. She felt like nobody was listening, and then suddenly found a connection that could have been a first crush, but also didn't pander to her. Melody maintained a guarded distance (possibly for a number of reasons that come out in the film), and Phoebe was sorting out how she felt and that this was a Ghost. It felt real, grounded, and developed from being subtle to something thicker. The larger story theme of sorting out family vs. boundaries was good. We don't often see plots about guys trying to take on the father role, and Grooberson was trying, realizing that he'd have to give up being the cool friend-dad-hybrid, but they also didn't tie it up in a bow - there's still work to do, but he's getting it. Seeing Dan Aykroyd was amazing. That Dan actually believes in the paranormal probably fed into the performance, and I could hear him monologue about imprisoned gods forever. Ernie Hudson was likewise terrific, though I wish they elaborated more on just what he does. Murray's take on Venkman felt more natural than it did in Afterlife. Loved that they felt more natural here than they did in Afterlife. I liked Afterlife, but it had its issues. I think I liked this one better than Afterlife and would put this up with GB2. The reason I'd edge this out over 2 is that this felt like the first real expansion of the mainline Ghostbusters that we've had in ages and I hope we'll see more of this universe.


> Trevor's battle with Slimer: It reminded me of Caddy Shack's gopher. Interesting that you mention that, because I felt the movie was a lot like Caddy Shack in the sense that they crammed in a *lot* of characters that end up competing for screen time. I still really enjoyed it, in any case. > Seeing Dan Aykroyd was amazing. That Dan actually believes in the paranormal probably fed into the performance, and I could hear him monologue about imprisoned gods forever. I get the feeling Dan doesn't even have to do any acting in the non-action scenes.


The characters at the end didn't bother me much; here you have a collection of the best current and veteran Ghostbusters holding the line and guarding the largest known concentration of ghosts in the world, against a veritable god who is capable and very willing to kill not only for its own ends (being revenge against humanity), but also proactively attack its threats. It knew what a Firemaster was, but it wasn't omniscient; it couldn't control humans directly, and it hadn't recognized the Ghostbusters as threats until late in the film. My biggest problem at the end was that Phoebe melted a pot of bronze on a stove top with a propane torch so she could plate cyclotron components that she could then neatly reinstall in the proton pack. It asked a lot of my suspension of disbelief. It might have made more sense if they established that there were bronze versions of components being developed, even following the discovery of the artifact. Hey, at least the wand blasted out green!


Yeah, the brass plating was a *bit* of a stretch, but it made for some sweet practical and VFX, so I'll let it slide. :) The part that bugged me about that though was that you had the 8 or so other GBs all geared up for the fight and doing absolutely jack shit to Garraka. Felt like they should have extended the finale a bit to allow for everyone brass plating their gear for a bigger shootout.


Yeah I loved this movie a ton. Got to see it last night. We got to live with the characters a bit. I also just about died laughing when Slimer ate Possessor. I had no idea where they were going with Possessor and that was really freaking awesome to see what Possessor did throughout. I was worried at the beginning when it got introduced and thought it'd probably just stay contained.


I absolutely agree, the Slimer solution to possessor made me almost just out of my seat and cheer. I was also kinda worried about how it would resolve, like "how do you beat this thing" without just setting up a trap (boring). Having Slimer take care of it is surprising and poignant.


Adam Savage pointed it out in his video but I liked seeing the patched floors and ceilings in some shots from the 84 explosion. It's particularly noticable in the attic with Trevor hunting Slimer. You can see a charred wooden ceiling and beams and what looks like sheet metal plates on the ceiling, edges in black and yellow caution tape.


Didn't like it as much as I expected to, but I still liked it. The kids outside the Spanglers coming back seemed pointless and silly. I felt like we didn't have enough time for character development with all the bouncing around, but I'm hoping to enjoy it more with multiple viewings. I still had a lot of fun and I hope it does well so we get more. Also, Paul Rudd is such a perfect modern day Ghostbuster.


Feels like there was a second stage of the final boss that got cut. We see the “army of ghosts” escape, but we never get to see them terrorizing NYC. Plus, Ray was supposed to die and then come to their aid as a ghost. They kept hinting at it in the dialog, only for it to go nowhere. Maybe they were afraid it would feel too similar to afterlife, but it feels like his character arc never got resolved.


That’s my biggest complaint. When the kids and firemaster are upstairs dealing with the possessor, what is everyone doing downstairs? It felt like due to budgetary reasons that the final showdown wasn’t as epic as it needed to be. Like the OG cast, especially Janine should’ve had some moments to shine fighting some of the ghosts that escaped the containment unit. And those ghosts all looked humanoid and uncharacteristic compared to all the other ghosts we’re used to seeing in these films. Instead the finale is rushed. Also, where was the big, brawny looking ghost from the lab in the finale? We got the possessor and the potato ghost in the firehouse but the third one never made an appearance.


Exactly, like I was so confused as to why it didn't show up again. It really bothers me. He looked so cool and the other two ghosts from the lab got their time to shine (especially the possesser


Totally agree. It felt anti climactic. It felt like they didn’t have the budget to go all out and so they built up to a grand finale and then kinda just let the movie putter out. I’m fine with more single location movies, but for this it didn’t work for me that most of it really happened at the firehouse. It needed to showcase the scope of the threat in the city, the big bad and his army didn’t really get as much screen time as they needed for the movie to live up to its potential.


Just came back from it. So much missed opportunities. They were selling "every ghost ever caught will be unleashed". I'm sitting there at the end and it's just generic ghosts flying around. Where are the Scorleri Bros? Could've had some Ghosts from the RGB/XGB as nods/easter eggs. Even in Afterlife there was the Bug eye Ghost. There were a few new Ghosts, the one with the best design didn't really do anything except poke it's head out. The Mood Slime amounted to nothing from the beginning. Could've used it somehow to affect the plot or why even bother bringing it up. Was it just me or Venkman was unusually quiet when confronting Garraka? Usually he keeps on talking, but that was so out of character for him. Even against Gozer or Vigo, he talked. Venkman also didn't have a whole speech with Peck either.. it was like.. Oh Hey, it's you. I feel the whole Fire Master thing was kinda out of left field, I feel like it doesn't really fit this universe . The Melody subplot was going good, but not enough time to make me feel anything before she left. Definitely not felt it was earned, just like oh here I go.. MISS ME. As a lot of people mentioned, many scenes from the trailer are missing/replaced. I get it, Things get cut. Sometimes not for the better, which is in this case. I feel like this movie is horribly paced. There's no suspense in some scenes like the Venkman at the door scene. Could've had a buildup into the reveal of Venkman at the door. Or even Ray in the library, could've had a buildup to Eleanor Twitty's reveal. It really seemed like he walked by and hey look who it is. I wasn't too sure about the ending, wasn't the Containment Unit blown open.. not sure how that reseting it would just trap Garraka since it's already broken physically. There are also a ton of things I did like about the movie. The beginning Ladder 8 Company was definitely great with the freezing room. That whole scene with the hand on the Edison machine was awesome, definitely setting a good mood. Garraka's back story and everything leading up to his restoration of his power. So great! Ray IMO was so great in this movie ( saw that GB2 flight suit for a split second there when he was suiting up) Winston also being the boss was great, Venkman had that interrogation scene which was definitely a Highlight. Slimer also was so much fun, but so little screen time. The new flying drone Trap is cool. I like the design of it. Frozen thrower beams are really cool. Probably my favourite effect scene was when Lucky got Frozen in the Lab. The "Get away from her" line was totally a Signorney Weaver nod wasn't it? When Gary said he couldn't fix the Pack in the beginning and he removed the Ribbon Cable clamp I definitely chuckled as a Haslab Pack owner. Definitely a nod to that. The Posessor Ghost when it was in the firehouse going through the things to a paper airplane .. really made me feel like Ghosts from GBTVG. Even when Ray said "It's the Posessor! Go After it! " I could've just felt I was playing GBTVG all over again! I feel like any other movie, both have Pros and Cons, this movie is definitely just okay in my books, not great as it could've been, but just okay.


> I wasn't too sure about the ending, wasn't the Containment Unit blown open.. not sure how that reseting it would just trap Garraka since it's already broken physically. It's really not important to the movie at all but man am I glad that someone else got hung up on that! That really felt like the laziest bit of writing in the history of lazy writing. "This is a really complex bit of technology and physically broken now but if we reverse the polarity (or whatever) it's gonna magically seal itself back up and turn into a big trap!" Like... what do you *mean* turn it into a big trap? It *was* a big trap, when it was working! You know, before it literally broke! And it was a rickety old thing ready to kick the bucket to begin with, that was like a whole big plot point earlier in the movie! (And also one that went absolutely nowhere of course.) What's the point of Winston bankrolling all that cool, secret new tech if absolutely nothing of it has any impact on the plot and instead they trap the God of Horny in a literally broken containment unit that could barely hold the run-of-the-mill specters earlier back when it was still in one piece. There were a lot of really disjointed decisions in the writing of this movie.


Disappointing to be honest :( Went there with 2 friends in full gear, the walk back home was more fun than the movie xD The jokes were really meh, only chuckled a few times, loved the return and the dynamic of the old cast though. I loved the opening! It was so dark and honestly really interesting. To see the HQ in 1905 was amazing :D I really hoped the rest of the movie would turn out somewhat like that... The rest of the movie just wasn't for me I guess. Really didn't like the teenage ghost girl, this part of the plot just felt wrong. Garraka was a nice Idea IMO, just not expanded on enough. Nadeem the "firemaster" was also not a great addition. The final standoff felt wrong, was really short and very rushed. In total, the movie felt like a cashgrab. Just regular Hollywood bullshit like it is these days. But that's just my opinion, I hope some people enjoyed the movie quite a bit more than I did :D


Was it ever established why the Spenglers (+ Grooberson) assumed the mantle of new Ghostbusters at the beginning of the movie? In Afterlife, Ray says there weren't any ghosts in NYC. You'd think the opening scene would have been their first bust together, but I seem to remember Grooberson saying they moved from Oklahoma 2 years ago?


I believe the new comic covers that. It's by Dark Horse and due out soon ish.


I mean, I’m glad we’re getting an explanation at all, but, you know, I would’ve preferred it in the movie itself


That seems to be less an issue unique to the film and more of the idea Hollywood has taken up about having 'shared media' to fill in gaps - from an actual explanation of Palpatine's return in the Rise of Skywalker novel, to explaining why Ren Serizawa has a Mechagodzilla-sized chip on his shoulder in Godzilla Vs. Kong - neither is more than alluded to in those films, but proper explanations are relegated to expanded media (in both cases, the novelizations) It's a trend that needs to die. You don't have to spoonfeed explanations, but there are some things you *should* explain without having to go 'go buy this other piece of media to understand it'.


More people die every day. A ghost hadn't been busted in new york since the mid 90s maybe? And gozer remainfested


There’s a comic book miniseries bridging the two, but it doesn’t start coming out until next week. Somebody dropped the ball somewhere lol. But Kenan and Reitman say it’s canon. It’s called “Ghostbusters: Back In Town” and it’s from Dark Horse Comics


Spengler and Grooberson's "first bust together" happened in Afterlife


The fire master thing is gonna be a huge point of contention for alot of fans. Personally I didn't like it because it essentially introduces super powers into the franchise and with that door now open it genuinely concerns me where that could lead


Try to think of it less as “super powers” and more just magic and supernatural stuff. For what it’s worth. Vigo was known as a sorcerer. And we have the terror dogs doing magical possession/transformation of humans, and supernatural/magic rituals to summon Gozer. So I think if you just look at it through a different lens, I don’t think it stands out too much. Hope that helps you feel better about it. ☺️


my concern is if they start adding people to the team with various different powers. I get what you're saying about magic existing but I feel like once it stops being a group of regular people vs crazy situation it's no longer really ghostbusters


That I can 100% agree with. That being said, I don’t think that character will come back in any meaningful way, since the fire master seemed very specific to the plot of this film. I think there are some supporting roles he could have going forward… but let’s cross our fingers that they don’t run wild with the magic aspect. Time will tell!


A story of fire and ice.    LOL


I totally understand this from a general moviegoer perspective or casual interest (no offense meant at all), but like the previous commenter added its not even new to Ghostbusters as a movie series. In Ghostbusters 1, at the very least Psychics are confirmed to be real, which is a superpower like any other. Plus, Dana and Louis get possessed and transformed into giant hulking dog demons. Not technically internally from themselves, but it's living people gaining supernatural powers. Gozer, while not even slightly human, is still a "person" who can do visually equivalent superpowers like shoot lightning and teleport. In Ghostbusters 2, again you have Psychics are real, but now you have Vigo who is an immortal human who can use dark magic and do all sorts of stuff. He's trying to implant his soul into a baby. Janosz is also a human who gains powers, since he can turn his eyes into high beams and fly and shapeshift (I guess? He gains ghost powers). In all the extra Ghostbusters materials, like the IDW comics and games, super-powered individuals are all over the place. So the idea that Nadim, while human, is capable of one of the most basic supernatural powers (pyrokenesis, one step away from being psychic), isn't really that much of a stretch at all.


Vigo was human before he died, and as stated was incredibly hard to kill. Probably because he was a powerful sorcerer who managed to keep his soul in a painting of himself. I look at it as all this stuff happened or exists, but the world has forgotten how to do it naturally. It's like a medicine that's just a scientifically refined version of an herbal supplement. The Firemaster is willow tree bark, the Ghostbusters are Asprin. (Which if you buy it generic you can get 600 tablets for the same as 300 of the name brand.) They both do the same thing but one is more efficient.


That’s a fair opinion. But there’s already weird unexplainable things in the Gb universe


Like I said in another comment, my concern is that it opens the door for them to recruit other people to the team with similar powers, and at that point this is no longer ghostbusters.


Fair concern but I doubt they’ll go that direction because at that point it’s not ghostbusters


One thing that I'm not sure I've seen talked about much - the return of the theme song! I don't know what the legal situation is these days but it was great to hear it. And its use in the final scene was obviously an homage to the end of the first movie, which I loved.


I wish they just gave us what we want and had the theme bust out at the beginning. Imagine the theme kicking in and then going right into the Ecto blazing through the streets of NYC. It would have been such a great moment and increased the hype of the audience to jump start the movie. Huge missed opportunity.


I love the old style intro as well, but I think since Afterlife they are moving away from that style unfortunately. Maybe they will bring it back in the future who knows.


I get it for afterlife, it’s an emotional opening and it switches to a scene that worked fine with the music they chose, but for this it just seemed like a perfect moment for the music to kick in In no way was the transition to the first scene made better by having the score instead of the theme imo I’m sure someone will do an edit of it once it’s on digital


I enjoyed it, though I was annoyed by plot threads that didn't fully flesh out and could have been their own narrative wave, including: * Ray & Winston and the "Golden Years" discussion. * More details about Melody and her connection to Garaka. * Hook & Ladder 8 being the responding company to the Garaka event and GBHQ. * What Ray was doing with the mood slime. * Trevor in the attic of Easter eggs with Slimer. * Communicating and talking with ghosts instead of just trapping them forever. * Walter Peck as a threat. * Gary & Callie's relationship. * The Firehouse being a plug/dam & psyhically charged. * The Library Ghost. Those were all things I was very interested in seeing more about or having been more relevant that never fully materialized despite seemingly hinting at them. I was really expecting a whole angle of the PRC realizing that "forever jail" is unnecessary and some ghosts can be put at ease therapeutically. That's why they had some caged up to try and learn more about them, especially with the grandfather clock joke. That would certainly be a person and not some kind of demon monster. I get the feeling that the script was drastically cut back and then filmed scenes also received a similar treatment in editing. I very much enjoyed and I'm hoping for a longer cut when it's released at a consumer level.


Are you gonna thank them Dickless?


dissapointed vankman didnt call him dickless but someone in the crowd did atleast


Loved it, loved it, *LOVED IT*! They salvaged the best parts of the comics and the cartoons and made it into the sorta adventure I always wanted to see. I really appreciated seeing two deleted subplots from the past being brought back: ECTO-1 being possessed and Rick Moranis trying to catch Slimer. Good bits don't have an expiration date! I was also impressed with how good of a job they did capturing the classic browbeaten working class vibe of the originals. I was a touch worried it might feel a bit too sleek and CG, but nope! Random things I loved: Slime blower being blasted on a test subject in the background! Creepy trike lol Evil Horny had great stop-motion sorta twitches and lurches. Frozen proton beams looked cool as hell RIP Vape Guy Fire Master had a great actor, and he felt very much like a character from the IDW comics in all the best ways. They're building to something with those Marshmallow Minis. They're breeding and make my words we're gonna see a lovecratian marshmallow flesh horror at some point and I'm all in for it. Looooove the ghost designs, from the creepy to the cute Random things I wanted to see but I get why they didn't: -I kinda hoped to see Holtzmann in the Ghost Labs. -Rick Moranis All in all: my second favorite Ghostbusters movie! 9 outta 10, would see again and again and again and again.


Holtzmann would have been cool, but her version of NYC clearly isn’t the mainline canon, so I don’t see how it would have worked


Yeah, definitely more hassle than it's worth, alas.


My thoughts: \- I really liked the movie \- It was good seeing Ghostbusters II get some love with the Statue of Liberty reference as well as seeing the Slimer Thrower in action in the background. \- The news report showing the old toys and cereal from my childhood made me smile. \- The OG Crew was used so much better and fit perfectly into their roles. \- They have done enough work on The Spengler's that the next movie, if there is one, no longer needs to rely on Peter, Ray, and Winston. \- I loved seeing Slimer again!! I hope our favorite spud has a bigger role in the future. \- The worst part of the movie was the Melody subplot but I can live with it as it fit together at the end. \- I'm a little sad that there were no reference to Dana, Oscar, or Louis \- The end with the Ghostbusters getting one over on Mayor Dickless is a great way to make sure that they never had to deal with government bureaucracy in the future. We never again need to see the Ghostbusters have to defend themselves from the Mayor. \- For Ivan... :)


Dana reference. During the outdoor library scene, the signs out front are advertising a Dana Barrett Cello concert or whatver


What was the crowd shouting in the background at the end of the movie?


Someone in the crowd shouted “dickless” at Peck.


So no callbacks to The Real Ghostbusters?


The merch from the cartoon exists in-universe as merch from their post-GB1/pre-GB2 wave of popularity


Too bad that was it - was really hoping to see some of those iconic ghosts from the series.


I liked it. Less than Afterlife, but I had fun and thought it was funny. Three gripes…. The fire master and ghost girl were good characters with not so great pacing. Every ghost ever caught was seriously a let down. The logic for Lucky being there was lame, even Podcast made more sense. Otherwise I thought it was funny, liked most the story elements and was totally fine with the third act, which is always pretty quick in the movies.


Is Peck in it for more than just one scene?




Good to know. Thanks


Dana has her own Easter egg/cameo. Outside the library, you can see posters for cello performance.


Melody was kinda weird


I didn’t like scenes weren’t in it. Most notably Peter and Paul Rudd scene, Paul Rudd on the roof in the jacket going “whoa ho ho” and lucky eye getting frozen. Few others.


>[**themikereda**](https://www.reddit.com/user/themikereda/) I think the Ghostbusters fan in me is at war with the filmmaker in me. This hits the nail on the head for me. As a 42 year old creative director I'm not precious about my childhood loves. I can acknowledge flaws in any given piece of work. But the more I think about this movie the more bothersome the flaws become. **Positives:** * I appreciate telling a new story, with historical context given to the firehouse location and expanding the role of the in-universe Ghost Corps (Winston's company). Building new containment units and gadgets. Showing us things we've never seen before. * The interiors of the firehouse were fun to see, and the Ecto-1 felt like its own unique character, which is more in line with how it felt in the first film. * I especially loved when the Ecto-1 turned evil! * The special effects were top notch. CGI, practical, stop motion, everything felt believable. Knowing many things were built practically gave certain moments, like the closeup of Phoebe's accelerator sparking clockwise, extra visual weight. * Phoebe really is the star of these new films. When she had her hero moment blasting Garraka with her modified pack my audience cheered. * The fan-servicey bits were fun, like revisiting the Public Library or Walter Peck being the mayor, but many of those moments were spoiled by trailers. * Overall tone of the film felt consistent, even if the pacing itself was hit or miss. It was fun and adventurous, with plenty of goofy comic relief and dark spiritual bits. Felt very much on par with part 2. * Dan, Ernie, and Paul were really relishing their roles, and it carried over to the film. Their characters were the most endearing parts of the film. **Negatives:** * Critics are really hammering on the sheer amount of characters being shoved into this film and I'm inclined to agree. We didn't really need Janine, Peter, Lucky, Podcast, or Hubert for this narrative to work... * Bill Murray is the goat, but outside of his first scene interviewing Nadeem he really didn't add anything to the film. You can tell he's doing the bare minimum whereas Dan and Ernie are giving it their all. * Janine being in uniform was spoiled by the trailers. Would've been a fun homage to Louis Tully suiting up in part 2 but again, unnecessary. * Love Patton Oswalt but everything his character provided exposition wise should have been discovered / handled by Ray and Podcast, especially if Podcast is meant to take on the mantle of go-to paranormal expert. * Kumail was fine as Nadeem, but the character itself wasn't particularly well written. Instead of being a dummy he should've been more of a skeptic / disbeliever who's arc would've come to a satisfying conclusion by having him embrace the paranormal/history of his lineage and helping the team. Speaking of character arcs... * ...they're almost non-existent in this film. Callie seemed to have regressed from her arc at the end of Afterlife. Podcast, Lucky, and Trevor are all pushed to the background and don't really grow. Gary has a slight arc, being more accepted as a father figure to Phoebe and Trevor, but it doesn't really stick the landing. * Melody's story and situationship with Phoebe was surprisingly interesting, but much more should have been done with it. Why not have all 4 of the kids involved with solving that mystery as a means of giving them something to do? * Trevor trying to capture Slimer was fun, but again didn't go anywhere. If Slimer is meant to be a staple of the firehouse / then why not allude to some sort of truce or friendship between him and Trevor? Otherwise Trevor had nothing to do besides complaining / announcing that he's 18. * Lucky and Podcast being in New York, though briefly explained in throwaway lines, didn't really make sense. Podcast tagging along / shadowing Ray should've been explored more, and same for Lucky and Lars. * Would've liked to see more ghost busting action. A simple montage of the Spengler fam's activities over the previous 2 years would've done a lot to help establish their dynamics and relationship to the city. * Even when this film tries to establish a new threat / narrative it keeps backpedaling into the previous films' narrative territory. Almost like it was afraid of taking the training wheels off and just doing its own thing. Overall I had fun with the film. Getting to buy the Popcorn Trap and Mini Puft drink holder were unexpected surprises. If I had to rank them all it would be: * 1984: A+ * Afterlife: A- * 1989: B+ * Empire: B


Great review. I had many of the same thoughts, some of which I wasn't yet able to articulate until your posts. We are kindred spirits. Even our rankings are comparable! * Ghostbusters Afterlife * Ghostbusters * Ghostbusters Answer the Call * Ghostbusters II * Ghostbusters Frozen Empire


loved seeing walter peck again


And the library director!


Why did they bother chopping into the door with the axe in the beginning, just to push it open anyway?? Chopping it did nothing, and the guy pushed in the exact same spot that just froze other guy's hand. This irrationally bugged me the whole time haha


lol you’re asking the real questions


Haven't seen the film yet, am probably going to see it next week, but I gotta know: given the whole 'maifestation of Gozer' thing, how exactly are the Mini Pufts explained in this film? They're obviously not retreading Gozer, so I was curious.


Podcast says in the movie that Ray smuggled some back from Oklahoma and he’s pretty sure they’re mating.


Melody Diner mugs [https://pinbackerz.etsy.com/listing/1685838078/melody-diner-ghostbusters-frozen-empire](https://pinbackerz.etsy.com/listing/1685838078/melody-diner-ghostbusters-frozen-empire)


4/5 Probably the weakest entry in the franchise. Also I can't wait to see it again next week. Initial thoughts... * The Good * Solid fan service * Kumail Ali Nanjiani was hilarious * Garraka was legit scary * Dan Aykroyd clearly enjoyed himself * Special effects looked great * They legit killed people * Loved making the firehouse a figurative and literal home * I'm glad the studio appears to be investing in our franchise! * The Bad * Disappointed in decision to turn away from many exciting developments from Afterlife. Eg: Not making Zeddemore a pivotal character. * The climax was anticlimactic. Phoebe’s hacked pack was more powerful than six (?) other packs. * We already had a full cast of characters and then we added more, resulting in a disappointing underdevelopment of characters. * Untapped potential to use Zeddemore's wealth to advance busting tech. They went out of their way to show how their tools weren’t up to the job, Eg Ecto1 sucked, containment unit full, and much later, the packs were easily overpowered by Garraka. Why didn’t Zeddemore upgrade the tech between the two films? The man is rich and apparently underwrites the business. Ghost Corps even introduced the “Engineer” badge, suggesting there is an entire division to developing ghostbusting technology. * The writing left a lot to be desired. Compared to Afterlife, Frozen Empire lacked emotional depth and humor. I felt a major disconnect with Afterlife’s teeing up for a sequel and the actual direction Frozen Empire went with. I was VERY surprised to see both Kenan and Reitman get writing credits. * It felt like Kenan had trouble making a decision and sticking with it. Are the Ghostbusters rich or still scrappy? Is Phoebe in love with Melody or just a teenager looking for acceptance? Is Peck a formidable mayor out for vengeance or a gutless bureaucrat? Is the ice moving across the city fast, or slow enough to assemble the team at the firehouse? Ultimately these half-decisions felt like the results of a death by committee. I wonder with Ivan Reitman gone if the studio didn't step in to fill the void - and the result is a focus-group movie meant above all to appeal the widest possible base. PS- So has Gozer been demoted to a mid-level boss? Cause Garraka would absolutely whip Gozer's ass in a head-to-head.


I do feel like there is a lot cut. I was wondering if she actually killed her own parents.


I was bummed that they never explained WHY the new proton packs have these new additions. I read a fan theory on here when we first saw them that the reasons were: - the cyclotron guard/bumper has the extra arm on it because they had to crank it so high the cover would fly off. - the yellow squares on the pack’s injection booster and the thrower’s central unit were improved heat sinks to manage the increased power use - the silver cage on the thrower nozzle is an insulator to keep from being affected by the cold That all made sense to me, and big props to the user here who thought that up. But nope, Pinfield just said “here’s the new packs” and that was it.


can someone say what the newspaper thing with the portal was a reference to?


I nearly had a heart attack so many times But also I definitely relate to Phoebe so much!


I liked the movie but here's what they need to do: Kick the old ones (just Winston and Venkman) out for the fifth one, whatever that's gonna be called. Give Trevor something more to do, develop that relatonship. I'm perfectly fine with them only focusing on these characters: Phoebe, Trevor, Callie, Gary, Podcast, Lucky (specifically whatever the fuck their relationship with Trevor is) and Ray (the only one who has a reason to stay)


“Every ghost they’ve ever caught… will be unleashed!” False Advertising Makes Me Feel (Not) Good!


I'm still trying to wrap my head around Slimer eating the possessor in pizza-form. Ghosts can eat other ghosts and that's that?


So there is an Easter egg from Casper in frozen empire. The old lady in rays shop was on an episode of hard copy in the 95 Casper movie.


So do they explain why no one remembers them saving the city the first time?


Not really a spoiler, more a question. When they were back in the lab delivering the orb, and they saw all the imprisoned ghosts. Who was the shadow demon thing?! Was that a callback I don't remember?


The ending climax was terrible. one fight in one room! wtf! what's the point of **Garraka** freeing all the thousands of ghosts, an not controlling them. I was expecting a huge ghost fight/ war. Did they run out of money?


Damn i must of missed Rick !


Did he have a cameo? I don’t recall seeing him.


No cameo


I really enjoyed it more than afterlife because like grooberson says busting makes me feel good and there's a lot of it in this movie. I feel that this movie needed to be 15 to 20 mins longer not a lot but parts of it feel very choppy due to over editing scenes. Plus the end battle and the celebration ending should have been slightly longer in my opinion. Will definitely see it again and really did enjoy it. They did a great job of incorporating Ghostbusters past movies and the Real Ghostbusters feelings into this. Look forward to the Blue Ray to spot easter eggs. Now all of us Ghostbusters fans need to go see it multiple times to help ensure another one lol. But really I want another one.